Forums > General Industry > defending Janice....



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Whatever your feelings about Wikipedia, one thing that is for sure is that Janice Dickinson has had a very long career, with plenty of ups and downs.  If nothing else, she's great a self-promotion, but she grates on my nerves like crazy:  I watched a handful of episodes of America's Next Top Model before couldn't take her inane, retarded comments any more.

The term "supermodel" sure pre-dates me, but I think it goes back to before the 80's.     Speaking of which, I had the great pleasure of shooting Monika Schnarre a couple of years ago.  For you youngins, she was Ford's model search winner in the early 80's, and she shot to the top of the biz overnight, but where Janice is still around today doing whatever the hell she does, Monika retired from modelling a mere five years later, with hundreds of covers (yes, hundreds).  She's now a highly experienced, b-movie and tv star.

My money for the true first supermodel is on Dovima, one of Richard Avedon's favourites, a frequent face on the cover of Vogue in the 50's (remember the b+w elephant shot, strapless black dress?).

Jun 16 06 11:05 pm Link


Jonathan D Holloway

Posts: 137

Dallas, Texas, US

Without doing a web search (or asking your stoner neighbor whose band keeps you up all night), name a drummer that has (since the 60s) played on 100s of albums (many Grammy winning and Billboard Chart topping) and with numerous stars of the music scene. Put that drummers name in the blank below...

IMHO, Janice is a supermodel when they put ___________ on a lunchbox.

Jun 16 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Blue Group wrote:
Anyone who quotes Wikipedia as the center of their research is itching for a fight.

I don't! However, it's a quick reference.

Richard "OldGuysRule" said it best, and Daguerre followed up with real life experience.

Yet, Wikipedia or not, it doesnt matter if her b'day was 1951, or she's made herself 2 or three years younger.

Only people that don't know agencies would be surprised by that. Any idea how many agency models lie (ok'd by their agency!) about their height and age? Ever measured agency models for height at castings and finding a deviation of up to 2 inches between agency issued compcard and actuall height? I measured hundreds of models and I am not surprised anymore.

Got two words for you: Whoopdie Doo! tongue

Whatever characterflaws she has, however she did it, she stayed in demand for 40 years, and THAT is an accomplishment!

Does it really matter if she has only 27, instead of 30 Vogue covers?

So, say what you want, I only spoke briefly with her and shot her on the runway a few months ago... but most know her only from ANTM.

Does that make me more qualified to talk about her? Of course NOT, but that's not my point.

As said on the first page:

Bryan Benoit wrote:
stop hating... she obviously has accomplished much more than most models out there.

Jun 17 06 01:42 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

The sad thing, I think, is that for all of her business accomplishments-- and that's what a Vogue cover is-- when she's gone, not many will miss her...

Jun 18 06 01:44 pm Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

She was great as a model, I just think she failed as a human being. Which is more important?

Jun 18 06 02:29 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Janice Dickinson is a crock of shit.  Jean Shrimpton?  Wilhelmina? Twiggy? 
She was the first WHAT??

That bitch is obnoxious to the point I look like a saint. (!!!)

I knew her many years ago and nearly got into a fist fight at the CENTURY CLUB..... cut to present day... I run into her constantly at the Coffee Bean in Malibu... nothing has changed with that one.  For any and all that think her show / agency are anything other than another grab for personal attention... you are sadly wrong.  It is not about YOU for her... it is about the exposure and the payday!!!  (like she is going to live on an agents 15% income?!!!)

Jun 18 06 03:09 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Daguerre wrote:
How many of our readers out there have personally dealt with Janice Dickenson?  How many have talked to her-- seen her up close and personal.  In real life Action?  Perception by means of the media can be so wrong.

I have... she''s a bitch.

Jun 18 06 03:11 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

UdoR wrote:
Janice Doreen Dickinson (born February 17, 1951 in Brooklyn, New York), is an American supermodel ........age 55 and entering this industry at age 14 means that she's FORTY years part of the fashionworld!

And THAT folks is what it looks like when you buy the hype and quote what publicists put out into the media!!!   Udo... you should know better.....    Tom Cruise loves Katy..... Rock Hudson was straight .... And Michael Jackson had sex with Brooke Shields......

Jun 18 06 03:16 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Julia Gerace wrote:
"there's a shit load of knowledge behind that drug induced haze...."

IMO  .... That has got to be the greatest quote on this websites!  tongue

Jun 18 06 03:20 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

bigler wrote:
"there's a load of shit behind that drug induced haze...."

Jun 18 06 03:23 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Janice Dickinson is a crock of shit.  Jean Shrimpton?  Wilhelmina? Twiggy? 
She was the first WHAT??

That bitch is obnoxious to the point I look like a saint. (!!!)

I knew her many years ago and nearly got into a fist fight at the CENTURY CLUB..... cut to present day... I run into her constantly at the Coffee Bean in Malibu... nothing has changed with that one.  For any and all that think her show / agency are anything other than another grab for personal attention... you are sadly wrong.  It is not about YOU for her... it is about the exposure and the payday!!!  (like she is going to live on an agents 15% income?!!!)

I had mentioned in another thread about my admiration for Lauren Hutton, a model I think could arguably have the title of "First Super Model"  If personality and accomplishments that helped other models in the industry count ... I could name at least 5 other "Super Models" far more important than Janice.   Not that Ms. Dickinson hasn't made a mark in the industry, I'd still put her in the top dozen for her past work.

Jun 18 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Daguerre wrote:
How many of our readers out there have personally dealt with Janice Dickenson?  How many have talked to her-- seen her up close and personal.  In real life Action?  Perception by means of the media can be so wrong. BUT NOT IN THIS CASE.

Steven Bigler wrote:
I have... she''s a bitch.

Bigler, if yer gonna quote, get the quote right! Dude.

Jun 18 06 03:35 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
.....Not that Ms. Dickinson hasn't made a mark in the industry, I'd still put her in the top dozen for her past work.

Patrick.. my dog Layla makes a mark in the grass every morning... but she does not go out and broadcast it!!!  (And yes.. I think my dog is the WORLD'S FIRST SUPER DOG TO PEE ON MY LAWN!!)

Jun 18 06 03:35 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Bigler... getting the quote right! wrote:

Jun 18 06 03:37 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Janice Dickinson is a crock of shit.  Jean Shrimpton?  Wilhelmina? Twiggy? 
She was the first WHAT??

That bitch is obnoxious to the point I look like a saint. (!!!)

Damn, now THAT's a BITCH!!!!

Jun 18 06 03:39 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
.....Not that Ms. Dickinson hasn't made a mark in the industry, I'd still put her in the top dozen for her past work.

Steven Bigler wrote:
Patrick.. my dog Layla makes a mark in the grass every morning... but she does not go out and broadcast it!!!  (And yes.. I think my dog is the WORLD'S FIRST SUPER DOG TO PEE ON MY LAWN!!)

ROFLMAO!   No love loss between you and Janice, eh?  You have met her in person, and I have not ...

Jun 18 06 03:44 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Patrick.. my dog Layla makes a mark in the grass every morning... but she does not go out and broadcast it!!!  (And yes.. I think my dog is the WORLD'S FIRST SUPER DOG TO PEE ON MY LAWN!!)

I had a dog named Layla long before you, and my dog is the WORLD'S FIRST SUPER DOG NOT TO PEE ON YOUR LAWN!!

Look out for the pissing contest!   :p

Jun 18 06 03:49 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
You have met her in person, and I have not ...

Lucky you.

Jun 18 06 03:50 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Israel wrote:
She was great as a model, I just think she failed as a human being. Which is more important?

The only reason she acts the way she does is because of her past with her father. I don't even know how she made it so far when she had so much to deal with. She might be a crazy bitch to everyone else, but I hold respect for a woman that can overcome such an abusive background and hold her head up high. I know when she's gone many will miss her.

Jun 18 06 03:50 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Miss Gina P wrote:
The only reason she acts the way she does is because of her past with her father......

You are pathetic and need to get out more often!  SHE exists solely because of mindsets like yours.
The only way you know this.. is by being (again) sucked in to watching her episode on the TYRA SHOW.  ...which was AGAIN.. for more media hype!!!   Want to find out more?.... pick up THE STAR!   (!!)

Jun 18 06 03:53 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I had a dog named Layla long before you, and my dog is the WORLD'S FIRST SUPER DOG NOT TO PEE ON YOUR LAWN!!

Well my LAYLA was peeing on lawns BEFORE they invented GRASS!!!!

Jun 18 06 03:55 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
You are pathetic and need to get out more often!  SHE exists solely because of mindsets like yours.
The only way you know this.. is by being (again) sucked in to watching her episode on the TYRA SHOW.  ...which was AGAIN.. for more media hype!!!   Want to find out more?.... pick up THE STAR!   (!!)

So you know its a lie? Did she tell you that while meeting up for some coffee? Please..inform me. I'd like to know.

Jun 18 06 03:56 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

"...on the 6th day.... LAYLA created god..."

Jun 18 06 03:56 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
"...on the 6th day.... LAYLA created god..."

Haha okay! SO maybe I'm wrong. Just..why do you think its not real? Or, do you think its a lie just so she can act like a crazy bitch?

Jun 18 06 03:57 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Miss Gina P wrote:
So you know its a lie?

I know that to a 5' 9", 165 lb girl with 40" hips... that has hopes and dreams of being a model... much seems plausible.   And then there is the reality.....

Jun 18 06 04:00 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

I know that to a 5' 9", 165 lb girl with 40" hips... that has hopes and dreams of being a model... much seems plausible.   And then there is the reality.....

And I'm not pathetic. I don't watch the Trya Show either.

And I guess you have met Janice because it kinda rubbed off on ya.

And attacking me wont help you any. You know..there are plus size models out there that do make it.

Jun 18 06 04:02 pm Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

I know and have worked with Janice.She was the IT girl of her time.They dont come any bigger.She knows the ins and outs of the industry not only as a Supermodel but as a photographer in her own right.I think she is a breath of fresh air in an industry that often takes itself way too seriously.Shes crazy but to know Janice is to love her in all her rageing glory!

Jun 18 06 04:06 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Miss Gina P wrote:
there are plus size models out there that do make it.

Then you need to research the biz.... as I have met Emmy and shot Kate Dillon.  If PLUS is your goal... you need to go EAT... you are not plus.... you are in that neither zone.  When you hit size 14-16... then you are plus.  Try Olive Garden... I hear they have all you can eat breadsticks.

Jun 18 06 04:07 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Starstruck Foto wrote:
I know and have worked with Janice.She was the IT girl of her time.They dont come any bigger.She knows the ins and outs of the industry not only as a Supermodel but as a photographer in her own right.I think she is a breath of fresh air in an industry that often takes itself way too seriously.Shes crazy but to know Janice is to love her in all her rageing glory!

So you knew how to deal with her? Unlike other people...

Jun 18 06 04:07 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

Then you need to research the biz.... as I have met Emmy and shot Kate Dillon.  If PLUS is your goal... you need to go EAT... you are not plus.... you are in that neither zone.  When you hit size 14-16... then you are plus.  Try Olive Garden... I hear they have all you can eat breadsticks.

Sure thing. ; )

Jun 18 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Who cares?  She's famouse, got alot of pictures taken, and is pushy.  She's a model, she didn't cure cancer.

Jun 18 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

while her personality does not agree with me, her dad fucked her up as a child...i hope she will be able to forgive him, as she will die with a cancerous hate in her heart.

Jun 18 06 04:13 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

BCG wrote:
while her personality does not agree with me, her dad fucked her up as a child...i hope she will be able to forgive him, as she will die with a cancerous hate in her heart.

Be careful..steven is going to attack you now...

Jun 18 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

UdoR wrote:

If you are into fashionphotography... you better study your industry!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Janice Doreen Dickinson (born February 17, 1951 in Brooklyn, New York), is an American supermodel of Polish and Belarusian descent who started modeling at the age of 14. Her birthdate is sometimes incorrectly stated as 1955 or 1953, due to confusing statements made by Dickenson about her age in various interviews.

At 5'10", she has appeared on the covers of Vogue, ELLE, Harper's Bazaar Swimsuit Issue, Cosmopolitan and Playboy. She has also appeared in ads for Revlon, Max Factor and Clairol. She was the muse to so many designers and became face of Versace's perfume line. During her quick reign on top, she was the most wanted model on the block. While many models got $75 dollars a day in her time, she raked in $2,000 a day. She took modeling jobs only if she was paid top dollar.[...]

She still knows how to rock the runway. This was just four months back in February at Fashionweek in NYC:

Oh, and her "short" career... well, at age 55 and entering this industry at age 14 means that she's FORTY years part of the fashionworld!

hmm...i wonder how she'd look in rope.

Jun 18 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
hmm...i wonder how she'd look in rope.


Jun 18 06 04:16 pm Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

Miss Gina P wrote:

The only reason she acts the way she does is because of her past with her father. I don't even know how she made it so far when she had so much to deal with. She might be a crazy bitch to everyone else, but I hold respect for a woman that can overcome such an abusive background and hold her head up high. I know when she's gone many will miss her.

I know plenty of people with horrible backgrounds who don't act that way, its just a bad excuse. I personally don't think making a lot of money and being on the cover of magazines is "overcoming" an abusive background. To me, overcoming an abusive background means you deal with your emotional issues and overcome them mentally. I pity her.

Jun 18 06 04:20 pm Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

Miss Gina P wrote:

So you knew how to deal with her? Unlike other people...

Yes I gave her the respect she deserves and we have always got along fine-Top photogs learn how to handle their clients- Well most of them away-Janice is a breeze compaired to Americas Sweetheart Julia Roberts or Madonna.

Jun 18 06 04:22 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Israel wrote:

I know plenty of people with horrible backgrounds who don't act that way, its just a bad excuse. I personally don't think making a lot of money and being on the cover of magazines is "overcoming" an abusive background. To me, overcoming an abusive background means you deal with your emotional issues and overcome them mentally. I pity her.

Okay..understood. But some people just cant handle it. I've had close friends that have gotten over their issuses and others that have killed themselves. Not eveyone is the same.

Jun 18 06 04:27 pm Link


G LaMore

Posts: 118

Palm Springs, California, US

Starstruck Foto wrote:

Yes I gave her the respect she deserves and we have always got along fine-Top photogs learn how to handle their clients- Well most of them away-Janice is a breeze compaired to Americas Sweetheart Julia Roberts or Madonna.

Well, you must be an awesome person to shoot with then.

Jun 18 06 04:28 pm Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

Miss Gina P wrote:

Okay..understood. But some people just cant handle it. I've had close friends that have gotten over their issuses and others that have killed themselves. Not eveyone is the same.

So that's exactly what I was saying in the first place. She was a great successful model, but a failure as a human being.

Jun 18 06 04:29 pm Link