Forums > General Industry > Fakeness on MM


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

why are we giving people empty dreams on MM? You guys, stop commenting on horrible images and saying "nice job". It makes me wonder if the comments left on my pics are real or not. Can we start keeping it real? If the pic is ugly, say so or don't comment at all... If you insist upon being nice, say "nice try" rather than "great shot". Misguided people make MM make it look like the people on here aren't serious. Not trying to be mean, but it's people like this that you don't need to lie to... stop telling her that it's ok... unless you wanna help her get a better look and new pix. I know that we all need to start somewhere but don't falsely encourage people...The same goes for me... so if you have anything to say about my port, feel free to keep it real! Aren't we here to keep it real? Network...etc.

Jun 09 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


Dump "bird"  doesn't fit in with the rest..

Jun 09 06 12:26 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

All right if you don't like her port, that's fine but don't call her out like this!

Jun 09 06 12:28 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
All right if you don't like her port, that's fine but don't call her out like this!

Seriously. She may not be your cup of tea, but she apparently is someone elses. Be nice and take down the link to her portfolio.

Jun 09 06 12:30 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

It goes like this... If i'm not interested in commenting on a pic... I don't...If I truly like a model or photogs work, I will.

Jun 09 06 12:30 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
All right if you don't like her port, that's fine but don't call her out like this!

just keeping it real! I told her the same thing... I'm not trying to call her out, I'm calling her out, I'm calling out the liars who said "great work!" or told her, way too nicely that her work is bad... keep it real!

Jun 09 06 12:32 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

dani faye wrote:
why are we giving people empty dreams on MM? You guys, stop commenting on horrible images and saying "nice job". It makes me wonder if the comments left on my pics are real or not. Can we start keeping it real? If the pic is ugly, say so or don't comment at all... If you insist upon being nice, say "nice try" rather than "great shot". Misguided people make MM make it look like the people on here aren't serious. Not trying to be mean, but it's people like this

that you don't need to lie to... stop telling her that it's ok... unless you wanna help her get a better look and new pix. I know that we all need to start somewhere but modeling is not for EVERYONE... don't falsely encourage people...The same goes for me... so if you have anything to say about my port, feel free to keep it real! Aren't we here to keep it real? Network...etc.

I came to the on line modeling sites to find talent of a more alternative nature than is available at main stream talent agencies. I would hire this woman in a heart beat for a fine art figure study. I would also hire her for lifestyle images used in advertising campaigns. Judging from the pictures on her site I don't think she knows how beautiful she is. By your comments, I don't think you understand what a broad spectrum modeling covers.

Jun 09 06 12:32 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Dump "bird"  doesn't fit in with the rest..

cool thank you for keeping it real! the only way we get better is through critique!

Jun 09 06 12:33 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Hey to each thier own....someone or several people obviously like this model....this is what is cool about MM, we all dont have to have identical ports, nor do we have to have "perfect photos,"  we all are on different levels of modeling and photography....  ThaT is what needs to be kept real here.....Its all about art and beauty and the intrepretation of this....

And remember the ole' saying "opinions are like a--holes, everyone has one"....

Just my nickle....

Jun 09 06 12:35 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dani faye wrote:

just keeping it real! I told her the same thing... I'm not trying to call her out, I'm calling her out, I'm calling out the liars who said "great work!" or told her, way too nicely that her work is bad... keep it real!

Yes you did call her out and it was extremely rude. If someone linked your port in a thread and said "this sucks" you would be offended too. Yes, falsely encouraging people is bad, but starting a negative thread linking to someone's portfolio is worse. We aren't allowed to cite people's MM numbers in threads and we definately aren't allowed to link them either.

Jun 09 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 75

She's confident enough to post her photos.  She might not be "standard" but Shyly is one of the most fabulous people on MM and look at all the great work she is doing.  Why couldn't this girl have the same opportunity?  That's one of the things that MM is good for, it doesn't all have to be serious get me published and $$ work.

There is a lot of fakeness on MM I know what you mean, people sometimes don't give the most honest of critiques and tons of stuff is sugar coated, but it's inevitable in any sort of art form.

Jun 09 06 12:35 pm Link


Jared H

Posts: 603

I think that she needs better pictures and alittle advice.

That said I can appreciate the op's view, it is better to tell people the truth. It is selfish not to.

Jun 09 06 12:37 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

dani faye wrote:
I'm calling her out, I'm calling out the liars who said "great work!" or told her, way too nicely that her work is bad... keep it real!

the direct link to her portfolio, whatever your expressed intentions, might be considered awfully close to an infraction of rules 1 & 7; no doubt a moderator is gonna step in at some point ...

Jun 09 06 12:37 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

I came to the on line modeling sites to find talent of a more alternative nature than is available at main stream talent agencies. I would hire this woman in a heart beat for a fine art figure study. I would also hire her for lifestyle images used in advertising campaigns. Judging from the pictures on her site I don't think she knows how beautiful she is. By your comments, I don't think you understand what a broad spectrum modeling covers.

No, I DO understand what a broad spectrum modeling covers... I totattly get it... but my point is her port can't be taken seriously... it's not just the pictures... did you read her port? Her name? that can't be taken seriuosly.

Jun 09 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US
Have a seat, this will be good.

Jun 09 06 12:39 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Scott Johnson wrote:
It goes like this... If i'm not interested in commenting on a pic... I don't...If I truly like a model or photogs work, I will.

exactly...don't lie...that's the point

Jun 09 06 12:39 pm Link


Tamara Fiset

Posts: 235

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

"I came to the on line modeling sites to find talent of a more alternative nature than is available at main stream talent agencies. I would hire this woman in a heart beat for a fine art figure study. I would also hire her for lifestyle images used in advertising campaigns. Judging from the pictures on her site I don't think she knows how beautiful she is. By your comments, I don't think you understand what a broad spectrum modeling covers."

well said.

Jun 09 06 12:39 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dani faye wrote:

exactly...don't lie...that's the point

Its a great point, but couldn't you have said that without inserting a link to someone's profile and publicly humiliating them? Geez.

Jun 09 06 12:40 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

dani faye wrote:

just keeping it real! I told her the same thing... I'm not trying to call her out, I'm calling her out, I'm calling out the liars who said "great work!" or told her, way too nicely that her work is bad... keep it real!

Personally, I think you can "keep it real" without hurting innocent bystanders. You say you're not trying to "call her out," but you gotta know that is exactly what you are doing. That's cruel and unnecessary.

You know, at least half the world is below average -- if I went around slapping everybody else who is dumber than I am, uglier than I am, poorer than I am, and so forth, my arm would fall off. So I "keep it real" by passing out compliments to the deserving, and those less fortunate than me, well, I wish them luck as they try to make their way, and just leave them alone. How much realer do you need? We can't all be Tyra Banks and Richard Avedons.

Jun 09 06 12:40 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Jared H wrote:
I think that she needs better pictures and alittle advice.

That said I can appreciate the op's view, it is better to tell people the truth. It is selfish not to.

thank you...isn't that what we're here for...

Jun 09 06 12:40 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

we don't appoint ourself as portfolio police either, right? just wondering what your take is on that ...

sometimes refraining from commenting would be a more polite alternative ...

we see her behaviour (her photos) but we don't know her experience ...

Jun 09 06 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

dani faye wrote:
Not trying to be mean, but it's people like this

that you don't need to lie to... stop telling her that it's ok... unless you wanna help her get a better look and new pix. I know that we all need to start somewhere but modeling is not for EVERYONE...

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. I realize you have no clue about this, but there is a VERY active and extremely lucrative market for BBW, or Big Beautiful Women out there, and she's just fine in that capacity. There is no such thing as a single standard for beauty, and a lot of women who aren't stick figures can succeed as models. Don't let ignorance cloud your worldview.

Jun 09 06 12:42 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

dani faye wrote:

No, I DO understand what a broad spectrum modeling covers... I totattly get it... but my point is her port can't be taken seriously... it's not just the pictures... did you read her port? Her name? that can't be taken seriuosly.

I just saw your site/port and I wonder where you think you have the credentials to call out someone else. Do you think this diatribe going to help your career? If you have the slightest inkling that you might live in a glass house, keep the stones on the ground.

Jun 09 06 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

I think she is a bad example of what you are trying to say.

There is a girl that used to be here, I don't know if she still is, that had very blurry snapshots with like 17 comments on them saying how great the PHOTOGRAPH is...saying the model is great is one thing, saying the photograph is great is a whole other thing.

I could not for the life of me wrap my mind around it.

Jun 09 06 12:42 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

dani faye wrote:

thank you...isn't that what we're here for...

That may be what YOU are here for -- maybe it's even what most of us are here for -- but who made you Queen that gets to decide what SHE is here for. That's what freedom means -- we each get to decide for OURSELVES what we're here for. Nobody has a right to tell other people how to behave, as long as they're not hurting anybody.

Jun 09 06 12:42 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:

Yes you did call her out and it was extremely rude. If someone linked your port in a thread and said "this sucks" you would be offended too. Yes, falsely encouraging people is bad, but starting a negative thread linking to someone's portfolio is worse. We aren't allowed to cite people's MM numbers in threads and we definately aren't allowed to link them either.

I called myself out! feel free to critique! I need it too...I'm not saying that I'm better than her. All I'm trying to point out is that people are being rude and lying on her tags ans comments...

Jun 09 06 12:43 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Face it Claire, some people don't give a rat's ass for anyone's feeling but their own.

Jun 09 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

dani faye wrote:

I called myself out! feel free to critique! I need it too...I'm not saying that I'm better than her. All I'm trying to point out is that people are being rude and lying on her tags ans comments...

This is not the critique forum. If you want to be critiqued do it there. Bringing another models portfolio here for public discrimination is uncalled for.

How do you know some people don't like her work? They may honestly feel it is good.

Jun 09 06 12:45 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

angelinme wrote:
She's confident enough to post her photos.  She might not be "standard" but Shyly is one of the most fabulous people on MM and look at all the great work she is doing.  Why couldn't this girl have the same opportunity?  That's one of the things that MM is good for, it doesn't all have to be serious get me published and $$ work.

There is a lot of fakeness on MM I know what you mean, people sometimes don't give the most honest of critiques and tons of stuff is sugar coated, but it's inevitable in any sort of art form.

"serious get me published and $$ work."
that's what she said she wanted...I'm not saying that she can't model... she just needs to be in the right field.

Jun 09 06 12:45 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dani faye wrote:

I called myself out! feel free to critique! I need it too...I'm not saying that I'm better than her. All I'm trying to point out is that people are being rude and lying on her tags ans comments...

Well since YOU say they're lying it must be true. Maybe they actually like her work? Really all this thread has done is made you look incredibly rude so your point is lost.

Jun 09 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

dani faye wrote:

just keeping it real! I told her the same thing... I'm not trying to call her out, I'm calling her out, I'm calling out the liars who said "great work!" or told her, way too nicely that her work is bad... keep it real!

this is what happens when you keep it real … -real.aspx

Jun 09 06 12:46 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

I just saw your site/port and I wonder where you think you have the credentials to call out someone else. Do you think this diatribe going to help your career? If you have the slightest inkling that you might live in a glass house, keep the stones on the ground.

and thank you for keeping it real!

Jun 09 06 12:46 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Everyone is attractive to someone.  Its not our place to decide if a persons
photos are 'fit' or good unless they ask for our opinions.  As far as I can
see she hasn't and by the way she is pretty.

Jun 09 06 12:47 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Take the link to her portfolio down and start a thread in the critique forum if you want one. Its not your job to decide who deserves to model or not.

Jun 09 06 12:47 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:

Well since YOU say they're lying it must be true. Maybe they actually like her work? Really all this thread has done is made you look incredibly rude so your point is lost.

did you read the tags?

Jun 09 06 12:48 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

Nemi wrote:
I think she is a bad example of what you are trying to say.

There is a girl that used to be here, I don't know if she still is, that had very blurry snapshots with like 17 comments on them saying how great the PHOTOGRAPH is...saying the model is great is one thing, saying the photograph is great is a whole other thing.

I could not for the life of me wrap my mind around it.

that's really what I'm talkig about... it's not her look... it's her port.

Jun 09 06 12:51 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dani faye wrote:

did you read the tags?

Yes I read them. People are entitled to like work even if you don't. Its called an opinion and like yourself, people have them. Have all the opinions you want, you actually had a good point BUT you ruined it by linking her port. That's just nasty and uncalled for.

Jun 09 06 12:51 pm Link


Apothic Fire

Posts: 6132

Shakopee, Minnesota, US

Interesting give and take here. The first thing to remember about art and photography is that is ALL SUBJECTIVE. In relation to the point the poster is trying to make........there are many, MANY people on MM that make false comments only to get comments in return on their own work. That's a lot of narcissism, but hey.....that's the industry we're in. Deal with and move on.

Jun 09 06 12:51 pm Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

kickfight wrote:

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. I realize you have no clue about this, but there is a VERY active and extremely lucrative market for BBW, or Big Beautiful Women out there, and she's just fine in that capacity. There is no such thing as a single standard for beauty, and a lot of women who aren't stick figures can succeed as models. Don't let ignorance cloud your worldview.

it's not her's her port

Jun 09 06 12:52 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Envy wrote:

Seriously. She may not be your cup of tea, but she apparently is someone elses. Be nice and take down the link to her portfolio.

Yeah! You tell em Wynd err uh I mean Envy.

Jun 09 06 12:52 pm Link