Forums > General Industry > Photogs pet peves....


ICON Photography

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

Good fairly new to the industry but i think im already starting to develop pet peeves....
I hate models that show up an hour late...
I hate models that have a f***ing attitude
I hate models that wont cooperate
and i hate models that think they are doing the photographer a favor
I also hate people that say they will do a shoot or that they are interested in a shoot but that just wont reply to even say no thanks.

In the other hand
I love models that are fun and have a can do personality
model that have a sense of humor.
models that are so confortable with themselves that they make you feel confortable.
models that keep good comunication
moldels that give you credit for your work.

Oh well i guess it might just be me....


Jun 01 06 09:46 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

i only have one.

when my clients dont pay their invoice on time.

Jun 01 06 09:54 am Link


ICON Photography

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

guess that makes sense...i was just doing it tfcd so i could build up my port...but i think i will grow to understand you.

Jun 01 06 10:00 am Link


Sharon Gutowski

Posts: 302

St Louis, Saskatchewan, Canada

Photographers who aren't interested in bettering their work.  They ask for feedback clearly hoping for "Oh WOW.  You shot THAT?!  Incredible!"  Rather than, "hey I like the clothes you picked out but the pose isn't quite as complimentary as it could be and the lighting accentuates the circles under her eyes."  Negative fedback is better, people!

And people expecting me to just up and shoot their wedding for free.  I happen to love shooting weddings but I don't walk up to my friends who are realtors and expect a free house or ask strangers who are florists to give me all the flowers to cover a wedding for free.

Jun 01 06 10:03 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

i think the peeves change as you gain experience. Most of my trade shoots are with people I've already worked with, so the peeve factor is quite low. I rarely trade time with strangers, and if I do, there is ALOT of chatting going on prior to working together. I think its really important to have that comfort factor , common interests and complete clarity on the project/concept before you commit to collaboration.

mostly, alot of your peeves are part of the tfp game. Accept is, and choose more wisely.

good luck.


Jun 01 06 10:11 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I hate peeve threads.  We do it too often.  The more experienced you get the more you roll with the punches.

Jun 01 06 10:14 am Link


ICON Photography

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

guess you are right and i doubt everyone loves everything about me....but still can you just get here on time....or at least call with an ETA.,...

Jun 01 06 10:15 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:
i only have one.

when my clients dont pay their invoice on time.


Jun 01 06 10:22 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Flakes and Liars.

Put a flaky liar in front of me with a bottle of Jack and a can of whoop-ass will be heard opening up real quick like! wink

Jun 01 06 10:26 am Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

Pet Peeve?

when my heroine is cut with bleach.

Jun 01 06 10:29 am Link


ICON Photography

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

HAHAHAHAH....thats funny

Jun 01 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 125

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Late payments & underwear lines.  Ugh!

Jun 01 06 10:42 am Link


ICON Photography

Posts: 165

Houston, Texas, US

yeah i can agree with that....what about someone who hasnt trimmed in like a week or two...gross...but's happened

Jun 01 06 10:57 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

ICON Photography wrote:
Photogs pet peves....

The use of photog...

Jun 01 06 02:25 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:
i only have one.

when my clients dont pay their invoice on time.

Heh.  That's not a pet peeve of mine... it's an outright hatred!

Jun 01 06 02:26 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

The use of photog...

at least that's a little better than tog

Jun 01 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Jay Bowman wrote:

The use of photog...

Its slightly better than "tog" I suppose

Jun 01 06 02:32 pm Link


Jaime Ibarra

Posts: 312

Austin, Texas, US

I effing DESPISE the word "photog". How about "Lord of the Lens", instead?

Jun 01 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Ibarra Photo wrote:
I effing DESPISE the word "photog". How about "Lord of the Lens", instead?

You WANT all models to suddenly see you in an open neck white flouncy shirt and black leather pants?

Jun 01 06 02:37 pm Link


Samantha Smead

Posts: 514

Clive, Iowa, US

Sharon Gutowski wrote:
Negative fedback is better, people!

Ha! I agree when will people learn!

Jun 01 06 02:39 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

pet peeves are like little seeds of negativity that, once rooted, will grow into something bigger, something nastier; simply makes for wasted time & energy ...

... whereas one could find a way to better him/her-self and 'let it go'.

strangely, our art reveals a lot about ourselves.


Jun 01 06 02:40 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Psycho Killer

Posts: 1

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

oh lord, the TFP game. when does it stop?

The worst is when people post a really good photo on their portfolio but the rest of their photos are terrible or just not up to par. To me that shows that you don't really have standards. Everyone should have a basic idea of what is good and should be displayed, and what is crap that should be discarded. You really have to filter your earlier work out of your portfolio as you develop and become better, in my opinion anyways.

I would be very ashamed if anyone saw images from my first photoshoot, the styling sucks.

Jun 01 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

ICON Photography wrote:

How much time we all spend on this site bitching and moaning and otherwise feeding the negativity.  Crap happens sometimes, move on!

Jun 01 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 797

Sarasota, Florida, US

I hate when I book a model for a swimsuit, lingerie shoot based on her port only to find her 10-15 pounds heavier in person. I've actually had to make them get back in the car. I'm not about to pay hundreds of dollars for a bunch of pics I can't use!! Do they really think I'm not going to notice?... or do they just hope I'm going to be too nice to say anything?

Jun 01 06 02:53 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Fotosbymike wrote:
... only to find her 10-15 pounds heavier in person. I've actually had to make them get back in the car

so, uh,..., this has happened more than once? curious as to how that might've happened? are you screening them, i mean, actually meeting them in person, before the day of the actual shoot?


Jun 01 06 03:00 pm Link


Mangano Photography

Posts: 963

Fresno, California, US

Pet Peave.....  photographers OR models who are so high on themselves that they are above helping someone new to the industry with a short, casual TFP shoot

Jun 01 06 03:05 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

well my, uh, pet peeve, is ah, (crap, lost my thought), ah, that's right, got it, my pet peeve is when people forget to, ah (damn, there I go again with a Sr. moment) forget to (I know the answer to this), when they forget to call and remind me that I, uh, promised to shoot with them.
Yep, I think that's my pet peeve.
Is it Tuesday yet?

Jun 01 06 03:16 pm Link


Sinned Studios

Posts: 36

Kingwood, Texas, US

I'm really feelin the negative feedback love here, so here's mine...  when a model shows up to a shoot with crappy, chipped and/or unkempt nails.  I hate painting nails in photoshop, and I hate the smell of acetone in the studio just as much.  I also think it's kind of unprofessional that this has to be done on my dime, especially since the pre-shoot info I send to the model specifies this is required.

Jun 01 06 10:31 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Sirensong wrote:

You WANT all models to suddenly see you in an open neck white flouncy shirt and black leather pants?

Why not, that's how they'll see me when they show up for the shoot???


I'm the only one?


Jun 01 06 11:20 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Oh Crimmy, this threads going to go south faster than Bush's approval rating........*covers head*

Jun 01 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

I acually hate it worse when a model, or anyone else for that matter, shows up on time but take hours doing I don't know what to get ready.

Jun 01 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

yeah, i know im not a photographer, but i felt i needed to add to this thread:

i do the 'eye roll' when i read a photographer's bio that is in the third person or
those who have a bunch of famous quotes in their bio.....UGH!

Jun 01 06 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Suellen wrote:
yeah, i know im not a photographer, but i felt i needed to add to this thread:

i do the 'eye roll' when i read a photographer's bio that is in the third person or
those who have a bunch of famous quotes in their bio.....UGH!

That reminds me ...
it's not really a pet peeve but why do models raise their chin in photographs.

Jun 01 06 11:32 pm Link


Fade To Black

Posts: 411

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I know a lot of one man studios who have on their site's "we", "our", "us", "team", etc.

I can see the aspect of it, appearing bigger than you are, but it's a bit annoying, especially if you KNOW they're a one man band. Either that or they found a way to hire their multiple personalities without having to pay for medical benefits and wages...

I'm even kind of weary about doing it on my stuff, because I'm the one who handles everything web-based, my partner is in another city on the other side of the country and handles mostly local projects, so it feels like I'm the only guy. But still....

Another peeve is the guy who's willing to fork out $450 for a magazine spot with their website pointing to a free template that can be found on an old geocities script page. Nevertheless, an email address, as well...

If I see another majestically displayed Ansel Adams quote in flash, I am going to cut someone.

The photographer who only has a sense of pride because the $6,700 setup around their neck, co-relating with the guy who spends $1700 on a D200 body and puts a nice new $150 lens on it. I've actually gotten a guy with a D2x come into my store with a Quantaray/Sigma 28-90 on that you get for free with low end film body models...but thats a different story.

On a somewhat related note, if I get another "Pro" who comes in  wanting prints and hands me some form of battery, or some "pro" who wants a shiny new lens but cannot figure out how a large aperture affects photos because "I don't know, I just take pictures", I'm going to mace someone.

Jun 01 06 11:54 pm Link


Wayne Chow Photography

Posts: 586

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I share your pain.  As I gain more experience photographing models, I learn something new all the time.  I had my share of attitude models.  I believe "the hotter the model, the greater the attitude".  I have photographed some beautiful models and some have been a pleasure and some a nightmare.  So my number #1 peeve is attitude.

Jun 02 06 12:54 am Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

00siris wrote:
That reminds me ...
it's not really a pet peeve but why do models raise their chin in photographs.

My models faces tend to drift downwards. I found it's because they tend to face the lens, rather than just moving their eyes.

Maybe you're shooting from above?

Jun 02 06 02:42 am Link



Posts: 7840


shift the hate
its not about love and hate
but getting what you want and not getting what you want
and how you react to that

should everything be perfect?


but that's who's idea of perfect, again ???


hope the next shoot goes great
and whatever it is...will be what it is
may you see the good in it
and learn how to plan and communicate so these happy events run smoother

I am perfect 
not that i never cancel or dont ever get lost on the  way
but I always inform of changes, AM NOT HOT ENOUGH 2 HAVE AN ATTITUDE and never waste time!!!!!!!!

this post was a waste of time


Jun 02 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Don't hate because I'm beautiful.

Jun 02 06 02:54 am Link

Makeup Artist

Amber Rose makeup

Posts: 61

Seattle, Washington, US

I hate working with people that aren't into bettering themselves and their work, or up for trying new things. I hate working with models that think modeling is just standing there and looking stupid, and photographers who think all it takes for a good photograph is simply pointing the camera at a pretty face and a cleavage, and not bother with lighting, mood, etc.

Jun 02 06 03:08 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

People who owe me money from shoots, and models who no show. If a model owes me money and no shows, I shoot them swimmin with da fishes in concrete shoes, when I find em.  Maybe that is the reason the model numbers keep droping on this site lol!

Jun 03 06 03:50 am Link