Forums > General Industry > Photogs pet peves....


Mark Hayes

Posts: 134

Cotacachi, Imbabura, Ecuador

Sirensong wrote:

Its slightly better than "tog" I suppose

Tog, it's very "caveman-ish".   Makes me want to go shoot with Darryl Hannah. 

"Tog....    Aylah.....   TFP....." 

If she poses great, if not throw a temper tantrum and start a new thread about how you can't get TFP models.

Jun 03 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 120

Sunset Valley, Texas, US

Suellen wrote:
yeah, i know im not a photographer, but i felt i needed to add to this thread:

i do the 'eye roll' when i read a photographer's bio that is in the third person or
those who have a bunch of famous quotes in their bio.....UGH!

I thought I was the only one that did that! It's like come on now, is it too much to ask for you to use words like "I, my, me, and mine"??? I think alot of people do it because in a sense they use the intro/greeting area as a way put in a 3-5 minute autobiography. It just comes across to me as someone who is a little too full of themselves. I always wonder if they talk like that during a shoot too. Hmmm....

Jun 03 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Collin J. Rae wrote:
Pet Peeve?

when my heroine is cut with bleach.

i laughed out loud upon reading the preceding statement.  quite funny.

Jun 03 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 27

Sammamish, Washington, US

I hate it when "models" are just strippers. I see "Fine art" on here where you put in effort to make something either intresting or expressive, and then those "Models" turn around and do the same poses in similar make up for a freaking porn Site. This has not yet happened to me, but I know, it will. some what unavoidable really.
I'm not going to have a porn star as the splash page for my "Fine art" I do, control that much.

Jun 07 06 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 27

Sammamish, Washington, US

I hate it when "models" are just strippers. I see "Fine art" on here where you put in effort to make something either intresting or expressive, and then those "Models" turn around and do the same poses in similar make up for a freaking porn Site. This has not yet happened to me, but I know, it will. some what unavoidable really.
I'm not going to have a porn star as the splash page for my "Fine art" I do, control that much.

Jun 07 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Fade To Black  wrote:
I know a lot of one man studios who have on their site's "we", "our", "us", "team", etc.

I can see the aspect of it, appearing bigger than you are, but it's a bit annoying, especially if you KNOW they're a one man band. Either that or they found a way to hire their multiple personalities without having to pay for medical benefits and wages...

I'm even kind of weary about doing it on my stuff, because I'm the one who handles everything web-based, my partner is in another city on the other side of the country and handles mostly local projects, so it feels like I'm the only guy. But still....

Another peeve is the guy who's willing to fork out $450 for a magazine spot with their website pointing to a free template that can be found on an old geocities script page. Nevertheless, an email address, as well...

If I see another majestically displayed Ansel Adams quote in flash, I am going to cut someone.

The photographer who only has a sense of pride because the $6,700 setup around their neck, co-relating with the guy who spends $1700 on a D200 body and puts a nice new $150 lens on it. I've actually gotten a guy with a D2x come into my store with a Quantaray/Sigma 28-90 on that you get for free with low end film body models...but thats a different story.

On a somewhat related note, if I get another "Pro" who comes in  wanting prints and hands me some form of battery, or some "pro" who wants a shiny new lens but cannot figure out how a large aperture affects photos because "I don't know, I just take pictures", I'm going to mace someone.

All valid.
I'm afraid I'm guilty of the first one, but in my defense when I hire contractors (keyword: when) their behavior/attitude also represents my business. As such their image influences my reputation as much as an employee in their position would. Thus, I consider them part of my team, which is why I use "we".

Other than that...
My pet peeves and/or dislikes include but are not limited to:

Myself, not finding enough time to photograph and improve my skills.
Myself, sometimes getting lazy around the editing table.
Myself, slacking off in my marketing and networking.
Myself, realizing I've underbid a job because I missed something (after the bid was submitted).

Photographers, territorial photographers that are closed off from their colleagues.
Photographers, who shoot Canon (joking).
Photographers, who pit film and digital against each other (not joking).
Photographers, who do not know about basic composition, leading lines, tonal balance, color balance, and subject balance (deviating from these is still fine).
Photographers, who rely [solely] on others for their pricing.
Photographers, who undercut.
Photographers, who degrade the industry by giving away copyright, whether in whole or in part without adequate compensation.
Photographers, that don’t know copyright law.

Models, which flake, no show, blah blah blah.
Models, that don’t work on their modeling skills (posing, muscle control, etc.).
Models, that think, “Because I look pretty I should have the world handed to me.â€?
Cont. “…on a silver platter.â€?

Clients, that don’t pay their invoices on time.
Clients, that think they are paying you by the hour.
Clients, that infringe on your copyright or the copyrights of others. (or anyone else for that matter)

That’s it for now… lol
I might add to this another time.

Oh, and the word photog...
Just call me "Master", "Sultan" or "King".
...Yuriy is also fine.

Oh, also people who misspell my name in e-mails.
Is it really that hard to spell?! Y-U-R-I-Y

Jun 08 06 09:45 am Link