Forums > General Industry > I am a little upset...

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

I have been talking to this photographer for a while...He has been relatively hard on me (concerning my work) but I very much appreciate his honesty and help. Recently he sent me a message saying that I may benefit from talking a few classes geared toward makeup for print...I responded by saying that I have looked into seminars and such but since I am already a full time student at a major university studying physics, I really do not have much time for a full class!!

I love my artististic side. In fact I started college as a fine arts major. Makeup artistry for me is a wonderful experience and I may very well choose to make it my career if I feel I am capable in the future. I am constantly researching other makeup artists and I have befriended several on MM who have helped me improve. I, however, love my schooling and I am proud that I am able to balance the two quite nicely.

The photographer, however, responded to me by telling me that if this isn't my career choice that I do not belong here...I was told that my work shows quite drastically that I do not take it seriously and that he hopes no one will waste their time on me...

Do others share his opinion? Is anyone else offended that I do not completely intend on making this my career choice?? I love my artistry and I admire those who have made it a career, but is it fair to say that it is either all or nothing???

May 25 06 02:05 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
I have been talking to this photographer for a while...He has been relatively hard on me (concerning my work) but I very much appreciate his honesty and help. Recently he sent me a message saying that I may benefit from talking a few classes geared toward makeup for print...I responded by saying that I have looked into seminars and such but since I am already a full time student at a major university studying physics, I really do not have much time for a full class!!

I love my artististic side. In fact I started college as a fine arts major. Makeup artistry for me is a wonderful experience and I may very well choose to make it my career if I feel I am capable in the future. I am constantly researching other makeup artists and I have befriended several on MM who have helped me improve. I, however, love my schooling and I am proud that I am able to balance the two quite nicely.
No it is not fair, in my opinion.
The photographer, however, responded to me by telling me that if this isn't my career choice that I do not belong here...I was told that my work shows quite drastically that I do not take it seriously and that he hopes no one will waste their time on me...

Do others share his opinion? Is anyone else offended that I do not completely intend on making this my career choice?? I love my artistry and I admire those who have made it a career, but is it fair to say that it is either all or nothing???

May 25 06 02:07 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Anyone else have anything to say???

May 25 06 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

why do people need to have other's tell them what to do to feel justified?  Do what you want, do what you like.  You may have time when finished with 'proper' schooling to do something artistic.  Maybe contact the theater department at your school about doing make-up for plays and other productions.  they may even be able to provide products for you to use (although that may not be very likely).

Physics is hard.  You're a smart girl.  Make up your own mind and do what you want.

May 25 06 02:18 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
I have been talking to this photographer for a while...He has been relatively hard on me

OMG! A photographer on MM with a Hard On yikes

Blow him off (not literally) and surround yourself with professionals in your field not ingrates big_smile

May 25 06 02:19 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
Anyone else have anything to say???

Looks at profile...

I started off with an MUA similar to your style. She was good with eyes, but needed to do more about the facial area. Only thing I can say is...

How do you get to Carnegie Hall??

May 25 06 02:20 pm Link


Dawnie Lee Photography

Posts: 54

Seattle, Washington, US

Whoa, sounds like there is more to the story. Or maybe not? Just an opinion from the world wide web?

Let it go. I like your work. Just go after some great photographers in your area. Get some good TFP and tell Mr. or Mrs/Ms. Know-It-All to shove it up where the sun doesn't shine.

It's your art. Art takes time. Learn the business from all point of views and come up with your own conclusion.

May 25 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Thank him respectfully for his opinion, which you clearly do not share. Neither do I.

I'm not a professional photographer solely in that I don't make money at it (I have no need). It's 100% a professional hobby for me. I look, smell, taste and act like someone who makes their living at it, and I even take paid gigs now and again when they please me, but if someone were to draw the line and say, "If you don't make your living at it, or intend to, get out of the pool," I would have to smile, nod, and politely ignore them.

That, too, is my opinion.

May 25 06 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
Anyone else have anything to say???

If you want to put your physics degree to good use and have make up as something you fool around with, then you are just fine the way you are. I'm sure the term "starving artists" isn't new to you. Art is hard to sell, so if it's a career (income) that you're after, then perhaps whoring out and doing exactly what the industry demands is the only way. It all comes down to how bad, and how serious you are about a career in this.

May 25 06 02:24 pm Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

I've been an engineer by profession for 35 years. Photography is a great hobby.  I love being an engineer and I love taking poictures.  But I am glad to be an engineer first.

If you are studying physics, you obviuosly have a pretty good intellect.  It would be a crime for you not to try to develop that as much as you can.

As per your photographer "friend" he sounds to me like a control freak.

May 25 06 02:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Kevin Bargeron wrote:
why do people need to have other's tell them what to do to feel justified?  Do what you want, do what you like.  You may have time when finished with 'proper' schooling to do something artistic.  Maybe contact the theater department at your school about doing make-up for plays and other productions.  they may even be able to provide products for you to use (although that may not be very likely).

Physics is hard.  You're a smart girl.  Make up your own mind and do what you want.

Its really not about anyone telling me what to do...If I listened to what others had to say I would probably be an accountant like my mother LOL.  I am basically just wondering if this opinion is shared by a majority of others in the industry...

Yes I am a smart girl...thanks for the compliments on my work...This really isn't about my work, this is more about whether or not it is acceptable to continue working in an industry that you may or may not choose as your career for th erest of your life.

May 25 06 02:27 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:

Its really not about anyone telling me what to do...If I listened to what others had to say I would probably be an accountant like my mother LOL.  I am basically just wondering if this opinion is shared by a majority of others in the industry...

Yes I am a smart girl...thanks for the compliments on my work...This really isn't about my work, this is more about whether or not it is acceptable to continue working in an industry that you may or may not choose as your career for th erest of your life.

yes it's acceptable, why wouldn't it be?

May 25 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
The photographer, however, responded to me by telling me that if this isn't my career choice that I do not belong here...

He's wrong.  This isn't a professionals-only website, which is pretty obvious if one takes a look around.  The mixing of hobbyists and artists, semi-professionals and professionals will inevitably result in some conflict, since there are such wildly divergent goals and priorities amongst those groups.  I wouldn't take it too much to heart if you can help it.

May 25 06 02:31 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Thanks everyone for their input!!

I am being overly sensitive today...Which is not exactly helpful in this industry!!


May 25 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
This really isn't about my work, this is more about whether or not it is acceptable to continue working in an industry that you may or may not choose as your career for th erest of your life.

You mean that as a serious question?  One to which you do not know the answer?  And you ask it on a site in which relatively few members are choosing photography, modeling or any of the other related skills as a "career for the rest of their life"?

How about a different question (which doesn't entirely apply to the hobby world):

If you intend to work in the industry, should you not have the skills appropriate to professionals in that industry, regardless of how many hours per month you intend to devote to it?

May 25 06 02:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

TXPhotog wrote:

You mean that as a serious question?  One to which you do not know the answer?  And you ask it on a site in which relatively few members are choosing photography, modeling or any of the other related skills as a "career for the rest of their life"?

How about a different question (which doesn't entirely apply to the hobby world):

If you intend to work in the industry, should you not have the skills appropriate to professionals in that industry, regardless of how many hours per month you intend to devote to it?

Yes yes...You should have the skills...The point is that he planned on working with me and helping me develope my skills until he heard that I also had a second goal for my future...I am well aware that I do not have ALL the "skills appropriate to professionals [in this] industry." I however, do not feel that it is appropriate to say that I should leave if this is not my one and ONLY goal.

May 25 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
I however, do not feel that it is appropriate to say that I should leave if this is not my one and ONLY goal.

Bingo.  You have your answer.  smile

May 25 06 02:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

BTW I asked the question because I wanted an answer...had I wanted to ask a different question, I would have asked it...


May 25 06 02:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

You're right Sita... I love your name !!!

May 25 06 02:40 pm Link


Art Of Imaging

Posts: 13136

Brooklyn, New York, US

C R Photography wrote:

OMG! A photographer on MM with a Hard On yikes

Blow him off (not literally) and surround yourself with professionals in your field not ingrates big_smile


May 25 06 02:41 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US


May 25 06 02:42 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Sounds like his advice was harsh. I wan't there, so it's hard to know in what tone he said these things to you.  What I would suggest for your port is some before and after shots.  That will provide you with two things: 1) show your potential clients what you can do; and 2) provide you with valuable feedback to actually 'see' what you're doing, where your strengths are and where your 'areas for improvement' are. 

There's no reason you can't be an MUA on a part-time basis after you graduate.  Most of us here have more than one job - be the first one photography or not.

I do agree with TX that in this business you'll meet jerks and nice people; enjoy the nice people while you can - it just takes one jerk to spoil your day.  You must learn to deal with 'em both, on a professional level.

My best, Tim at Portland Filmworks

May 25 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
I love my artististic side.
Do others share his opinion? Is anyone else offended that I do not completely intend on making this my career choice?? I love my artistry and I admire those who have made it a career, but is it fair to say that it is either all or nothing???

After that, I don't understand why you have a question. It's just one man's opinion and, thus shouldn't be offensive or upsetting or anything of the sort.

Just consider the suggestive thst specifically have to do with your work and disregard anything else as it is not really relevant to your condition (or at least it shouldn't be).

May 25 06 02:42 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

F-ing Nuts Benny wrote:


actually that is pretty damn funny!!!

You avitar is wonderful Benny

May 25 06 02:43 pm Link


Art Of Imaging

Posts: 13136

Brooklyn, New York, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:

actually that is pretty damn funny!!!

You avitar is wonderful Benny

thank you Nina, My Avatar is my new little nephew smile

May 25 06 02:45 pm Link


Fons Studio

Posts: 148

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

Stick to Physics, it pays MUCH better. You can always improve your MUA talent "after" graduating and securing a good position. While there are no absolutes in the world, I'd hazard a guess that the average physics major makes more than the average MUA.

Good luck!

May 25 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

Is this person the only one that has given you a negative comment?  If you believe in your abilities and like what you do, Artistically, keep on doing it!
This business has a lot of built in rejection for some reason or another.  You have to develop a thick skin and and stick to your own Artistic vision.

May 25 06 02:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

lightsandshadow wrote:
Is this person the only one that has given you a negative comment?  If you believe in your abilities and like what you do, Artistically, keep on doing it!
This business has a lot of built in rejection for some reason or another.  You have to develop a thick skin and and stick to your own Artistic vision.

No, and I actually handle the negativity when it comes to my work very well. Trust me I have dealt with it from both sides...Its not everyday that you see a (reletively fashionable), hispanic, jewish, female physicist!!! I just became very bothered by his insinuation that I am not going to be successful because this isn't my only focus...Normally I would have said f$*k off, but I am a lady and a professional so I bit my tounge and had to vent!

May 25 06 02:53 pm Link


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Photography is a hobbie for me as well. Modeling is a interest as well. I enjoy them both as much as anyone with a hobbie would. I dont want to make a living with them and i will not even consider it. I will be going onto graduate school in September. I just dont know who died and left him King to determin who should and shouldn't be here.

May 25 06 03:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Natalie Photography wrote:
Photography is a hobbie for me as well. Modeling is a interest as well. I enjoy them both as much as anyone with a hobbie would. I dont want to make a living with them and i will not even consider it. I will be going onto graduate school in September. I just dont know who died and left him King to determin who should and shouldn't be here.

Good luck with grad school!! I am headed that way also, so let me know how its going in Sept!!!

May 25 06 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 313

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

I can see were he is coming from.

If he is trying to be a pro, espically in fashion or commerical, he needs to develop a team of people reliable around him.

He has spent some time trying to develop your skills, only to be be told that you really weren't serious about it... you just dabbled. Since your carreer goals are not the same as his, he may have felt that you wasted his time.

May 25 06 03:09 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

grsphoto wrote:
I can see were he is coming from.

If he is trying to be a pro, espically in fashion or commerical, he needs to develop a team of people reliable around him.

He has spent some time trying to develop your skills, only to be be told that you really weren't serious about it... you just dabbled. Since your carreer goals are not the same as his, he may have felt that you wasted his time.

I wouldn't really call it dabble..I am serious about my makeup artistry...It is just not my only goal!!! I have spent just as much time developing my skill in makeup as I have in my studies...this photographer knows this!!!

May 25 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Fons Studio wrote:
Stick to Physics, it pays MUCH better.

Are you kidding me? I did my undergrad in physics (astro) and completely gave up on ever finding a decently-paying position in the field.

I went into computers, instead, which had nothing to do with what I studied.

May 25 06 03:13 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Chris Ambler wrote:

Are you kidding me? I did my undergrad in physics (astro) and completely gave up on ever finding a decently-paying position in the field.

I went into computers, instead, which had nothing to do with what I studied.

This is why I am aiming to get a PhD....there is hardly any work for a physicist with a Bachelors

May 25 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Professionally speaking, as much as they bitch and moan photographers aren't at the top of the food chain. In the end it's the client that has all the money. Don't let him get to you. He's just running his mouth off and making himself look bad. It's not his place to judge.

May 25 06 03:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
Professionally speaking, as much as they bitch and moan photographers aren't at the top of the food chain. In the end it's the client that has all the money. Don't let him get to you. He's just running his mouth off and making himself look bad. It's not his place to judge.

WOW I can't believe a photographer said that!!!smile smile wink

Just kidding...Thanks for the support Mike

May 25 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 313

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Nina G Artistry wrote:
Recently he sent me a message saying that I may benefit from talking a few classes geared toward makeup for print...I responded by saying that I have looked into seminars and such but since I am already a full time student at a major university studying physics, I really do not have much time for a full class!!

Nina G Artistry wrote:
I have spent just as much time developing my skill in makeup as I have in my studies...

Just from these statements your full time schooling has priority... and rightly so.  Make-up is not your primary goal.

May 25 06 03:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Yeah I get what you are saying...Mind you, he HELPED me with my skill but he did not in anyway develope it for me!!! My improvement comes soley from the fact that I took the time to better myself! I appreciated his critique but it was always my motivation that pushed me to act on it!!!

That is a good point though and I appreciate the perspective

May 25 06 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

You belong here as much as anyone else. Politely ignore him.

Nina G Artistry wrote:
The photographer, however, responded to me by telling me that if this isn't my career choice that I do not belong here.

May 25 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 2784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:
Anyone else have anything to say???

No matter what course you choose in your life there will always be someone there to say you're wrong. Take advice graciously then toss it aside and continue on.


May 25 06 03:33 pm Link