Forums > General Industry > Best excuses


Jim Duvall

Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

I know there are tons of threads complaining about no shows and cancellations. I try to take em in stride as part of the deal. But I do get a kick out of the excuses I get.

I think I got my best last night.

4 hours after the 4 pm call a models boyfriend emails me to let me know she was arrested on a failure to appear warrant. She was pulled over speeding to not be late to the shoot. He lets me know she will reschedule as sooon as she is bailed out.

So whats your best excuse excluding the dead dogs and grandmas?

May 16 06 01:13 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Had to wash my hair? Lol. I cant believe he EMAILED you to say shes in jail. Wasn't he planning on getting her out lol?

May 16 06 01:15 pm Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

Had them all -

Dead relative - relative in hospital - couldn't get a friend to cover at work (hold on your the model, I don't want to shoot your friend! Modelling isn't your full time occupation as you've indicated in your port?)
Baby sitter didn't show,  it's a bad hair day, my car broke down (you said you were coming on the train?)
I'm simply wasting your time and never had any intntion of showing as i'm not actually a model but just an attention grabbing prima donna!  - Now that's at least honest!

May 16 06 01:18 pm Link


Robert Sanders

Posts: 905

Los Angeles, California, US

1. The day after she stood me up - no show, no call - she told me, "I had to go to another photo shoot." Yeah, that was her excuse, she booked a second shoot after she booked mine and decided to go to it rather than even letting me know.

2. Not long ago the model and her friend the makeup artist didn't show, no warning at all. About an hour after the call time the sister called to tell me that her [model] sister spent the night in the E.R. because she ate some bad sushi. The makeup artist held her hand all night long... obviously they were inseparable.

Oh well...


May 16 06 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

It kinda sucks with all the bs excuses, like even when you here an excuse nowadays u dont really buy it.  Like if its true you feel bad, but you dont kno its true so its just like, ehh okay watever.

May 16 06 01:23 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Or worse, your excuse is legit and you feel like a flake for having to give it.

May 16 06 01:46 pm Link


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

Thankfully I've only had one so far. But it was 10 minutes after she was supposed to be at the studio and I kept getting her voicemail. So I came on here and had a message from her saying it was a big emergency and she couldn't show up, and she couldn't call me because it was such an emergency. But she could log onto here and write me a big message about it!

May 16 06 01:50 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sonya Tisdel-McNeil

Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

I talked to the model the night before the shoot (Cinco de Mayo) and she assured  that she was drinking plenty of water and that she would make her noon call time.  She never made it and didn't call me until 8p, sounding as though she was on her deathbed.  Apparently, someone drugged her right after I talked to her and she began throwing up blood and ended up in the ER all night.

May 16 06 01:50 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

TWICE!!  I had girls cancel on me because their sister went into labor.

May 16 06 01:54 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Or worse, your excuse is legit and you feel like a flake for having to give it.

That is the WORST thing about this whole no show stigma. I'm on the verge of getting sick, and if I have to cancel my shoot tomorrow morning, I am dreading doing so because it makes me feel like I'm flaking despite the fact that my health, is in fact, more important than shooting...

The worst excuse I've had though? In a situation trying to set up a shoot with another model and one of my favorite photographers with the hope that she and I would be able to do joint shoots together and travel: For a shoot on Monday: I emailed Thursday to finally confirm the time that she requested, Called Sunday evening about 8:30 and ate the voice mail directly, then called again Monday morning at 9:00 in the morning when the shoot was so start and ate voice mail again. Finally emailed her after the fact to find out what happened. Her reason? I didn't confirm. *blinks*

Stranger things have happened, I suppose.

May 16 06 01:58 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

NC17 wrote:

That is the WORST thing about this whole no show stigma. I'm on the verge of getting sick, and if I have to cancel my shoot tomorrow morning, I am dreading doing so because it makes me feel like I'm flaking despite the fact that my health, is in fact, more important than shooting...

The worst excuse I've had though? In a situation trying to set up a shoot with another model and one of my favorite photographers with the hope that she and I would be able to do joint shoots together and travel: For a shoot on Monday: I emailed Thursday to finally confirm the time that she requested, Called Sunday evening about 8:30 and ate the voice mail directly, then called again Monday morning at 9:00 in the morning when the shoot was so start and ate voice mail again. Finally emailed her after the fact to find out what happened. Her reason? I didn't confirm. *blinks*

Stranger things have happened, I suppose.

She was probably mad that you ate her voicemail smile

May 16 06 02:03 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I don't even get excuses anymore. I just tell the girls online pretending to be models the price and they are never heard from again.

May 16 06 02:30 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

BCI Photo wrote:
I don't even get excuses anymore. I just tell the girls online pretending to be models the price and they are never heard from again.

You have yet to scare me!  :p

May 16 06 02:45 pm Link


Scott W Photography

Posts: 106

Portland, Oregon, US

Jim Duvall wrote:
I know there are tons of threads complaining about no shows and cancellations. I try to take em in stride as part of the deal. But I do get a kick out of the excuses I get.

I think I got my best last night.

4 hours after the 4 pm call a models boyfriend emails me to let me know she was arrested on a failure to appear warrant. She was pulled over speeding to not be late to the shoot. He lets me know she will reschedule as sooon as she is bailed out.

So whats your best excuse excluding the dead dogs and grandmas?

But how did the mug shots turn out?  Maybe a great avatar there...

May 16 06 02:45 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

I once had a flat tire when meeting a model for coffee. When I walked out from work and saw my lonely car with the obvious flat, I could not keep from laughing. I managed to get there only a few minutes late.

May 16 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Mine continues to be the model last year who the day before the shoot claimed to have hurt her back releasing raccoons she had trapped. Never heard from her again, nor have I seen new images in her portfolio.

My flake rate was higher last year, when I was still shooting film and had not yet learned to use fill flash and reflectors. I honestly can't blame some of them for doing so.

May 16 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 26560

Clearwater, Florida, US

What about when photographers flake out...and their excuses? Just curious...

May 16 06 02:54 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I had one beg out of a sitting because her boyfriend was murdered.  We never rescheduled.

>>> Tangent Alert

May 16 06 02:55 pm Link


Taryn Lindsey

Posts: 96

Columbus, Ohio, US

The most lame one I've received is that the girls internet was down and she didn't check it until 3 days after the shoot, I had given her my number ahead of time also and told her to call me in case anything happened.
I just wish there were an easier way to find models in Columbus who were SERIOUS about it.

May 16 06 02:57 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

JoJo Suicide wrote:
What about when photographers flake out...and their excuses? Just curious...

i cancelled a shoot for my grandmother's 89th birthday once... i mean seriously. how many of us are lucky enough to have grandmothers that live to 89? i didn't want to say, "gee, gran, i'll catch you on the 90th!" know, just in case.

May 16 06 02:59 pm Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

At 1/2 hour after a shoot time the model was still not here.  I called her to see what the story was.  She answered and sounded like I woke her up (noon). When I said who I was she hung up quickly - never answered the phone again even though I tried a couple of times later. 

Another model showed up 1 1/2 hours late. Blamed it on my directions which she left home.  All her images in her port had blond hair but she arrived with black and white hair.  Wanted a drink -- no not water or soda, the hard stuff.   Shoot cancelled, please leave --- sometimes a no show is better.  smile

May 16 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Or worse, your excuse is legit and you feel like a flake for having to give it.

Sometimes life happens, not everything is an excuse.

Oh, and a photographer is currently accusing me of being a "bad friend" because he "forgot" our shoot, and I am not exactly eager to reschedule. If I am traveling two hours to you, you better fucking be there.

May 16 06 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

the dog ate the train

May 16 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Or worse, your excuse is legit and you feel like a flake for having to give it.

Exactly!  Lost a HUGE promotional deal because the brakes went out on my car and messed it up really bad while I was driving home to change and head to the promotion.  It was over an hour away, and I had no transportation, a bruised knee and elbow and was an emotional mess over having an accident.  The promotions company found someone to cover and proceeded to tell me that I give very poor excuses and that they'd only be booking me for local Wal-Mart events from this point forward.  I told them not to waste their time.  /rant

May 16 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 23

Sterling Heights, Michigan, US

I had a photographer cancel a shoot like an hour before a shoot (after i called a few times to confirm...) she TEXT messaged me that she was around cigarette smoke the night before and she had to save her voice because she was a telemarketer. (how much do photographers really need to talk!?)

And when i was like "no thanks, its not worth it to reschedule" (i had already gotten ready and packed a bag - and models know what a bucnch of work that is) she text messaged me back like 4 times leaving psycho messages and then she even put a myspace bulletin AND a journal entry about it saying I was the wackjob.

Then I saw her at a local club a few days later and when she saw me, she immediately left. hahahha


May 16 06 03:13 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Gabbey wrote:
(how much do photographers really need to talk!?)

Actually, there *should* be alot of talking going on at a photo session.

Apart from that, she sounds like a nutcase.

May 16 06 03:23 pm Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

Sad but true - Interview went well 1 week before shoot, great looking lady, plan was just some casual shots at local park mid week in the afternoon.  Day of shoot 2 PM no model ... 3 PM - no show ? Went home, had dinner, went to bed ... 11:30 phone rings ... detective  calls : Boyfriend found out about the shoot and beat the crap out of her !  Wants to know if I can make a statement.

Next day went to visit lady in hospital after visit to PD , brought flowers ....... after she healed up she never had the courage to model again, but to this day she is a good friend and has assisted with several shoots.

May 16 06 03:38 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I love it when you e-mail them your phone number and the address of the location (which they asked for) and they later e-mail you back--in response to the very e-mail--saying that you didn't give them your phone number or the address of the location!

May 16 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

lmao at this thread some people are retarded.

May 16 06 05:53 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Just had one today cancel a shoot for Friday morning because she "forgot" she has a family reunion this weekend. 

Who wants to bet some crappy new images show up in her port early next week?

May 16 06 06:22 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Jim Duvall wrote:
I know there are tons of threads complaining about no shows and cancellations. I try to take em in stride as part of the deal. But I do get a kick out of the excuses I get.

I think I got my best last night.

4 hours after the 4 pm call a models boyfriend emails me to let me know she was arrested on a failure to appear warrant. She was pulled over speeding to not be late to the shoot. He lets me know she will reschedule as sooon as she is bailed out.

So whats your best excuse excluding the dead dogs and grandmas?

I had a model one time who shot with me and went home.  On the way she was speeding and the cops picked her up.  They found she had a few unpaid speeding tickets and threw her into jail.  She sat there for 3 days before she got bailed out.
So it pays to pay your speeding tickets as soon as you get them to avoid the JAIL TIME.  bs

May 16 06 06:36 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

How about these excuses....all from the same model in the same email.
1)  lost internet service
2)  phone shut off
3)  no money for gas
4)  was sick
5)  had miscarriage
6)  husband lost job
7)  car broke down
and she had the nerve to say that if i blame her for not showing up at the shoot, with all these reasons, she would like to reschedule the shoot

May 16 06 06:36 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

This didn't happen to me, but happened to a couple of Photographer friends of mine.

Sunday: Model no shows. E-mails photographer "A" the day after that her sister got hit in the head with a golf club yesterday.

Wednesday: "Photographer B" is scheduled with her. She no shows again. E-mails the next day to say that her sister got hit in the head with a golf club yesterday.

Someone's sister needs to stay the fuck away from golf clubs.

Models: Believe it or not, photographers share information on who's reliable.

May 16 06 07:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 230

El Centro, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Or worse, your excuse is legit and you feel like a flake for having to give it.

Yup, I'm a MUA & I get sick like every 2-3 months(if i'm lucky every 4-5) from this health problem I have. It makes my body get all aching and I get a fever w/temp of 102 and other sympthoms that usually I do have to stay in the hospital for a week to control...I feel really bad that I have to cancel and they will think i'm being a flake.

May 16 06 07:31 pm Link


Seattle Next Door

Posts: 161

Seattle, Washington, US

Afablb wrote:
Sad but true - Interview went well 1 week before shoot, great looking lady, plan was just some casual shots at local park mid week in the afternoon.  Day of shoot 2 PM no model ... 3 PM - no show ? Went home, had dinner, went to bed ... 11:30 phone rings ... detective  calls : Boyfriend found out about the shoot and beat the crap out of her !  Wants to know if I can make a statement.

Next day went to visit lady in hospital after visit to PD , brought flowers ....... after she healed up she never had the courage to model again, but to this day she is a good friend and has assisted with several shoots.

Wow!  Now, that's messed up . . .

May 16 06 08:04 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I've mentioned it in other threads, but my fave was from a 2-stripper shoot where, an hour past call time, one of them called to say they couldn't make it because the other was in the hospital with a raging case of ghonnorhea.

May 16 06 09:34 pm Link


Jim Duvall

Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

Musta jinxed myself. Just got an email today, it seems one of my paid shoots next week is traveling in, just remembered she has a dog and has to stay home and feed it.

That'll teach me for starting a thread like this.

May 17 06 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

I haven't flaked once but if I had to call off, I would contact the photographer on time, and later contact him with a doctors note, or some proof of where I was.

I dont see why models have to call, hours later. If they are getting sick, they will know long before the shoot, and if there is an emergancy, then they should have some sort of proof. That is just they way I work.

May 17 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 277

Fairfield, New Jersey, US

JoJo Suicide wrote:
What about when photographers flake out...and their excuses? Just curious...

I had one (that i have worked with before once) not pick up the phone when I was at the door of the studio- day later his MUA called to tell me he was sick and if we could reshedule.. tried calling him and he has yet to answer- 5months later!

the worst part is i didnt even get the pictures from the first shoot and he has still personally never confirmed that he was in deed o so sick that he could  not pick up a phone? guess he's still to sick to call huh?

May 17 06 07:11 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

JoJo Suicide wrote:
What about when photographers flake out...and their excuses? Just curious...

My typical one is I broke a nail...

May 17 06 07:34 pm Link