Forums > General Industry > Simulating SEX Shoot


Wyld Wolfy

Posts: 10

Canandaigua, New York, US

K, so offered something from a friend, and he talked about simulating sex...anyone willing to give me a heads up on how that might work, where the guy would put his Hoh, and would it be up or down...photogs models opinions would be appreciated

May 13 06 11:14 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Sounds to me like someone's trying to get laid.. you know, the old trick "I promise that I'll only put the head in"

May 13 06 11:17 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Only those involved with the shoot will be able to tell you what to expect by their vague terms.  Anything said here will just be speculation.

May 13 06 11:20 pm Link


J Bennett Photography

Posts: 1274

Paramus, New Jersey, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Sounds to me like someone's trying to get laid.. you know, the old trick "I promise that I'll only put the head in"

Hmmm...Never tried that before.  Seriously though, he wants to get his freak on.

May 13 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

I've did simulated sex scenes before and the guys in the few I did all did different things.

One held it up and the girls leg was up, so you couldn't see it wasn't really in.

Another held it down but that only worked for 2 shots because he started to get hard lol. So then he went up with it.

Another kind of like placed it between the models legs and butt cheeks, no penetration but looked like it.

The last model and guy were some freaks and he just popped on a condom and actually went inside, no pumping though, and she was cool with it.
but the purpose of that shoot was to simulate it not really do it.

May 13 06 11:20 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

u look a bit like bethany elyse..

May 13 06 11:22 pm Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I agree, I think someone is trying to get lucky with you in the name of "art"
Looking at your portfolio, it doesn't appear that you have done any nude work yet (or you haven't shared with if you have). I just don't think that would be a good place to start...

May 13 06 11:22 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I suppose if you're willing to go this far, why not just do the actual sex and be done with it.

May 13 06 11:23 pm Link


Christofer Rodriguez

Posts: 156

San Bernardino, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I suppose if you're willing to go this far, why not just do the actual sex and be done with it.

Fuck it! (no pun intended)

May 13 06 11:25 pm Link


Wyld Wolfy

Posts: 10

Canandaigua, New York, US

Trust me its not for the sex, he's gay...and im just curious what to expect, how to react, and im sorry simulating was the title of the thread, not fucking...if your ok w/ the doctor sticking his finger in your ass to check for cancer, why dont you just take the whole fist? right...

May 13 06 11:35 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
Trust me its not for the sex, he's gay...and im just curious what to expect, how to react, and im sorry simulating was the title of the thread, not fucking...if your ok w/ the doctor sticking his finger in your ass to check for cancer, why dont you just take the whole fist? right...

Whatever gets you through the night.

May 13 06 11:36 pm Link


Wyld Wolfy

Posts: 10

Canandaigua, New York, US

that was directed towards you jon..

May 13 06 11:38 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My question is, if it is truely for artistic purposes why go through all of the trouble to simulate it. I mean, obviously you are comfortable with portraying yourself to appear as though you're getting _____cked. Why not just make it easy and do the actual sex?

May 13 06 11:41 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Just flip over to cinemax after 11pm on any given night.


May 13 06 11:43 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

I don't know this person or what they are trying to do but just finished the first in a series of erotic shoots for a book.  I'm in there and there was no sexual contact-depending on the angle of the camera nothing even has touch touch and by shifting bodies the sexual organs don't touch.   There was no sex in this, there will be no sex in this [because of an organ transplant sex can be extremely chancy for me-what you might need a shot for I might lose a kidney so I'll pass.]   That's one of the reasons I'm doing this so I don't have to worry about people getting it on in my work area plus I *wanted* to do this if for no other reason.   The model knows after three hours naked with me and me letting her lead in what she was comfortable with and not-she even made suggestions that were more than I would have asked to try- that I'm one of the good guys and has seen some of the final work and it rocks.

I'd say that 99% of anyone that tells you 'it's for the art' is full of shot but there are those that really do things like this for the art.

So yeah-it can be 'for the art' but you have to make that decision.

May 13 06 11:45 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

John Jebbia wrote:
My question is, if it is truely for artistic purposes why go through all of the trouble to simulate it. I mean, obviously you are comfortable with portraying yourself to appear as though you're getting _____cked. Why not just make it easy and do the actual sex?

What are the additional 3 letters?

May 13 06 11:47 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Justin N Lane wrote:
What are the additional 3 letters?


May 13 06 11:48 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I was curious enough about this while watching porn on cable.  I noticed the positions were not quite right for penetration.  But then I saw one where they were in the "doggie" style position and the way he was pounding her, there just was NO WAY hey can't be doing it.  The guy would be jabbin' his "tool" into her leg, butt, or...well, you know.  And this is totally TMI, but it HURTs when you miss and you get jammed/bent.  Sooooo....I started doing a slow play...and what I saw was, the "actor" was still wearing a condom, however, he was completely limp.  With it hanging limp, there was no danger of hurting himself and they could bump uglies all they wanted.

I don't recall where I read this, but I heard they don't always edit porn for cable.  Instead, they'll reshoot the scene.  My guess is, they do the REAL porn first.  Then after the actor is spend and limp, they redo the scene like how I just described.

Ok, sorry for my choice of words and the TMI stuff.

God Bless.

May 14 06 12:02 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
offered something from a friend, and he talked about simulating sex...anyone willing to give me a heads up on how that might work, where the guy would put his Hoh, and would it be up or down...

really not sure whether you're entertaining this 'offer' or not; maybe just being facetious? your profile, after all, says "Willing to shoot just about anything besides erotica" ...


May 14 06 12:09 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

get a couple that has been married more than 5 years  - that is simulated sex!

May 14 06 01:01 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

When you were new did you not ask through the announce section whether or not there were any porn industry people on here and if people liked your "boobs"?

May 14 06 01:08 am Link



Posts: 163

Olympia, Washington, US

Yeah, this is overall a strange thread.
I had an odd request once kinda like this. I had just seriously gotten into WW2 re-enacting in the early 90s, and a film student wanted me in his film. The idea of the film was a "life flashing before my eyes" film about what an old man saw just before he died. It was a series of images sequencially throughout his life, and in the middle the guy was a fighter pilot in WW2. They wanted me to be the guy from around 19-30. Cool, I thought. Well, after the guy is in the war, he meets a woman and gets married. He introduced me to the model/actress who played the wife (who's character dies in childbirth in the mid 50s). She looked a lot like Bridget Fonda so I'm all, "Hell yeah, let's do this thing."
Well, he wanted a shot where he's thinking of the honeymoon. Again, nothing sounds odd to me there. I was thinking TV-style, "under the sheets smoochy" stuff.
What he had in mind was a full-on nude couple making love on a table, sweaty and going for it.
Now, this sounds like a letter to Penthouse or something, but one day before the shoot, I got a call from the "wife actress." She was a little nervous about doing this shoot (so was I), so she wanted us to get together and see if we could do this thing. So I went over, thinking she meant to do some maybe bump and grind clothed to figure out angles. She was nervous as heck when I got there, but she said there was only one way to see how it'd work and that would be nude like we were really shooting it. So, we stripped, and, no kidding folks, we practiced having intense sex without any penetration for two hours. We used a full-length mirror and figured that if I placed my, uh.... thingy over to the side away from the camera and she brought her leg up just a bit, it looked just like we were doing it for real. We both deeply regretted not habving a video camera when we were finished, so we could have shown the director later (and yeah, I deeply regretted not having the tape for other reason later on, I'll admit that).

The thing that really kills me is that the backing for the film fell through, we never shot it, and I never got the chance to.. well... you know...

May 14 06 01:10 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

mais qu'est-ce que ça dit tout ça? bon sang!

May 14 06 01:15 am Link


R Christopher

Posts: 173

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
get a couple that has been married more than 5 years  - that is simulated sex!

and in 10 they will ask...what is sex?

May 14 06 01:15 am Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
K, so offered something from a friend, and he talked about simulating sex...anyone willing to give me a heads up on how that might work, where the guy would put his Hoh, and would it be up or down...photogs models opinions would be appreciated

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
Trust me its not for the sex, he's gay...and im just curious what to expect, how to react, and im sorry simulating was the title of the thread, not fucking...if your ok w/ the doctor sticking his finger in your ass to check for cancer, why dont you just take the whole fist? right...

ROFLMAO...ohh the fist part was really funny

It sounds to me like you are doing a kind of story board and want to potray eroticism with stimulating images. Well for that it is all about acting and trying to make us believe what you are doing in these images are real.

So we have to break down  positioning and camera angles.  The camera angles leave up to the photoghapher. You as the model can practise by doing stills and  trying to look natural in a contrived atmosphere.

example: You can pretend to be riding your "partner " by sitting on top of him, put a light fabric around you guys so that you cant see the fact that he is "not actually inside of you". Then the rest is body  language and expression..

Just act it out and be creative.. You do not actually have to have sex in picture, movie, or book, to get people stimulated..

May 14 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

why simulate?

May 14 06 01:19 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
Trust me its not for the sex, he's gay

Oh no, you aren`t fallin for that one, are you?I personally know 3 girls who have babies now from guys who were like" poor me,  I think I must be gay..."

May 14 06 01:22 am Link



Posts: 7840


dncphotos wrote:
I've did simulated sex scenes before and the guys in the few I did all did different things.

One held it up and the girls leg was up, so you couldn't see it wasn't really in.

Another held it down but that only worked for 2 shots because he started to get hard lol. So then he went up with it.

Another kind of like placed it between the models legs and butt cheeks, no penetration but looked like it.

The last model and guy were some freaks and he just popped on a condom and actually went inside, no pumping though, and she was cool with it.
but the purpose of that shoot was to simulate it not really do it.



This is NOT modelling!!!

May 14 06 01:25 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:


This is NOT modelling!!!

Not fashion for glamour,no. But modeling, yes. There is an entire erotic art modeling genre out there.

May 14 06 01:28 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Not fashion for glamour,no. But modeling, yes. There is an entire erotic art modeling genre out there.

no. this seems to cross into the "acting it out" dimension. no longer just a "model" of the [ ].

May 14 06 01:36 am Link



Posts: 7840


Yup there sure is, EROTIC ART photography - you take the real deal and show the ART of it... See for example TREVOR WATSON'S GREAT WORK (am delighted to have worked with HIM) But this is not whats being talked about here.

I'm just browsing and wish I hadn't. She's saying shes old enough to drink, just, and that she's seen it all (at 21)  ... with no professional model pics posted, and offering to do anything BUT erotica ... Expenses Paid!

Oh, and shes not the only one that thinks it's OK. Fine.

*shakes head and leaves*

May 14 06 01:39 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
Yup there sure is, EROTIC ART photography - you take the real deal and show the ART of it...

No need to show me erotic art examples, believe me. As for it being the real deal and showing the art of it, erotic art need not even show any nudity, simulated sex acts or anything like that.

May 14 06 01:43 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

FML-Photography wrote:

no. this seems to cross into the "acting it out" dimension. no longer just a "model" of the [ ].

We do not know this yet. Hell the MODEL in the OP doesn`t even know what all is involved yet.

May 14 06 01:43 am Link



Posts: 7840


Glamour Boulevard wrote:

No need to show me erotic art examples, believe me. As for it being the real deal and showing the art of it, erotic art need not even show any nudity, simulated sex acts or anything like that.

THERE you are making my point for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

&   if THIS was professional or ART in the making I fancy it wouldnt be described 'as is'

(WAITING FOR THE PRINTS  .  .  .  surprise me!)

May 14 06 01:53 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

"Simulating Sex" is like softcore.  If you are going to do porno, and simulating sex qualifies as such, then go for it.  If you are not, what is the purpose other than a guy, gay/bi or whatever, getting to rub up on a hot chick naked?  Makes absolutely no sense at all to me why a "MODEL" would pose simulating sex unless she wanted to do pornography....

May 14 06 01:57 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

THERE you are making my point for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

&   if THIS was professional or ART in the making I fancy it wouldnt be described 'as is'

(WAITING FOR THE PRINTS  .  .  .  surprise me!)

What point did I make for you and what do you mean"as is"?

May 14 06 04:42 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

FML-Photography wrote:
really not sure whether you're entertaining this 'offer' or not; maybe just being facetious? your profile, after all, says "Willing to shoot just about anything besides erotica" ...


LOL...Yeah read that too... go figure? Goody two shoes gone bad?
If someone is not interested in shooting a certain style why would they be doing it.
Perhaps simulating doing a gay friend is the exception erotica genre rule?


May 14 06 04:53 am Link



Posts: 187

I have done that kind of shot before and posted them on  At the end of the day, it depends how comfortable you are with the person in question.  Do you want to be touched in intimate places?  Simulated sex would be just like a scene from Basic Instinct or the like, so I guess it depends on how far you are prepared to go.  I would also suggest having another male present (that you trust) just in-case it turns into something far worse.   

It can be great fun and the shots can look absolutely real.  I guess it also depends on how you wish yourself to be seen as a model.  Are these the kind of shots you want in your portfolio.  Also will they be soft focus, artist or harsh and graphic?

AngelFishSolo (MD -  Angel and Wolf Studios)

May 14 06 06:55 am Link


AEV Foto

Posts: 165

Carolina, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Wyld Wolfy wrote:
Trust me its not for the sex, he's gay...and im just curious what to expect, how to react, and im sorry simulating was the title of the thread, not fucking...if your ok w/ the doctor sticking his finger in your ass to check for cancer, why dont you just take the whole fist? right...

please ! i'm turning 40 in a few months and guess what i probly need to get done...

May 14 06 07:06 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I am assuming the OP would be doing this in stills but not on video. A lot of the replies seem to come from the standpoint of simulated sex on video. Simulated sex on stills is completely different.

May 14 06 07:25 am Link