Forums > General Industry > The big secret about contact info


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I have a question for discussion.
Why is it so many people are so secretive about contact info on models??
Photographers aren’t supposed to give out contact info they have to contact the model and then let the model contact the photographer?
Managers Pimps & agents are not supposed to give out contact info to other photographer manager agent pimps?

Doesn't all of the uber secret handshake crap defeat the purpose of networking, meeting new contacts, and getting new jobs?

Iona Lynn
[email protected]

May 09 06 12:42 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Some of the models I work with DO NOT want to be contacted by somebody they do not know.  They want me to forward the info to them and they will make the contact if they are interested in this photographer.   bs

May 09 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 1876

Cumming, Georgia, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
I have a question for discussion.
Why is it so many people are so secretive about contact info on models??
Photographers aren’t supposed to give out contact info they have to contact the model and then let the model contact the photographer?
Managers Pimps & agents are not supposed to give out contact info to other photographer manager agent pimps?

Doesn't all of the uber secret handshake crap defeat the purpose of networking, meeting new contacts, and getting new jobs?

Iona Lynn
[email protected]

If we had a shoot and you signed a release, your name, age, address, and telephone number would be on the release.  Would it be OK with you if I release any or all of this information to anyone who requested it?

May 09 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 274

New York, New York, US

I thought being able to tag or send a private message to someone was enough here on MM...I wouldn't want to put my contact info (ie, email address, phone number, etc.) on my profile so that everyone and anyone could get in touch.

If the individual is outside of the MM network and heard about me through another photographer, stylist, etc, then the person I've already worked with could ask me if I wanted my contact info given out to others. I wouldn't want some random person calling or emailing me unless I had either gotten in touch with them first or had explicitly given permission for my contact info to be forwarded to them.

But this is just my opinion, of course...  smile

May 09 06 01:17 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Keeps the spam and webcam agents away.

BTW, you’re now signed up for free porn to be delivered to your inbox smile

May 09 06 01:22 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I would question a models skill level if she put her phone and address on her port.

True, if a creep really wants to find a certain model, he will, but the less info put out the better.

Just my .2 pesos

May 09 06 01:23 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Where is my porn!!!!!

Good points. I totally agree that my whole life not be on my portfolio but as for just email contact info I consider that public info.

In my other business all my info is public our business address, phone numbers ,names, and emails.

When you register for a business license/DBA that become public automatically.

May 09 06 01:30 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

I think Iona is making a valid distinction here between a Model who sees herself as a business person running a business and not just an internet model. Having a valid web site, e-mail that isn't @ aol or Yahoo, a dedicated p.o. box and phone number (that isn't your home number, but an "office" number) makes a person look much more like a valid business person and immediately causes them to be respected and taken more seriously.

Now, I understand not all models starting out can afford to do this right away, but, if they approach these costs as a cost of doing business, it is a step in the right direction.

May 09 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

David Moyle wrote:
I think Iona is making a valid distinction here between a Model who sees herself as a business person running a business and not just an internet model. Having a valid web site, e-mail that isn't @ aol or Yahoo, a dedicated p.o. box and phone number (that isn't your home number, but an "office" number) makes a person look much more like a valid business person and immediately causes them to be respected and taken more seriously.

Now, I understand not all models starting out can afford to do this right away, but, if they approach these costs as a cost of doing business, it is a step in the right direction.

Iona has a valid point.  I am involved in my Chamber of Commerce as well as a marketing group, and there are a lot of women in both areas.  All of us are networking, passing out our business cards etc.  Perhaps the real reason for so much fear and secrecy on the internet is that the majority of folks aren't really who they claim to be.   Or perhaps they have embellished their skill level somewhat;  Maybe their approach and intent to the work is not completely professional... or perhaps they aren't ready to make their intentions that public.  Who really knows? I really do believe a lot of folks hide behind their "internet" persona... and that is why you often see internet discussions get a lot more mean spirited then most any discussion I have seen outside of the net. That's why sites of this nature, rarely translate well into the business world.

May 09 06 02:21 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

My problem is a limited market. I'm not doing portraits or weddings. Most models don't qualify - so to have it all out there isn't necessary or even preferred. I spend too much time saying no as it is.

I do use a valid name and do go to private messages where I can give out a public address for e-mail and phone for possible models and clients. But with the spam issues I still keep private e-mail addresses off the internet.

There are beginners and people who are being too careful, they haven't found the correct exposure level yet - in information or visual representations.

May 09 06 02:30 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

double post - slow server.

May 09 06 02:31 pm Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

You maybe the only real person on the internet. Everybody else is an avatar or persona of somebody's imagination. :-) Red pill or blue pill!

May 09 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I'm with Iona on this.  My full name and physical address are private. My email address, OMP/MM number, website URL, etc are public and were acquired for business. Give 'em to whoever you want.  The more herbal viagra spam, the merrier.

May 09 06 03:40 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Some models do not want just anyone having their contact information.Things can end up being like you read about here when someone IMS/emails them because their info was in their profile.
In some cases If a photographer asks me about a model, I give the model the photographers info, in other cases the model trusts me to know what kind of work and quality she is looking for and is fine with me giving out her contact information.

May 09 06 04:05 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

theda wrote:
The more herbal viagra spam, the merrier.

Try bein a male and gettin spam for a free life time supply of tampons!! weeee, jackpot huh?

May 09 06 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Some models do not want just anyone having their contact information.Things can end up being like you read about here when someone IMS/emails them because their info was in their profile.
In some cases If a photographer asks me about a model, I give the model the photographers info, in other cases the model trusts me to know what kind of work and quality she is looking for and is fine with me giving out her contact information.

I can se how IMing would be annoying, but email is easy to ignore.  And really, opening yourself up to spam and creepy prostitution offers is part and parcel of using the internet for modeling.  It's a trade-off that must be made.

May 09 06 04:12 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

theda wrote:
I can se how IMing would be annoying, but email is easy to ignore.  And really, opening yourself up to spam and creepy prostitution offers is part and parcel of using the internet for modeling.  It's a trade-off that must be made.

True.....ok this has to stop, if I keep agreeing with you the earth is gonna implode. Quick, what color am I thinking of?!

May 09 06 04:15 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

theda wrote:
And really, opening yourself up to spam and creepy prostitution offers is part and parcel of using the internet for modeling.  It's a trade-off that must be made.

Trade off? You thrive on the crazy stupid creepy shit some people have sent post it publicly for the amusement of others! Or semi-publicly at least. You do get some gems of trashiness in your e-mail though.

May 09 06 04:16 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

True.....ok this has to stop, if I keep agreeing with you the earth is gonna implode. Quick, what color am I thinking of?!

I'm not theda, but I am going to guess you are thinking of purple....I know I am.

May 09 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

~Krista~ wrote:

Trade off? You thrive on the crazy stupid creepy shit some people have sent post it publicly for the amusement of others! Or semi-publicly at least. You do get some gems of trashiness in your e-mail though.

Just making lemonade...

May 09 06 04:19 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

~Krista~ wrote:

I'm not theda, but I am going to guess you are thinking of purple....I know I am.

-looks around for Charlie Browns Teacher-

May 09 06 04:21 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Where is my porn!!!!!

Good points. I totally agree that my whole life not be on my portfolio but as for just email contact info I consider that public info.

In my other business all my info is public our business address, phone numbers ,names, and emails.

When you register for a business license/DBA that become public automatically.

I’m sure there are far less predators (I spell that right?) surfing your work site than they are surfing MM. You have to remember where you are at all times. Some places on the Internet are just not smart places to give certain info out. Just common sense to keep thing unposted in places like this.

May 09 06 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

bobby sargent wrote:
Some of the models I work with DO NOT want to be contacted by somebody they do not know.  They want me to forward the info to them and they will make the contact if they are interested in this photographer.   bs

That smells like a slugo.

Anyone who doesn't have their e-mail out there isn't worth contacting through a "net manger"

May 09 06 04:50 pm Link