Forums > General Industry > etiquette or ethics question - contacting a model


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

I met a young model this weekend who asked me if I'd be interested in doing a TFP/CD shoot with her.  She was working a booth at a bike rally in Pittsburg, Ks.  The gig was to pose with another model with any guy willing to pay $xx.00 (?) for an 8x10 print of himself with two hot chicks.

The booth owner/photographer is  The model is listed on their website with a contact link through poseandmore.

She asked me if I was listed with OMP (I'm not)  I asked her if she was listed with MM. (she's not)  I'd like to contact her about setting up a shoot, but don't know if I should try to contact her through the other photographer.  He seemed a bit posessive of the girls and acted like he didn't really care to have me talking to them, even though at that time of day they were not doing any business.  I picked up that feeling by the way he kept interrupting her conversation with me to take her aside and talk to her.

Should I try to contact her through the other photographer?

If she's listed on OMP I can't find her.  OMP's free talent search feature is quirky and limited at best and their database is huge.  I know her real name, but she may be on OMP using a professional name or nickname.

May 08 06 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

This is way I never contact a "model" who lists an agent - they get possessive, think they can dictate the strangest demands - and half the time they never tell the model if they think you're a "better" photographer than them because you will probably make their images look bad...=*^)..=*^)

Try it, but I say the chances he'll tell her are slim...

Next time, be sure to give her a card - or several - you got a business card, right? If the guy doesn't like it, confront him in a nice way, ask him why he doesn't like you to give a card to the girl. Chances are the girl will pick up that he is not doing *her* any good....

May 08 06 05:14 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Always be weary of contacting models while they are ON THE JOB.  They are not suppose to be looking for or accepting jobs while ON THE job.  Especially if it is during a job that her agency placed her in.  Ethically, she should have referred you to her agency since she wouldn't have been on the job without them.

That's what I've been told by a model who does beer promos.  It's very bad taste when she's out doing promos and accepting job offers when she is suppose to be working.

It does happen though, I went to E3 and I passed out business cards to a lot of the models.  However, they didn't allow me to talk too much as they did understand their own position.  They were their representing various companies and not there to talk with photographers about taking photos.

Anyhow, what you should have done if you really wanted to work with her, you should have gotten her e-mail address.

I would not recommend contacting her through the guy she just worked with.

If you know how to find her OMP, join OMP and contact her.  Certainly you have at least one phtographer friend on OMP that may contact her on your behalf?

May 08 06 05:25 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Always be weary of contacting models while they are ON THE JOB.  They are not suppose to be looking for or accepting jobs while ON THE job.  Especially if it is during a job that her agency placed her in.  Ethically, she should have referred you to her agency since she wouldn't have been on the job without them.

I'm not really certain Pose and More is an agency as such.  their full name is Pose and More Studios.  They list themselves as offering promotions, talent & photography.  Their OMP listing and listings are as a photographer, not an agency.  So, I don't know what the heck they are.

I asked Elizabeth if she was under contract to poseandmore.  She said she used to be, but wasn't now.  Her photo gallery on poseandmore is two years old.  She mentioned she was going to Manhattan, Ks. in June for her first paid shoot with another photographer.

She asked me about a TFP/CD shoot.  I didn't ask her.  What got the conversation started in the first place was that I was carrying around more and better camera gear than the guy she was working for that day.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a business card on me to give her.

I agree that trying to reach her through pose and more is probably a waste of time.  I've been away from the professional photography business for over 20 years.  I no longer have contacts who could do me a favor and search through OMP for her.  That's why the heck I joined MM--to make new contacts and friends! ;^)

May 08 06 06:04 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Seems to me from reading this thread that the word "Agent" is synonomous with "Pimp."

May 08 06 06:12 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

SmartAz Photography wrote:
Seems to me from reading this thread that the word "Agent" is synonomous with "Pimp."

I wasn't going to go there............

May 08 06 06:53 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Photographers as agents is a stupid idea. It's basically a conflict of interest.

If you manage models and are a photographer, what photographer would want to come to you to hire models? You could bid for the jobs and clients I have. The models you control would be in my studio talking with my clients.

I wouldn't use their models if they paid me to shoot them.

May 08 06 09:00 pm Link


Miranda S

Posts: 30

Altoona, Iowa, US

I suggest you attempt to get ahold of her whatever way you think you should.  The worst that could happen is you won't get a hold of her.


May 09 06 05:08 am Link


Doug Dimler

Posts: 42

Tampa, Florida, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Always be weary of contacting models while they are ON THE JOB.  They are not suppose to be looking for or accepting jobs while ON THE job.  Especially if it is during a job that her agency placed her in.  Ethically, she should have referred you to her agency since she wouldn't have been on the job without them.

I totally agree....when the model is on the job it's unprofessional to do that. 

Jim Ball wrote:
Unfortunately, I didn't have a business card on me to give her.

Having these on you would have solved everything.  Always have them on you!  haha  I've networked everywhere and even places I wasn't wanting to network.  Sometimes people see our equipment and can't help themselves, they want to talk to you and find out more about you.  After they make that initial move, I feel it's really time to give them my card and move on.  Unless of course its the proper time to talk in more detail. 

OR she could have written something down for you or had her card.  I get that all the time at shows.  AND it looks embarrasing for the guy/girl in charge of the models when he/she has to remind them why they are there. 

(just a side note)  I know you said this model isn't with pose and more, but she was at one time..........I will never understand why there is still such an attraction for models to sign with one person/photographer/agency UNLESS that person/photographer/agency has THEIR best interest in mind.  Most if not all do NOT.  I truly applaud the models that take on their own interests in their careers at first and then if they want to sign with a big agency then fine.  But now big time models have AGENTS that book with MANY clients not agency's that they are stuck to for whatever job it is that the agency see fit. 

To really answer your question.....I don't think you should contact pose and more.  Just go to OMP and try to find her on there.  Most likely if she's a KS model AND she said she's on OMP you can find her easily and contact her that way.  If you don't know anyone with an OMP account (yeah right) then I can try to find her and I'LL give her your info!  Sheesh!!  Make a brotha photog work now!!  haha


May 09 06 09:43 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

C'mon everyone. Contact the photographer and ASK.  He can say yes or no.
He may have been a bit werid at the event but may be a nice person and the
worst he can say is no.

May 09 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

If Pose and More listed one of their services as "providing talent", they will most likely discourage this model from shooting for free with *anyone*.  At the least, they will not put you in direct contact with her.  To be quite frank, that is their job.  If an agency EVER gave out MY direct contact information without my permission, I'd fire my agent lickety-split. 

I also think you have spent too much time on this model.  There are plenty of other models out there - and many of them will have LOTS more experience (and business cards...or a pen and paper!).  If you attend these events often, DO get yourself some cards (you can get them for free online...just pay for shipping).  You will find yourself with new prospects in no time.  Why spend countless hours *looking* for someone you will likely not find anyway?

You also need to realize that her "manager" may be the one responding to her OMP/MM ads when/if you DO find her.  It's more common than you think.

Just my humble opinion.  Best of luck to you!

May 09 06 11:33 am Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

SmartAz Photography wrote:
Seems to me from reading this thread that the word "Agent" is synonomous with "Pimp."

You've noticed?

May 09 06 11:35 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Gold Rush Studio wrote:

You've noticed?

I do see the conflict of interest.  I've seen other women who list a photog as their pimp.  I think it's funny, sometimes I think I have a hard enough time to get clients -- how in the heck could I pimp out a model AND pimp myself?

My guess is that the agents' work stinks, yet they tell the model that they are something HOT and only sign them with inferior photographers.  I would also guess that at the end of the day, the photographers fingers don't smell like fixer, either.

I would think that if the MODEL said something to you at the scene, then the door is open.  She might get bitch slapped by her pimp, er, I mean photographer, er, I mean agent but she shoulda known the roolz.

May 09 06 11:45 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

moving this to general discussion.

May 09 06 12:16 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Thanks to Olaf S I now have her OMP contact info.

To address a couple ofl the points raised above:

She states on OMP that Pose and More WAS her manager (past tense)  That fits with what she told me.

Someone suggested I move on and have spent too much time searching for this model.  I've actually spent a total of maybe 30-45 minutes online, and have learned quite a bit in the process.  Even if a shoot does not develop I consider the learning experience time well spent.

This has turned int a very interesting and informative discussion!

May 09 06 12:25 pm Link