Forums > General Industry > Getting photographers to respond?



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

mica2326 wrote:
What ever happen to tfp or even the photographer paying me...?
Photographers are paid by companies, how do models get paid?   
Not everyone likes agencies...

When you have something to offer, you'll get paid for it. That's usually how it works.

Personally I don't see why you shouldn't like agencies especially when they're the ones bringing in jobs.

Apr 26 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 116

mica2326 wrote:

What ever happen to tfp or even the photographer paying me...?
Photographers are paid by companies, how do models get paid?   
Not everyone likes agencies...

everybody is being paid by the clients, the fact that the booking of a model is
being done by the photographer doesn't change the fact that the money comes from the client.

don't like agencie - it's hard to be a freelance model don't expect photographers to want to pay you - there is no resone for them to do so !

TFP - how said it will be easy ? this is though business!!!

read the ideas I wrote you a few posts above


Apr 26 06 03:19 pm Link


Louis Cayle

Posts: 2

Dallas, Texas, US

So what's the worst situation you have had due to the last minuet cancel?  I have been shooting for 3 years and only been caught off grade by this a few times.  One was while I was still in school during finals.  We had a model shoot for our final and the model called 5 minuets before the shoot to say she didn't want to do it.  The only other time it happened was a model who didn't show up or answer her phone, or email.  She just dropped off the face of the earth.  Only advice, make sure the people you are dealing with model or photographer are professional.

Apr 26 06 03:29 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

mica2326 wrote:
I saw that someone had started a conversation on "getting models to respond?" So I figured I would turn the tables...My problem is that half of the shoots I have scheduled have been cancelled, why I don't know? I am a very on time person and if I can't make it I will let you know... But photographers think that their **** don't stink and they can just not show or call when needed. Well just so the photographers know (the ones that im describing) you don't have any work without models so, lighten up and loose the attitude

Some of the models may be sending our several emails at one time, and having them picked up as spam by the servers. I request that all emails to me requesting work have the word MODELING in the subject line.  The emails with this word stands out, and is one that I will open first.

Apr 26 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 69

Columbia, South Carolina, US

It usually takes an act of congress to get a photogrpher to respond to me! And as someone said earlier, you can make plans to shoot with a photog and they never get back in touch or they might, one month or so later. Maybe in my case it is because I'm too old---I don't know. I modeled 20 years ago and thought "my age group" of women were now getting a lot of work---well I have not had ONE job since I started again 8 months ago--------I am about ready to give up and just work as a MUA--------any suggestions on women models age 42 modeling?--Fair

Apr 26 06 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 123

Beltsville, Maryland, US

What ever happen to tfp or even the photographer paying me...?

Hi Mica2326, As a photographer in your region, can I point out a couple of ideas? Yesterday I attending another marketing seminar, one of the topics was obviously about government work including contracting companies (treat the same way as government). Dress like your client - for government that means ultra-conservative. Now please don't take this the wrong way I'm trying to help. Your book comes off very "gay" & New York liberal. Wether or not the photographer, AD, CD, stylist or even the client representative likes your look the conservative nature of companies dealing with the government here in the DC region will not approve. Second do you really want to work with photographers willing to pay you for their book?  No photographer (minus a 1980's stock shooter) can pay what a national company can. It would be best for all models to work twice as much for free to improve their skill. It's not your look it is your acting talent. As for scheduling I myself am never going to turn down a shooting job to tfp a model. jeff

Apr 26 06 04:04 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I actually have a question along these lines, and while I don't want to hijack, I don't want to start a similiar thread either. Anyway....

Something that has been bothering me...

Two really, really good photographers contact me, different occasions of course. Each states he'd like to shoot and we should figure out how to make it happen (in both cases, the photographer was a 4 hour drive away). I respond with "I'd love to...let's make it happen."

Ok...first time, I left my phone number. Didn't hear from him. Wrote back a week or two later, asking if I may call him. Didn't hear back from him

Second time, different photographer, responded I'd love to shoot. Let's work it out. Didn't hear back from him. Wrote him back and stated that he's only 4 hours easy drive for me if he wants to shoot. Still no response.

WTF??? They contacted me! Was it something I said, or didn't say?? In the second case, I failed to include my number, which I usually do. Could it be that? Was it because my response was basically just as vague as their initial message??? What the heck???

Apr 26 06 04:04 pm Link


Chelly Jang

Posts: 76

Orlando, Florida, US

haha photographers dont respond back to me simply because im underage! haha thats pretty much the case for me.. which sucks!

Apr 26 06 04:25 pm Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Angel Tara wrote:
WTF??? They contacted me! Was it something I said, or didn't say?? In the second case, I failed to include my number, which I usually do. Could it be that? Was it because my response was basically just as vague as their initial message??? What the heck???

What was the arrangement?  TFP?  Paid?

Honestly, I try not to message models that are more than an hour away (unless someone really impresses me.)  Why?  Because - when I've booked shoots with models who are further away - they don't show up. 

Just my experience.

Apr 26 06 04:33 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

William Kious wrote:

What was the arrangement?  TFP?  Paid?

Honestly, I try not to message models that are more than an hour away (unless someone really impresses me.)  Why?  Because - when I've booked shoots with models who are further away - they don't show up. 

Just my experience.

There was no arrangement. I assume tfp but...

they wrote me, said basically I love your look, let's shoot. I wrote back and stated I'd love to...

that was it...

strange...see what I mean?

In terms of distance, if I have gone as far as to set up a shoot out of state, I'm damn sure going to sure up. smile But they contacted me and of course knew I was in Michigan.

My question is that was my response not the correct one??? I don't want to repeat the same mistake...

Apr 26 06 04:39 pm Link


ChrisPaul- Chrispimages

Posts: 512

Los Angeles, California, US

Angel Tara wrote:

There was no arrangement. I assume tfp but...

they wrote me, said basically I love your look, let's shoot. I wrote back and stated I'd love to...

that was it...

strange...see what I mean?

In terms of distance, if I have gone as far as to set up a shoot out of state, I'm damn sure going to sure up. smile But they contacted me and of course knew I was in Michigan.

My question is that was my response not the correct one??? I don't want to repeat the same mistake...

wasnt anything wrong with your answer maybe they just got busy... like really busy, or shot, lol. Its pretty unexplainable why they would ask to work with you and you would say you want to and they would then not reply. i mean you are you.

Apr 26 06 04:52 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

As I said before this is not a photographer vs. model issue, it's an issue of professional respect and common flippin' courtesy. 

If you are old enough to sign up on MM, you are old enough to respond to emails, even to politely let someone down... and don't be afraid of the phone either.

Apr 26 06 04:52 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Irresexy wrote:
I had few photographers that didnt respond back, Maybe because I'm too old  to work with , or they dont know what to do with me  because I'm deaf   ...They want  fresh, young , thinner, gorgeous and experience. One photographers are interested to work with me , but later he say he's busy, asked me if I want to expand my portfolio. I will have to pay him reasonable rate to shoot with me!!


If this photographer originally did not aks to be paid in cash I would blow him off. Anyone who contatcs a model/photographer should stick by what they said in the first contact withnthat person.If you were offered TFP then they should do it.  45 is not old and maybe this photographer was on of those GWCs. Physicaly challenged or any  impairments  of any kind have no bearing on how the model performs.

i am in the opinion if shoots are to be paid if the model contact the photographer they pay and if the photographer contacts the model the they should pay. However as mentioned above if any form of payment including TFCD/TFP is mentioned in the first contact the posting party should standby it.

If he wanted to shoot you he would shoot you.
Just my two cents in!!

Apr 26 06 05:10 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
We like snackies. Lots of heart clogging teeth rotting snackies,,,,,,,,,,,,and sodie pop!

fresh popped popcorn....from the cinema mmmmmmmmmm.....i will come running

Apr 26 06 05:21 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
We like snackies. Lots of heart clogging teeth rotting snackies,,,,,,,,,,,,and sodie pop!

fresh popped popcorn....from the cinema mmmmmmmmmm.....i will come running

Apr 26 06 05:22 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
We like snackies. Lots of heart clogging teeth rotting snackies,,,,,,,,,,,,and sodie pop!

fresh popped popcorn....from the cinema mmmmmmmmmm.....i will come running

Apr 26 06 05:23 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

All the shoots I was supoose to do this year so far have been set off for hopefully rescheduling. the first one the models mother was ill and needed to be taken to hospital. ok no problem. i have not heard from that model since but I do beleive I have treid to contact them.
I came down with the worst cold of my life and had to cancel.
Another was supposedly offered an interview with a Toronto agency. they have dissapered now never for me to hear from again
If I need to cancel I call  or write, I have never flaked and as mentioned we can be fairly busy or even out of town. I do my best to check my emails often but someplaces I have no internet access.

So everyone needs to be patient to a point. I mean whne you send an email today unless that person is hospitalized or worse you should expect to receive a response within a week or two.
And if possible if you only have time for a quick response do so,that way at least they know you have received the email


Apr 26 06 05:37 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Myopic Earache wrote:
As I said before this is not a photographer vs. model issue, it's an issue of professional respect and common flippin' courtesy. 

Thats right respect and courtesy

If you are old enough to sign up on MM, you are old enough to respond to emails, even to politely let someone down... and don't be afraid of the phone either.


Apr 26 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

Christopher b Smyth wrote:

If this photographer originally did not aks to be paid in cash I would blow him off. Anyone who contatcs a model/photographer should stick by what they said in the first contact withnthat person.If you were offered TFP then they should do it.  45 is not old and maybe this photographer was on of those GWCs. Physicaly challenged or any  impairments  of any kind have no bearing on how the model performs.

i am in the opinion if shoots are to be paid if the model contact the photographer they pay and if the photographer contacts the model the they should pay. However as mentioned above if any form of payment including TFCD/TFP is mentioned in the first contact the posting party should standby it.

If he wanted to shoot you he would shoot you.
Just my two cents in!!

I agree with you!

Apr 26 06 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I think there's something you need to consider here.  If a photographer doesn't understand, there could be a number of reasons

1) Maybe he's not serious about his work
2) Maybe he's just not interested in working with you
3) His schedule may be very busy at the moment and he may end up contacting you in the future, you  never know!
4) He may have had an emergency of some sort, (personal, business or whatnot) and can't get to his messages or schedule any shoots

You also have to remember how you're presenting yourself.  Do you use proper grammar, punctuation, and use of language when contacting photographers?  Are you asking to do work that they don't do, such as nudes?

Remember, photographers don't get paid just to take your pictures.  If someone has HIRED them to take pictures for a client, say the county wants to make brochures to advertise to tourists, THEN they get paid, but not just to shoot you.  It takes a lot of time, energy, and money from both sides to get things done.  Your attitude is very important and, yes, there's no work without models, although there are many to chose from; but, there is also no portfolio for a model who is demanding.

You have to remember that your expectations can't be too high.  You can't expect to get paid for a TFP shoot when you're trying to expand your portfolio.  The way I see it, if I don't need the pictures, or I know I don't like the work/want the photos, it could be a paid shoot as I'm not getting anything out of it.  But if you NEED the photos to make your portfolio, then you really can't demand money out of it.

I'd definitely try to go to an agency, though, especially if you're looking to get paid.

Apr 26 06 08:19 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

mica2326 wrote:
But photographers think that their **** don't stink and they can just not show or call when needed...

If your shit really stinks then it's probably more of a dietary concern than a professional one...

On a serious side, you have to consider a number of different dynamics.  Most photographers (ones who are worth your time) will see the relative lifespans of most models come and go in a blink of the proverbial eye.  So when a model comes along and thinks he or she is something special, many photographers are unfazed.  So that may be a part of it, maybe not. 

Granted, it's common courtesy to call and if anyone  -photographer, model, stylist, etc-  has an issue preventing attendence to the shoot that should be relayed to parties that need to know.  They could've at least provided you with that. 

Still, there are a ton of reasons why a photographer can and should cancel a shoot, weather, equipment issues just to name a couple.  Sure, you may think the photographer is brushing you off, but assume he or she shoots you under unfavorable conditions, who's at fault?  Even when the photographer isn't at fault, the photographer's at fault because in the end, that's the person pushing the shutter button and creating the picture.  Ask him or her to shoot under less than required conditions if you like, but unless you're paying you're going to find it difficult to convince them. 

Also, while saying that photographers need models might be technically accurate, you have to account for the fact that the photographer may feel that he or she just doesn't need you...

Apr 26 06 09:43 pm Link


Robbie Wolf Photography

Posts: 569

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Irresexy wrote:
I had few photographers that didnt respond back...

Ha. Would it just be silly for me to be the third person to say you need to visit sunny Arizona? smile

Apr 26 06 09:50 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

mica2326 wrote:
What ever happen to tfp or even the photographer paying me...?
Photographers are paid by companies, how do models get paid?   
Not everyone likes agencies...

Sometimes flashing a little green never hurts.  In fact, it probably helps your chances in the beginning.  So yeah, I paid the first photographer.  He was good... I needed photos....he made a few dollars... I had enough of a portfolio to at the very least get the ball rolling.  I like using this analogy when it comes to talent and the art of paying.... If you wanted Annie Liebowitz (or Bruce Weber...take your pick) to take your photo....who do you think is going to be paying who?

Apr 26 06 09:53 pm Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Angel Tara wrote:
they wrote me, said basically I love your look, let's shoot. I wrote back and stated I'd love to...

that was it...

strange...see what I mean?

In terms of distance, if I have gone as far as to set up a shoot out of state, I'm damn sure going to sure up. smile But they contacted me and of course knew I was in Michigan.

My question is that was my response not the correct one??? I don't want to repeat the same mistake...

I'm not sure there is a correct response.  If they can't muster the decency to write back, then walk away.

Apr 28 06 12:31 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
We like snackies. Lots of heart clogging teeth rotting snackies,,,,,,,,,,,,and sodie pop!

Yeah, NEVER get between a photographer and food!

Apr 28 06 12:59 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Joe Kozlowski wrote:

Move to Arizona! I'd work with you in a heart beat!

don't listen to them!  You can't trust those guys in Arizona.

You can trust me, though.  I'm originally from Las Vegas -- and I was a member of the media (who else is there to trust?).

Apr 28 06 01:02 am Link


Giselle P

Posts: 27

Houston, Alaska, US

One photographer seemed to be interesting in shooting with me (TFP/CD),
then I mailed him a few more questions regarding the shoot and did not get any response for 2 weeks.
Well after two weeks he mails back and answers all the questions, and also writes that  it would take him around two weeks to  to give me the images.

I'm definitely hesitant to work with him now, since it took so long to answer me.
I know that these are only implied assumptions made by me, but if he cannot
email me in an  adequate time frame, how will it be with the prints?
It doesn't bother me though, since there are so many other great photographers smile

Apr 28 06 01:35 am Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

SmartAz Photography wrote:

Yeah, NEVER get between a photographer and food!

Yes bring lots of junk food please and corn on the cob,
Glamour don't eat too much lol
always helps when someone adds a laugh .

Laughter is the best medicine they say

Apr 29 06 06:16 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Giselle Dee wrote:
One photographer seemed to be interesting in shooting with me (TFP/CD),
then I mailed him a few more questions regarding the shoot and did not get any response for 2 weeks.
Well after two weeks he mails back and answers all the questions, and also writes that  it would take him around two weeks to  to give me the images.

I'm definitely hesitant to work with him now, since it took so long to answer me.
I know that these are only implied assumptions made by me, but if he cannot
email me in an  adequate time frame, how will it be with the prints?
It doesn't bother me though, since there are so many other great photographers smile

If this was a photographer who does not make his /her living through photography
such as me it can take sometime to reply. My job often takes me out of town and often I have no time or no internet access. So yes it could take time to answer for various reasons ,this goes for model and photographer. Ilness, death (hope not).

It can also be said of one who does make his living this way and may be extremely busy or doinga shoot ona remote island where internet is not available.

I am going to type up a letter telling about all the sites I am on , the passwords ,etc. It will be addressed to my children to open upon my death or severe/terminal ilness that wil prevent me from contacitng and working with the people I have contacted. This way hopefuly they wil take the time to inform everyone on all sites what has happened to me.

I recently received a reply to a letter on the 15th of April.The moel replied yesterday the 28th.

Better late than never!!

Apr 29 06 06:32 pm Link