Forums > General Industry > Getting photographers to respond?



Posts: 46

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I saw that someone had started a conversation on "getting models to respond?" So I figured I would turn the tables...My problem is that half of the shoots I have scheduled have been cancelled, why I don't know? I am a very on time person and if I can't make it I will let you know... But photographers think that their **** don't stink and they can just not show or call when needed. Well just so the photographers know (the ones that im describing) you don't have any work without models so, lighten up and loose the attitude

Apr 25 06 09:44 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Offer money.

Understand you are a Male model.

Apr 25 06 09:49 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

MHana wrote:
Offer money.

Understand you are a Male model.

We get no respect. LOL

Apr 25 06 11:01 pm Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

I had few photographers that didnt respond back, Maybe because I'm too old  to work with , or they dont know what to do with me  because I'm deaf   ...They want  fresh, young , thinner, gorgeous and experience. One photographers are interested to work with me , but later he say he's busy, asked me if I want to expand my portfolio. I will have to pay him reasonable rate to shoot with me!!


Apr 25 06 11:22 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

We like snackies. Lots of heart clogging teeth rotting snackies,,,,,,,,,,,,and sodie pop!

Apr 25 06 11:24 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Looks like just under 2 hours to get the first photographer to respond to just the post. LOL

Apr 25 06 11:26 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Irresexy wrote:
I had few photographers that didnt respond back, Maybe because I'm too old  to work with , or they dont know what to do with me  because I'm deaf   ...They want  fresh, young , thinner, gorgeous and experience. One photographers are interested to work with me , but later he say he's busy, asked me if I want to expand my portfolio. I will have to pay him reasonable rate to shoot with me!!


Not me darling, I just want models that show up.

Apr 26 06 12:06 am Link


James S

Posts: 1103

Spokane Valley, Washington, US

I've responded to every model who has contacted me, either through MM or some other site.

Apr 26 06 12:10 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:

We get no respect. LOL

it is all most BUT impossible for me to get any mails to photo thus why i have soooooo many females in my port

Apr 26 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Me too - although sometimes it may take a few hours - especially as after Katrina every time it rains here in New Orleans we loose the power - and therefore the internet - big time irritating...=8^)

Apr 26 06 12:20 am Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think there are two camps of non-responders.

- Group A is the newbie model. They tend to be overwhelmed with requests from all kinds of photographers (but mostly newbies looking for TFP). They either don't know how to filter the requests, or weren't entirely serious about modelling in the first place. They signed up for the fun of it.  By contrast, newbie photographers don't get ANY email.  smile

- Group B is the experienced model or photographer.  After having done countless shoots, they immediately filter emails or requests that sound insincere or a waste of time.  For example, a photographer may post a casting call with an extensive amount of information and specific instructions for models to apply for that call.  Time and again, newbie models respond with 'im interested send info'.  Similarly in group B, a model may have a very complete portfolio which clearly defines what she wants to do, and yet some photographers write and rudely insist they pose outside of their desired areas.

There are probably other groups, but I think these are the biggest. 

I was very pleased just recently when a model sent me a very polite decline on a casting opportunity. She could have simply ended our message thread discussing it, but she put closure to it by turning it down. I like that. It gives certainty, and when someone doesn't respond it creates doubt and makes it hard to schedule.

Apr 26 06 12:20 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

For the most part I've been pretty lucky.  The photographers that I've talked to on this site have been highly professional and have made a substantial effort on their part to either a) formulate a working relationship or b) politely decline without being crass.  These are photographers that I've either contacted myself or that have contacted me. 

On the other hand, the place where I have had problems has been the casting calls.  I try to personally respond to each call through the pm system as opposed to simply leaving a "hey, I'm interested".  I think this effort on my part deserves at least a "thanks but not thanks" instead of a blind no-response.  Mind you this doesn't happen everytime (a recent person who'll go unnamed... thanks again for the response, it was great chatting and I'm sorry that things didn't work out) but this seems to be a constant. 

But, even though I've been a pusher here in the forums for a heightened level of responsibility and professionalism when it comes to responses, it is something that you learn to deal with here.  It happens, it is going to continue to happen, and you move past it.  You can chose your battles and focus on the positives (the fact that there are some great photographers out there willing to shoot males) or make a rant on a public forum.  Personally, I choose option A.

Apr 26 06 12:47 am Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Brandon Smith wrote:
For the most part I've been pretty lucky.  The photographers that I've talked to on this site have been highly professional and have made a substantial effort on their part to either a) formulate a working relationship or b) politely decline without being crass.  These are photographers that I've either contacted myself or that have contacted me. 

On the other hand, the place where I have had problems has been the casting calls.  I try to personally respond to each call through the pm system as opposed to simply leaving a "hey, I'm interested".  I think this effort on my part deserves at least a "thanks but not thanks" instead of a blind no-response.  Mind you this doesn't happen everytime (a recent person who'll go unnamed... thanks again for the response, it was great chatting and I'm sorry that things didn't work out) but this seems to be a constant. 

But, even though I've been a pusher here in the forums for a heightened level of responsibility and professionalism when it comes to responses, it is something that you learn to deal with here.  It happens, it is going to continue to happen, and you move past it.  You can chose your battles and focus on the positives (the fact that there are some great photographers out there willing to shoot males) or make a rant on a public forum.  Personally, I choose option A.

I sometimes wonder if being vocal in the forums affects our abilty to work with one another.  There was a post at one time asking if the other persons politics would effect you working with them. I wonder...

Apr 26 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Generaly, i get responces from most of the people i write to.
Now how quickly they respond--another story! Sometimes i wont
get a responce for a solid month and that realy ticks me off .

Another problem i see , is: say they DO respond..they have this inconsievable inability to set a date when i ask for one. Say we can figure a date out, ill get flat responces like " Sure we should shoot. [insert date here], see you there!" And nothing else. No offense but ....FUSTRATING. lol

Apr 26 06 12:56 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

markcomp wrote:
I sometimes wonder if being vocal in the forums affects our abilty to work with one another.  There was a post at one time asking if the other persons politics would effect you working with them. I wonder...

Not to make it about me..... HAHA!

I honestly wonder myself from time to time about that and in the end I'd hope that my courtesy and honesty in the forums (rather than blasting someone) would give me brownie points with someone whom I might be interested in working with (and vice versa). 

However, on the other hand, I think my presence in the forums has given me a bit more exposure to those that may be looking for someone like myself.

Apr 26 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

I've had a few who don't remain in contact after discussing a potential shoot or show up late. Drives me crazy because I've never flaked nor have I showed up late.

Apr 26 06 01:00 am Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Brandon Smith wrote:

Not to make it about me..... HAHA!

I honestly wonder myself from time to time about that and in the end I'd hope that my courtesy and honesty in the forums (rather than blasting someone) would give me brownie points with someone whom I might be interested in working with (and vice versa). 

However, on the other hand, I think my presence in the forums has given me a bit more exposure to those that may be looking for someone like myself.

Not to put to fine a point on it but I have read your posts.  I am the conservative religious right and you are...well, not.  But that would not stop me from shooting with you because you seem to be serious about what you want to do and so am I.  There are some however that I hope never contact me. lol

Apr 26 06 01:02 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

markcomp wrote:
Not to put to fine a point on it but I have read your posts.  I am the conservative religious right and you are...well, not.  But that would not stop me from shooting with you because you seem to be serious about what you want to do and so am I.  There are some however that I hope never contact me. lol

Hey are you trying to tell me something?  HAHA!  I'm only kidding.  I'll admit to that and I would completely understand if someone were to chose that as a reason for not working with me.  It is their perogative and I've got no place to criticize that.  However, I'd hope that those who were using that as a basis would be more objective in their decisions, choosing instead to base it upon my qualifications for the task at hand. 

I do agree, though, that there are people whom I would hope never to contact me.  (Unless it is for some high paying GQ-esque type of job! HAHA!)

Apr 26 06 01:08 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:

We get no respect. LOL

Jay, you have email.

I've respectfully requested we reschedule our shoot this Thursday as I've been offered to shoot the cover of NW FightScene™ Magazine on Thursday in Kirkland close to the same time we are scheduled to shoot in west Seattle.


Apr 26 06 01:36 am Link



Posts: 6

Yuma, Arizona, US

Looks like alot of good comments from both sides of the business.  As a new member to MM, But a published photographger for a living since 1983 I am inclined to add my two cents. 

The problems both the models and photographers are commenting on here have been the same problems I have heard all of my career fom models and fellw photographers.  With the speed of the internet these days is just seems to amplify the problem quicker. 

I know as a photographer who makes a living off having my work published in the magazines, I respond to any model E-Mail I get, wether I would like to work with them or don't have a market I respond to try to help them and give them an answer as soon as I can.  However due to the season, business and location work, this reply might take a few days.

As for the Models, some I get replies from and others never respond.  To me I take the non reply as a not interested and move on in business.  I take no offence if the model changes their mind in the future, it's business and might not have been their market at the time.  Business and markets change?  Business is about opening doors and leaving them open for more business, not closing the door!

As far as getting less work due to posting?  I hope it has not arrived at that point for the models or photographers yet.  The posts are great for all to read and maybe learn somthing from, gaining a better understanding of the current market.

I do agree with the comments that Male models and older Female models have a tougher market!  That is the nature of the industry and it has always been that way.  The market is there it is just smaller in size and takes more work to get it. 

As a photographer though I will help any model Male or Female develop their portfolio no matter their age, as a TFCD shoot.  My goal since 1983 for models has been to help them gain their market goal, and then we can achieve more work together and both make money.....

Apr 26 06 01:38 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I know this is no defence, but...

Because my email addresses are displayed on quite a few sites, I get around two hundred emails a day, thanks to those damn bots.  And that's with a spam filter.  A lot of the stuff can be deleted straight away, because of the subject line, but the spammers are getting cleverer, and I'm finding I actually have to open more and more of them before binning them.

Depending on the mood I'm in, and the number of spam emails I've opened by mistake, unless the email contains an attachment (a model's photo), or the subject is obvious, then it's likely that some emails from models will go in the bin.  I always ask for a photo to be attached to a model's email, even though some models include links to websites, because I often don't get the time to go hunting for pics, so I don't feel too bad if I miss an email because it doesn't include a pic.

I can't pretend I get much stuff in my inbox on MM, and I do try to respond to everything, but sometimes, just sometimes, I can't be bothered.  I know it doesn't take a minute to do a 'Thanks but no thanks' email, but I might've done ten already today, and I might have something better to do.  And you're less likely to get a reply if you don't fit my critera for models.

Being vain, I always reply to other photographers who comment on my work.

I have to say that not many UK based models take part in the forums, so I can't say that I'd be swayed by their attitudes on here.  But I certainly wouldn't want to work with a good many of the weirdoes who express very some very strange opinions, and reveal more about themselves than they realise, in the forums.

Apr 26 06 01:44 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Irresexy wrote:
I had few photographers that didnt respond back, Maybe because I'm too old  to work with , or they dont know what to do with me  because I'm deaf   ...They want  fresh, young , thinner, gorgeous and experience. One photographers are interested to work with me , but later he say he's busy, asked me if I want to expand my portfolio. I will have to pay him reasonable rate to shoot with me!!


Not me...I would love to shoot you.. if we were closer..

Apr 26 06 06:22 am Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

markcomp wrote:

Not me darling, I just want models that show up.

Apr 26 06 10:57 am Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

markcomp wrote:

Not me darling, I just want models that show up.

I would show up on time! I'm very committed to my work

Apr 26 06 10:58 am Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

AndrewG wrote:

Not me...I would love to shoot you.. if we were closer..

aww ..thanks we might cross the path someday!

Apr 26 06 11:00 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Irresexy wrote:

I would show up on time! I'm very committed to my work

Move to Arizona! I'd work with you in a heart beat!

Apr 26 06 11:04 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Corena wrote:
I've had a few who don't remain in contact after discussing a potential shoot or show up late. Drives me crazy because I've never flaked nor have I showed up late.

It's their loss Corena!   smile  smile  smile

Apr 26 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 37

Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

Joe Kozlowski wrote:

Move to Arizona! I'd work with you in a heart beat!

Love to !

Apr 26 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 558

Irresexy wrote:
I will have to pay him reasonable rate to shoot with me!!

I'm on the wrong side of the pond but I'd love to shoot you.

Apr 26 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

mica2326 wrote:
But photographers think that their **** don't stink and they can just not show or call when needed.

and you wondering why they aren't responding?

Apr 26 06 11:32 am Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

mica2326 wrote:
My problem is that half of the shoots I have scheduled have been cancelled, why I don't know?

Models AND photographers are prone to flakiness.  I think both sides have a tendency to take on too many projects at once.

mica2326 wrote:
But photographers think that their **** don't stink and they can just not show or call when needed.

The same thing can be said of many models.

mica2326 wrote:
Well just so the photographers don't have any work without models

Same goes for models.  I think both "camps" should be less adversarial but ego tends to get in the way of that.

Apr 26 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

If you ever make it to Florida look me up as I wold love to shoot with such a beautiful, vibrant, and sexy woman like yourself! I won't cancel either!

Nic smile

Apr 26 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Thats a first for me, I guess it runs both ways.

Apr 26 06 11:40 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

I think as long as people are honest communicators and open to compromise we should all be fine. Theres nothing wrong with declining an invitation to shoot as long as you are polite. Ignoring someone is unprofessional for models and photographers.

Apr 26 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

Flakiness has nothing to do with being a model or a photographer. There are flaky people in every part of life. As this site and profession grows and the longer you are in it, the more flakes you will encounter, just as in life.
Unfortunately, everyone doesn't have the same work ethics. And, it always saddens me when the flakes are the ones with the best pics in their ports.

Apr 26 06 11:49 am Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

I am a professional, so my income depends on responding to to inquiries and/or request.

PLUS....I answer the PHONE!!!!


Apr 26 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 116

here are my 2 cents

the market for male models is very small, just look at mag's
and even when there is an ad that has a male model in it it usually contains a female model as well so..

1.try to find a female model that would do a couple shoot with you.

In TFCD/TFP shoots the most annoying thing is to start and looking for a MUA/stylist how would work for free

2.find those PPL and it would be a lot harder for a photographer to say no.

3.think of ideas for images and show the photog you are serious about working together.

hope that helps

Apr 26 06 11:55 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
I think as long as people are honest communicators and open to compromise we should all be fine. Theres nothing wrong with declining an invitation to shoot as long as you are polite. Ignoring someone is unprofessional for models and photographers.

I agree with this.  Courtesy is a low cost way to insure the integrity of your business.  I think far too often people are very short sided and think that ignoring contact requests is the best way to handle things.  The problem with ignoring requests is that it sends a message that could be construed as arrogant. 

If photographer (or model) receives so many requests each day that they can't possibly respond to each one personally, than they should make a simple cut-n-paste response paragraph that courteously says "thanks, but no thanks".  You never know when the person you ignored on a TFP request turns out to be a paying client or has influence with a person you want to do business with.

Apr 26 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 116

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
I think as long as people are honest communicators and open to compromise we should all be fine. Theres nothing wrong with declining an invitation to shoot as long as you are polite. Ignoring someone is unprofessional for models and photographers.

that is very much true !

Apr 26 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 46

Miami Beach, Florida, US

MHana wrote:
Offer money.

Understand you are a Male model.

What ever happen to tfp or even the photographer paying me...?
Photographers are paid by companies, how do models get paid?   
Not everyone likes agencies...

Apr 26 06 02:30 pm Link