Forums > General Industry > Is it in bad taste?



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

To frame and hang your own work in your home?

It's not an ego thing.. It's entirely practical..  My room mate may be moving out soon..  If that happens.. While all the furniture in the apartment is mine, all the wall decoration is hers..  And bare walls are butt ugly..

I can't really afford to buy art, and I think at least a couple of my pictures would look nice (although I have the problem of not wanting to make prints because nothing I do photography-wise ever quite feels "finished" to me..)

But I don't know.. Is it just weird?  For that matter if you're a model, would you feel awkward knowing one of your photogs had your picture up in their home?

Apr 24 06 02:01 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Don't feel ashamed to be proud of your work.  People hang pictures of themselves up, and they didn't even take them.  Just be ready to explain yourself if your subjects ever visit.

Apr 24 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 98


Apr 24 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I think that is fine taste. My artwork hangs everywhere in my house. And that is because I enjoy it! I like the way it looks, and can't really bear to get rid of it. So better to hang it up than have it sit in the back of a dark closet somewhere. (Besides, a 3'x4' piece just can't sit in the back of a closet!)

Show yourself off!

Apr 24 06 02:10 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

I hang my work in one room, my wife's work in another and a combination of our work throughout the rest of the house.  If the place is yours, you're proud of the images and you need something on the walls, why not put up your own work.

Apr 24 06 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

That's the next thing I'd have to figure out is size.. With an 8MP camera how big can I go.. And for that matter how big do I want to go..?

Anyway, thanks for the support..  Next step would be picking the stuff I like enough to put up..

(Also happy to take suggestions there..  My general port - people, landscapes, and otherwise.. Is at

And, no.. I don't consider most of it wall worthy..

Apr 24 06 02:16 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

I think context is everything. If the work is artistic (at least by my own definition) I would hang it in my house. Since I live with my girlfriend, who I adore and think walks on water, I wouldn't do something dumbass like hanging a glamour nude in the bedroom. But given who she is, and who I am, it wouldn't be surprising to find my work in different locations in the house.

Other people feel differently -- a former girlfriend was ragingly jealous of the work I did with models -- she was sure we were boinking every chance we got (We weren't). In that case, I did the RIGHT thing -- I kept my art, and dumped the girlfriend.


Apr 24 06 02:17 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

WG Rowland wrote:
That's the next thing I'd have to figure out is size.. With an 8MP camera how big can I go.. And for that matter how big do I want to go..?

It really depends on the image and a lot of variables. I have a lot of work I've shot of models printed at 13 x 19 -- and I shot it with a 4MP Canon 1D. It looks KILLER.

So I would say, 8x10 is easy, 11 x 14 will work with almost all images, and you can do 13 x 19 and 16 x 20s without a prob with a surprisingly large number of images.

Personally, I think "Big" starts at 13 x 19. Framed up right, they look really impressive.  11 x 14s are good too, but 13 x 19 feels luxurious.


Apr 24 06 02:21 pm Link


Lion Heart Studio

Posts: 33

Nine Mile River, Nova Scotia, Canada

My house is full of photographs I have taken, and some that were taken of me. it's your art, be broud of it and let anyone who visits see it.

Apr 24 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

bang bang photo wrote:

It really depends on the image and a lot of variables. I have a lot of work I've shot of models printed at 13 x 19 -- and I shot it with a 4MP Canon 1D. It looks KILLER.

So I would say, 8x10 is easy, 11 x 14 will work with almost all images, and you can do 13 x 19 and 16 x 20s without a prob with a surprisingly large number of images.

Personally, I think "Big" starts at 13 x 19. Framed up right, they look really impressive.  11 x 14s are good too, but 13 x 19 feels luxurious.


Thanks, Paul.. BTW.. LOVE your avatar..

Apr 24 06 02:25 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

I have a half dozen paintings, but I also have a couple of portraits and 8 landscapes of mine hung kn my walls. They are professionally mounted and framed however.

Apr 24 06 02:32 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

If you are talking webcam photos of your own genitals... then, yeah, bad taste... wink

Apr 24 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Lens N Light wrote:
I have a half dozen paintings, but I also have a couple of portraits and 8 landscapes of mine hung kn my walls. They are professionally mounted and framed however.

Yes, framing and mounting are another issue that's held me back..  I'm kind of clueless on what goes into it, except i know when it's badly done..

Apr 24 06 02:36 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Not at all.
I felt like you did at one time.For YEARS I felt it was bragging and being pompous to do such a thing.
Then two things changed my mind
1 being how some of my , what I call, good stuff looked after I saw it printed for the first time about 3-4 years ago.

The second being, I was not wanting to hang it because I shot it, but because I liked the shot or it brought a specific memory to mind each time I saw it.
You should see my computer room walls! 8x10s, 13x19s, 11x17s, 16x20s allover the place.
Most of them are actually of the model who I consider my muse. The model who I happened to find at a local bus stop who I and my fiance became great friends with and is the subject of my best art nudes to this day. She knows she is allover my computer room walls and is completely flattered. Almost got teary eyed that someone thought she was frame and hang worthy.

Get out your hammer and frame hanging kits and go at it!

Apr 24 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
You should see my computer room walls! 8x10s, 13x19s, 11x17s, 16x20s allover the place.

Take a pic and post it!

Apr 24 06 02:44 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Yes, framing and mounting are another issue that's held me back..  I'm kind of clueless on what goes into it, except i know when it's badly done..

You can go the simple route. Buy a matt pre made with the same size hole as the image,buy a frame big enough for the matt,tape the picture to the matt and put it into the frame and hang it
Or, go the more detailed route and make them archivally matted and framed. Buy a matt cutter and make your own matts,acid nuetral adhesives and such.Which is what I do. I am a hands on freak though.

Apr 24 06 02:45 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

area291 wrote:

Take a pic and post it!

I would have to clean it up first,lol. It is usually spotless in here but over the last month I have spent a lot of time in here printing for one cafe showing, an exhibit, art magazine submission, framing, making a general mess,lol.

Apr 24 06 02:47 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Another good reason for matting, framing and hanging stuff on your walls is if you do a cafe showing or something like that, just grab stuff off the walls and take it in and hang it there.

Apr 24 06 02:49 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

I've always been told to hang my own work in my home and studio - never have - always the work of others, like Ruth Bernhard - there went 80K - 100K because of Katrina - Eva Rubenstein, others ..=*^)

Never my own - never had a "need" for it - fro some reason I don't look much at my own work once it's finished and especially printed - as only a fraction of my work is..

By the way - just uploaded a new image to my page - warning - definitely not worksafe..=*^)

Apr 24 06 02:49 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

ChristerArt wrote:
I've always been told to hang my own work in my home and studio - never have - always the work of others, like Ruth Bernhard - there went 80K - 100K because of Katrina - Eva Rubenstein, others ..=*^)

Never my own - never had a "need" for it - fro some reason I don't look much at my own work once it's finished and especially printed - as only a fraction of my work is..

By the way - just uploaded a new image to my page - warning - definitely not worksafe..=*^)

I hope you had some sort of insurance on them?And hey, isnt ruth the one who did a lot of beautiful art nudes and still lives in the bay area? Or is she the one who did a lot of the 40s and 50s construction shots and such?

Apr 24 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

ChristerArt wrote:
I've always been told to hang my own work in my home and studio - never have - always the work of others, like Ruth Bernhard - there went 80K - 100K because of Katrina - Eva Rubenstein, others ..=*^)

Never my own - never had a "need" for it - fro some reason I don't look much at my own work once it's finished and especially printed - as only a fraction of my work is..

By the way - just uploaded a new image to my page - warning - definitely not worksafe..=*^)

You're right.. Not worksafe.. Interesting, but not worksafe..  Is the shifting contrast on the edges lighting or post processing?

Apr 24 06 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

If it tastes bad ... swallow fast !!


Apr 24 06 03:03 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Pro framing is nice and all -- I personally put my $$$ elsewhere. If you have an IKEA store near you, they have a wide range of very elegant and artistic frames, supplied with precut mattes. VERY inexpensive. I've used a couple of dozen of them, and am very happy with the results.

Apr 24 06 03:32 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

i think it is wonderful to be so proud of your work that you want to hang it in your home. i certainly have paintings of mine on my walls, and i have never heard anything but positive from viewers. a model...well..i have been tempted but think it is a wee bit too narcissistic to have my photos hanging in the house tongue

Apr 24 06 04:07 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Phoenix E wrote:
i think it is wonderful to be so proud of your work that you want to hang it in your home. i certainly have paintings of mine on my walls, and i have never heard anything but positive from viewers. a model...well..i have been tempted but think it is a wee bit too narcissistic to have my photos hanging in the house tongue

If I could afford it I wouldn't mind having your "by david rolin" hanging in my house.. That's just NICE..

Apr 24 06 04:12 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

WG Rowland wrote:

If I could afford it I wouldn't mind having your "by david rolin" hanging in my house.. That's just NICE..

wow...thank you very much. i know that david has sold a few of those prints (one within two days of it being posted on here)....i don't know pricing, but you should ask him...he's super nice.

Apr 24 06 04:17 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Phoenix E wrote: a model...well..i have been tempted but think it is a wee bit too narcissistic to have my photos hanging in the house tongue

If it is ok for the photographer, why not the model? you and he made the image together.

Apr 24 06 04:21 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
If it is ok for the photographer, why not the model? you and he made the image together.

okay, yes, you're right--there are exceptions to my comment....
for example, this image, by perry gallagher, will be hanging above my couch the second he gets the couch sized print to me......

[pic pulled]

Apr 24 06 05:27 pm Link


Garald Todd

Posts: 67

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I've done 4x5 with my 20d (Feet, not inches) and it held up remarkably well.

And hanging art up.. Well, both my fiance and I are photographers so we have a LOT of work up. We collect as it is so we're slowely replacing stuff here and there with others work. It makes great place holders until you start picking up other stuff smile.

Archinofsky Gallery

Apr 24 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

life-size self-portraits might be a little odd.  otherwise, no.

Apr 24 06 06:56 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Phoenix E wrote:

Beautiful photograph. I assume there is some optical illusion from Photo shop?

Apr 24 06 07:02 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

My wife gets on me all the time because I won't hang my work at home.  I just don't like anything on my walls.  In bad taste though? Nah, if you like your work its cool.

Apr 24 06 07:03 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Beautiful photograph. I assume there is some optical illusion from Photo shop?

not at all except the blurring of the edges....i am actually hanging from the tree in a tube of nylon--a fetus/a coccoon

Apr 24 06 07:06 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

I have a hallway in my house that is a gallery of my work.  Since I work out of my house (where my photography is concerned) I see nothing wrong with having a place where you can showcase what you shot.  It is more of a practical thing than it is an ego thing. Although, I suppose there is some egotistical element as well.  But so what?

Apr 24 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Phoenix E wrote:

not at all except the blurring of the edges....i am actually hanging from the tree in a tube of nylon--a fetus/a coccoon

edit end resize the photo  - you are messing the margins.

I thought it was a chicken hanging there!

Apr 24 06 09:01 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

It's your place, isn't it?  You're free to hang up whatever you want.  Besides, if you have people over and they really like it, I'm sure they'd be impressed to here it was your own work.

Apr 24 06 10:19 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

edit end resize the photo  - you are messing the margins.

I thought it was a chicken hanging there!

i don't want to have to repost it somewhere....i can just pull it biggie smile

and gee, thanks

Apr 24 06 10:38 pm Link


Frank Blau

Posts: 1814

Seattle, Washington, US

Mine is up all over my house too.

I like being able to show them... although my wife sometimes wishes that there weren't so many of her!


Apr 24 06 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

bang bang photo wrote:
but 13 x 19 feels luxurious.

I don't know why but that tickled me something serious.

Apr 25 06 12:50 am Link


k duske

Posts: 106

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

WG Rowland wrote:
To frame and hang your own work in your home?

It's not an ego thing.. It's entirely practical..  My room mate may be moving out soon..  If that happens.. While all the furniture in the apartment is mine, all the wall decoration is hers..  And bare walls are butt ugly..

I can't really afford to buy art, and I think at least a couple of my pictures would look nice (although I have the problem of not wanting to make prints because nothing I do photography-wise ever quite feels "finished" to me..)

But I don't know.. Is it just weird?  For that matter if you're a model, would you feel awkward knowing one of your photogs had your picture up in their home?

i dont think so but i have a hard time putting my paintings etc up some tiems but also some times its a good way to store things but here is a fun idea trade with other artists who you are frequent with and like and who like your work

Apr 25 06 01:14 am Link