Forums > General Industry > What do YOU find attractive?


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

Ok so we all know that the average fashion model is underweight. Sometimes in shows I see girls with large gaps between their thighs, pelvic bones sticking out, and no behind. My question to photogs and stylists, is this something that you actually find attractive or is it just that it's an industry standard or what the client wants? (not hating on skinny models, just want to know your opinions)

Apr 17 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Christina Ilise wrote:
Ok so we all know that the average fashion model is underweight.

ughh..they are usually just the right weight, for fashion...

Apr 17 06 10:48 am Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:

ughh..they are usually just the right weight, for fashion...

yeah i know that. that's not the point. just looking for someone to answer the question at hand.

Apr 17 06 10:52 am Link


Modell T

Posts: 767

San Diego, California, US

the more photographers I come in contact with...the more I find out about those skinny models that are making it...
seems many of them have eating disorders or are drug users....very sad...although I struggle with getting thinner and more "fit" to fit into mainstream society...regardless of whether I'm "model-material" or not.
And, yes, at some point, women just need to accept their bodies for what they are...and what they can do to maintain or make them look and feel better...
Interesting question you have posted!


Apr 17 06 10:54 am Link



Posts: 455

Clearwater, Florida, US

Its a shame people got away from what models are, just clothes hangers and nothing else, why the super model thing exists is a mystery to me,How they wear clothes is what matters not how the look, and you have to remember clothes hangers are wires,and also beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  What your modeling for is how your look comes into play, example biker chicks are not thin so if your modeling for a bike  bustier is better , you can figure out the rest ,

Apr 17 06 10:55 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Style Syndicate NYC

Posts: 24

Mount Vernon, New York, US

As a stylist I look to reflect what I actually see in real way in a hi fashion concept !! small boney models do nothing for my work!!

Apr 17 06 10:56 am Link



Posts: 173

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

What do I find attractive?  I'd have to say that there is something attractive in just about everyone, and the real joy of the photographer or artist is to bring that out.  I was glad to see T's reply, by the way.  She is one fantastic lady.  And I heartily agree with the idea of each woman learning to accept and value her own uniqueness and not try to fit some stereotype, especially an unrealistic one.

Apr 17 06 11:02 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Well, I know you didn't ask for models' opinions, but, I find the fashion model look attractive. Perhaps not in a sexual way, but they have a certain allure to them. Maybe I am biased because I have been underweight since probably middle school (which I have come to accept as my normal size). But I like the look of the hip bones, etc. I don't know who is or is not on drugs or anorexic, and I care not to speculate about it. They are beautiful to me.

Apr 17 06 11:32 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

It's a two-sided question.  What people personally find attractive and what looks attractive on the high-fashion runway can be two entirely different things.  Skinny models show clothes off well. - They also carry a subliminal marketing message to the consumer that "you will look thinner if you buy these clothes".  - Thinness is associated with youth.  Clothing designers often want to sell more than the clothes. - If they can deliver the perception of eternal youth to their customers, then they have a higher chance of achieving a sales success.

Up close and personal, I think people appreciate the finer details of well toned but filled out body shapes.  Look at the Victoria's Secret models. - They are typically more full-figured than the average high-fashion runway model.

Apr 17 06 11:47 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Angel Tara wrote:
Well, I know you didn't ask for models' opinions, but, I find the fashion model look attractive. Perhaps not in a sexual way, but they have a certain allure to them. Maybe I am biased because I have been underweight since probably middle school. But I like the look of the hip bones, etc. I don't know who is or is not on drugs or anorexic, and I care not to speculate about it. They are beautiful to me.

I agree with Angel T, fashion models look stunning in clothing, but in everyday gear they look terrible. When they're made up they have a certain allure about them, but not in a sexual way. One thing though, this whole thread is kind of implying that fashion models are ugly, when many fashion models aren't. Anyway, on a fashion mode, i adore the pelvic bones, but not much else. Oh and the necks. I personally prefer looking at "heavier" fashion models such as Carmen Kass or Daria W. Two of my favourites.

Apr 17 06 11:55 am Link


Gypsy Doll

Posts: 25

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

This is an excellent point. Having suffered with anorexia and bulimia for many years as a teenager, ive finally come to terms with the fact that i am not naturally a size 6. but i still love the look of hip bones and jaunty angles, and i think that this look will always be sought after on the catwalk. However, ive been harshly criticised by photographers and models alike on certain recent images taken emphasising my bone structure. Its all a matter of personal opinion i guess, but personally i do find skinny models attractive.

Apr 17 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Back to focus, not sure if you meant general or specific. In general I have alway been attracted to thiner girls. In specifics, the under curve of a womans breast, I think that is far more inticing than clevage.

Apr 17 06 12:08 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Gypsy Doll wrote:
This is an excellent point. Having suffered with anorexia and bulimia for many years as a teenager, ive finally come to terms with the fact that i am not naturally a size 6. but i still love the look of hip bones and jaunty angles, and i think that this look will always be sought after on the catwalk. However, ive been harshly criticised by photographers and models alike on certain recent images taken emphasising my bone structure. Its all a matter of personal opinion i guess, but personally i do find skinny models attractive.

I don't think it will always be like this. Its a trend in the industry right now, just like the thicker "supermodels"(crawford,campbell,turlington) of the 90's were in and heroin chic b4 that or after i cant remember.

Apr 17 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

I find that models who are thin but have vicious curves or models my size..which i am describing everyday females...not thin, bone sticking models, attractive...

Yes tru in high fashion these models look awesome in clothing because overall most of time it isnt about the model its about the clothing..but making clothing that will make you "look thin" is quite my in my honst opinion. But that how the industry works.. I believe that  curves, big or small, will always make clothes look more appealing than straight up and down women n clothing...

So me being who I am and excepting my body for what it is and not drastically changing it for any one person, I would say that what i think is beautiful is a model/women, big or small who has very sexy curves and looks bone sticking collarbones pokin atcha...but a healthy beautiful curvy healthy women...

Apr 17 06 12:20 pm Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

Christina Ilise wrote:
Ok so we all know that the average fashion model is underweight. Sometimes in shows I see girls with large gaps between their thighs, pelvic bones sticking out, and no behind. My question to photogs and stylists, is this something that you actually find attractive or is it just that it's an industry standard or what the client wants? (not hating on skinny models, just want to know your opinions)

Actually, I've seen plenty of fahion models with great butts and beautifully perky and proportioned boobs for their frame size. Plus, wuth the low rise phase still going strong, the hip bone is being considered the new cleavage.

Do I find it attractive? Hell Yes! big_smile

Apr 17 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

So I guess that starving people in other countries are attractive because they have thier hip bones showing as well...and thier collar bones and ribs....

To each thier own, but look like that as a model kinda, in mine eyes, makes a mockery of people who actually look like that due to starvation or a disease that is taking over thier bodies, but...hey that is just me..soo please dont attack

but like i said it is about fashion...soo i gues it fits the standards.....

Apr 17 06 12:30 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Well, this might be a bit narcisistic of me since I'm a teeny little thing myself, but I think that the fashion model look is very attractive. I tend to be attracted to women that are a bit androgynous, and that is what a lot of models are. I think the reasoning behind it is that fuller bodied, curvier women have a tendency to look much more sexual, and of course, that is more appealing to the average man, but for fashion a woman shouldn't steal the attention from the clothes, she should make you look at the clothes, and if you've got some big double Ds and a ghetto booty hanging out, no one's going to notice what you're wearing. Because thinner models don't have as much standard sex appeal, they have another quality...elegance...and that is what makes them so beautiful. They look delicate and they need to be taken care of...and I certainly wouldn't mind taking care of

Apr 17 06 12:33 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I just want to add that I find other body shapes attractive as well. But the question was about fashion models...

curvy girls are attractive too. soft, feminine bodies are nice to look at as well.

Apr 17 06 12:33 pm Link


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

It all depends on what you're going for.

Someone who is incredibly thin with harsh cheekbones, long neck, long legs, and no butt or boobs is a clothes hanger. That's what fashion models ARE. They are clothes hangers, that happen to be able to walk down the runway. This look is incredibly attractive, to me, ON the runway. They're incredibly powerful and dark looking up there, strutting down the runway in beautiful clothes. It's inspiring to see someone so beautiful  only enhance the clothes on them.

Then there's the average curvy model who's maybe a size 6...She's the one that's perfect for the more risque shoots. The ones that need curve and butt and boob to make them pop. The bike shoots, the bikini shoots, the everyday commercial "hahaha I'm smiling!" shoot that is then plastered on every billboard across the usa. She is not the average in the us, considering most american women are overweight, but she is what we all strive to be....That smiling happy, thin, but not boney, girl. She's beautiful in her own right too.

Then there's the plus size, voluptuous models who are great for that category, or art photography, or anything that a photographer seems to think they can be used for. I'm not a conventional plus size model...At least not for fashion use. I'm not 5'8"-6" and I'm not a size 14....But I think I'm beautiful in my own way as well.

Each woman, no matter the size, shape, ethnicity, weight, or height, is beautiful in her own way, and is some photographer's dream. I guess it's all about which photographers you work with, and how well you suit their needs.

But to me, we're all beautiful.

Apr 17 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

To put it bluntly..

There is what I find attractive to fuck and what I find attractive to photograph.. Usually they are not the same but sometimes they are the same. smile

Apr 17 06 02:24 pm Link


Jakki Browne

Posts: 3457

Los Angeles, California, US

Dax wrote:
To put it bluntly..

There is what I find attractive to fuck and what I find attractive to photograph.. Usually they are not the same but sometimes they are the same. smile

WOW, that is pretty blunt.  But I'm sure your honestly is appreciated! smile  I am not a photographer or a stylist, just someone who has 2 cents. All models have their place and their market, but like someone said before high fashion models are meant to be walking hangers and I am sure there are photographer who find that attractive as there are some that find plus-size models attractive.

Apr 17 06 02:29 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

If you're talking about shooting? I love to shoot tall skinny women, probably not as skinny as the fashion industry wants them, but you can't have unsightly bulges where they shouldn't be to sell clothes...

If you're asking what I'm attracted to, its always going to be petite women. Thats my kind of chick...


Apr 17 06 02:49 pm Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

One thing though, this whole thread is kind of implying that fashion models are ugly, when many fashion models aren't.

sorry if it came out like, that. that's not what was meant. i think fashion is more about having a certain look than it is about being pretty anyway.

Apr 17 06 02:59 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

:::here's my edited comment after reading and paying attention:::

What I personally feel is the perfect size for a woman I'd date is one thing, but what is required for an image is something different.  Do I think the fashion models are attractive?  Definitely!  But I look at them and think "If you were a 6 or so, you'd be delicious!"

Still, they're beauty is beauty regardless of the package and I appreciate it for what it is, not what it isn't.  Though a fashion model may not be the size I gravitate towards in terms of a woman I'd date, that doesn't mean I think she's ugly.  They're gorgeous; plain and simple.

Apr 17 06 03:36 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

"You can never be too rich or too thin."

Actually, too thin is not attractive, but a little thinner than average is a more appealing look than average, to me.  I don't know why, though.

Apr 17 06 04:07 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

i am going to put in yet another vote for the attractiveness of thin women. i love androgeny...i love high cheek bones....i am passionately in love with hip bones....ummmmmmmmm.....yummmy....
i date thin women. i date thin men.
and yes, i think thin women look much better in's just how it works. as has been stated, fashion models are there to sell the clothes.
and, well, as far as the health issue: i have been thin my entire life. i honestly eat whatever the hell i want and rarely work out. my 56 year old mother can still wear my clothes. i wear 0-2.

Apr 17 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Angel Tara wrote:
Well, I know you didn't ask for models' opinions, but, I find the fashion model look attractive. Perhaps not in a sexual way, but they have a certain allure to them. Maybe I am biased because I have been underweight since probably middle school (which I have come to accept as my normal size). But I like the look of the hip bones, etc. I don't know who is or is not on drugs or anorexic, and I care not to speculate about it. They are beautiful to me.

Not me. I used to think it was attractive when i was pretty young, and i even wanted that look / had that look (for my height) when i WAS much younger but its ugly to me now. Sorry. Yes. Even when its natural i feel its... unfortunate.

DRESSED this type fashion models can look interesting, often great, but naked.
YUK. Just my opinion (and a healthy one I'd say).

Apr 17 06 06:44 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I find "healthy" attractive.  Fit.  Now for some people, that can be pretty damn slender, depending on genetics.

Regardless, I prefer the lithe, muscular (wiry, not bulky) sort of slender.  Think dancers and acrobats.  People who obviously know their bodies intimately and take good care of them.  The kind of body I wish I had, and am constantly working towards, a little at a time.

Way different than the jutting, bony sort of slender.  (Which I usually find visually interesting, just not always particularly attractive.)

I think the bony kind is preferred in the high fashion word for that eyecatching oddness factor.  (And so designers can be lazy with their samples. :p)

Apr 17 06 07:16 pm Link


Pixel-Magic Photography

Posts: 666

Chicago, Illinois, US

Christina Ilise wrote:
Ok so we all know that the average fashion model is underweight. Sometimes in shows I see girls with large gaps between their thighs, pelvic bones sticking out, and no behind. My question to photogs and stylists, is this something that you actually find attractive or is it just that it's an industry standard or what the client wants? (not hating on skinny models, just want to know your opinions)

I'm answering the Title of the thread rather than just your intro.

It's not all that easy to answers this. So let me start with just the physical appearance.

First of all is the face. Attractive faces come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, with small or big noses. Hair can make a huge difference in making a face more or less attractive, and it can be short or long, but short hair looks good on a lot fewer faces because you need a really well shaped head to look good with really short hair. Long hair can balance a lot of faces that would not be as attractive without the hair done just right. By just right I don't mean that there's only one style, I mean for a particular face, not all hairstyles work equally well -ask any hairstylist big_smile

Second comes the figure. To be attractive should be well proportioned, so actual height is far less important than having nice proportions.  The question of slim vs heavy is a matter of taste, culture, and of course "fashion".  Look at the pinup models of 1940's, 1950's etc. Or Egyptian art? vs Rubens.  To me, slim is generally, but not always, more graceful -think dancer, but of course, nothing is absolute, some heavy woman move and dance sooo well as to take your breath away.
In answer to your question -too skinny is not attractive, makes me feel worried about their health.

Perhaps some of our "attraction" preferences go back to our youth. When I was a kid many women my mother's age looked "matronly" and most did not have the slimness of the 16 and 20 year olds who were my age then, or older.  I think slimmer figures are generally associated with youthfullness, hence part of the attractiveness. Heaven knows, our US culture has an obsession with looking youthful (not a good thing in my opinion)

Third, is that hard to define aspect of attractiveness, which is a kind of "presence", the "je ne sais quoi" which we sometimes label "charm". It has to do with how someone makes you feel more at ease, comfotable, because she is easy to talk to. A way with a smile that's honest, not forced or phony.

Last and perhaps most important, for any working relationshiop, friendship, and of course for romance, there is intelligence, not to be confused with education.  Stupidity, arrogance, self centered attitude is a real negative. A warm heart, a sense of fairness and justice is a real positive factor.

This last aspect of attractiveness is sometimes hard to show in photos, but it can sometimes be there if only hinted at somehow. But not foolproof - you have to meet someone and spend some time with them.

Hope I answered at least some of your questions and didn't ramble too much.
By the way, my wife, is the all around most attractive whole person I have the privilege of knowing, but she hates having her picture taken, even though she is really cute.


Aug 16 06 02:19 am Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

you know alot of the time that i see fashion shows (not often at all) the clothing isnt for everyday wear (sometimes shear tops, over the top designs what ev) so I assume there is a street version that is sold... so if the clothes are over the top and different from real life the model should be too.. i think rip cages are hot.. but not nichole richies... paris skinny is hot.

Aug 16 06 02:26 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

i find thin attractive, but I don't like bones sticking out... i'd probably like to describe it more as looking healthy and fit and not overweight or with any bit of excess, like flabby arms and such.  although some people look much better with that little bit of extra.  i guess it just depends on the person.  by "industry" standards though... it really depends on which part of the "industry" they plan on getting in to.

Aug 16 06 02:34 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

my wife smile

Aug 16 06 02:42 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

My ideal model? Think along the lines of a Greyhound [the dog not the bus] smile


Aug 16 06 02:50 am Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Well, this might be a bit narcisistic of me since I'm a teeny little thing myself, but I think that the fashion model look is very attractive. I tend to be attracted to women that are a bit androgynous, and that is what a lot of models are. I think the reasoning behind it is that fuller bodied, curvier women have a tendency to look much more sexual, and of course, that is more appealing to the average man, but for fashion a woman shouldn't steal the attention from the clothes, she should make you look at the clothes, and if you've got some big double Ds and a ghetto booty hanging out, no one's going to notice what you're wearing. Because thinner models don't have as much standard sex appeal, they have another quality...elegance...and that is what makes them so beautiful.

well said.  As far as dating those skinny minnies.. well..
Those protruding hip bones are sharper than you think when you're laying on them, cuddling is like holding yourself, and nothing less than a narcotic IV drip can make missionary position comfortable.

It's like dating someone with an exoskeleton.

Aug 16 06 02:52 am Link


Cali Heat

Posts: 336

Los Angeles, California, US

i like exotic looks

Aug 16 06 03:22 am Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

I prefer a curvy, feminine look. A good example of a model I have worked with who exemplifies that is Kiera:
But then I dont do fashion either so I bring a different aesthetic to the table.

Aug 16 06 07:10 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:
It's like dating someone with an exoskeleton.

LOL at exoskeleton.

Aug 16 06 07:20 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

DarioImpiniPhotography wrote:

LOL at exoskeleton.

That's funny stuff.

Aug 16 06 07:28 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

MartinCoatesIV wrote:
Back to focus, not sure if you meant general or specific. In general I have alway been attracted to thiner girls. In specifics, the under curve of a womans breast, I think that is far more inticing than clevage.

Hey....looks like we're on opposite sides of the boob issue here. I love cleavage and lots of it! Make you a deal. You stay on your side of the boob and I'll stay on mine. LOL

Aug 16 06 07:39 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

industry standard

Aug 16 06 08:28 am Link