Forums > General Industry > So how many of you are actors and actresses?


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:
Can't admit your lack of knowledge even when called out, eh Alan?  You have nothing left to learn from anyone because you have reached the pinnacle of success in your career?  I stand humbled and corrected.  I can only imagine what a joy it is to work with someone so...perfect!

In the meantime, I'll take solace in the 'thank you's I received from actresses who were happy to have the difference pointed out, as they submit for said ROLES - and would have felt foolish and/or unprofessional for spelling it wrong (as would I and as should you, were you able to push aside that massive ego of yours).

I'm done with this issue, and am tired of arguing with someone who clearly has no desire to grow and improve professionally. Good luck in casting your "rolls".

Mary, I think your posts reflect properly on you.  Let it go.  I think the discussion should have ended long ago.

Apr 15 06 08:30 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:
primarily an actress.. modeling for shits, giggles, $$, exposure, connections, whatever.

SAG/AEA/AFTRA, done leads off bway, bit part in major feature film, and lots of off off bway and student and indie films.

Kewl, thanks for the reply.

Apr 15 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:
Can't admit your lack of knowledge even when called out, eh Alan?  You have nothing left to learn from anyone because you have reached the pinnacle of success in your career?  I stand humbled and corrected.  I can only imagine what a joy it is to work with someone so...perfect!

In the meantime, I'll take solace in the 'thank you's I received from actresses who were happy to have the difference pointed out, as they submit for said ROLES - and would have felt foolish and/or unprofessional for spelling it wrong (as would I and as should you, were you able to push aside that massive ego of yours).

I'm done with this issue, and am tired of arguing with someone who clearly has no desire to grow and improve professionally. Good luck in casting your "rolls".

If you wish to spend your life "fixing" the grammatical errors of others, then why not quit modeling, and become an english professor? I mean, think about it if you will....this is the internet. There is bound to be a wide majority of people who make spelling mistakes while posting casting calls, making responses to thread posts, etc... Oh, and by the way, I picked out atleast one or two errors in your own posts, but you don't see me being anal retentive about it, and pointing out every single typographical error.

Come back at me with some snide remark or harsh reply if you wish. I have made my point, and I feel that Alan does not need to be bashed as he was. Just because one makes a few spelling mistakes, does not mean they are ignorant, or lack knowledge.

A little thought to ponder: As long as the first and last letters of a word are spelled correctly, the human brain recognizes how the word should truly be spelled and pronounced.

I admit that I am a bit "anal' when it comes to seeing words misspelled, or sentences with incorrect punctuation (or none at all). However, there are times and places to bring such things to light. I do not see this as one of those times.

With that said:
Alan, you have been nothing but kind to me during the time that I have been a member here on Model Mayhem. I wish you success with the film you are working on, and I hope that all of the roles are cast by tremendously-skilled actors and actresses.

Apr 15 06 10:00 pm Link