Forums > General Industry > So how many of you are actors and actresses?


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

This is more of a curiosity than anything else.

I have just agreed to direct a relatively low budget feature.  I'm been involved in films before, but the last time I directed was before the Internet was so popular.

Of course, we'll cast through Breakdown, etc, but I really was curious, a lot of models also have an eye towards acting.  One of the things about traditional casting is that you don't really get to see all of the available talent, you get to see the talent the agents choose to submit.

And while I will get my fill of talent since we are probably going to do this under one of the low budget union agreements, I was curious how many people on the modeling sites try to submit themselves for acting rolls when their agents don't?

I am just wondering how many experienced actors/actresses there are on the modeling and acting forums and how many are just breaking in.  I would never use something like craigslist, but I am leaning towards posting the casting notices on some of the public forums to see what gets submitted.

So how many of you have acted in paid rolls?  How many of you are members of one of the unions?

Apr 11 06 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 3772

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I am primarily an actress, and kind of fell into modeling.  I had never thought of modeling as an option before until I got my first modeling job randomly.  But acting, that is my passion.  I did theatre for ten years, and have been in 5 films, 3 indie, and 2 major. I am a total theatre nerd at heart. smile

Apr 11 06 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Actress here.  smile
Non-Union. I'll work on the union thing after college when I can actually afford it.

Apr 11 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

15 years stage, non-union.  Don't perform much these days with other things, but keeping up my craft with coaches.

Apr 12 06 12:32 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

im not an actor, but i play one on....ughhh..nevermind...

Apr 12 06 12:35 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
im not an actor, but i play one on....ughhh..nevermind...

Oh, haha

Apr 12 06 08:18 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
This is more of a curiosity than anything else.

I have just agreed to direct a relatively low budget feature.  I'm been involved in films before, but the last time I directed was before the Internet was so popular.

Of course, we'll cast through Breakdown, etc, but I really was curious, a lot of models also have an eye towards acting.  One of the things about traditional casting is that you don't really get to see all of the available talent, you get to see the talent the agents choose to submit.

And while I will get my fill of talent since we are probably going to do this under one of the low budget union agreements, I was curious how many people on the modeling sites try to submit themselves for acting rolls when their agents don't?

I am just wondering how many experienced actors/actresses there are on the modeling and acting forums and how many are just breaking in.  I would never use something like craigslist, but I am leaning towards posting the casting notices on some of the public forums to see what gets submitted.

So how many of you have acted in paid rolls?  How many of you are members of one of the unions?

it's "role"

I started acting in the NY where I trained legitimately...I teach from time to time...Method..Stanislavki and Strasberg......AFTRA

hit me with an email address so I can send you info...

Breakdown Service is cool but when I have cast projects I use all mechanisms to find talent

Apr 12 06 08:22 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

images by elahi wrote:
it's "role"

Thank you for correcting my typo smile

I'm not asking for casting help.  I appreciate the offer though.  We'll have a professional casting director for the project.  I'm just the director.

This is a curiosity on my part.  The last time I cast a union feature in L.A. I got on average 3,000 submissions per role.  At the time we posted on Breakdown and in Dramalogue.  People kept creeping out of the woodwork though and self-submitting, (presumagly through Dramalogue since few actors have access to Breakdowns) that were with agents that submitted other talent but hadn't sent them in.

In the end though, I ended up using people that had been submitted by the agents.  Perhaps they simply understood the Breakdown and submitted the best talent they had available for the parts being cast and realized that the others (none of which were cast) would have been considered. 

With so many talent sites these days, I am curious how many are online and if they are being included or excluded from the casting process.  What I am really curious about is how many actors participate on these sites with resume's that would support consideration for a union role.

Apr 12 06 11:18 am Link


No longer active-

Posts: 281

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm an actor that's acting a model wink

Apr 12 06 11:24 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

TorontoModel wrote:
I'm an actor that's acting a model wink

haha, thank you!

Apr 12 06 11:26 am Link


Angie Borras

Posts: 1933

Kissimmee, Florida, US

I'm an actress and I work off a talent agency. I haven't done anything big just a couple of local comercials.

Apr 12 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 268

Trenton, Michigan, US

I've done quit bit of acting in community theatre and dinner theatre...never tried anything outside of that... I always liked supporting roles cause usaually the charactor can be more flexible than for leads.

Apr 12 06 11:45 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I'm an AFTRA-eligible for film, but I've done much more theater and musical theater.  I just don't have the free time for it anymore.  Even paid extra work here isn't worth the time spent.  Now, in BC, that would probably be different... smile

Apr 12 06 02:08 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Thanks, so it seems like there are a lot of you have done at least some acting.

I am an AFTRA "must join", but not from acting.  It's from singing on national TV.

Apr 12 06 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

I did some acting in high school years back, and am wanting to get back into it, but professionally. I did theater back when I was younger, and hope that once I get to Germany, that I can join one of the local theaters. I have plans of going back to college while there, and studying theatrical arts, as it is one of the majors offered at the local college. I'm also going to work on joining a union after I get back from overseas.

Apr 12 06 04:32 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Yeah, I'm an actor..started out as a child model then studied dance and shite like that..I've been in 3 major films a few student films. Its my real passion, I had braces for a while and that puts a big STOP SIGN in front of your career, but i managed to do some theatre i'm trying to get back in the game. Hey you guys might have saw me, if you saw the lion king in 2003!

Apr 13 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 75

I am more of an actress than a model.  I just figure that modeling is inevitable as an actress so I might as well get some experience.  I'm currently majoring in acting in a top notch program in the midwest, admittance by audition only so I am really growing. 

I've been involved in everything from film to theatre, to musical theatre, to improv so I like to challenge myself by crossing mediums.  I am an art minor as well so I enjoy working behind the camera as well such, as directing and production design.  Basically everything about film and theatre fascinates me so it is a great joy to be blessed with the opportunities to explore them.

Apr 13 06 12:58 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

angelinme wrote:
I am more of an actress than a model.  I just figure that modeling is inevitable as an actress so I might as well get some experience.  I'm currently majoring in acting in a top notch program in the midwest, admittance by audition only so I am really growing.

Can I ask what school? I'm graduating next yr and i'm looking 4 a program. If yah know Julliard doesn't work out wink

Apr 13 06 01:10 pm Link


claudia sanpedro

Posts: 17

Miami, Florida, US

I'm a professional actor and member of SAG. Listed on and in The Academy Players Directory and will soon be featured in a coffee table book called "Who's Who Of Stage And Screen, Volume Two". Right now I'm in rehearsal for Shakespeares "The Merry Wives Of Windsor". My priority is acting, but I'm also a writer, dancer and dance teacher, and filmmaker. I do modeling on the side...print and commercial.

How can I be considered for your up and coming film? Do I send you my info? A particular casting director?

I live in Kansas due to family issues, but do travel to LA to work.

Delno Ebie

Apr 13 06 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 195

Los Angeles, California, US

Me too smile.  Starred off-Broadway, and off-off Broadway, worked with a NY theater company, trained at Fordham U, doing mostly film and television right now.  AFTRA and SAG-e.

Apr 14 06 07:11 am Link


Sara Weibel

Posts: 13

Athens, Ohio, US

I'm an actress first and always. I've mainly worked in theater, but also done some television. It's nice to know there are others out there!

Apr 14 06 07:21 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

RoxieB wrote:
Me too smile.  Starred off-Broadway, and off-off Broadway, worked with a NY theater company, trained at Fordham U, doing mostly film and television right now.  AFTRA and SAG-e.

I want to go to Fordham, did u like it there? How is there drama program?

Apr 14 06 01:44 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Thank you for correcting my typo smile

I'm not asking for casting help.  I appreciate the offer though.  We'll have a professional casting director for the project.  I'm just the director.

This is a curiosity on my part.  The last time I cast a union feature in L.A. I got on average 3,000 submissions per role.  At the time we posted on Breakdown and in Dramalogue.  People kept creeping out of the woodwork though and self-submitting, (presumagly through Dramalogue since few actors have access to Breakdowns) that were with agents that submitted other talent but hadn't sent them in.

In the end though, I ended up using people that had been submitted by the agents.  Perhaps they simply understood the Breakdown and submitted the best talent they had available for the parts being cast and realized that the others (none of which were cast) would have been considered. 

With so many talent sites these days, I am curious how many are online and if they are being included or excluded from the casting process.  What I am really curious about is how many actors participate on these sites with resume's that would support consideration for a union role.

wasnt offereing my services as I am not in Cali...unfortunatel..and I do consider myself to be professional LOL

Apr 14 06 01:47 pm Link


angela burno

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

i am like many of the responses an actor and accidently fell into modeling and use it as a side job and way of expression when i am not acting.
honestly i would rather act any day but i am not complaining if i can pull off both!

Apr 14 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Ugh...I'm sorry Alan, but I just have to point out, as this is a big pet peeve of mine...

It's 'ROLEs', not 'ROLL's.  For Christ's sake, why do people not learn how to spell what they are asking for.

I am so tired of reading posts promising your "next big break" in this ROLL, etc. 

If you want to be taken seriously, know the terminology of the business...including the spelling of otherwise VERY BASIC English words.  I'm sure that whomever is financing your project will appreciate it as well...

Apr 14 06 04:20 pm Link


Heidi Van Horne

Posts: 76

Los Angeles, California, US

TorontoModel wrote:
I'm an actor that's acting a model wink

he he he...  that's what i always say!  "i'm just such a good actress, people believe i'm a model!"  wink  I'm right with ya, TM!

I've been acting and studying professionally for almost 15 years now (started as a kid in regional stuff) and just started up modeling on the side in the past 3 years for fun and as a creative release on the side while between acting gigs...  now its all gotten too busy and i don't get to model for fun that often these days!

but to answer your question- YES!  we're here!  wink

Apr 14 06 04:43 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:
It's 'ROLEs', not 'ROLL's.  For Christ's sake, why do people not learn how to spell what they are asking for.

Mary, I am going to do something I rarely do, but that is to comment on your comment.  My biggest pet peeve is for people to point out minutia for no reason at all.   The comment was just rude and uncalled for.

Of course it is role and of course I know it isn't roll.

But I have to tell you.  I have posted 3200 some odd posts, and guess what, I am not perfect.  I make typos, I make mistakes and yes, I do think one word and type another.  This isn't rocket science and this is not a spelling bee.

I see this a lot where someone conveys a message and has a typo and the world jumps on it.  I'm sorry, but that is childish.  You are the second person to point out the typo.

So my pet peeve is a comment like yours.  Not because you pointed it out here, frankly I don't care.  I am a big boy, if you want to flame me, do your darndest.  But I can't tell you how many times people have been flamed others on these forums for making a grammatical mistakes.  I get embarassed for them because they are trying to discuss something serious and the thread degrades to a spelling error.  Come on, none of us are perfect and I have seen a lot of feelings get hurt over nonesense like this!

It is like typing there, instead of they're.  Or through instead of threw.  Are you going to say that you have never, in your life, accidentally thought one word but typed the other?  I am glad to see you are perfect.  In that case, I think it important for you to point out the typos of others.

Sheesh, I thought people were here to share ideas, not enter a spelling bee.  It was just a typo.  Get a life.

Apr 14 06 09:43 pm Link


Kirk R Stefferud

Posts: 61

im a total actor, im going to an acting conservatory right now, and i eventually want to join the union.... modeling is just something people say i'm good at so here i am.... but acting is my heart and soul.


Apr 14 06 09:46 pm Link


Kirk R Stefferud

Posts: 61

im a total actor, im going to an acting conservatory right now, and i eventually want to join the union.... modeling is just something people say i'm good at so here i am.... but acting is my heart and soul.


Apr 14 06 09:47 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Kirk R Stefferud wrote:
im a total actor, im going to an acting conservatory right now, and i eventually want to join the union.... modeling is just something people say i'm good at so here i am.... but acting is my heart and soul.


Good answer, thank you!

Apr 14 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

LOL...then you made the 'typo' twice, Alan.

It is not a mere spelling error.  You are painting yourself as someone "in the know" (an agent, done this sort of thing before, someone who "wouldn't DREAAAM of posting on craigslist", etc.).  I don't think it is wrong to point out that you ARE, in fact, taken less seriously by some for making such mistakes.  And, like it or not, I AM FREE to point out the mistake with the aim of helping others to learn the difference.  Sorry if you don't like that; but that's life.

Whatever.  Choose to learn from the comment if you wish.  Or, choose to keep doing your own thing, throwing rocks at those who try to raise the bar for you, and working on low-budget stuff.  Some of us DO care - and want to know when mistakes are made.  I'm certain that at least one person learned from that post.  For that, I am pleased.

Apr 15 06 01:02 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I`m not an actor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once!

Apr 15 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I`m not an actor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once!


Apr 15 06 01:08 am Link


Kirk R Stefferud

Posts: 61

thanks... im glad you liked it...

Apr 15 06 01:12 am Link



Posts: 86

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Ive dne a few indie films before nothing major and have done stage and plays before for quite a few years now .. Its been fun...

Apr 15 06 01:23 am Link



Posts: 86

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Ive done a few indie films before nothing major and have done stage and plays before for quite a few years now .. Its been fun...

Apr 15 06 01:23 am Link


Douglas Johnsson

Posts: 48

San Diego, California, US

Actor. Some Plays and a couple Movies.

Apr 15 06 01:49 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:
LOL...then you made the 'typo' twice, Alan.

Then thank you for letting me know that my fingers are stuck in a rut.

Apr 15 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Can't admit your lack of knowledge even when called out, eh Alan?  You have nothing left to learn from anyone because you have reached the pinnacle of success in your career?  I stand humbled and corrected.  I can only imagine what a joy it is to work with someone so...perfect!

In the meantime, I'll take solace in the 'thank you's I received from actresses who were happy to have the difference pointed out, as they submit for said ROLES - and would have felt foolish and/or unprofessional for spelling it wrong (as would I and as should you, were you able to push aside that massive ego of yours).

I'm done with this issue, and am tired of arguing with someone who clearly has no desire to grow and improve professionally. Good luck in casting your "rolls".

Apr 15 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

primarily an actress.. modeling for shits, giggles, $$, exposure, connections, whatever.

SAG/AEA/AFTRA, done leads off bway, bit part in major feature film, and lots of off off bway and student and indie films.

Apr 15 06 12:31 pm Link