Forums > General Industry > Photographer coming into models workplace


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

Apr 07 06 05:06 pm Link


Bob Hubbard

Posts: 635

Buffalo, New York, US

Restraining order, harassment or defamation of character suit?
Just thinking off the cuff here.

Apr 07 06 05:15 pm Link


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

I wish I were a lawyer. I am seriosuly considering one or more of those options. Thank you

Apr 07 06 05:20 pm Link


Simon Gerzina

Posts: 2288

Brooklyn, New York, US

I think "socially inept" is a ridiculous understatement.  You might want to contact any other models he's worked with, if you know of any, to see if the guy has a history of that sort of thing or worse.  A restraining order definitely sounds like it could be the next step if there's another incident.

Apr 07 06 05:22 pm Link


Joshua Gottesman

Posts: 431

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alecia - At this point, there's almost certainly nothing you can do besides give him a peace of your mind and let him know that you don't approve of what he did.  He didn't do anything illegal or really even immoral, he just showed questionable judgement.  That's not a crime.

And, you can probably say "that's the last time we work together."

Apr 07 06 05:25 pm Link


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

Apr 07 06 05:34 pm Link


The Suburban Hippie Pho

Posts: 606

Hampstead, Maryland, US

Joshua Gottesman wrote:
Alecia - At this point, there's almost certainly nothing you can do besides give him a peace of your mind and let him know that you don't approve of what he did.  He didn't do anything illegal or really even immoral, he just showed questionable judgement.  That's not a crime.

And, you can probably say "that's the last time we work together."

Maybe not illegal but certainly unethical.  That is the creepiest bs I have ever heard.

Your modeling is your modeling, your work is your work.

I just can't beleive it, that is the most unprofessional thing I have ever heard.

I doubt you will see him again, but if you do,  do not hesitate to take action right away.  I think you probably could file a restraining order based on the thought of him stalking you.  No I'm not a lawyer but there has to be something you can do.

He sound a little off in the head.


Apr 07 06 05:40 pm Link


Christopher Lewis

Posts: 220

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US


   As an attorney, I have to agree that Joshua is probably offering practical and sound advice. It is also a concrete example that life is not always fair.

     However, there are a few steps far short of commencing litigation you might pursue for your protection as well as to give him a dose of his own medicine. First, you should also have a chat with whoever ran the shoot where he photographed you about this gross and stupid individual as well as warn your model friends about him.  Unless he tries more, it is probably not worth starting a legal action for reasons of your sanity and energy as well as cost.  Litigation is draining, and will do the opposite of make this whole unfortunate episode fade away fast.  Your coworkers should respect you for who you are, and probably think he is just "some wierdo."  The incident tells far more about him than you.

    Second, if you have a lawyer friend, an attorney is a relative, or work with any photographer who is also a lawyer in your area, and you know the wierdo's name and can ascertain his address, then the lawyer can write a threatening letter.  A  certified mail letter on law firm letterhead will attract the creep's attention.    The real objcetive would be for this far beyond socailly inept person to stay away, and keep any images to himself. 

    He may be a jerk, but if he does no more, consider the above, and move on.

P.S. - I am not licensed in the State of Washington, but just proffering off the cuff thoughts of a midwest practitioner.  Before you take any legal steps, you must first talk to a Washington lawyer.

Apr 07 06 05:43 pm Link


Christopher Lewis

Posts: 220

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US


   As an attorney, I have to agree that Joshua is probably offering practical and sound advice. It is also a concrete example that life is not always fair.

     However, there are a few steps far short of commencing litigation you might pursue for your protection as well as to give him a dose of his own medicine. First, you should also have a chat with whoever ran the shoot where he photographed you about this gross and stupid individual as well as warn your model friends about him.  Unless he tries more, it is probably not worth starting a legal action for reasons of your sanity and energy as well as cost.  Litigation is draining, and will do the opposite of make this whole unfortunate episode fade away fast.  Your coworkers should respect you for who you are, and probably think he is just "some wierdo."  The incident tells far more about him than you.

    Second, if you have a lawyer friend, an attorney is a relative, or work with any photographer who is also a lawyer in your area, and you know the wierdo's name and can ascertain his address, then the lawyer can write a threatening letter.  A  certified mail letter on law firm letterhead will attract the creep's attention.    The real objcetive would be for this far beyond socailly inept person to stay away, and keep any images to himself. 

    He may be a jerk, but if he does no more, consider the above, and move on.

P.S. - I am not licensed in the State of Washington, but just proffering off the cuff thoughts of a midwest practitioner.  Before you take any legal steps, you must first talk to a Washington lawyer.

Apr 07 06 05:43 pm Link


Christopher Lewis

Posts: 220

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US


   As an attorney, I have to agree that Joshua is probably offering practical and sound advice. It is also a concrete example that life is not always fair.

     However, there are a few steps far short of commencing litigation you might pursue for your protection as well as to give him a dose of his own medicine. First, you should also have a chat with whoever ran the shoot where he photographed you about this gross and stupid individual as well as warn your model friends about him.  Unless he tries more, it is probably not worth starting a legal action for reasons of your sanity and energy as well as cost.  Litigation is draining, and will do the opposite of make this whole unfortunate episode fade away fast.  Your coworkers should respect you for who you are, and probably think he is just "some wierdo."  The incident tells far more about him than you.

    Second, if you have a lawyer friend, an attorney is a relative, or work with any photographer who is also a lawyer in your area, and you know the wierdo's name and can ascertain his address, then the lawyer can write a threatening letter.  A  certified mail letter on law firm letterhead will attract the creep's attention.    The real objcetive would be for this far beyond socailly inept person to stay away, and keep any images to himself. 

    He may be a jerk, but if he does no more, consider the above, and move on.

P.S. - I am not licensed in the State of Washington, but just proffering off the cuff thoughts of a midwest practitioner.  Before you take any legal steps, you must first talk to a Washington lawyer.

Apr 07 06 05:43 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

If he showed pictures of you made at an event, you need to contact him and ask to see the images. He may have been trying to get you copies of these images. I do agree that showing them to your co workers,  was out of place, but no crime.

Some models are hard to trace down, and lots of models bitch about never getting any prints.

I take it you were at the event to meet, and be photographed.

Apr 07 06 05:43 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

Has this happened before?
Have you spoken to him and informed him that this is not acceptable?
How does he know where you work?
Did you get in trouble at work because of this? (fired, suspended, reprimended).

Apr 07 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 73

Huntsville, Alabama, US

As a rule of thumb for photographers. There are other mean of communications between models and photogrpahers.

My rulez..
1. I never ever bug someone to death.
2. I state what i got to say quickly and that it.
3. Instant messaging (IM)  or email are a better for of cummunication.
4. Never ever do I post any photos or share without permission.
5. Never go to models work place or home, they always come to mine. since i have a studio and they never show up at my house.....never.
6. Never date model. to much drama.
7. If ya short fat and ugly photographer get another job!
8. I have cell ,but never answer it. U might be a bill collector...
Just to break the ice. humor me plezz..

U can fill paper work with a lawyer to have him not come around anymore.
but that cost $$$$$$$
Simple state to the short dude. Plez dont go to my work anymore and give him options of communications IM, or email.. Cut him dry on all chit chat.. Be bold even get stupid on him..
Do this to his face.. while someone is with you(biggest guy you can hire) acting pist at the guy and wanting to talk to him in dark alley!

That my 2 cents worth..

Apr 07 06 05:53 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

You are leaving a LOT out of your story...

What was the "event" you were at?

How did he know where you worked? Did you give him your contact information while at the "event"?

Why was he at your workplace with the photos? Was he just in the neighborhood and wanted to drop them off?

Yeah. There is a lot you aren't mentioning. I wonder why ...

Apr 07 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

I'm trying to figure why/how he knows where you wok.

Apr 07 06 05:56 pm Link


Studio Tyler

Posts: 183

Tyler, Texas, US

I kinda have to agree with Marvin.  From what I have read this seems to be the only time this has happened with this photog.  Not an established pattern of behavior.  Everyone seems to be rushing to make the decision that this guy is a stalker.  Who among us has not been seen as creepy by someone and never evne known it.  This guy could be perfectly normal and the situation just made it look like something else.  Just the fact that no one you work with knows this guy who came in looking for you coupled with the fact that he has pictures of you might lead one to jump to conclusions.  Anyway, before I brought out the legal team, I would probably do a bit more investigation (i.e. contact him) and see what his intentions were.  If you're afraid of him finding out where you live, call from a pay phone or a cell.  You might find that he WAS indeed just trying to get copies of the images to you.  I wil side with everyone else that he should not have shown any of the images to your co-workers. 
Just my 2 cents.

Apr 07 06 05:57 pm Link


Joshua Gottesman

Posts: 431

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

Call me crazy, and I'm going to go with the attorney's opinion over the 19 year old's.

Its a sucky, creepy situation.  And if those were illegal, most people would never leave the house.

Apr 07 06 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Alfred Mathis wrote:
This guy could be perfectly normal and the situation just made it look like something else.

Or OP made him look so by tweaking the story to her liking. Her post is full of s**t...

Apr 07 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 73

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Do I hear 4 cents?

How about a full dime's worth.

Gurl give us the 411 on this perv!
What the whole truth???
MM forum is like soap on daytime tv..

Give it up!!

Apr 07 06 06:02 pm Link


Studio Tyler

Posts: 183

Tyler, Texas, US

Attention Homeland Security!!!!
Photographer in building bringing images to a model he might have been hoping to work with.  Subdue with all possible force!!!!  SWARM!!!!!!

Apr 07 06 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.

Not harassement, rude. This is a case of rude behievor. If he is rude more than once its harassment, if he fail to leave when asked it's tresspassing, and he says he took questionable pics of you and didn't it's slander. Personal this sucks but if it only happened once, and he make further attemps to contact or interact in your life, count yourself lucky. Getting wierdo's bugging you is the price of a public life. The more successful your modeling career become the more this kind of thing will happen.

Apr 07 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 73

Huntsville, Alabama, US

now now! he might of been a pimp looking for his pimpet!
where is my money!!$$$$$$

Apr 07 06 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

i'm glad i'm not short.

Apr 07 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

the last time i went to a models work place unannounced,
she noticed me across the dark room..ran up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss....

she works at coyote ugy, so not quite an office environmet, but my presence didnt seem to bother her or her fellow employees...

Apr 07 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
i'm glad i'm not short.

I wish you would stop flying out from WA to IL to sexually harass me at my workplace however...or did I do that to you? I don't remember. I guess we both took the roofies.

Apr 07 06 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
the last time i went to a models work place unannounced,
she noticed me across the dark room..ran up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss....

she works at coyote ugy, so not quite an office environmet, but my presence didnt seem to bother her or her fellow employees...

I guess you aren't creepy enough to be a real photographer then....(lol for those who do not know my dry sense of humor)

Apr 07 06 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 73

Huntsville, Alabama, US

can someone email the transcripts of this threat.. i want to add it to my forum on my site... maybe even make a movie from it..
who got money to back me?
who lead star and who  is going to play the short, ugly dude( aka stalker)?
donate to my new idea of a movie..
it is live on my site...

Apr 07 06 06:16 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Wondering if he was doing this to be spitefull or if you think it was just lack of good judgement on his part?

How did he know where you worked? You said you never shot with him, but that he took your photos at an event. Sounds like he knows a lot more info about you than he should.

Apr 07 06 07:05 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Alecia wrote:
Today I went into work to collect my paycheck and was informed that a "short, creepy older man" had come in earlier looking for me. He had apparently brought with him some "questionable pictures" and proceeded to show my coworkers. I worked with this photographer once at a meet and greet, but no "questionable pictures" were taken.

"Questionable" like that photo of you in the sheer top on your profile?  It isn't questionable to me or you, but it might've been questionable in the eyes of your coworkers.  Because they thought he was strange, does that mean that the photos he has of you are questionable?  How can he take questionable photos of you if you don't do something questionable?

Alecia wrote:
I have no idea what the pictures are or why he would come into my workplace to show them.

Well, you said your coworkers told you he came in looking for you.  It's a distinct possibility that he wanted to give you the photos.  While it probably would've been more professional to send you a letter asking if you want to see the photos, it seems clear he was at least trying to get you to look at them...

Apr 07 06 07:25 pm Link


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

let's clear a few things up:

*the "event" was a photographer/model networking event. There was nothing sexual about it and I was not nude or close to it.
*He was NOT dropping off pictures, because he had none to drop off.
*He had come into my work before with a cd of images even though he had my mailing address and phone number. I expressly asked him to not come into my place of work when he can easily send the disc to me.
*I am not "tweaking the story". Why would I start a thread asking for advice if there really was not a problem to begin with?
*I am not pretending to be a lawyer (which is obviously why I asked for advice) so stop the bs about "well, I'm going to take an attourney's advice over a 19 year olds". I never pretended to know about all of the laws.

Apr 07 06 07:37 pm Link


Joshua Gottesman

Posts: 431

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alecia wrote:
let's clear a few things up:

yes, let's

Alecia wrote:
*the "event" was a photographer/model networking event. There was nothing sexual about it and I was not nude or close to it.
*He was NOT dropping off pictures, because he had none to drop off.

When you start talking about him coming to your workplace with pictures, the natural implication is that they are of you.  When you say they are questionable, there there is an implication of nudity/sexuality.

Alecia wrote:
*He had come into my work before with a cd of images even though he had my mailing address and phone number. I expressly asked him to not come into my place of work when he can easily send the disc to me.

Unfortunately, I failed the mind reading class in college.  Perhaps if this had been made clear up front, people wouldn't have questioned your story so much.

Alecia wrote:
*I am not "tweaking the story". Why would I start a thread asking for advice if there really was not a problem to begin with?

Because people do it all the time on these forums, angling for sympathy and "you go, girl!"s!

Alecia wrote:
*I am not pretending to be a lawyer (which is obviously why I asked for advice) so stop the bs about "well, I'm going to take an attourney's advice over a 19 year olds". I never pretended to know about all of the laws.

And yet, you were able to say "I couldn't disagree more.  This is harassment at the very least..."  To me, that's saying you do pretend to know the laws and, furthermore, you were asking people to judge based on 1/2 the facts.

Apr 07 06 07:49 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Alecia wrote:
He had apparently brought with him some "questionable pictures" and proceeded to show my coworkers...

*the "event" was a photographer/model networking event. There was nothing sexual about it and I was not nude or close to it.
*He was NOT dropping off pictures, because he had none to drop off...

Wait, I'm not sure I follow you.  He came in with pictures but didn't have any to drop off?  You weren't doing anything questionable at this meet and greet yet he has some questionable photos of you?  If you never smile, can someone get a picture of you smiling?  Either the photos weren't questionable because you didn't do anything like that or they are questionable because you did something that would be considered such.

Alecia wrote:
*He had come into my work before with a cd of images even though he had my mailing address and phone number. I expressly asked him to not come into my place of work when he can easily send the disc to me.

Now you didn't say this at first.  Question though, if he's been to your job before with a CD of images, why don't you have them by now?  If you do, are the photos questionable?  Have you even seen the photos your coworkers reference?

Apr 07 06 07:55 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I have a very important question for you. Have you ever counted how long it takes an ostrich with two pegged legs to beat the seeds out of a zuchinni?

Apr 07 06 08:06 pm Link


bNovakHill Photographic

Posts: 21

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Hey... Agreed. That is the trio - freaky, weird, and somewhat scary. However... once is just irritating, he does it again and that's a pattern of harassment the courts will love. So sit tight, no harm done (or at least just a bit o' harm done). Next time you see that guy, though...

Apr 07 06 08:16 pm Link


Joshua Gottesman

Posts: 431

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I have a very important question for you. Have you ever counted how long it takes an ostrich with two pegged legs to beat the seeds out of a zuchinni?

37 seconds, although there are new prosthetics being released that could reduce this time by a third.

Apr 07 06 08:18 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:
I'm trying to figure why/how he knows where you wok.

Makes two of us.

Apr 07 06 09:14 pm Link


Landra Lee Photography

Posts: 276

Los Angeles, California, US

I too am trying to figure out why he knows where you work, and why he had photos of you which he showed your co-workers, yet you say he didn't have any to drop off? If he supposedly didn't have any to drop off, then why did he have your mailing address, as you stated you wished he had just sent them to, and also your phone number? Wouldn't you, or the organizers of the event, had to have given him that address? Did you happen to give him your work address instead of your home address? If you didn't give him the work address, then it had to have been the home address, which is even more peculiar. If the organizer of that event gave out your info, shouldn't you question them?

I don't understand either side of this.

And I don't understand group events either.

Maybe I am weird.

Apr 07 06 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

oh, stupid me, I thought the photographer was cumming into your workplace.   

**picks up brain out of gutter**

Apr 07 06 09:54 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Alecia wrote:
Today I went into work to collect my paycheck and was informed that a "short, creepy older man" had come in earlier looking for me. He had apparently brought with him some "questionable pictures" and proceeded to show my coworkers. I worked with this photographer once at a meet and greet, but no "questionable pictures" were taken. I have no idea what the pictures are or why he would come into my workplace to show them. He was asked to leave and will not be allowed in the building again.  How socially inept is this? Has anyone ever had this happen to them?

What action can be taken against him?
Thank you.

let's clear a few things up (in response to some posts below):
*the "event" was a photographer/model networking event. There was nothing sexual about it and I was not nude or close to it.
*He was NOT dropping off pictures, because he had none to drop off.
*He had come into my work before with a cd of images even though he had my mailing address and phone number. I expressly asked him to not come into my place of work when he can easily send the disc to me.
*I am not "tweaking the story". Why would I start a thread asking for advice if there really was not a problem to begin with?
*I am not pretending to be a lawyer (which is obviously why I asked for advice) so stop the bs about "well, I'm going to take an attourney's advice over a 19 year olds". I never pretended to know about all of the laws.

Alecia wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. That is harassment at the very least and there sure as hell better be something I can do about it.

oh, and I didn't work with him, he took pictures of me at an event.


Apr 07 06 09:58 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Alecia wrote:
let's clear a few things up:

*the "event" was a photographer/model networking event. There was nothing sexual about it and I was not nude or close to it.
*He was NOT dropping off pictures, because he had none to drop off.
*He had come into my work before with a cd of images even though he had my mailing address and phone number. I expressly asked him to not come into my place of work when he can easily send the disc to me.
*I am not "tweaking the story". Why would I start a thread asking for advice if there really was not a problem to begin with?
*I am not pretending to be a lawyer (which is obviously why I asked for advice) so stop the bs about "well, I'm going to take an attourney's advice over a 19 year olds". I never pretended to know about all of the laws.

So you worked with him before?  Or was this just the second time he was there trying to deliver (or not deliver) the pictures he had (or didn't have) from the meet and greet?

Sorry, but I think several of us are just not getting a clear picture.

In any case, why not just give the guy a call and ask him what the fuck is going on with him and give him a piece of your mind about his coming to your work place?

Apr 07 06 10:17 pm Link