Forums > General Industry > How to spot a GWC or fake Model.


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

I have been asked by several models what they should look out for when shooting with outher photographers when they do tfp shoots. I am the Master on TFP shoots. My work is basic. I shoot and give the models what they need to get started on their portfolio books. But when I do studio shoots I have to charge them and it's a shame because models get so spoiled at getting Free Bees that every thing they do has to be done free freee free. Ok so my deal is that they have asked how to spot a real photographer from a fake one.

1. Photographer comes in late to shots with out calling model or lettting model know where he or she is at.

2. Photograher brings out his or her film to shoot and you see a bunch of .99cent film to shoot with. How can you tell if the film is .99 cent film. Most of the times they will take the recipte next to the film and you can see the .99 Cent logo on the recipte.

3. Photographer ask model. Hold on I just got this camera from a friend and i don 't know how to open it to load the film.

4. Photographer tells model do you have some extra change so I can go out and buy some batteries. I just found out I left my money at home.

5. Photographer photographs model with the sun hitting her or him straight in the face.

6.Photographer tells model after 5 frames that he or she has been shooting them but forgot to load the film on the camera.

7.Photographer tells models if it is ok if he can photograph her with his or her Phone camera.

8.Photographer forgets to mention to model that she or he has something hanging out of his or her nose after shooting a whole roll of film.

9.Photographer gives model a models release that indicates he will give her a CD or prints and you noticed that the models release was written with crayon makers.

10. Photographer finishes the shoot by telling model. You are the best model that I have ever worked with. And model askes. Well how many models have you photographed with and he says. Just you.

How to spot a fake model.

1.Model shows up to the shoot wearing Thrift store outfits.

2. Model has no make up or hair style scence.

3.Model tells photographer this is all about me you know. And this is all i want to do and this is all i want to get and this and this and this and that.

4.You ask model how many other photogs she has shot with and she tells you what the Hell is a PHOTOG!.

5. You give directions to model to make the pose look more Glamours from your point of view and she says. I want to pose this way better.

6. Model mentions that all she wants is to get free images so she can have something to remember her self for when she gets old and gray.

7.Model says she is a Profesional Model and you ask her for proff   of agencys she has worked with and she says. Well my uncle owns a camera store.

8.Model says she will do TFP shoots with you and ask you to pay for her traveling and gas and food.

9.Model gets upset when you send her a CD of your images and she mentions to you that a monkey could have done a better job. Well a Monkey could have modeled much better thank you.

10.Model mentions to you that she is on her Period. So don't you be telling her what to do and how to pose

Ok if you have any other things to add please do so and if you feel you have to comment on any of this please feel free to write to me at [email protected] hahaha have a nice day.

Bravo Magic Image.

Mar 27 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 153

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I really enjoyed this post!

I have been out of the game of shooting models for a couple of years now... seems the commercial products I shoot are more reliable and don't talk back! LOL. 

This post reminded me of this model a few years ago that I shot.  She was young... I had seen a few images of her on OMP when she approached me about working together.   The photog she worked with obviously wanted her to be his next version of kiddie porn, so I thought I would help her get something a bit more useful for her age. 

1. I had to pick her up for her shoot

2. I went in to speak with her parents

3. She had dirty, greasy hair

4. NOOOOO makeup which I wasn't prepared for since I educated her on her makeup through email.

5. pen drawings stating who she loved on her hands and arms

6. thift store tshirt and jeans with dirty sneakers. 

I was irritated that my time had been wasted.  Shot 24 images and took her home, then she bugged me constantly about getting the images to her.  They were lousy and I didn't want them displayed anywhere!

Mar 27 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

How to spot a GWC or fake Model.

They start banal, overused-topic threads delineating unrealistic and ridiculous circumstances that, by contrast, make their interactions seem pseudo-professional?

Mar 27 06 12:54 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Wellcome back to the world of photography lol Take care I enjoed your comments.

Mar 27 06 12:57 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Oh, yeah, and real GWCs don't never post partonising, uh, patronysing, mm... patronizing threads about "how to detect a stuck-up real photographer" because detecting those is like too easy.


Mar 27 06 01:02 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

GWC wrote:
Oh, yeah, and real GWCs don't never post partonising, uh, patronysing, mm... patronizing threads about "how to detect a stuck-up real photographer" because detecting those is like too easy.


This is funny I have seen your work before GWC. Thanks for the comment. It was all done for fun that's all I started out as a GWC when i was about 10 years old. Take care.

Mar 27 06 01:04 pm Link


M Coleman Photography

Posts: 309

Olympia, Washington, US

I don't think I'd call any of the models I've worked with recently a "fake", but a few of them perhaps a "flake"...

Mar 27 06 01:14 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Do any GWC's use film?

Mar 27 06 01:21 pm Link


Kaori Night

Posts: 36

Los Angeles, California, US

SFlickPhoto wrote:
I really enjoyed this post!

I have been out of the game of shooting models for a couple of years now... seems the commercial products I shoot are more reliable and don't talk back! LOL. 

This post reminded me of this model a few years ago that I shot.  She was young... I had seen a few images of her on OMP when she approached me about working together.   The photog she worked with obviously wanted her to be his next version of kiddie porn, so I thought I would help her get something a bit more useful for her age. 

1. I had to pick her up for her shoot

2. I went in to speak with her parents

3. She had dirty, greasy hair

4. NOOOOO makeup which I wasn't prepared for since I educated her on her makeup through email.

5. pen drawings stating who she loved on her hands and arms

6. thift store tshirt and jeans with dirty sneakers. 

I was irritated that my time had been wasted.  Shot 24 images and took her home, then she bugged me constantly about getting the images to her.  They were lousy and I didn't want them displayed anywhere!

O_O Eek...

Mar 27 06 01:32 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

When you come out of the bathroom, a real photog says, "Great, just stand over there while I fix the lights."  A GWC says, "Damn!  You look goooooood!"

Mar 27 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

William Coleman wrote:
When you come out of the bathroom, a real photog says, "Great, just stand over there while I fix the lights."  A GWC says, "Damn!  You look goooooood!"

I am so confused - I usually say "DAMN you look GOOOOOOD" while I am shooting. Sometimes I step on my tongue. But I never say anything when a model comes out of the bathroom 'cuz the parking lot where I shoot doesn't have one.


Mar 27 06 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 79

Dallas, Texas, US

MagicImagePhoto wrote:
1. shows up to the shoot wearing Thrift store outfits.

While you have some excellent points, this is not one of them. First, not everyone can afford GQ, Versace, and Armani, and secondly, depending on the look you're going for, Thrift Stores can be great places to find costumes. :p

your milage, of course, may vary.

Mar 27 06 05:28 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

I like pie.

Mar 27 06 05:37 pm Link


Maria T

Posts: 514

Lambertville, New Jersey, US

Best forum

Mar 27 06 05:44 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

MagicImagePhoto wrote:
How to spot a fake model.

1.Model shows up to the shoot wearing Thrift store outfits.

Ok, I have to object here... there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting things for shoots from the thrift stores... I've found tons of great stuff there that just needed a little altering or cleaning...  Yes, I realize it's inappropriate for high fashion, etc. but you can't just make a generalized statement like that.  Models come in all types, so if thrifting doesn't work for one, it can certainly work for another.

Mar 27 06 05:45 pm Link


Sonny Semansco

Posts: 27

Takasaki, Gumma, Japan

Nihilus wrote:

They start banal, overused-topic threads delineating unrealistic and ridiculous circumstances that, by contrast, make their interactions seem pseudo-professional?

Nice one.

Mar 27 06 05:47 pm Link


Doug Vosler Photo Arts

Posts: 191

Breezy Point, Minnesota, US

If this was meant for humor, okay..... if not, it's highly innacurate and outdated.

Mar 27 06 05:47 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I shop at thrift stores primarily because I do not have the money to go and purchase new, interesting outfits retail for every shoot. Nor do I feel the need to spend that much money when I can purchase quality items at a greatly reduced price, often benefiting community programs at the same time. I've never had a photographer that could tell the difference, or cared, where the clothes I was wearing came from as long as they were clean and pressed.

Mar 27 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

>>6. Model mentions that all she wants is to get free images so she can have something to remember her self for when she gets old and gray.

Mar 27 06 05:55 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

GWC wrote:

I am so confused - I usually say "DAMN you look GOOOOOOD" while I am shooting. Sometimes I step on my tongue. But I never say anything when a model comes out of the bathroom 'cuz the parking lot where I shoot doesn't have one.


LOL.  As long as you don't salivate on your camera.  Saliva can gum up the zoom gears.

Mar 27 06 05:58 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Nihilus wrote:

They start banal, overused-topic threads delineating unrealistic and ridiculous circumstances that, by contrast, make their interactions seem pseudo-professional?

Nihilus, you're over your quota of polysyllabic words.  No more until tomorrow!

Mar 27 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 10

Los Angeles, California, US

Nihilus wrote:

They start banal, overused-topic threads delineating unrealistic and ridiculous circumstances that, by contrast, make their interactions seem pseudo-professional?

what NIhilus said... my thoughts exactly!

Mar 27 06 06:05 pm Link


Digital Plus Photo

Posts: 685

Washington, Illinois, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
Do any GWC's use film?

I never use film until the third shoot. Most of the time..............

Mar 27 06 06:08 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Zao Photo wrote:
If this was meant for humor, okay..... if not, it's highly innacurate and outdated.

Yes it was all in fun but i guess some of us don't have that natural sence for humour and of course by that I don't mean you in any way. Really I don't hehehehe

Mar 28 06 12:37 am Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

AstraDivaJ wrote:
I shop at thrift stores primarily because I do not have the money to go and purchase new, interesting outfits retail for every shoot. Nor do I feel the need to spend that much money when I can purchase quality items at a greatly reduced price, often benefiting community programs at the same time. I've never had a photographer that could tell the difference, or cared, where the clothes I was wearing came from as long as they were clean and pressed.

I shop at thrift stores for my self and I know lots of people can't aford really nice expensive clothing as such. But if you are going to do a photoshoot such as Glamour or Fashion or even lingerie and come wearing something that looks like Aunt Bea From Mayberry would wear. My thoughts are that if you are going to do a professional shoot try to at least play the part and look the part. No offence to any one that shops at thrift stores. My god i have tones of Thrift store stuff but I don't use it on my shoots. If you use it in your shoots Kewl GO FOR IT but don't get bent out of shape over a lil comment. Kewl thanks for it any ways it was all meant for fun. But if it was not funny to you then all you have to do is just what you did. Make your view public. Thank you. Please come back again.

Mar 28 06 12:48 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Fake model:

18+ for bad taste


Mar 28 06 12:54 am Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

~Krista~ wrote:
Fake model:


Did you get a model release when you shot her??? lol

Mar 28 06 12:56 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

HokNok wrote:

Did you get a model release when you shot her??? lol

Nope, I cribbed her off the internet. Great thing about fake models....

Mar 28 06 12:59 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

a fallen angel whispered to me once "nothing is real unless..."

since then I dont give a damn if I'm any real something or if the others are any real somethings.

and there is no such a thing as a real fallen angel wink

Mar 28 06 01:06 am Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MagicImagePhoto wrote:
I have been asked by several models what they should look out for when shooting with outher photographers when they do tfp shoots. I am the Master on TFP shoots. My work is basic. I shoot and give the models what they need to get started on their portfolio books. But when I do studio shoots I have to charge them and it's a shame because models get so spoiled at getting Free Bees that every thing they do has to be done free freee free. Ok so my deal is that they have asked how to spot a real photographer from a fake one.

1. Photographer comes in late to shots with out calling model or lettting model know where he or she is at.

2. Photograher brings out his or her film to shoot and you see a bunch of .99cent film to shoot with. How can you tell if the film is .99 cent film. Most of the times they will take the recipte next to the film and you can see the .99 Cent logo on the recipte.

3. Photographer ask model. Hold on I just got this camera from a friend and i don 't know how to open it to load the film.

4. Photographer tells model do you have some extra change so I can go out and buy some batteries. I just found out I left my money at home.

5. Photographer photographs model with the sun hitting her or him straight in the face.

6.Photographer tells model after 5 frames that he or she has been shooting them but forgot to load the film on the camera.

7.Photographer tells models if it is ok if he can photograph her with his or her Phone camera.

8.Photographer forgets to mention to model that she or he has something hanging out of his or her nose after shooting a whole roll of film.

9.Photographer gives model a models release that indicates he will give her a CD or prints and you noticed that the models release was written with crayon makers.

10. Photographer finishes the shoot by telling model. You are the best model that I have ever worked with. And model askes. Well how many models have you photographed with and he says. Just you.

How to spot a fake model.

1.Model shows up to the shoot wearing Thrift store outfits.

2. Model has no make up or hair style scence.

3.Model tells photographer this is all about me you know. And this is all i want to do and this is all i want to get and this and this and this and that.

4.You ask model how many other photogs she has shot with and she tells you what the Hell is a PHOTOG!.

5. You give directions to model to make the pose look more Glamours from your point of view and she says. I want to pose this way better.

6. Model mentions that all she wants is to get free images so she can have something to remember her self for when she gets old and gray.

7.Model says she is a Profesional Model and you ask her for proff   of agencys she has worked with and she says. Well my uncle owns a camera store.

8.Model says she will do TFP shoots with you and ask you to pay for her traveling and gas and food.

9.Model gets upset when you send her a CD of your images and she mentions to you that a monkey could have done a better job. Well a Monkey could have modeled much better thank you.

10.Model mentions to you that she is on her Period. So don't you be telling her what to do and how to pose

Ok if you have any other things to add please do so and if you feel you have to comment on any of this please feel free to write to me at [email protected] hahaha have a nice day.

Bravo Magic Image.

Mar 28 06 01:10 am Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MagicImagePhoto wrote:
1.Model shows up to the shoot wearing Thrift store outfits.

Thrift store outfits ROCK!

You're missing out.


Mar 28 06 01:11 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

GWC wrote:
Oh, yeah, and real GWCs don't never post partonising, uh, patronysing, mm... patronizing threads about "how to detect a stuck-up real photographer" because detecting those is like too easy.


LOL. I love it.

How come no one ever posts, "How to spot opportunistic assholes and freeloading bitches?"

Mar 28 06 01:14 am Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

GWC wrote:
Oh, yeah, and real GWCs don't never post partonising, uh, patronysing, mm... patronizing threads about "how to detect a stuck-up real photographer" because detecting those is like too easy.


LOL. I love it.

J.K. Perez, Sr. wrote:
How come no one ever posts, "How to spot opportunistic assholes and freeloading bitches?"

yes, I don't think they're getting it.

the easiest way is

1) check the photos

Mar 28 06 06:25 am Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

The Thorny Rose wrote:

Ok, I have to object here... there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting things for shoots from the thrift stores... I've found tons of great stuff there that just needed a little altering or cleaning...  Yes, I realize it's inappropriate for high fashion, etc. but you can't just make a generalized statement like that.  Models come in all types, so if thrifting doesn't work for one, it can certainly work for another.

I agree. I'm not sure if ya'll thrift store just suck but here they rock. Once worn prom dresses and barely used clothing. I get Abercrombie pant that look new for $3. Not to mention old exotic clothing you wont find anywhere else.

Mar 28 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

6. Model mentions that all she wants is to get free images so she can have something to remember her self for when she gets old and gray.

Rumbled...I am a faker.
Actually I want the pics so I can embarass my grandkids when they come to visit

Mar 28 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

William Coleman wrote:
Nihilus, you're over your quota of polysyllabic words.  No more until tomorrow!

sad's Tuesday now...may I continue?

Mar 28 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 151

SFlickPhoto wrote:
I really enjoyed this post!

I have been out of the game of shooting models for a couple of years now... seems the commercial products I shoot are more reliable and don't talk back! LOL. 

This post reminded me of this model a few years ago that I shot.  She was young... I had seen a few images of her on OMP when she approached me about working together.   The photog she worked with obviously wanted her to be his next version of kiddie porn, so I thought I would help her get something a bit more useful for her age. 

1. I had to pick her up for her shoot

2. I went in to speak with her parents

3. She had dirty, greasy hair

4. NOOOOO makeup which I wasn't prepared for since I educated her on her makeup through email.

5. pen drawings stating who she loved on her hands and arms

6. thift store tshirt and jeans with dirty sneakers. 

I was irritated that my time had been wasted.  Shot 24 images and took her home, then she bugged me constantly about getting the images to her.  They were lousy and I didn't want them displayed anywhere!

Haha, that's too funny.  I can understand the parents thing if she was a minor though.

Mar 29 06 08:26 pm Link