Forums > General Industry > Alt. Girls/Tattoos = Porn!



Posts: 24

Los Angeles, California, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
It's not just tattooed girls-- most online photographers just want nekkid chicks these days.  (I like to work with the ones willing to go outside that box. wink)

amen...the body is beautiful...of that, there's no question. but, boobs are boobs, hoohas are hoohas. i'll leave it solely to my other half to get the special viewing wink

Apr 11 06 05:03 pm Link


allison a

Posts: 13

Chicago, Illinois, US

wait, you didn't get the memo? tattoos mean that you automatically enjoy doing kinky shit on camera. otherwise why else would you have tattoos? they're only there to advertise your love of doing porn. duhhhhh.


Apr 11 06 05:11 pm Link


Marcus Caruso

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Tatts or not.  I'd shoot Becky, or any other girl that fits my vision.   Tatts can be covered with excellant PS abilities or a excellant MUA.


Apr 11 06 05:20 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Im getting a bit tired of how most people assume "alt modeling" is porn

Apr 11 06 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Im getting a bit tired of how most people assume "alt modeling" is porn

You mean it's not? wink

Apr 11 06 09:47 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Marcus Caruso wrote:
Tatts or not.  I'd shoot Becky, or any other girl that fits my vision.   Tatts can be covered with excellant PS abilities or a excellant MUA.


True. I have spent my fair share on Ben Nye Tattoo Cover wheels.
I've also deliberately shot closeups on tats. All depends on what I'm trying to get.

Apr 11 06 09:52 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Lady Atropos wrote:
Im getting a bit tired of how most people assume "alt modeling" is porn

I think you're beautiful even when you're mostly covered up. ;->

Apr 11 06 10:00 pm Link


Rebecca Ryan

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Apr 14 06 06:23 pm Link


Rebecca Ryan

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Apr 14 06 06:23 pm Link


Rebecca Ryan

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Al Parker wrote:
Like one lady said to me when I asked if she had tatoos, she said no!  Then she said "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Mercedes????"

Haha than why do people put pin stripes/racer stripes on??

Apr 14 06 06:25 pm Link


Rebecca Ryan

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Apr 14 06 06:26 pm Link


Marcus Caruso

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Eric Tragedy wrote:
I think you're beautiful even when you're mostly covered up. ;->

Righton Eric. Righton.

Apr 16 06 12:38 pm Link


Erik Scott

Posts: 11

Ventura, California, US

I read the massive post.... Sadly the same people who put the "alt" models on the scene are wrecking it for them as well. After the recent walk off of SG girls, and some changes in managment I see that disorganzied mess as being exactly what they claimed not to be now. Alt porn, just pushing out as much nudity as they can, the pics are suffering...some real crap they publish.

I have some nice finished sets that never got submited to SG becuase of models changing their minds....but I too love to shoot tattooed models. Although when I post for regular fashion shoots I get all sorts of responce. I post for tattoo series I've been wanting to do on like 3 sites now with almost no responce. So either your representing a much smaller demo than you though or the Alt models arent as deticated or into it.

Apr 16 06 12:49 pm Link


Kens Lens

Posts: 854

Aurora, Colorado, US

There's an irony, you get offers to get naked because of tattoos and I'm looking for a model to do artist nudes that doesn’t have tattoos.

Apr 16 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 124

Chicago, Illinois, US

please dont ever cover up your tattoos

Mine are a part of me as much as any other part of me.

Apr 16 06 02:22 pm Link


Marcus Caruso

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Beauty is in the 'mind' of the beholder.  If you can not see beyond the hype and take these people as people, no biggie.  I am not here to judge.  However;   I can speak volumes of those I met, and shot with tattoos.  They are creative, intelligent, and have a genuine personality.  Sure there are good and bad, or those who go the direction of the XXX (it is a choice, is it not).  But just dont lump all in the same catagory just for the few.

Nuff said.

Apr 16 06 03:07 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Becky Threat wrote:
[1]  I myself am I tattooed gal, I plan on getting a lot more but I fear as though the industry doesn't take girls like us seriously. I want to get as far as I can doing this, with out lowering my standards.

[2]-Know of any good tattoo cover up(make up)?

1. The "standard" for work is that you are the best canvas possible for the art directors to paint upon. Modeling is about SELLING, if you are talking about the commercial application of it. There is art style work, where the model's skin and what is on it, doesn't matter that much. Where it is totally upto the artist and model themselves. However, If Coca Cola decides that they want a tattooed model in one of their advertisments, then you can BET on this, THEY are going to paint the tattoo that THEY think will look right for their campaign and NOT what the model chose for herself. At least the chances that the model picked the exact look that they would want are astronomical, at best. Every piece of inkwork you place on yourself will take another part of your commercial career with it. Eventually, since you stated that you are planing even more, the mainstream commercial prospects will be gone entirely.

Don't get me wrong, There is inkwork outhere that TRULY rates being called ART. Most is not. You...I think you rate that same designation of ARTIST...your portfolio is very strong...In fact, I would shoot with you, for art's sake, anytime. Actually, I am shooting a tattoo shop's calendar fairly close to you later this year...if you want in on it...send me a note and I will get you all the details on it.

2. This is not meant as a flame or intended with ANY lack of respect....If you are going to need to cover it up...why...put it there in the first place?

Apr 16 06 03:37 pm Link


Rebecca Ryan

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Anderson Artwork wrote:
2. This is not meant as a flame or intended with ANY lack of respect....If you are going to need to cover it up...why...put it there in the first place?

I love all the tattoos I have and the ones in mind have a lot meaning for me.
Though I do respect and understand that tattoos aren't for everyone. Like my family for example, they are pretty conservative and I made a promise to them the more I'd get the more I'd cover for them.(the irony my whole right side is dedicated to them).
Summer is coming up and my grandma is 101 and I know she'd be heart broken if she saw her family crest drawn onto my leg.    Once again I am proud of my ink. But I'm not going to be ignorant to the fact its not for everyone.... Plus these are for my pleasure, not everyone has to see them all the time wink

And yes I would be very interested in working with you on that project! smile

Apr 16 06 11:44 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Bring me your sick minded, tattered and tattooed, your ailing alternative models and I’ll shoot with you any day of the week.

I’ve photographed women being pierced and tattooed, I’ve photographed woman performing play piercing, and I’ve photographed numerous D/s scenes with M/F couples as well as lesbian lovers.

Some people call it fetish photography, but to me, it’s normal as going to get an ice cream with one of my children.

Apr 17 06 12:02 am Link


Marc Gonzales

Posts: 17

San Francisco, California, US

I am Living in San Francisco and have been looking for a tatooed model all semester for a still life shot, and am more interested in designing around the figure. Please contact me if you are in the area and am available to model.

Apr 17 06 12:23 am Link