Forums > General Industry > A question for models who don't/won't pose nude.


Scott Einuis

Posts: 337

New York, New York, US

I had this discussion with a another photographer (who did mostly nudes) some years ago and I was just interested in a pole:

If you were approached by a photographer (assume you feels he's/she's legit and pro) and he asked you to pose nude in a very professional way....

Would you be in someway upset/bothered/insulted or flattered?

Mar 23 06 07:34 am Link


Doe Deere

Posts: 8

Los Angeles, California, US

I think posing nude is a personal business of each model. Some don't do it out of shyness, others (like myself) pursue fashion modeling instead. I am also a pop singer, so having nude photos floating around is just not an option for me. wink

Think of nudity as chicken pie. If someone offers it to you and you simply don't like the taste, it's no big deal. But if you're deathly allergic to chicken, you might freak out a little bit wink

-Xenia, who doesn't do nudes

Mar 23 06 07:41 am Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

Xenia, Funny, the 4th pitcure in your profile is topless exposing both breasts and nipples.  So much for no nudes eh?

Quick, take it down before other read my post and find you out...

EDIT:  PS If I were asked to pose nude, I'd just laugh

Mar 23 06 08:02 am Link



Posts: 99

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I would rather be confused cause it says I don´t do nudes on every profile I have plus my website so one should guess I´m very serious about that. ;-)

Mar 23 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 346

Charleston, Arkansas, US

I'd be insulted- thats something u just shouldn't come up and ask someone. Makes u sound like a horny freak smile

Mar 23 06 08:07 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Very interesting and slightly unoriginal post (I say that in jest of course  smile )

I recently agreed to do a nude photo shoot.  In the past, I was very hesitant to do nude work for the fact that as a Christian woman I feel I have to be extremely careful about what I do.  But at the same time, I feel like a lot of clothed work is pornographic and there is quite a bit of nude work that is demure and artistic.  For example, MM #102290's work is soooooo beautiful and artistic to me.  Just happens to have a naked model in it. 

I also think that it is extremely hard for a lot of people to look at a photo of a naked woman/man and not see "OOOOh a naked woman".  How many notice the light?  How many notice what she's laying on, or the scenery?  Honestly, not too many.  I also think that too many people take a picture of a naked woman and call it "art" to make it sound less like what it really is. . .a picture of someone's nakedness.  For me there is a lot involved in creating a piece of art that happens to have a naked body in it.  So perhaps that's why a lot of models are extremely hesitant to do nude work.

Mar 23 06 08:37 am Link



Posts: 95

Raleigh, Illinois, US

I just don't have an attractive butt, so I couldn't never go nude unless it was with one of my close friend photographer. I know they would make me look good

Mar 23 06 08:41 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Very interesting and slightly unoriginal post (I say that in jest of course  smile )

I recently agreed to do a nude photo shoot.  In the past, I was very hesitant to do nude work for the fact that as a Christian woman I feel I have to be extremely careful about what I do.  But at the same time, I feel like a lot of clothed work is pornographic and there is quite a bit of nude work that is demure and artistic.  For example, MM #102290's work is soooooo beautiful and artistic to me.  Just happens to have a naked model in it. 

I also think that it is extremely hard for a lot of people to look at a photo of a naked woman/man and not see "OOOOh a naked woman".  How many notice the light?  How many notice what she's laying on, or the scenery?  Honestly, not too many.  I also think that too many people take a picture of a naked woman and call it "art" to make it sound less like what it really is. . .a picture of someone's nakedness.  For me there is a lot involved in creating a piece of art that happens to have a naked body in it.  So perhaps that's why a lot of models are extremely hesitant to do nude work.

LOL okay so did you do the nude shoot?

LOL and you rationalized your Christian beliefs--how?

Oh, Eve was nude in the beginning so it's okay? LOL

Mar 23 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 328

BRONX, New York, US

I wouldn't feel insulted at all I would just reiterate that I don't do nudes and move on. What I can't stand is when you do state that to some photographers they catch an attitude which I don't get b/c there are plenty of models that will.

Mar 23 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 328

BRONX, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Very interesting and slightly unoriginal post (I say that in jest of course  smile )

I recently agreed to do a nude photo shoot.  In the past, I was very hesitant to do nude work for the fact that as a Christian woman I feel I have to be extremely careful about what I do.  But at the same time, I feel like a lot of clothed work is pornographic and there is quite a bit of nude work that is demure and artistic.  For example, MM #102290's work is soooooo beautiful and artistic to me.  Just happens to have a naked model in it. 

I also think that it is extremely hard for a lot of people to look at a photo of a naked woman/man and not see "OOOOh a naked woman".  How many notice the light?  How many notice what she's laying on, or the scenery?  Honestly, not too many.  I also think that too many people take a picture of a naked woman and call it "art" to make it sound less like what it really is. . .a picture of someone's nakedness.  For me there is a lot involved in creating a piece of art that happens to have a naked body in it.  So perhaps that's why a lot of models are extremely hesitant to do nude work.

Jayne first I don't want you to feel I'm attacking you in any way just a little confused...didn't you recently post how you were disappointed in Toccara for gearing towards Black Men Magazine after stating she wouldn't gear towards that genre on ANTM....can you clarify b/c this seems a little hypocritical....i admit i didn't go through all of the threads of that post so I could be mistaken.

luv that new pic by the way smile

Mar 23 06 08:49 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Kerry Johnston wrote:
Jayne first I don't want you to feel I'm attacking you in any way just a little confused...didn't you recently post how you were disappointed in Toccara for gearing towards Black Men Magazine after stating she wouldn't gear towards that genre on ANTM....can you clarify b/c this seems a little hypocritical....i admit i didn't go through all of the threads of that post so I could be mistaken.

luv that new pic by the way smile

that was nice of you...however I am "attacking" and I am attacking her Christian contradiction SHE JUST

Mar 23 06 08:51 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

elisabeth1986 wrote:
I'd be insulted- thats something u just shouldn't come up and ask someone. Makes u sound like a horny freak smile

On the flip, A lot of people think women who model, not even nude, just bikini work, are sluts or worse.  The words have even been bandied about here in the forums.

How would you like it if most people, when they found out you were a model, just assumed you were a "working girl" as well?

(And no photographers shouldn't just be walking up to people and saying "Hey want to get nekkid?")

Mar 23 06 08:55 am Link


Don Couture

Posts: 8

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

The only way I would ask a lady I had never met if she would pose nude for me is if she was nude when I met her.  This is about the only country in the world that has an issue with nudity, but it is my country and I respect, not necessarily agree, with its values.  I would simply ask the lady if she would be willing to model for me.  The rest comes with getting to know the person and her personality and with her being comfortable with you as a skilled photographer.  I can't speak from experience but I believe if I was a female and asked to pose nude by a complete stranger, I would feel insulted.  Any photographer worth his salt does not need to be that inconsiderate.  Just my opinion.  Don

Mar 23 06 08:58 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

back on subject: professional etiquette would say that a photographer would not do such.

Mar 23 06 09:00 am Link


Dirk Alexander

Posts: 44

Greenwood, Arkansas, US

To the "pop singer" up above for whom nudes are not an option....   somebody  has hijacked your account and posted a nude photo of you on it!!!!   Too Funny!!!!

I have found that almost all beautiful women will pose nude.     But you don't just approach a woman and ask em to pose nekkid for ya!   You build trust, and move slowly to that level.

Mar 23 06 09:01 am Link


Doug Vosler Photo Arts

Posts: 191

Breezy Point, Minnesota, US

images by elahi wrote:

LOL okay so did you do the nude shoot?

LOL and you rationalized your Christian beliefs--how?

Oh, Eve was nude in the beginning so it's okay? LOL

Wait, wait... I'm a christian, and I shoot nudes, and I see nothing wrong with it.  Are you trying to christian bash?

Mar 23 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 10

Raleigh, Illinois, US

I've been asked to pose nude before and I politely declined.  No big deal.  It doesn't hurt to ask and I'm not offended by someone's request.  I have many reasons why I don't expose my body.  One being that I have two younger sisters that I am trying to set a good example for.  Would I ever consider nudity?  Probably not, that's just not the direction I see my career going. This is not to say nudity is wrong.  It's just wrong for me.

Mar 23 06 09:11 am Link


AEV Foto

Posts: 165

Carolina, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Scott Einuis wrote:
I had this discussion with a another photographer (who did mostly nudes) some years ago and I was just interested in a pole:

Hummmm, nudes and a pole ? Endless possibilities...

Mar 23 06 09:19 am Link


Crazy Cel

Posts: 243

Miami, Florida, US

images by elahi wrote:

LOL okay so did you do the nude shoot?

LOL and you rationalized your Christian beliefs--how?

Oh, Eve was nude in the beginning so it's okay? LOL

You come on here acting like a 10 year old child bashing someone who decided to do a nude shoot and she just happens to be Christian.  A lot of Christians do nude shoots doesn't make them less of a Christian. Being a Christian is just like any other faith, you have a belief in a higher power, that being God.  Just because someone decides to pose nude doesn't make them any less of a Christian. 

For one to understand Christianity you really have to understand the history, language the Bible was written in, the time, and the other religions surrounding it. 

I don't know if you believe in God, but last I checked he wasn't one to bash people taking nude photos either.  So please if you are going to make a comment, make it at least sound slightly intelligent.

Mar 23 06 09:33 am Link


Leda Locke

Posts: 101

Portland, Oregon, US

SKPhoto wrote:

On the flip, A lot of people think women who model, not even nude, just bikini work, are sluts or worse.  The words have even been bandied about here in the forums.

How would you like it if most people, when they found out you were a model, just assumed you were a "working girl" as well?

(And no photographers shouldn't just be walking up to people and saying "Hey want to get nekkid?")

I've had that assumption made based on the fact that I'm a massage therapist, somehow it doesn't surprise me my other semi-job carries that stigma...*sighs*

Acting used to, too.  Is it me, or am I doomed to be imagined a whore?  tongue

I can't really answer the nude question, as that's what I started out doing, but it's probably similar to prospective massage clients asking if there's a "happy ending".  If it's a polite question, be polite and move on...if not, heap on the scorn!  ESPECIALLY if they pressure you (although in my case I could mention "jail", which helps).

I've had that happen only once.  I hope it doesn't happen again, or I might not be able to prevent myself from doing damage.  *shudders*

Mar 23 06 09:36 am Link



Posts: 4

Vista, California, US

regardless if he is a pro or an amateur I would not shoot nude. When I stated in my profile is because I am not interested at all  in that kind of work. I would not be upset I would just politely decline. The same way I would say  to an amateur.

Mar 23 06 09:52 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

When I was 20 back before the Internet, I hung around a Fine Arts Photographer.  He carried his book with him and would randomly go up to beautiful women.  8 out of 10 would pose nude for him.  It is all in the approach.

Mar 23 06 09:54 am Link


Duane Stevens

Posts: 7

San Jose, California, US

As a shy photographer, I would not ask for a model to pose nude unless it is clear in her profile, portfolio, ZED, or elsewhere that she is open to it.

I DO have nudes in my portfolios, so that when a prospective model asks to see my work, then she (or he) can see that I am open to shooting nude work.  My position is to wait for the subject to ask or suggest the nude work, and so far I've received several requests.

If I were to suggest a style or pose that a model was not comfortable with, I would want them to immeadiatly speak-up, let me know, and I would respect her wishes;  I would hope that she would also understand if she asked me to shoot crude poses and I declined.

So I agree with many who have posted... if the requestor is a jerk or unknown to you, it's up to you; decline and move on, or be offended and write them off.

Mar 23 06 10:27 am Link


Steve Thornton

Posts: 950

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have one hard & fast rule when it comes to shooting models in general, including nudes. No husbands, no wifes, no boyfriends, no girlfriends & no parents.

Steve Thornton

Mar 23 06 10:31 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Not my cup of tea.  I like to leave something to the imagination wink

Mar 23 06 10:53 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

I would only do it in the context of bodypaint or an ad for a professional spa with only my back showing. No publications! I would NeVeR even consider doing anything in a bikini for a calendar/magazine.

Mar 23 06 10:53 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Xenia wrote:
I think posing nude is a personal business of each model. Some don't do it out of shyness, others (like myself) pursue fashion modeling instead. I am also a pop singer, so having nude photos floating around is just not an option for me. wink

Better take down the boobies then.....don't want to ruin your career.
BTW, you mean you pursue fetish fashion, right? At 5'2", couture is not your thing. If you don't like posing nude, don't post nude.

However, I seriously doubt that the reasons you listed: fashion, (i.e. fetish fashion), popstar, are legitimate reasons to not pose nude. Many fetish fashion models and popstars have had their boobies spread all over the net and they do just fine.

So, you are giving mixed messages. No problems with models who don't pose nude, but many people will question the model who has a nude pic up and then goes on a rant about how posing nude will 'ruin' her career.

In fact, this kind of hypocrisy is WAY more dangerous to a career, IMO.

Mar 23 06 11:00 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Crazy Cel wrote:

You come on here acting like a 10 year old child bashing someone who decided to do a nude shoot and she just happens to be Christian.  A lot of Christians do nude shoots doesn't make them less of a Christian. Being a Christian is just like any other faith, you have a belief in a higher power, that being God.  Just because someone decides to pose nude doesn't make them any less of a Christian. 

For one to understand Christianity you really have to understand the history, language the Bible was written in, the time, and the other religions surrounding it. 

I don't know if you believe in God, but last I checked he wasn't one to bash people taking nude photos either.  So please if you are going to make a comment, make it at least sound slightly intelligent.

who's bashing? she brought it up.....if you read what she said...she imlied at one time in HER life there was a contradiction between her Christian beliefs and her taking nude pix...something changed...was it her belief or God's law?
i simply asked for her rationalization.our YOURS?

Mar 23 06 11:02 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Very interesting and slightly unoriginal post (I say that in jest of course  smile )

I recently agreed to do a nude photo shoot.  In the past, I was very hesitant to do nude work for the fact that as a Christian woman I feel I have to be extremely careful about what I do.  But at the same time, I feel like a lot of clothed work is pornographic and there is quite a bit of nude work that is demure and artistic.  For example, MM #102290's work is soooooo beautiful and artistic to me.  Just happens to have a naked model in it. 

I also think that it is extremely hard for a lot of people to look at a photo of a naked woman/man and not see "OOOOh a naked woman".  How many notice the light?  How many notice what she's laying on, or the scenery?  Honestly, not too many.  I also think that too many people take a picture of a naked woman and call it "art" to make it sound less like what it really is. . .a picture of someone's nakedness.  For me there is a lot involved in creating a piece of art that happens to have a naked body in it.  So perhaps that's why a lot of models are extremely hesitant to do nude work.

Kerry Johnston wrote:
Jayne first I don't want you to feel I'm attacking you in any way just a little confused...didn't you recently post how you were disappointed in Toccara for gearing towards Black Men Magazine after stating she wouldn't gear towards that genre on ANTM....can you clarify b/c this seems a little hypocritical....i admit i didn't go through all of the threads of that post so I could be mistaken.

luv that new pic by the way smile

That's perfectly fine.  I don't bruise easily.  smile

I felt that Tocarra sold herself out b/c I feel she is allowing people to degrade her in order to make money.  In that thread, I said that my first thought was "why'd she even bother to keep clothes on?"  In other words, I felt she allowed herself to be objectified.  I feel the pics she did for those magazines were tasteless and degrading.  NOT because they were nude (my post never addressed her lack of clothing), but because clearly she put the focus on her sexuality. . .not herself.  Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the compliment.

Mar 23 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 70

Chatsworth, Georgia, US

If it is done in a professional manner I do not see anything wrong with being asked to.

Mar 23 06 11:09 am Link


Karen Amelia

Posts: 3

Long Island, Kansas, US

nudity is different for everyone.

i'm 18. and i JUST STARTED modeling.

i base my self around this...i have to be able to take pictures that i can show my father without him having a cow!  i'm still young, and i do not feel comfortable sharing those special places with others.

compliment or not, i just won't do it.

Mar 23 06 11:11 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
I recently agreed to do a nude photo shoot.  In the past, I was very hesitant to do nude work for the fact that as a Christian woman I feel I have to be extremely careful about what I do.  But at the same time, I feel like a lot of clothed work is pornographic and there is quite a bit of nude work that is demure and artistic.  For example, MM #102290's work is soooooo beautiful and artistic to me.  Just happens to have a naked model in it.

images by elahi wrote:
LOL okay so did you do the nude shoot?

LOL and you rationalized your Christian beliefs--how?

Oh, Eve was nude in the beginning so it's okay? LOL

Haven't done the shoot yet.  Scheduled for a few months from now.

To state that I have "rationalized my Christian beliefs" is more than a little presumptuous.  This statement strikes me as one coming from one of those people that say "Christians shouldn't gamble" when there is absolutely no reference of "gambling" in the Bible.  Or even, "drinking is a sin" when in actuality drunkedness is the "sin" that people speak of.  Inferences/interpretations of what is right/wrong are not sins.  But allow me to feebly attempt to open your mind to a little something about Christianity. 

In order for something to be Biblically classified as a "sin" there must be a law written against it in the Bible.  Notice I said "against" it.  True it is written that women ought to adorn themselves in modest apparel (see 1Timothy, chapter 2. . has several translations).  That does not condemn nakedness, but rather says that when you dress. . .you should be modest.  And really, that in and of itself is extremely relative.  One can draw just as much attention to oneself being "over dressed" as one can being "under dressed."

Concerning the OP, one has to ask themselves what is being created and what my being nude is lending to the photograph.  The shoot I've chosen to do is not one of a provocative nature.  I'm not selling sex or sexuality in any form.  Not all nudes are sexual in nature.  I believe I addressed that narrow view of thinking in my post.  Perhaps you should read it.

I now surrender the thread back to the OP and apologize for those that took it off topic.  Including myself.  smile

Mar 23 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Even though I know the chance of a model reaching supermodel status is 1% it still could happen. But more than that simply being a working model with a good agency who is tryin to build you up wether it be in fashion or cormercial is not gonna be too happy if and when they have found out you've done nude. But then again what nude are we talking about here? Just breasts? Buttocks? Or full blown nudity??

Naomi Campbell has been topless and panty-less plenty of times in sometimes a real erotic pose. But then again she is Naomi and is definetly the exception. I guess it all depends on the person. How they pose, the photog's expirience. If he is bad at what he does you'll look like a porn cover of a DVD. If he's good then it just may look like a spread in W magazine.

Mar 23 06 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 346

Charleston, Arkansas, US

well sure i've been asked to pose nude but not out on the streets. thats what u said, but i can see ppl changed everything around

Mar 23 06 12:17 pm Link


Digital Tracy

Posts: 82

Oakland, California, US

Scott Einuis wrote:
I had this discussion with a another photographer (who did mostly nudes) some years ago and I was just interested in a pole:

If you were approached by a photographer (assume you feels he's/she's legit and pro) and he asked you to pose nude in a very professional way....

Would you be in someway upset/bothered/insulted or flattered?

Unless I went out of my way to say on my profile that I don't do nudes, EVER!  I wouldn't have an issue with being asked.  If the photographer was really good, I would probably be flattered.

Mar 23 06 12:45 pm Link


Deja LaRue

Posts: 162

Baltimore, Maryland, US

If I was asked to pose nude, I wouldn't be offended. I would say no though, and suggest doing an implied nude instead of full nude. Plus, I'm in the military and a couple of eyebrows would be raised if they saw my you know what on someone's website.

Mar 23 06 01:00 pm Link