Forums > General Industry > Central Florida Gang

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

that playground is too cute kinda scarey for a little kid i would think but fun... i dont know why they made a giant spider and ant kids are usually afraid of those things but it was creative how they put it all together...

Mar 22 06 01:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
aww playing yay!

dude i love the dragonfly,  that thing was awesome.  i wish it was lower so i could have rode on it.......did that sound right hehe?

orias that would be cool those are some pretty awesome dragon flies...

Mar 22 06 01:35 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jayme Cardillo

Posts: 55

Palm Coast, Florida, US

If those darn kids weren't using it, the playground would have made for great photos!  Next time tell them the adults wanna play. 

I just wanted to say that I think the photographers and models did a great job, I keep seeing some amazing photographs.

Mar 22 06 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US

Kevin Rodgers took a photo of my son, Cole, and I on the rope Eiffel Tower. : )

Mar 22 06 06:18 pm Link


Kevin Rodgers

Posts: 149

DELAND, Florida, US

Nicole R wrote:
Kevin Rodgers took a photo of my son, Cole, and I on the rope Eiffel Tower. : )

If I can figure out how to post them here, I will get them up.  By The Way Nicole, kinda saddened that you left the park without saying goodbye :-/


Mar 22 06 08:37 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Hey all...Just wanted to thank everyone again for the great time we had.  We also wanted to let models, and makeup artists know we are still editing .  If any of the models are coming to the April 1 shoot  (see Chris Wright's port for details), let us know and we will bring the CD of your shoot with us.

You all are an awsome group...would definately be fun to see everyone again at the Tampa Meet .


Mar 23 06 05:20 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Kevin Rodgers wrote:
If I can figure out how to post them here, I will get them up.  By The Way Nicole, kinda saddened that you left the park without saying goodbye :-/


you have to save them at your personal website space

do this


Mar 23 06 05:35 am Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US

Kevi..I did say bye time I wont leave without giving ya a hug : D

Mar 23 06 06:26 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Jayme Cardillo wrote:
If those darn kids weren't using it, the playground would have made for great photos!  Next time tell them the adults wanna play. 

I just wanted to say that I think the photographers and models did a great job, I keep seeing some amazing photographs.

next time we wont go where the kids are lol

Mar 23 06 08:51 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jayme Cardillo

Posts: 55

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LOL Anna the kids weren't a problem, we just wanted to play with their playground is all.

Mar 23 06 12:45 pm Link


Douglas Rosen

Posts: 92

Orlando, Florida, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
oh doug what is with the blurry scenes hmmm?  smile   thats it i hate you for life lol.

Hey, those were candid shots of people working who usually dont want their pictures taken. So, they were fast shots, and the ones of anna arnt blurry, I think just steven. I was also getting dirty looks from the models getting done whenever I pointed the camera that way so most of those were shot while moving the lens towards something else. So, not perfect shots, but what matters are the great shots I got of you... those arent blurry smile

well, you can hate me for life, but you know I still Love you!!!

- Doug

PS You want to make sure I call you by your proper name, but you dont even capitalize mine sad

whats up with that

Mar 23 06 06:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

LOL Doug... i think they are cool they are definately motivation for me to get back to the gym i dont hate you! Im glad you took the time to snap some shots of the work behind the scene.... Thank you very much!

Mar 23 06 06:32 pm Link



Posts: 273

Ellenton, Florida, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
It was very good to see Zab again! Zab U are the best can`t wait till we do our Suzi Parker/Funny Girl shoot

Ha! Was wonderful seeing you too there babe!
You have to let me know when we're going to relive Suzi Parker, you know I'm always available to shoot with you. wink

Anna, you are amazing girl ... but you knew that ... MUAH!

Mar 23 06 06:47 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Anna, you are amazing girl ... but you knew that ... MUAH!

you are too girlfriend i want a picture of you with that marron dress i saw the one in gregs port awesome as always! very proud of your designs girlly your doing great! keep up the hard work it will pay off...

Mar 23 06 06:52 pm Link



Posts: 273

Ellenton, Florida, US

MakeoverMajic wrote:
you are too girlfriend i want a picture of you with that marron dress i saw the one in gregs port awesome as always! very proud of your designs girlly your doing great! keep up the hard work it will pay off...

Aww thanks! smile
You're definitely getting a pic ..
Anthony should be getting back to me soon with all the pictures.
I can hardly wait to see them myself!!

Mar 23 06 06:57 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

Douglas Rosen wrote:
I think just steven.


Doug..I know you shot me dude...where's the mug shots?  LOL

Mar 23 06 07:54 pm Link



Posts: 5187

Tampa, Florida, US

oh damn i didnt see the giant spider,

and there was a rope eiffel tower, where was i?

i think the kids would have kicked the crap out of us if we would have tried to bogard their playground.  throwing sand and water near photographers and models wouldnt have went over so well. 

hey i can take out like 2 or 3 of them, but there were hundreds so i may need backup. smile 

oh sorry Douglas, not to be confused with douglas.  cause its all about excentuation.  you got some decent random pics of me, though the one bad one of me scolding you makes up for that.

damn im gonna miss the april first meeting. i'll be in the bahamas for a fashion party. hope all goes well. i wanna hear about it!


Mar 23 06 08:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

orais im working on one for June ... so keep in touch ...

got another group shot from Barry  vaught tonight...


Mar 23 06 10:18 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

Sweet!  Thanks for sharing Anna : )

Mar 23 06 10:23 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jayme Cardillo

Posts: 55

Palm Coast, Florida, US

I love the group shot.  Whose that monkey hanging on the fence?  LoL just kidding Chris smile

Mar 24 06 08:23 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

Jayme Cardillo wrote:
I love the group shot.  Whose that monkey hanging on the fence?  LoL just kidding Chris smile

look below chris between the girls you can almost see someone else LOL

Mar 24 06 08:41 am Link


Kevin Rodgers

Posts: 149

DELAND, Florida, US

Barry, great Shot, we almost got everyone in that shot. I see half a head in the back. looks like it might be Chantelle.  (sob)  I didn't get to shoot Chantelle. :-( Oh and BTW, Why didn't Omar wear white ????  hmmmmmm.

Mar 24 06 11:32 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jayme Cardillo

Posts: 55

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Yeah but see I was smart ...I just stayed inside for all this lmao

Mar 24 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 13

Tampa, Florida, US

Hey folks. had a Blast! Dangit we missed out on the Group shot sad Oh well. Next time. At any rate. I'm trying to orgainze a luxury car shoot in june sometime. We have a Benz & an Audi at this point, and maybe if Anna can swing it...a 1930's Mercedes(can we say Vintage clothing???). More info on my profile. Let me know I thought our bunch was awesome. I look forward to seeing more of ya'll again. Pics from Sunday are in my port, im adding more of Deneise(sp?) tonight.


Mar 24 06 11:42 am Link


Kevin Rodgers

Posts: 149

DELAND, Florida, US

Jayme Cardillo wrote:
Yeah but see I was smart ...I just stayed inside for all this lmao

Jayme Daaaahling,
To sit out on a group photo is about as naughty as sitting out of a Family photo.. Shame on you :-/
Love you anyway

Kevin ;-)

Mar 25 06 09:42 am Link


Douglas Rosen

Posts: 92

Orlando, Florida, US

Steven Eldridge wrote:



Hey, first I have no idea what the hell I was saying when I said "I think just Steven". I think I was originally writting something about the photos you took of Orias and then I deleted that and wrote other stuff and somehow left that little bit in there. For the life of me I cant figure out what the hell I was saying LOL...

Steven Eldridge wrote:
Doug..I know you shot me dude...where's the mug shots?  LOL

as for the "mug shots". well, I havent been online much recently, actually I still have a bunch of unread messages. but I will go through the pics and post a few later today if I can. I think I will make models going to future meets happy and show what several photographers look like. How about a game of NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER?

Mar 25 06 11:33 am Link


Douglas Rosen

Posts: 92

Orlando, Florida, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
Douglas  bad one of me scolding you

for those that want to see it, look now because I may remove this photo soon. But I figured I would show everyone what happens, at least to me, when you are actually friends with a model. NO, she doesn't pose more for you, she growls when you point the camera at her. Therefore, you get pictures like this one...

and just to be fair, I did get a couple that were decent. Oh and for those of you who don't know, I rarely edit my photos, esspecially when I dont have much time. So, all of the photos I am posting are untouched in anyway (except being sized down to post).

and yes, big drum roll here, a shot of her where she is looking at me and NOT making a face or putting her hand over her face (you should see how many I have like that LOL)

Mar 25 06 12:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

I love the first one doug LOL where shes frowning at you too funny!

Mar 25 06 05:00 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

Douglas Rosen wrote:
How about a game of NAME THAT PHOTOGRAPHER?

If you had done that prior to Sunday I would have gotten a whopping one right : )

Mar 25 06 05:57 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

MakeoverMajic wrote:
orais im working on one for June ... so keep in touch ...

got another group shot from Barry  vaught tonight...


Well name those photographers and models then LOL ....

Mar 25 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 5187

Tampa, Florida, US

ok i know i have small boobs guys but you dont have to cut my concavities out of the shot smile

woa name that photographer is a little risky.  i fold. 

hey what do you mean growl.  thats definately a snarl!!!
i only growl when im happy, and bite, and scratch......well thats a whole other topic wink
plus thats my cute "im gonna maul you down" face, consider yourself touched that you were the only one on my hit list that day. 

june parties sound fun to me!!! yay.
i'll bring the festive pinata whoo


Mar 25 06 09:21 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
i only growl when im happy, and bite, and scratch......


Really?  Hmmm

Mar 26 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 5187

Tampa, Florida, US

yeah well you know how it is,  gotta keep the spice in things.

ok so the forum is dying nooooo!!!!

Mar 27 06 08:27 pm Link


Steven Starr

Posts: 1433

Fort Mill, South Carolina, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
yeah well you know how it is,  gotta keep the spice in things.

ok so the forum is dying nooooo!!!!

Noooo not yet..there's got to be more images out there?

Mar 27 06 09:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

So.... i tried to start a seperate post ...but noone really got into that topic but.... if you have an chance to attend a workshop what kind of workshop would you love to attend to help improve your skills or create a better understanding of a subject.... I am going to include these mini classes as part of our next event... so give me some input so I can set up classes that would be interesting for you.  Expanding your mind with creativity and knowledge is always important to furthuring your career.


Mar 27 06 09:46 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Hey, PhotoCat & I managed to miss the last meet up.  We're headed to Tampa this coming weekend for the meet & shoot there.  Someone give us a shout for the next central meet!

Mar 28 06 01:45 am Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Orias Bastet wrote:
yeah well you know how it is,  gotta keep the spice in things.

ok so the forum is dying nooooo!!!!

***on hands and knees, blowing life into thread****  one and two and  one and two....BREATHE!!!

Mar 28 06 05:13 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 219

Appleton, Wisconsin, US

LOL edwin..... Thanks for the cpr to the post .... the next central florida get together is being worked on right now and i have got lots of cool surprizes in store for everyone .... this one will be at an indoor location so there will be spots for photographers to set up i am working on a location that has a pretty outside as well so those of you who like to shoot outside will be able to shoot as well... More details will be coming in soon but for right now thats all i have to share....

Mar 28 06 06:37 am Link



Posts: 5187

Tampa, Florida, US

i think a color workshop would be handy.  there are so many photographers who put models in front of a background that totally clashes,  or models who wear the wrong colored accessories or makeup artists who do the wrong looking color for the specific feel of the shot. 

so i think we could all benefit from a workshop that focuses around complimenting colors,  good color combos, amount of color in photos, do's and dont for lighting certain colors,  colors on specific model complexions etc. 

i dont know if anyone else recognizes this is a problem with them or others work they see.

but even myself.  ive had cool colored accessories that seemed to look good in the mirror but mess up the flow of the photograph in the finished project cause the camera picks up tiny shade details. 

so the workshop could focus on the color wheel,  general rules and experienced effects, as well as color meaning and feel.


Mar 28 06 03:42 pm Link


Douglas Rosen

Posts: 92

Orlando, Florida, US

OK, first my apology to Steve. I know I said I was going to post a "mug shot" of you the day before yesterday, but I just got slammed with other things and had to get off my comp before I could. I am sorry. So, I dont have time to put up all the photographer shots I got, but here is a quick assortment of a couple. anyone who wants to put a name with the face, that would be cool. I honestly only know three of them I think. So, in case I should know more, I am not going to put anyone's name with their photo, that I can lie and tell each photographer that of course I know them, it was just the other dudes I didnt know!

as always these are all untouched photos, no comments allowed on the quality of these...once again, most are people who do not like being photographed (which I totally understand since I hate it most of the time myself).

thats all for now folks.

Ok Orias, happy, I did my bit to keep the thread alive....

Mar 28 06 04:11 pm Link