Forums > General Industry > being late....why is it okay?


Kimberly Lola

Posts: 19

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Since I started this modeling thing over a month ago I have only been late to one thing and that was because, being from San Diego, I didn't know about noon L.A. traffic (Is there traffic at every hour of the day there?!!!).  But I called the photographer about every 20 mins to update him.  I felt so bad but not calling is not an option no matter how embarrassed you might be (plus, showing up hours late has got to be more embarrassing than telling the person on the phone before his/her patience has been tried). 

  I can't believe people do that!  Whatever other cultures do, it is rude to leave someone hanging like that.  Think about a time you had plans and someone was late and didn't inform you and possibly  never showed up at all.  That is one of the most frustrating things...  It makes you feel unimportant.  On a professional level, even if feelings aren't hurt, a wallet might be.  Besides, that person could have made other plans with another model/photographer. 

Conclusion: if you're going to be late, call.  There is no excuse!

  Now on an unprofessional level, I'm late to everything, he he, oops.  I warn people about this and still call as I am running late because I don't want to be disrespectful but I tend to get distracted (ADD?).  Obviously, though, since I can be on time to jobs, I am capable.  It's not that I view meeting up with friends/family as less important but one can generally tell, by the way the other person proposes a meeting, on how important promptness is.  But a job is one of those things where one should assume that being late is probable cause for a beheading yikesP

Mar 19 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Just say no to TFP

Mar 19 06 03:38 pm Link


Lillith Leda

Posts: 663

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Chicks take forever to get ready and the "late" thing isn't isolated to just the modeling profession. Women have kept men waiting for centuries as they powder their noses.

Give the models a different time to be there, so if you want to start shooting at 8 tell them the shoot starts at 7, that way they get there on time and you're not sitting around waiting for them.

Mar 19 06 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

christie esparza wrote:
It's all about how you word things. No, you can not discuss race on this site nor any others if you are going to attack that race over your experience with a few. I looked at your site and you only had 2 pictures that were caucasian. Why do you continue to shoot that race if you have problems with all of them?


Mar 19 06 03:53 pm Link


Moon Slide

Posts: 47

Oakland, California, US

It's not ok.  People value their time.  Being late shows disrespect.

If you are running late, call and let the other person know, in any situation.

Mar 19 06 03:59 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

tarrice love wrote:
no question is a dumb one

ps. i also have learn that race is an issue never to be mention within this forum, so on that note - disregard my previous post.
If we can't admit problems and have dialog about them, they will continue to exist.

Comments in a public forum that either stereotype or derogate members of "protected" groups - women, ethnic minorities, the handicapped, etc. - can engender lawsuits.  MM has a right and an obligation to steer the threads clear of such dangers.  Your question, in the prior thread, was not a "dumb" one, but it was inflammatory, or at least borderline.  It would have produced both anecdotal support and opposition...much heat, little light, most likely.  Suppose you wanted to discuss whether America should euthanize elderly people or the retarded?  OK, those are extreme examples, but it's the extreme examples that highlight the principle.  Not all subjects are equal.

This new thread is different:  models and photographers are not "protected" groups.  Both are fair game.  :-)

Mar 19 06 04:53 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
you just can't make a grand entrance early!

LMAO I like that one

Mar 19 06 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

tarrice love wrote:
no question is a dumb one


i'll ask the question another way ....

why is it an accepted thing that models are late? I personally think it it is disrepectful of everyone's time. It's exspensive if you are renting studio space and paying staff. A late model overlaps into another person's scheduled shooting time. If a model is excessively late or cancels a shoot with me, I don't ask for an explanation ( you asking people to lie to you if you do) or reschedule if its a TFP. I wanted to know what other people's views on being late.

ps. i also have learn that race is an issue never to be mention within this forum, so on that note - disregard my previous post.
If we can't admit problems and have dialog about them, they will continue to exist.

On your P.S. - you're deluded if you can assign lateness to ... well, I'll leave it up to you to figure out

Mar 19 06 05:36 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I just have one very important thing to say and we can all act like this is a new thread but we know what is on your mind because you posted it in the previous thread..

What is important is that if you want respect you have to give it..So maybe your problem is that you have no respect for people in general..but especially minorites and being one yourself I thought you would want to empower yourself but maybe you still need to soul search..

I just have to let you know that your previous thread was insulting and derogatory! all jokes aside.. You were serious and what you were and are insinuating is not cool..I personally don't think it was very professional and that is all I have to say about limited mental facilities..

Any yes there are really dumb questions FYI


Mar 19 06 05:46 pm Link


Angie Borras

Posts: 1933

Kissimmee, Florida, US

I've only been late once  and is mostly because of traffic  and couldn't find the place. MAp quest sucks by the way! But I kept on calling the photographer and told them that I was stuck i n traffic and theres was nothing that I could do. Things Happens. Nobody is perfect.

Mar 19 06 05:49 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

William Coleman wrote:

Comments in a public forum that either stereotype or derogate members of "protected" groups - women, ethnic minorities, the handicapped, etc. - can engender lawsuits.  MM has a right and an obligation to steer the threads clear of such dangers.  Your question, in the prior thread, was not a "dumb" one, but it was inflammatory, or at least borderline.  It would have produced both anecdotal support and opposition...much heat, little light, most likely.  Suppose you wanted to discuss whether America should euthanize elderly people or the retarded?  OK, those are extreme examples, but it's the extreme examples that highlight the principle.  Not all subjects are equal.

This new thread is different:  models and photographers are not "protected" groups.  Both are fair game.  :-)

You are right about that!  The lack of logical thinking astounds me!  I can't stand it when people stereotype others based on physical differences.  Every single person is physically different. Even clones, or the closest twins are different!  What brings us together is this; We have the ability of cognitive thinking where we can understand and love each other. We feel similar emotions when things happen to us.  We may appear to look different on the outside, but inside where the soul is ... we are all one people! 

Questions can not be "dumb."  The OP can and should be careful with his words as not to insult or inflame a group of people under a stereotype or label.  To rephrase it something like this ... "Any thoughts or advice on how to deal with models who show up late?"  would be better!  Now I have plenty of thoughts and ideas about how to work with people and in particular, late models. 

Using logical thinking ... there is no such thing as a "dumb question" because questions can not ask or think.  lol   There are no "protected" labels of people or stereotypes of people who are "fair game" either ... just some stereotypical assumptions of people will cause or incite more flaming plus anger at being a part or not of that particular group. 

To think that all of a certain skin color of people are all going to be the same because of ones experience only shows ignorance that will hopefully dissipate with further experience in time. In other words, excuse and then educate the OP, for he did not know he was beating on a hornets nest!  LOL

Mar 19 06 06:06 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Is the "problem" of tardiness more about ones own selfishness or is it a life and death situation?  Being late for ones own funeral would be a blessing!  (At least for me, I was supposed to be dead years ago!  LOL) 

It is in our legal justice systems and medical fields where a matter of seconds can have a major effect on ones life.  That is why we need to consider the consequences of being late under those circumstances.  As I pointed out before, it is imperative that people are on time or they suffer financial loss or even jail time in the California traffic court system.  Now if a model or photographer were to think of it as a loss of money every time they are late, then maybe they would be on time? 

TFP is a problem!  You have more to gain but less to lose by doing it.

Mar 19 06 06:23 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Intensity wrote:
I've only been late once  and is mostly because of traffic  and couldn't find the place. MAp quest sucks by the way! But I kept on calling the photographer and told them that I was stuck i n traffic and theres was nothing that I could do. Things Happens. Nobody is perfect.

Map Quest does SUCK!  I've used it and found it to be worng more times than right.

Mar 19 06 06:25 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

OK, I'm done! But before I go, here is a quote from a wise dog!  wink 

Jack D Trute wrote:
From the beginning of time to the end of time,  humans will be late.   Stuff happens.

Mar 19 06 06:27 pm Link


The Matthew Ross

Posts: 2735

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I don't think being late is "ok" but, stuff happens.

Mar 20 06 08:30 am Link


Bondo Photo

Posts: 250

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

To answer the initial question of this topic, it is NOT okay or acceptable for anyone to be late. Sometimes it's worth it to tolerate it though, and sometimes circumstances for being late are unavoidable. You agree on a set time for a reason.

If I'm ever going to be late for something, I'll call the other person to let them know why I won't be on time. It's the proper, respectful and appropriate thing to do.


Mar 20 06 09:21 am Link


The Matthew Ross

Posts: 2735

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

D to the ITTO,  Ditto.

Mar 20 06 09:23 am Link



Posts: 99

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Be happy they show up at all!!! No, I´m just joking. If there is a time set one should show up or at least call if there is a delay. I´m a real freak about it. Once I actually started crying cause my bus was too late for a meeting. Beeing more than just in time is a damn spleen of mine.

Yesterday I scared the hell out of a photographer when I sended him an SMS to tell him I´m on the way (I allways do that so they know I´m really coming now and sometimes send them a not how to recognize me whan I don´t have my make up done already). He right stopped on the highway thinking I had cancelled until he had readed the SMS *lol*.

Maybe I shouldn´t write the "I´m on my way and it seems my train will be on time. I wear a grey coat"-SMSes anymore :-D

Mar 20 06 09:31 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1862

New York, New York, US

If I'm there on time, and the photographer is there on time (especially if the studio is being rented) then the model should be on time as well.  I mean I live in NY and I know s**t happens with Traffic and/or Train delays so 10 - 15 minutes is ok (and you sure as hell better call and say that you're going to be late).

Me as a MUA...if you're not there in a timely fashion I either
A) am not in a good mood
B) leave cos if you're late (and time is money) then you're not worth my time

Mar 20 06 09:35 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

I agree that most models are not the most punctual people in the world. HOWEVER in my 6 months of modeling I have NEVER been late and I always give at least 48 hours notice for cancellation if needed. I give the respect that I expect to receive from photographers.

Mar 20 06 09:37 am Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jack D Trute wrote:
From the beginning of time to the end of time,  humans will be late.   Stuff happens.

The Great spirit was not pissed at Eve because she took the apple,  The Great spirit was pissed because she was late for tee time in the garden.

If you are going to be late, just call. In the era of cellphones there is no reason not to and it shows that you respect someones else's time.

Mar 20 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

First day in acting class, I still recall the instructor said:

"...15 minutes early is on time, on time is late.  And there is no reasonable excuse to be late unless you are dead."

I still stick by it today.

Mar 20 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 227

Los Angeles, California, US

I really frown on a shoot starting late- it usually puts a bad spin on the overall shoot. I usually wait 15 minutes and move on if I do not get a phone call as to why a model is late. For larger shoots- I try to have the model picked up to avoid delay.

Mar 20 06 12:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I really frown on a shoot starting late- it usually puts a bad spin on the overall shoot. I usually wait 15 minutes and move on if I do not get a phone call as to why a model is late. For larger shoots- I try to have the model picked up to avoid delay.

It's not "ok" to be late, but it happens. It takes a hell of a lot to make me frown ... those who know me know it!  LOL  So 5 or 10 minutes late does not bother me at all, especially if we are in contact with each other by cell phone.  You just need to learn to deal with it in the most positive way possible.  I treat everyone well, but I always have a back up plan for no shows.   Even if someone is late, I put someone else in front of my camera to warm up the set or I find something else productive to do.  It is a gentle reminder that we all can be replaced. 

You brought up another great idea and that is to make sure the crew is transported.  I had a big crew/cargo van that I piled people into for the last event I did.  With traffic in larger California cities like San Jose, LA, San Diego, etc, it's really the best way to go! We should all car pool to save money and the environment.  It makes sense!

Mar 20 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

I always book females whatever their job is at LEAST an hour earlier than everyone else on the set.  That way they get to the location on time.  If a guy is late, I just send him home and NEVER hire them again.

I have Freelanced for 20 years, if I am late, I NEVER work for that client again.  It's that cut and dry.  No excuses. 

Women are however excused only because they are women and us men need to adjust to it.  No big deal, women are always late, what's the problem???

Mar 20 06 01:26 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Some great ideas here!  So far we have had positive input to helping motivate people to be on time to shoots like;

(1) Get the model invested in the shoot.  If money is being exchanged, she or he is more likely to show up on time!  It's a serious loss if you show up late to court or the hospital.  So if "serious loss" of money, freedom or life is involved, we show up! tongue

(2) Be sure you have exchanged cell phone numbers AND that directions are CLEAR.  I have a minutes plan that allows for up 5,000 minutes and long distance so I don't care if I talk to someone while giving them directions. 

(3) Have alternative models, or things to do available to you so that you are not bored (which contributes to mad moods.)  I like to have several people around so that I can put someone in right away to check lighting, warm up, etc. ... before the model gets there.  Then when the model arrives, they jump in!  It works that way in Hollywood!  If you can find something else to occupy your time, you'll feel better.

(4) Car pool or make arrangements for transportation.  This is a good thing to do, especially when it's critical to have everyone there about the same time.  Traffic becomes less of an "poor" excuse when we are together in it!  LOL

Any other positive tips to help people be on time?  Oh .. and "NO!"  women and blacks are NOT always late!  Anyone who says that is just being illogical.  All I can say to anyone who says that is "Get some common sense!"

For those who do "TFP" and complain ... all I can say is what does the photographer and model have to lose?  It's part of the risk you take in doing "TFP" ... it's better to pay the models!

Mar 20 06 01:30 pm Link