Forums > General Industry > Kicked out a model for the first time today...


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Some people don't really like to work and those are the people that you have to becareful of because they also have a habit of ruining everybody else's time. I think that if a stylist or make up artist is there as a model you can feel safe. Further if you arrange a pre-meet or shoot both photog and model can give a description to someone they know if anything where to happen. The only time to not feel safe is if you tell nobody where you are going. Common sense dictates in this trype of situation. If you are serious about your work than you will be PROFESSIONAL! I personally like to make sure I have a connection with the photoghaper when we work cause the pics turn out better. So people or not I only have eyes for the I dont like distractions so if I was to bring someone they would have to shut the hell up and not disturb my work. I am also my own woman and this is a job so I dont involve my personal life. Just one of my principle's of business.

If people feel more secure with their Bf's or husbands than that is their perogative just dont be a loser and waste people's time because you dont really care about your job. If you are a professional than be one, not all the apple's on the tree have worms.


Mar 17 06 09:44 am Link


Karina Kerr

Posts: 42

Dunwoody, Georgia, US

Stupid @$$hole!!! People like HIM make it hard for people like US who have respectful boyfriends/husbands/significant others/etc. to bring them around. I feel MORE comfortable when my boyfriend is at the shoot - it's like a support system. PLUS he will tell me the TRUTH about how I look, etc. Of course, if the photographer wishes I come along without a boyfriend - that's no problem either...

damn d!ck!!

Mar 17 06 09:54 am Link



Posts: 76

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

I agree that the media probably blows creepo photographers out of proportion but it only takes on evil guy to ruin it for everyone.

Short story:

Back in the 90's there was a really well known photographer in California - he shot with the football team - I can't remember which city but I think it might have been the 49ers.

Unbeknownst to most of the people he was a violent psycho.  He convinced one of the beautiful cheerleeders to do a photoshoot with him.  She had no reason to distrust him since he was well known and worked for a major company.

He did pretty much what you are expecting out of this story and left her body in the mountains.

They convicted him but it makes a model think twice about a photographer.  Just because he is good or well known doesn't seem to mean much. 

References are the best way to go about it. Shame the girl didn't do it.

Mar 17 06 10:11 am Link



Posts: 9245

Arlington, Texas, US

Here's my take on this entire subject and, while I haven't yet been to a shoot with my wife, I do plan on going in the interests of learning and educating myself.  At that point in time I will ask the photographer if he / she is comfortable with me in the area and what the ground rules are.  It's their place of business (even if its an outdoor shoot) that I am intruding myself on so I have to respect their rules as I would expect the rules of my house or office to be respected.

When a model and a photographer are doing a shoot they are working and the escort / significant other should respect that.  Would they want someone coming where they work and be a distraction, clown, fucktard, etc?   I would venture to say that the ones that actually have jobs outside of the local fast food joint wouldn't.  For that matter if he's trying to get the frys done he probably doesn't want somebody messing with him either.

I think it all boils down to maturity and professionalism on the part of all parties present. One fool can ruin it for everybody and cost both the photographer and the model in a very real and financial way.

Mar 17 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 11

Westchester, Florida, US

In my opinion It all depends on the individuals.  Some can be helpful, and some can be assholes.

Mar 17 06 10:44 am Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

SithVixen wrote:
I agree that the media probably blows creepo photographers out of proportion but it only takes on evil guy to ruin it for everyone.

Short story:

Back in the 90's there was a really well known photographer in California - he shot with the football team - I can't remember which city but I think it might have been the 49ers.

Unbeknownst to most of the people he was a violent psycho.  He convinced one of the beautiful cheerleeders to do a photoshoot with him.  She had no reason to distrust him since he was well known and worked for a major company.

He did pretty much what you are expecting out of this story and left her body in the mountains.

They convicted him but it makes a model think twice about a photographer.  Just because he is good or well known doesn't seem to mean much. 

References are the best way to go about it. Shame the girl didn't do it.

That's a bit different though.
Sounds like he mainly shot sports/action shots for the football team whee he would be out on the field in front of thousands of people.

If a photographer is known to shoot models, and a model contacts other models that he has done shoots with, especially alone with him, I would think that should make the model feel safe.

I do see your point though.
Just becasue everyone knows him and says he's a nice guy doesn't really mean anything sometimes.

Just look at child molesters. They're usually the really nice uncle or friend of the family that everyone loves.

Mar 17 06 03:56 pm Link


Laura Lux

Posts: 38

Nevada City, California, US

I do not bring an escort. I bring an assistant, big difference. Someone to be in control of my bag, to bring me water so I can stay in a pose or to help me move into a new pose if needed.

If I have worked with someone for awhile I usually do not worry so much, but honestly, creeps people. There are alot of them out there and I do not mess around. I can take care of myself, so can others I am sure but sometimes it really helps to have someone around. Not for yourself but as a reminder to the other one that messing around is not favored. ( I mean as in if it was agreed to be an artisitic nude shoot it will most likely stay that way instead of shades of grey billowing in. I know that offends most photographers but that is honest truth. I have been in the industry long enough to know that.)

Also if they say no "escorts" or assistants, I have them drive there anyways and wait in a car or in a nearby cafe. In the wilderness I bring a long range radio. That isn't being immature and not professional. It is just plain smart. I also have a contract for photographers, it has nothing to do with rights of photos or anything. It states that I do some things and I do not do others. They must sign this and be aware of those things at the scene of the shoot (which is another reason for an assistant because they are witness.) This stops pictures that do not respect my creed of classical work in photography.

I also do photography, I do not mind people being around. Their hands will end up being filled being a gopher anyways. smile

Mar 17 06 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Does this topic ever get old? We should accumulate a huge FAQ sheet/thread with all of these recurring issues clearly defined and explained.

Mar 17 06 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US

compiling an FAQ or sheet wouldn't stop it from happening or make it any less frustrating when it does. hmm

Mar 17 06 04:52 pm Link


Mark Crismond Photos

Posts: 78


No boyfriends for me either. I tell the models that bringing their mom would make them more comfortable than the BF.

I've only had to refuse to shoot llamas twice, both because they were soooo stoned that they couldn't fully open their eyes.

Mar 17 06 04:56 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Photos by Dwayne wrote:
When a model tells me they will be bringing an escort I just say, "No problem...I'm bringing one too..." I get a strange look, but I usually explain to them I have an escort with me to provide "safety and secuirty" in case the models escort gets out of hand. I figure if they don't mind having an escort watch them while we shoot why should they mind one more person. wink


LOL- I did the same thing.  I was staying in LA and I was doing a shoot with a girl who was bringing an escort/ boyfriend even tho we already had a mua.  So- I invited a couple of my photographer friends too- lol.  It was fun- we all were talking and had a good shoot.  Ohhh- until her boyfriend got sleepy and started complaining and talked the model (who wanted to continue shooting) into leaving.

Freakin escorts!

Mar 17 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 25

Saint Matthews, South Carolina, US

If the escort is distracting I just have them wait in the next room. In my stdio they an hear everything but not be a distraction. I also do not like boyfriends as escorts. The model is always asking if this is alright or that is alright. I end up saying "if You have to ask, you shouldn't be doing it" or "would you do it if he wasn't here?"

I find in either case it's better to get everything up front and inform the model that if the escort is a distraction they will be asked to leave and the model will not be paid.


Mar 17 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 25

Saint Matthews, South Carolina, US

If the llama herder is distracting I just have them wait in the next room. In my studio they an hear everything but not be a distraction. I also do not like boyfriends as llama herders. The model is always asking if this is alright or that is alright. I end up saying "if You have to ask, you shouldn't be doing it" or "would you do it if he wasn't here?"

I find in either case it's better to get everything up front and inform the model that if the llama herder is a distraction they will be asked to leave and the model will not be paid.


Mar 17 06 05:02 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

5 pages later- the answer remains.  Escorts= bad!  :-)

Mar 17 06 05:04 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Just checking in to see if, after 5 pages, this discussion turned into something worthwhile...


plus I'm just bored...

Mar 17 06 05:28 pm Link


Tomi Hawk

Posts: 1649

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

SithVixen wrote:
I agree that the media probably blows creepo photographers out of proportion but it only takes on evil guy to ruin it for everyone.

Short story:

Back in the 90's there was a really well known photographer in California - he shot with the football team - I can't remember which city but I think it might have been the 49ers.

Unbeknownst to most of the people he was a violent psycho.  He convinced one of the beautiful cheerleeders to do a photoshoot with him.  She had no reason to distrust him since he was well known and worked for a major company.

He did pretty much what you are expecting out of this story and left her body in the mountains.

They convicted him but it makes a model think twice about a photographer.  Just because he is good or well known doesn't seem to mean much. 

References are the best way to go about it. Shame the girl didn't do it.

She was a Raiderette .. and I had the great oppurtunity to once work with her myself ..  The Raiders and the entire community were devastated, as she was very well loved by her peers, and well respected in her community .. a sad sad day indeed ..
The photographer in question did not shoot *with* the team .. it was someone she had met outside of the organization .. and he was not all that well known ..

Still tho .. and I dont mean to come off as being rude.. I simply do NOT allow boyfreinds or husbands on ANY sessions anymore .. I've had my fair share of jealous, possessive, control freaks .. and I dont care how good the model is .. it'll never happen again .. period!
Too many times a sly or crude comment has been made by the *chaperone* if you will .. and I as well, have ended a session or two ..

I cannot and will not tolerate what a boyfriend or husband tells a model what she can or cannot shoot, or *who* she can or cannot shoot with .. simply pisses me off to no end ..

Lets all go and gather at this guys place of employment and *giggle* while he tries to get work done .. see how much he enjoys it!
That is, if he is indeed employed at all .. which I highly doubt!

If I were the OP here .. I'da simply opened the back (like I've done before) and said oops .. session over .. next!
Or if it were digital .. can you say *d e l e t e* ?

Sorry .. but this struck a nerve with me .. what the OP had to go thru, I've experianced .. and I'm glad to say .. it'll never ever, ever .. happen again ... I dont care how good the model is .. NEXT!


Mar 17 06 05:33 pm Link


Laura Lux

Posts: 38

Nevada City, California, US

Well I mentioned something...Escort vs. Assistant.  Those are not the same thing but people tend to put them in as such. Escort also never reminds me of a postive meaning since it is commonly used in relation to male/female adult escorts, a police escort, a parental escort, ect. An Assistant is exactly what it says. That person is there to assist the model (and photographer if need.), they are not there to escort them.

Mine are usually paid by me for the time of the shoot as well. It's a real job to them.

Honestly bringing a boyfriend or girlfriend can be bad if not unprofessional, family members are worse for that matter. However, there are a few situations where that could be deemed okay. In the end I think there should be a meeting right before the shoot or a few days up hand. Take a look at the situation before hand.

Mar 17 06 05:43 pm Link


Taryn Lindsey

Posts: 96

Columbus, Ohio, US

I had something like that happen last night, but I'm so new that I can use all the models I can get for practice, so I put up with it.
The models little brother insisted on spitting everywhere while I tried to shoot. I was afraid it was going to hit me, so every other shot was me jumping out of the way with a giant blur across the frame.

Mar 17 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 199

Cambridge, Massachusetts, US

CK Photography wrote:
It's happened to me once a looooooong time ago.  That's why I don't shoot if they bring boyfriends.  They can bring anyone they want, just not a boyfriend.

I can understand the experience was frustrating, but I think banning boyfriends outright from attending a shoot isn't the solution... it won't necessarily prevent the same problem from occurring with a "punk-*ss" friend. The problem isn't that the guest was a boyfriend, it's that he was a dillhole. Only way to keep annoying guests away, I reckon, is to request a phone conversation with them before the shoot - that way you can get a sense of what sort of person this is, and explain to them what you expect of them during the shoot.

FYI, photographers LOVE having my boyfriend along to a shoot. He's very supportive, and even helps them to maneuver equipment, hold up reflectors, etc. for better results!

Mar 17 06 06:00 pm Link


phil placko

Posts: 18

Struthers, Ohio, US

I always let the model bring anyone she wants, but if it is a boy friend or hubby I put him to work so there is no goofing off.

Mar 17 06 06:02 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Nihilus wrote:
Does this topic ever get old? We should accumulate a huge FAQ sheet/thread with all of these recurring issues clearly defined and explained.

It's never going to end.

Why?  Because there are some people who are fearful and no amount of discussion, logic, information, pre-meetings will suffice.  they HAVE to have someone with them.

And then there are people like me, who understand the need for references and/or a pre-meet but who are annoyed by the dynamic of someone insisting upon a bodyguard even with and after those assurances.

One side note, I just within the year moved from northern california.  In the last 18 years of living in Santa Cruz, working with models from SF, san jose, carmel, santa cruz, salinas, and those travelling through, I never had a model insist upon bringing an escort.  As a matter of fact, the whole modeling thing was pretty chill, and once I finally got a portfolio up, things were easier.

Now that I'm down here in Southern CA, I am coming into constant contact with models who insist upon escorts.  Even if there are references AND a pre-meet.   I'm not sure if this is a geographic thing, like there is greater paranoia in different parts of the state, or what, but I do find it odd.

Mar 17 06 08:23 pm Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
5 pages later- the answer remains.  Escorts= bad!  :-)

Because those people decide to bring bad people or irresponsible ones. My boyfriend isn't just my escort and personal strentgh, he's my assistant as well, helps me with my supplies and gives constrcutive criticism about poses that would help. He also is there to help the photographer with his reflectors or such. People like the gal mention at the begining of this thread are perfect examples of a person who gives a bad name to professional modeling and escorts. Escort shouldn't be bad, but they gave that title to them.

If a dog bites you, would you then hate all dogs alike?

And if a photographer wishes to bring his own escort, Great! Do that, i won't care, but don't tell me to ditch the one thing that gives me support and strentgh. And bringing my mom isn't as comforting as bringing my bf.

Mar 17 06 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US

I can quite safely say, without a doubt, that were I to bring my husband on ANY shoot, he would not only be perfectly acceptable as an escort but also in many ways a help in the shoot.
The jealousy issue is a big one for many men, and luckily, he is not a jealous man.

That is not to say however, that he would not fulfill the role of "escort" and be okay with a photographer acting unprofessional or making me uneasy, uncomfortable, or behaving "sleazily".  After asking the photographer to remain on track should the photographer revisit the behaviour, then and only then would my husband step in and have anything to say.

I'm lucky in that aspect.

However, there is a VAST difference between a husband and a boyfriend.

Mar 17 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 1

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I'm not currently with an agency. When a part of an agency, you know you're being sent off to do a job and it is entirely professional... However, if you are not part of an agency and you're being contacted by seemingly random people, then you have to watch out for yourself. You never know what the motives of these people may be.. which is why I always bring someone close to me to shoots that are not related to an agency.

Mar 17 06 08:49 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

all you girls who are saying that your escort is a great assistant- awesome- give him my number and I might give him a job on my next shoot where YOU are NOT the model.


Mar 17 06 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Sasha Palacio wrote:

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
5 pages later- the answer remains.  Escorts= bad!  :-)

Because those people decide to bring bad people or irresponsible ones. My boyfriend isn't just my escort and personal strentgh, he's my assistant as well, helps me with my supplies and gives constrcutive criticism about poses that would help. He also is there to help the photographer with his reflectors or such. People like the gal mention at the begining of this thread are perfect examples of a person who gives a bad name to professional modeling and escorts. Escort shouldn't be bad, but they gave that title to them.

How sad of a person are you?  You NEED your boyfriend to be your strength!  LMAO
You have many deep seeded issues!!!
You are 19 years old, if you are not strong enough to model on your own, you never will make it no matter WHO you have to bring with you.  Strength comes from within, not from your fucking boyfriend.

Jose is still right!  NO Significant Others as Escorts PERIOD!  Ask Brooke Burk how many photo shoots she took her BF or Husband to?  Ask Cindy Crawford, ask any PROFESSIONAL Model. 

Amatuers crack me up!!!

Mar 17 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

SithVixen wrote:
I agree that the media probably blows creepo photographers out of proportion but it only takes on evil guy to ruin it for everyone.

Short story:

Back in the 90's there was a really well known photographer in California - he shot with the football team - I can't remember which city but I think it might have been the 49ers.

Unbeknownst to most of the people he was a violent psycho.  He convinced one of the beautiful cheerleeders to do a photoshoot with him.  She had no reason to distrust him since he was well known and worked for a major company.

He did pretty much what you are expecting out of this story and left her body in the mountains.

They convicted him but it makes a model think twice about a photographer.  Just because he is good or well known doesn't seem to mean much. 

References are the best way to go about it. Shame the girl didn't do it.

Had said model brought her boyfriend, he too would have been found in the mountains...

Mar 17 06 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
all you girls who are saying that your assistant is a great assistant- awesome- give him my number and I might give him a job on my next shoot where YOU are NOT the model.



Statistically, you are more likely to be hurt, beaten, stolen from, raped, and murdered, by someone you already know.

Many times by someone you're related to.

Mar 17 06 09:10 pm Link


Blink Image

Posts: 25

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I make sure models don't bring a boyfriend.  Both times that happened, bad things happened during the shoot.  I don't mind them bringing someone to the shoot but I always make sure that it's not a boyfriend.  One girl was posing more for her boyfriend then concentrating on posing for the shots she needed.  Another time the boyfriend had to put in his 2 cents of though into every pose and shot.  Extremely annoying.  Never again.

Mar 17 06 09:18 pm Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Hamza wrote:
How sad of a person are you?  You NEED your boyfriend to be your strength!  LMAO
You have many deep seeded issues!!!
You are 19 years old, if you are not strong enough to model on your own, you never will make it no matter WHO you have to bring with you.  Strength comes from within, not from your fucking boyfriend.

Jose is still right!  NO Significant Others as Escorts PERIOD!  Ask Brooke Burk how many photo shoots she took her BF or Husband to?  Ask Cindy Crawford, ask any PROFESSIONAL Model. 

Amatuers crack me up!!!

F* U you don't know me, my past or anything for that matter so who are you to judge me! I was malested twice when i was a kid and decided to distance myself from males for a long time, then i met my boyfriend, i felt safe and secure with him and has for the last 5 years we've been together. We're planning on getting married so i considered him my strengh since he will be my husband and future father of my children.

I do have my own strength, how else would i have put myself into such a career that's harsh on criticism! God you guys are so inconsiderate and rude. And i will always bring him with me! So i guess (and happy) we'll never work together.

Besides he's my driver because i don't always have accessibility to a car and he holds my supplies and clothes, because i can't always carry all of it and don't have time to take more then one trip back and forth to my car.

Mar 17 06 09:48 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Bill Tracy wrote:
I just had a shoot, TFP of course, and this girl brought her boyfriend.

Holy crap was this guy an a$$hole.  He would keep quiet until I started shooting.  Then I could here him doing something behind my back and they both would start giggling. WTF??  I kept turning around quick to try and catch him at whatever the hell he was doing, but he was too quick for me. He would just sit there with a stupid grin on his a$$hole face.  I'm still so pissed off right now!

So after about 20 minutes of this, I turned everything off in the studio and said, "Well I had about enough of this crap.  Here's the release, fill it out and sign it and I'll mail you your 9 images on a friggin CD." She filled it out and was quite upset at her boyfriend for pissing me off.  He seemed happy and kept saying, "Well that's fine with me then, let's go babe."

Has anyone had similar experiences?

You obviously didn't give him enough of your stuff to carry.  Gotta keep the slave labor in it's place, you know!

Mar 18 06 12:32 am Link


Universal Beauty

Posts: 271

Sasha Palacio wrote:

F* U you don't know me, my past or anything for that matter so who are you to judge me! I was malested twice when i was a kid and decided to distance myself from males for a long time, then i met my boyfriend, i felt safe and secure with him and has for the last 5 years we've been together. We're planning on getting married so i considered him my strengh since he will be my husband and future father of my children.

I do have my own strength, how else would i have put myself into such a career that's harsh on criticism! God you guys are so inconsiderate and rude. And i will always bring him with me! So i guess (and happy) we'll never work together.

Besides he's my driver because i don't always have accessibility to a car and he holds my supplies and clothes, because i can't always carry all of it and don't have time to take more then one trip back and forth to my car.

California is 2,000 miles away; so, it's really no skin off my teeth at all, but I'm sure a post like this will REALLY impress a lot of reputable photographers, who would book your boyfriend LONG before they would ever shoot with you.  Eeeek!

Mar 18 06 06:15 am Link


Elaine Dunn

Posts: 1463

New York, New York, US

Boyfriends have been great as escorts, but maybe that's because I'm a female photographer. I make them useful and move lights for me. smile 

I did have one bad experience with a mother, though. She was nice enough, but she was more aggressive about her daughter's modeling career than the actual model. Worse, though, was when she fed my two dogs CHOCOLATE. My dogs threw up all over my apartment, and I flipped out! It was my very first shoot as a photographer, too.

Mar 18 06 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

Im so sorry to hear that one A$$hole ruined it for all the guys..see that is what gives husbands and bf a bad name..I just got off a shoot in Houston and took my husband...he just sat there very quiet and watched..helped with posing ideas or holding a reflector and that is it...i guess you just have to both be serious about your work (meaning the model and the bf/husband)  better luck to you  smile-

Mar 19 06 12:00 am Link


Jeanette Thompson

Posts: 889

Germantown, Maryland, US

We've had one model who brought her boyfriend who became as invisible as possible.  My husband shoots bondage work and the guy would glance over every now and then and make sure she was okay but otherwise, he stayed the heck out of the way.  She doesn't even bring him any more when she works with my husband.  Not all boyfriends are going to be jerks.  Some girls just have those possessive, jealous guys who really don't WANT their girlfriends modeling.  It's a shame.  I hate seeing the good ones thrown in with the bad ones.  It's like that old saying goes though, a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.

Only bad boyfriend problem we've had was the boyfriend showing up AFTER the shoot (he was not the model's escort, she brought a friend), asking my husband "are you the pervert?" and demanding he hand over the photos (the model had been paid and had a signed model release) or he'd call his buddy in the FBI.  He left when he realized we were calling the cops instead.  Gee, amazingly enough, we never heard from the FBI either.

None of the models I shoot ever bring escorts.  I'm guessing it's because I'm a female photographer and they feel more comfortable or something.  Many of them know my husband too and have agreed to shoot with me because of their experiences with him, sometimes without a clear concept in mind (it's nice having a husband with a good reputation to help me build my own but I'm more of a flake than he is sad ).

Mar 19 06 12:15 am Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Universal Beauty wrote:
California is 2,000 miles away; so, it's really no skin off my teeth at all, but I'm sure a post like this will REALLY impress a lot of reputable photographers, who would book your boyfriend LONG before they would ever shoot with you.  Eeeek!

What is wrong with you guys, all you can do is bash on others because you seriously believe your all that?! Excuse me to say, but was i talking to you? And do i care what you think, maybe I'm glad your 2,000 miles away! And i've had alot of photographers work with me successfully without a bother of my boyfriend being with me. What I choose to do in my career is my own, so if you don't like it Oh Well! What does it freakin matter whether or not i decide to work with my boyfriend present, if you don't like it, ok, don't work with a model who brings one, just don't hate them either.

I don't hate photographers who dislike models bringing their boyfriend, they have their reasons as much as us models do. I'm just tired of being bashed on because i decided to bring him, even though he doesn't do jack shit to hurt or alter the shoot. And when i was talking about strength i wsa also refering to the fact i'm not much of a strongly build women and can't simply Kung Fu my way out of a Fake photographers house who's trying to either rape and kill me. I keep him for safety so what does it matter to you?! I feel safe and secure and work better when he's around, so unless a photographer wants a no show or a poor job, they'd love to have him there.

So leave it at that, there are people who like "escorts" and others who rather not. Ok, i won't be doing that for a while, and even if i were to become all big and shit, i'll probably have bodyguards on duty or an agent.

Mar 19 06 01:44 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Everyone should remember two things - an escort's behavior at the shoot says a lot about the model, and the professional face the model puts forth to the public says a lot about what her escort will be like if she brings one.  cough...cough...

Mar 19 06 06:20 am Link


ash smith

Posts: 327

London, England, United Kingdom

quite pathetic!! it is sh$t like that that ruins it for all professional models... you know, it is getting harder and harder when photographers (unlike you) act like pervs so girls need to bring thier boyfriends... or when so called "models" unlike me, act like complete idiots and waste your time...
i'm sorry...

Mar 19 06 06:26 am Link


No Name Photography

Posts: 160

theda wrote:
Sorry about that. Biff swore he'd behave.  I knew I shouldn't have let him take that PCP.

I hope you were kidding.....

Mar 19 06 06:26 am Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

I once shot a girl that was high on drugs , she was so wasted i told her that after 50 pics that we were done , she said ok , not realizing she was getting fired and went to her chauffer driven car ( mercedes) , I have a feeling she was "Connected" if you know what I mean , so I am glad she didn't make a fuss.

Mar 19 06 10:25 am Link