Forums > General Industry > Kicked out a model for the first time today...


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

I just had a shoot, TFP of course, and this girl brought her boyfriend.

Holy crap was this guy an a$$hole.  He would keep quiet until I started shooting.  Then I could here him doing something behind my back and they both would start giggling. WTF??  I kept turning around quick to try and catch him at whatever the hell he was doing, but he was too quick for me. He would just sit there with a stupid grin on his a$$hole face.  I'm still so pissed off right now!

So after about 20 minutes of this, I turned everything off in the studio and said, "Well I had about enough of this crap.  Here's the release, fill it out and sign it and I'll mail you your 9 images on a friggin CD." She filled it out and was quite upset at her boyfriend for pissing me off.  He seemed happy and kept saying, "Well that's fine with me then, let's go babe."

Has anyone had similar experiences?

Mar 16 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Yes - The model was great but she and boyfriend turned out to be GOLD Diggers.
They latter threathen to sue me if I did use her as spokeswoman.
Latter still they attempted to break in my studio while I was on fashion shoot in the NorthWest.
My security camera took their picture and alarm scared them off.
Police came after they fled.

P.S. You should alway have the release signed before any shoots.

Mar 16 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 70

Temecula, California, US

Wow, that is SO unprofessional and immature.  What a waste of time and money.  She doesnt sound like she's serious about her work.

Mar 16 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 438

Kalamazoo, Michigan, US

Bill Tracy wrote:
I just had a shoot, TFP of course, and this girl brought her boyfriend.

Holy crap was this guy an a$$hole.  He would keep quiet until I started shooting.  Then I could here him doing something behind my back and they both would start giggling. WTF??  I kept turning around quick to try and catch him at whatever the hell he was doing, but he was too quick for me. He would just sit there with a stupid grin on his a$$hole face.  I'm still so pissed off right now!

So after about 20 minutes of this, I turned everything off in the studio and said, "Well I had about enough of this crap.  Here's the release, fill it out and sign it and I'll mail you your 9 images on a friggin CD." She filled it out and was quite upset at her boyfriend for pissing me off.  He seemed happy and kept saying, "Well that's fine with me then, let's go babe."

Has anyone had similar experiences?

wow...sounds like you did the right thing! Now the model will be more careful about who she brings on shoots.

Mar 16 06 01:22 pm Link


CK Fotografia

Posts: 85

Jacksonville, Florida, US

It's happened to me once a looooooong time ago.  That's why I don't shoot if they bring boyfriends.  They can bring anyone they want, just not a boyfriend.

Mar 16 06 01:23 pm Link


Universal Beauty

Posts: 271

Makes one wish for a no-show!
Sometimes, a no-show can be a blessing.  Had one of those just yesterday.

Mar 16 06 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I had to physically escort a boyfriend out of my studio once. It was a damn shame because the model was awesome and came back later for more shoots only without her stupid boyfriend those times. I was so mad at him kicking him out was to save me from kicking his ass.

Mar 16 06 01:23 pm Link


Mandi Chisholm

Posts: 94

Columbus, Ohio, US

I've noticed that not only with them being a**holes, but girls tend to be more nervous with them there and it really shows in the final, I've began to mention that bf's are not allowed right off..

Mar 16 06 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 70

Temecula, California, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
Yes - The model was great but she and boyfriend turned out to be GOLD Diggers.
They latter threathen to sue me if I did use her as spokeswoman.
Latter still they attempted to break in my studio while I was on fashion shoot in the NorthWest.
My security camera took their picture and alarm scared them off.
Police came after they fled.

P.S. You should alway have the release signed before any shoots.

WHAT?  Thats ridiculous.  Get it together people!

Mar 16 06 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 120

Los Angeles, California, US

Uh oh...

LOL!  I just agreed to let one of my travelling models bring her boyfriend to the shoot.

(sigh)  I'm going to be on the lookout for shenanigans.

If this guy blinks wrong he's getting Das Boot!

Mar 16 06 01:26 pm Link


Lori Yin

Posts: 214

Orlando, Florida, US

Stupid immature people like this are why some photographers make rules about bringing boyfriends/husbands, which ruins it for the rest of us who are serious about our work and bring along our significant others who are mature and respectful and do not interfere.  Sometimes a model may not always have another model friend or girlfriend available to come.

Mar 16 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 4897

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Put the dork to work in there. Here, grab this reflector, take 35 secondd to show him how to hold it... then 3 more seconds to show him how to hold it in a position that he thinks is right but in no way messed with your image - and make him and the model realize that YOU are serious about this and it is in fact WORK, not time to act like a jerk. Or, send him out for something... doughnuts, fishnets, some prop that you KNOW he will have a hard time with. Work around it.

Mar 16 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

boyfriends, husbands, fathers, or mothers on a shoot,  no, no, no , never. burn money instead, in the long run its a cheaper option. escorts welcome, but NONE of the above.

Mar 16 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

wow. that's really amazing. i would NEVER bring someone distracting like that. what a bag of douche.
models that bring boyfriends like that leave a bad impression for others that want to bring boyfriends, or in my case, my husband. every photographer that has met my husband has loved him. he has great ideas (which are talked about in previous meetings) and he knows when to keep quiet.
like mentioned above, that girl just doesnt seem serious or at all professional about her work, and that guy was not the right choice in escorts.
sorry that happened to you.
maybe next time, ask the model if she will be bringing an escort and ask to meet them both before-hand?? although i'm not sure this would alleviate anything that would happen WHILE you are actually shooting, you know.  those sort of things are unpredictable.

Mar 16 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 207

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

I always bring mine with me, actually. Because, contrary to popular belief, I'm more comfortable if he's there. Not for saftey or any other reasons like that, I just like being around him. He stays out of the way unless told otherwise. Especially if I bitch at him. smile But I can see where jealous/paranoid/goofball ones would get in the way. It just depends on the person. Any other escort could be the same way, I have male friends that are more jealous and protective than my current boy is. So when I want protection, that's who I go to. Outlawing a certian "type" of escort doesn't make any sense. If you don't like them there, just say no escorts.

Mar 16 06 01:30 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I've noticed that with the camera turned sideways, I can often see what's going on behind me in the reflection on the LCD screen.  Helps to see if someone is being an fucktard behind your back.

Mar 16 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Sorry about that. Biff swore he'd behave.  I knew I shouldn't have let him take that PCP.

Mar 16 06 01:32 pm Link


Moonlight Photography

Posts: 48

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Had a model bring a boyfriend and she neglected to tell him we were shooting lingerie. He waited in the waiting area while we were shooting. I guess he got bored an wandered into the studio. He saw the model in a lingerie set and LOST IT. Threatened me and hit her. I kicked him out and had her call a friend to come pick her up. Her profile dissappeard off all the boards afterwards. A shame...she had a lotta potential. SO now I have zero tolerance for boyfriends.

Mar 16 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

Elektro_Kandy wrote:
I always bring mine with me, actually. Because, contrary to popular belief, I'm more comfortable if he's there. Not for saftey or any other reasons like that, I just like being around him. He stays out of the way unless told otherwise. Especially if I bitch at him. smile But I can see where jealous/paranoid/goofball ones would get in the way. It just depends on the person. Any other escort could be the same way, I have male friends that are more jealous and protective than my current boy is. So when I want protection, that's who I go to. Outlawing a certian "type" of escort doesn't make any sense. If you don't like them there, just say no escorts.

i dont think thats what hes saying. its basically like the boyfriend was getting in the way - being very distracting. she was there to do a job and the guy was taking her away from it. he was not there to goof around with her, he was there for protection.

Mar 16 06 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Wow I cant believe some of this post...I have NEVER had a problem with any mother - friend - boyfriend or husband at any of my shoots...I hope it doesnt happen to me...Cause I am not very sociable when people act like idiots...LOL maybe thats why I am an asshole all the time..LOL

Mar 16 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

this is why "escorts" are not invited to my studio..while they may provide comfort to the model, they are a distraction to me...

they dont have make fun behind my back..all they have to do is look at thier watch....

Mar 16 06 01:37 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

LarryB wrote:
I've noticed that with the camera turned sideways, I can often see what's going on behind me in the reflection on the LCD screen.  Helps to see if someone is being an fucktard behind your back.

That's a good idea.

I was actually thinking of placing a mirror somewhere so i could see behind me, and so the person behind me knows this as well.  If that were the case, this idiot would have kept quiet. I was all set to kick this guys ass. I haven't been that pissed off in a long time.

Mar 16 06 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 15

Santa Barbara, California, US

True, people can be nut cases and other kinds of trouble (this includes photographers, I am sorry to say) but it can go the other way as well. I remember a "boyfriend" who turned out to be a much better model than the original model (not the same session, of course). And, I've had some significant others help keep a model on track or help out (free) with makeup, etc.

I agree that it is better to avoid boyfriends and girlfriends when possible and to set behavior guidelines prior to the session. For me, this is not a hard and fast rule.


Mar 16 06 01:38 pm Link


KLiK Graphics

Posts: 70

Spring, Texas, US

On the other side, I had a shoot last weekend where the boyfriend was in some of the shots. He was helpful and took direction quite well. ( I just posted a couple from that shoot)

My biggest problem has been with  mothers who think their kid is the greatest and try to set up the next shot from behind me before i'm ready to move on.

Mar 16 06 01:38 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I don't understand why any photographer would want to shoot with an "escort" present.  That would be a total distraction for both the model and photog crew at best.  Professional agency models don't ever come with escorts do they?  I know that this horse has been beaten a thousand times, but the whole idea of escorts seems so un-pro to me for many reasons.  I don't think anyone who is serious about there work would want someone just hanging around doing nothing but watching. - how creepy would that be for the photog?

Mar 16 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I have had boyfriends at the shoot who were great working as a free assistants and totally cool.

Mar 16 06 01:40 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
P.S. You should alway have the release signed before any shoots.

I keep hearing different opinions about that.

Models will tell you not to sign the release until after the shoot, just in case the photog is a creep and does something you don't like.

Mar 16 06 01:40 pm Link


Lori Yin

Posts: 214

Orlando, Florida, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
boyfriends, husbands, fathers, or mothers on a shoot,  no, no, no , never. burn money instead, in the long run its a cheaper option. escorts welcome, but NONE of the above.

I've brought my significant other or mother with me on almost every single shoot I've been on and never had any trouble.  In fact, they'll go out of their way to make sure they are not getting in the way, and sometimes they might even get bored and go out in the car and take a nap or something! For me those are the only people willing to take time to come with me.  Who's going to have a female friend that doesn't have her own schedule and can come with you?  My girlfriends go to school, they work, etc etc, and if they do have free time I'm sure they would rather be doing something else!  I would!  Again my point is, the few stupid unprofessional ones ruin it for the rest of us.

Mar 16 06 01:41 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
I have had boyfriends at the shoot who were great working as a free assistants and totally cool.

Me too.  This is the first time for me that a boyfriend turned out to be a bad idea.

Mar 16 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 207

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
I don't understand why any photographer would want to shoot with an "escort" present.  That would be a total distraction for both the model and photog crew at best.  Professional agency models don't ever come with escorts do they?  I know that this horse has been beaten a thousand times, but the whole idea of escorts seems so un-pro to me for many reasons.  I don't think anyone who is serious about there work would want someone just hanging around doing nothing but watching. - how creepy would that be for the photog?

Escorts aren't usually just "doing nothing". They make very good pack mules. Think of them more as an assistant for the model. Photographers are allowed to have assistants, why can't models?

Mar 16 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 1322

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I would like to speak from a model point of view.
I do agree 100% that the behavior is unprofessional and uncalled for.

Now, without sounding like I condone their behavior or the bringing of boyfriends, I would like to say that in this age, It is very unsafe for a girl to be expected to show up to a shoot without an escort. "bringing a friend" is not merely enough for me. after all, for a young model to bring another young model to a shoot is hardly safe. 

--What has worked for me in the past is setting some boundries discussed before the shoot. For Example,
"you may bring a male escort to the location, but he is not allowed ON set"  That way, the photog and model can work without distraction, but the model still feels a comfort level that if anything went wrong, she would be safe. After all, you dont want a model feeling nervous in an enclosed room with a stranger, then no-one gets good images.
I know that as a model, that makes me feel a little more comfortable than a photographer just saying, "no males allowed"  I have been invited to do bondage shoots, but clearly told that I was not allowed to bring a male to the location...which only makes some already apprehensive models, question your motives.

Well, I hope you can avoid this problem in the future and find a good compromise so you can get great images and everyone is happy and comfortable. ~Terrace

Mar 16 06 01:42 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

I really like having an escort come with the model.  I can't tell you how many times the escorts come in real handy.

Mar 16 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

E L Fanucchi wrote:
P.S. You should alway have the release signed before any shoots.

Amen, I started this safe practise after reading several experiences of other photographers here on MM. This one is just another which proves that there is no other way to do it. I'm not even pulling my camera out of the bag unless the release has been signed. Period.

Mar 16 06 01:46 pm Link


Maria T

Posts: 514

Lambertville, New Jersey, US

Bill Tracy wrote:
I just had a shoot, TFP of course, and this girl brought her boyfriend.

Holy crap was this guy an a$$hole.  He would keep quiet until I started shooting.  Then I could here him doing something behind my back and they both would start giggling. WTF??  I kept turning around quick to try and catch him at whatever the hell he was doing, but he was too quick for me. He would just sit there with a stupid grin on his a$$hole face.  I'm still so pissed off right now!

So after about 20 minutes of this, I turned everything off in the studio and said, "Well I had about enough of this crap.  Here's the release, fill it out and sign it and I'll mail you your 9 images on a friggin CD." She filled it out and was quite upset at her boyfriend for pissing me off.  He seemed happy and kept saying, "Well that's fine with me then, let's go babe."

Has anyone had similar experiences?

Very unprofessional! I brought my male friend in Hollywood to shoot and he wouldn't shut the hell up. I was so stressed and pissed that the photographer knew I was and told him to either wait outside or go home. I was horrified,I never brought nayone to my shoots before. Especailly in LA where i had to have him give me a ride while i was going no photo shoots out there. This wasn't too long ago either. friend was a high paying male model back when he was 25..but now he's 37. I scolded him out after that shoot,ohhh boy. But never would I bring any boyfriends,soo no right. I feel for you. Don't blame you one bit hun,kick them out.

Mar 16 06 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

klikgraphics wrote:
On the other side, I had a shoot last weekend where the boyfriend was in some of the shots. He was helpful and took direction quite well. ( I just posted a couple from that shoot)

My biggest problem has been with  mothers who think their kid is the greatest and try to set up the next shot from behind me before i'm ready to move on.

Wait until you get a mother in with her 13 year old daughter and wants glamour nudes of her !

Mar 16 06 01:48 pm Link


Lori Yin

Posts: 214

Orlando, Florida, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
I don't understand why any photographer would want to shoot with an "escort" present.  That would be a total distraction for both the model and photog crew at best.  Professional agency models don't ever come with escorts do they?  I know that this horse has been beaten a thousand times, but the whole idea of escorts seems so un-pro to me for many reasons.  I don't think anyone who is serious about there work would want someone just hanging around doing nothing but watching. - how creepy would that be for the photog?

You must understand that when professional agenciy models go on a shoot for magazines/catalogs/print work there is also make-up artists/stylists/assistants present and the model is not by herself with the photographer.

Mar 16 06 01:48 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Bill Tracy wrote:

Here's the release, fill it out and sign it and I'll mail you your 9 images on a friggin CD

Not to bust balls or anything Bill, but why do you wait to sign the contract? I do that before my camera comes out of the bag.

Mar 16 06 01:52 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

I would never tell a model she can't bring an escort, but I do have to say that most of the truly professional models I have worked with never bring an escort.  I even asked one of them why, and they simply said that it is really unprofessional.

Those were not my words, but I do feel rather nice when they show up without one sometimes.  It makes me think that the model did her homework and talked to some people that I have worked with to make sure I'm not a freak or something. And I really like it when they tell me how well those people spoke of me.

Then again, if it was my daughter going out there, I would want to, either go with her, or have someone go with her.  It's just too crazy out there!

It's just experiences like the one I had today that make me think about the issue of escorts.

Mar 16 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 207

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

Lori Yin wrote:

You must understand that when professional agenciy models go on a shoot for magazines/catalogs/print work there is also make-up artists/stylists/assistants present and the model is not by herself with the photographer.

Agency models also aren't working with people they spoke with online. They are working with people who usually have worked with their agency before. Bad things still happen, I bet, but I also bet it's not near as often as it is in the world of internet modeling where any idiot can pick up a camera, join a site like this, and call themselves a photog. I always make sure to check referances and some such so 99.928375648392% of the time I would be sure that the person was fine. But telling me I *can't* bring someone else, does - in fact - make me question a guy's motives.

Mar 16 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 1322

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Lori Yin wrote:
You must understand that when professional agenciy models go on a shoot for magazines/catalogs/print work there is also make-up artists/stylists/assistants present and the model is not by herself with the photographer.

Thank you for pointing that out, I hadn't mentioned that. smile

Mar 16 06 01:55 pm Link