Forums > General Industry > Tired of .. I JUST SHOOT FEMALES!


Raymond Anthony

Posts: 31

Gordon Heights, New York, US


Why does it always have to be females looking to take it off?

Makes it hard for a brother ya hear....


Mar 14 06 11:30 pm Link


Raymond Anthony

Posts: 31

Gordon Heights, New York, US


Mar 14 06 11:55 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Get used to it, dude.  This is the Internet.  On the Internet, the proportion of people just out to see hot girls is much higher than in the real modeling world.

Mar 15 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Raymond Anthony wrote:
Why does it always have to be females looking to take it off?

I shoot both sexes (that ain't me in my avitar), but I do tend to find more beauty and grace in the female form.   However, for every 50 women I find willing to model I find maybe 1 man.  That means my recruiting efforts are much better spent focusing on women.

Don't get discouraged.  Someone will shoot you.

Mar 15 06 12:24 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Here is how I see it... It sounds like you need to be a bit more picky in your research.  You can't just go after photographers all willy nilly asking for photos to be shot.  Spend some time looking through their portfolios, reading their profiles.  If you see males there is a good chance they shoot them (not literally of course).  If all you see are Butt-iful women then there is a pretty good chance they're not going to be shooting men.  To each is their own and each photographer has their strengths.  Look for those that are parallel to your own.

Mar 15 06 12:44 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Women just look better to men. I'm of course stating this from a man's point of view. smile  There is some logical truth to this based on the amount of prep that goes into makeup and wardrobe for women vs men (typically).

Mar 15 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Women just look better to men. I'm of course stating this from a man's point of view. smile  There is some logical truth to this based on the amount of prep that goes into makeup and wardrobe for women vs men (typically).

Plus, we have "3" things besides our faces and booties that you don't have...lips that look good w/ lipstick, feet that look great in heels and lingerie...
You guys are nasty if you thought I meant anything else!!! [img][i/mg]

Mar 15 06 01:04 am Link


Raymond Anthony

Posts: 31

Gordon Heights, New York, US


Mar 15 06 01:07 am Link


Raymond Anthony

Posts: 31

Gordon Heights, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Get used to it, dude.  This is the Internet.  On the Internet, the proportion of people just out to see hot girls is much higher than in the real modeling world.

Mar 15 06 01:14 am Link


Raymond Anthony

Posts: 31

Gordon Heights, New York, US

Guess you are right!

Mar 15 06 01:14 am Link


A YLA M A M Agency

Posts: 45

Los Angeles, California, US

That makes it better for us that do shot both sexes.  I have found that my best shoots are when I shoot guys, there is no breaking the ice period they know there's no gay shit happening and we get right to work. A lot of time with females there this period of warm up and comfort building.  But I enjoy shooting both equally and since the guys don't get bombarded with request like their counterparts they are much easier to work with.

Mar 15 06 01:48 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Abode Studio wrote:
That makes it better for us that do shot both sexes.  I have found that my best shoots are when I shoot guys, there is no breaking the ice period they know there's no gay shit happening and we get right to work. A lot of time with females there this period of warm up and comfort building.  But I enjoy shooting both equally and since the guys don't get bombarded with request like their counterparts they are much easier to work.

I'd assume that photographers would get a higher response ratio from the guys as well simply because we don't receive as many requests.

Mar 15 06 01:52 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I shoot males as well as females. My problem has been finding guys who will pose for a male photographer. I dunno why but I seem to run across a lot of homophobic male models who seem to think if a male photographer wants to photograph them there is something wrong with him.
Recently I did however get an email here from a male model who I really look forward to working with in some art and regular shoots as soon as time permits.
This is actually the FIRST time a male model has ever initiated contact with me about working together.

Mar 15 06 02:11 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

We want B(.)(.)bies!

Mar 15 06 02:16 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I shoot males as well as females. My problem has been finding guys who will pose for a male photographer. I dunno why but I seem to run across a lot of homophobic male models who seem to think if a male photographer wants to photograph them there is something wrong with him.

I agree.   I do find that for agencies and mags that you can often be more creative in the photography of the male model.   And the amount of time saved on makeup and hair, though still usually done is great especially more so now in the digital age for the one blemish can go(though makeup and hair is still needed).

When shooting females,  what is wanted is often just  a formula or a uniformity to conform to what is excepted and what the rest have done.

Ah, boring.   And even if I tried and I have that is just not me.

I love art and when shooting males and fashion,  I often find that I can get closer to art.

I do get bored editing for males but editing in general is a major, major issue for me lately.
Bores me to bloody hell.   I just like shooting more so than editing,  maybe because, there is so very much more of it now.

Geez,  what am I doing up at 3:49 am but trying to finish a job with the editing which In the past a lab would have likely done with printing and such.

Mar 15 06 02:45 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I shoot males as well as females. My problem has been finding guys who will pose for a male photographer. I dunno why but I seem to run across a lot of homophobic male models who seem to think if a male photographer wants to photograph them there is something wrong with him.

For personal work, I think sometimes female photographers get straight guys who are looking to fulfill some fantasy or who are so homophobic that they don't want males photographing them.

I find homophobic males so annoying that I usually only work with male models that have been referred to me by someone I trust (that the model is serious about their craft) or gay guys (so that I don't have worry about the "does this make me look gay?" concern of the homophobe.)

Mar 15 06 02:55 am Link



Posts: 108

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

For the record, I am more than happy to shoot anyone that is willing to give an amateur photographer a chance. I have had more than a few guys stand me up here in Cincinnati. So, I would give some other photographer's left big toe to shoot a male model from New York.

Best wishes,

Mar 15 06 03:01 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I will shoot anyone who exudes for me. More important than gender or age or anything is the ability of my model to get involved with the process. I can warm any type of person up, male, female, younger, older....if I can create chemistry with someone, I can shoot them. If I can't, I can't.

Mar 15 06 03:10 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

~Krista~ wrote:
I will shoot anyone who exudes for me. More important than gender or age or anything is the ability of my model to get involved with the process. I can warm any type of person up, male, female, younger, older....if I can create chemistry with someone, I can shoot them. If I can't, I can't.

From Webster's Dictionary:

ex.ude \ig-'zu:d\ vb [L exsudare, fr. ex- + sudare to sweat] 1: to ooze out
    2: to undergo diffusion  1: to cause to ooze out  2: to cause to spread
   out in all directions
{exuding charm}

So what comes out of you to make you want to shoot a model?  Perhaps if you see a model and then pass out on the floor with body fluids oozing out from all over your body, you decide that the model is right?  The more you exude, the more certain you are?

Mar 15 06 05:50 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

JM Dean wrote:
We want B(.)(.)bies!

There goes the myth that the net is professional.  Or is that a tribute to honesty? OK, I am just kidding as I am sure you were!

Did anybody notice that JM is advertising to shoot both male and female nudes on his profile?

Mar 15 06 05:54 am Link


TBoudreau Photography

Posts: 33

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

for me its not that I dont want to photography men, I just dont know how to go about it so it is not to soft, its just more natural for me to photograph women, I love women

Mar 15 06 09:57 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

If I am being paid for a job, I will shoot anyone or anything.

Mar 15 06 10:00 am Link


Dirk Alexander

Posts: 44

Greenwood, Arkansas, US

I once followed a weiner dog around for 3+hours waiting for it to take a crap...  yes I was being paid--it was for an album back cover for a metal band...

So, yes I will shoot anything for $$$ too!

Mar 15 06 10:06 am Link


George Caban

Posts: 27

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

DIRK THAT IS FREAKING HILLARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 15 06 10:15 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Dirk Alexander wrote:
I once followed a weiner dog around for 3+hours waiting for it to take a crap...  yes I was being paid--it was for an album back cover for a metal band...

So, yes I will shoot anything for $$$ too!

OMG! LOL! *picks self up off the floor* I don't even know what to say to that. Beats my garbage truck photo shoot hands down.

Anyway, back to the original question... You have to realize that a significant portion of the photographers on MM are amateurs who just want to shoot hot babes. They have no interest in shooting males, and the very thought (that's so gay!) terrifies them. Further, there are a number of legitimate photographers who are not necessarily homophobic, but who simply recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and know shooting males is not their strength. And a vast majority of photographers are men.

So you end up with a relatively small percentage of photographers who are interested in, and really good at, shooting male models: mostly gay men, very secure straight men, and women.

Mar 15 06 01:38 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

It's the commercial value of the images that I must consider.  I am willing to shoot both sexes but find that images with females will always have a broader commercial appeal, especially on the 'net where most of my work is seen.  It's been awhile since I've shot any solo male models, but I do have a lot of images of male/female couples ... good for booking weddings! 

But I have no problem if a male model can present a marketable idea ... something besides a "headshot" for acting.  It's quite possible that some images of male models can be used for stock resale.  Otherwise, it's always easier to sell images of women, clothed or not!

Mar 15 06 01:56 pm Link


Mr Weaver

Posts: 138

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I must agree there arent many photographers out here that shoot guys and the ones that do.. dont do much of a good job.. I was lucky enough to work with a few photographers who manage to catch my image.. Its not easy finding photographers to shoot you.. yet along let you do nude modeling..(i dont mind doing nude modeling as long as it dont show my jungle trunk).. but i wanna do a male/female nude shot.. that's not considered porn.. but its hard to find a female to do that.. and a photographer who is willing to take that type of photo.. All i can say is just keep looking and look at their portfolios before you ask questions..

Mar 15 06 02:20 pm Link