Forums > General Industry > Breast implants. Why?


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Just imagine if there were an operation (with the success/result rate) that could safely enlarge a man's penis...
The line would be endless I tell you... Endless.
You'd also have men thinking like a lot of women do that are about to under go the proceedure:
"Hey, it cost the same so, why not make it (them) absurdly large!!!!

Anyway, to each her/his own.

Mar 14 06 12:18 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

It was cheeper to spend the six grand for a one shot boob job than it has been to get all of my tops taylored down to size for the rest of my life.

Mar 14 06 04:49 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I found out when I started dating one of my current ladies that some women are born with a disorder that causes severe dysmorphia in their breasts.  She has over a cup & a half size difference.  Since then I've met 2 other women with the same problem.  Apparenty its relatively common & is caused by severe hormonal fluctuation while the breasts are developing.
Surgery can address it thru a combination of reduction & reconstruction involving implants to equalize out the size & shape.
Should these ladies have to spend their lives hiding this with their clothes & worrying about how someone will react when they undress?
I would wager most folks would say no, it's perfectly ok for them to get surgery to correct this.

So if it's OK for them, why is it an issue for anyone who it makes feel better & prettier?

My only issue is with the people who have them done very badly or who get HUGE ones on tiny bodies where it just looks fake.  Those make me sad, because I find them hideous.  But then it's not MY body or life & it sure seems to make the ladies who have them happy.
So I just dont look at those.

Mar 15 06 12:53 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
It was cheeper to spend the six grand for a one shot boob job than it has been to get all of my tops taylored down to size for the rest of my life.

Are you saying that you have a boob job??
If you do...
Bloody outstanding!!!!

Mar 15 06 01:13 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Well if you had seen the model I just shot with and saw what her baby did to her breasts you would not ask that question.

I hate plastic boobs for sure but her breasts needed HELP real bad.  She could of used PLASTIC for sure.  bs

Mar 15 06 07:05 am Link


Michael Keats

Posts: 50

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Ira Meyer wrote:
This is the first topic I have ever presented here.  It is not an assault.  Nor is it in judgment.  But rather a sincere desire to understand something that puzzles me:

Having a Y chromosome, I am fairly convinced it is impossible for me to understand the thoughts and emotions of those with two Xs.  But it seems to me breast implants are becoming nearly endemic in our society.  From what I gather, this is because they make the recipient feel better about themselves.  Feeling good about oneself is clearly a good thing.  And I can understand how accomplishing something can bring this about.  Want to feel better?  Learn a language-- or a craft.  Train to run a marathon-- or climb a mountain.  Work towards a goal.  Accomplish it.  Feel better.  :-))

What I don't understand is how buying something might bring about this result?

Can anyone help enlighten me here?



I've always wondered this myself.  Especially since I happen to think smaller breasts very beautiful.  I can understand about dying one's hair, after all, that's superficial, makeup? the same.  When all is said and done you can return to your natural look fairly easily.   Breast implants? Not so easy.

Especially with all the things that can go wrong with implants.  So many stories about implants leaking and other such things.  Hell, I have a friend who's Mom has nipples now, because when she had hers done, the graft failed and they came off with the bandages.  They tried, but were unable to reattach.

Personally, my advice to any woman who were to ask me if they should get implants (not that one ever would) tell them they're gorgeous the way they are, if they want to stand out to catch the better mate, do something incredible in life. REALLy stand out.

Mar 15 06 07:21 am Link



Posts: 195

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Breast implants for symetrical reasons are not a bad idea.
To each his/her own.
Muscles u can build breast you can't.
How many men would have muscle implants if they couldn't enlarge them naturally?
oops. Steroids.

Its not always what you do
but how
and why you do it.

Mar 15 06 07:57 am Link



Posts: 76

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Hey Ira!

I guess it has everything to do with self esteem of course - how you think about yourself and how you think others perceive you, real or imagined.  Some of it has to do with the modeling industry too.

I realize that most people seem to think that implants are just for "size only" but there are OTHER reasons for wanting implants besides size.

I considered them not for size, but for shape.  A fake breast sits up higher and perkier than a natural breast, unless you are just a lucky person with nice natural ones.  I haven't seen too many like that, especially if they have large boobs.  Bigger boob = more droop.

A fake boob also has a nicer round shape (if you get the round shaped implant instead of the tear drop shapped) and nice outward projection.  Natural boobs generally sit closer to the chest and look well, natural.  Fake boobs can also be used to correct assymetry (one larger than the other).

One of the reasons I considered shape was because there are certain kinds of clothing that you *have* to wear braless or you'd see the bra.  However, these shirts don't necessarily look good unless you have a) small boobs b)freakishly perfect natural breasts or round fake implants. 

Of which I have neither of the above. 

I've tried them with my natural boobs and the shirts don't look right to me, and plus I have assymetry so if I don't watch it, they even look lobsided O_O

Then I see the same shirt on a fake chest and it's like wow...she must be wearing a hidden bra!!  LOL  I love her tits!

Anyway you get the idea.  I've also noticed that most of the mens magazines only seem to photograph fake boobs, even Playboy who "supposedly" says they want more natural boobs.   A lot of clothing and bikini ads also seem to hire models with fakes.  Hell, I've even seen some people request only models with fakes.

Granted there are those who like natural boobs too but fakes do have advantages.  And with all the advancements in technology, women have a choice of looking uber fake, fake or fairly natural, so it's a personal preference.

Mar 15 06 08:15 am Link



Posts: 76

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

SLE Photography wrote:
I found out when I started dating one of my current ladies that some women are born with a disorder that causes severe dysmorphia in their breasts.  She has over a cup & a half size difference. 
Should these ladies have to spend their lives hiding this with their clothes & worrying about how someone will react when they undress?
I would wager most folks would say no, it's perfectly ok for them to get surgery to correct this.

Thanks for mentioning that, I believe I have a cup size difference and so not only is the boob a tad larger, it sits lower.  It is really embarassing to me since I can't ever go without a bra and some clothing and costumes demand that.   I even did a topless shoot once and to me it looked horrible.  I won't even show those pictures to anyone.

That's why it drives me insane when people are like, "You have great breasts, why do you want to go bigger??" 

Who says that just because you want implants it must mean you think your boobs are too small?!

Mar 15 06 08:26 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

aeislugh wrote:
Especially with all the things that can go wrong with implants.  So many stories about implants leaking and other such things.  Hell, I have a friend who's Mom has nipples now, because when she had hers done, the graft failed and they came off with the bandages.  They tried, but were unable to reattach.

I find it interesting that when people cite reasons not to get them, outside of personal preference it's always a horror story of an individual, but never any numbers.  Ironically, out of all the members here who actually have implants not one not one expressed concerns or complications.

I quoted the statement above only because it's a commonly expressed idea:  "Hey there are so many things that could go wrong!  I know someone who knows someone who had some problems!"  This is a mentality that's been carried over form the 90s when everyone was told that silicone was evil.  Silicone implants were banned for about 10 years in the US and are only used in about 10% of current procedures, but that's mostly for breast reconstruction or implant replacement etc.  A number of major studies found no link between breast augmentation and cancer or autoimmune diseases.

The likelihood that a woman has complications with implants is far lower than the likelihood of her have a fatal or crippling car accident.  However, you still see people driving. 

The fact is that though the horror stories certainly give most people pause, the percentage of complications is very, very low.  Women who experience Grade III or IV capsular contracture (the breasts are firm or hard with visible distortion)??  Less than 9% combined!!  Risk of infection?  Less than one percent!!  Risk of deflation??  Less than 4% the first year and beyond the risk year less than 1%!!

Combine those risks and still almost 90% of women aren't having the problems most people commonly assume to be inevitable.  Statements made out of ignorance don't help anyone.  If implants were so wildly dangerous the FDA would ban them the they did silicone out of mere caution in the early 90s. 

My personal preference about the breasts offered to me is irrelevant (you'd probably be surprised at my answer anyway), I'm just a proponent of open-minded thought and educated decisions.  Since you're online you can check facts for yourself at: … risks.html

And for those who insist on reading biased info that feeds the fears from the 90s by refusing to mention percentages, capitalizing on studies of tiny groups, citing individual accounts to indule pity, and virtually ignoring major studies conducted within the last 10 years... … /62/13.cfm

So, Ira, you wanted to be enlightened, there you go.  You don't have to be a woman to find out facts that help you understand the reasoning.  If you want the simple answer of motivation, well...

...they do it because they want to improve their breasts.


, this particular post wasn't aimed at you, more for people to get an understanding of facts as we so often go over this topic.  I think your issues with implants are of a different nature (as you mentioned things on a more mental level)...

Mar 15 06 09:40 am Link


Ira Meyer

Posts: 428

Oxnard, California, US

I fear that over-exposure to Hollywood and advertising has created an unrealistic standard, which far too many of us have bought into.  As such, the percentage of people satisfied with themselves might well be ever decreasing.  As a man and a photographer, there is no doubt I am very visual.  And I delight in the number of astoundingly beautiful, phenomenally healthy women I see everywhere.  But I still wonder what so many who get cantaloupe sized implants think when they look in the mirror?  For to me they cease to look human.  Still, this is not my issue-- or concern.  For it is their lives and bodies. So who am I to say anything?  But I fear for the standard it sets for young, impressionable girls.  For how can they grow to be happy in their own skin (given the images they are surrounded by)?  That is the crux of this matter.  At least in my opinion...

Mar 15 06 09:43 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SithVixen wrote:
Thanks for mentioning that, I believe I have a cup size difference and so not only is the boob a tad larger, it sits lower.  It is really embarassing to me since I can't ever go without a bra and some clothing and costumes demand that.   I even did a topless shoot once and to me it looked horrible.  I won't even show those pictures to anyone.

That's why it drives me insane when people are like, "You have great breasts, why do you want to go bigger??" 

Who says that just because you want implants it must mean you think your boobs are too small?!

I've met you at Dragon*Con and you always looked fine, but then that chest plate of yours makes it hard to tell wink
Are you going to be at the Con again this year?

Mar 15 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

I have my last consultation on Saturday in london harley street and cannot wait for my new boobs in may hehehe.

I am doing it puerly for my own self esteem growing up having 2 older sisters and a whole bunch of family with the bit tit gene can do wonders to knock your self confidence. also I think it would put me in better proportion.

now no need to check my profile I have chicken fillets in most of em hehehe.

I reckon I will look amazing after my OP as I have a great peach ass!! will look totally in proportion hehehe

all my friends and family think its a great idea.

I am in seventh heaven after 5 years of debating and contemplating and skrimping and saving the time is neigh

whoop whoop

xx shelly xx

Mar 15 06 10:53 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

shelly1982 wrote:
I have my last consultation on Saturday in london harley street and cannot wait for my new boobs in may hehehe.

I am doing it puerly for my own self esteem growing up having 2 older sisters and a whole bunch of family with the bit tit gene can do wonders to knock your self confidence. also I think it would put me in better proportion.

now no need to check my profile I have chicken fillets in most of em hehehe.

I reckon I will look amazing after my OP as I have a great peach ass!! will look totally in proportion hehehe

all my friends and family think its a great idea.

I am in seventh heaven after 5 years of debating and contemplating and skrimping and saving the time is neigh

whoop whoop

xx shelly xx

Just don't go too big, it'd look odd on your frame  smile
I am curious (ie NOSEY), do you plan to maintain your "no nudes" policy once you have them?
I always felt like someone who spent that much $ on accesories would want to display them LOL
(I guess in your case that'd be £)  wink

Mar 15 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 104

Chicago, Illinois, US

After breastfeeding my kid let me tell what it does to a women's chest.  After 5 years of contemplating a boob job I decided to do it.  I researched many doctor's and found one that I am very happy with.  So happy that is has almost been a year now and I think only 3 family members know that I have had a boob job.  My doctor gives implants that are appropriately sized with the women's body.  He refuses to give someone something larger then their body type.  I do not have a low self-esteem - why did I do it.  Well after breastfeeding I went from a Full B cup to a Full A cup.  The fullness was no longer there on top.  Asyemmtrically size wise I was perfect but the top half was gone due to breastfeeding. 

Yes, I am very happy that I did this.  Just trying to give perspective from a somewhat older model who's body changed somewhat after baby..:-D

Mar 15 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

theda wrote:
To make yer tits bigger.

Got that right. Cause ther ain't no better.

Mar 15 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Angel Tara wrote:
edit: futile argument

I totally agree...I mean I am thinking about getting a reduction and thats just because my breast cause me a significant amount of discomfort on a daily, thats not for any reason other than that! I like my breast they are a part of me, but I cant take that my back is constently hurting and all the pain I go through because of them!

Now if women want to get each his own, but they will regret it in the long run because eventually they will cause health problems whether it be serious or minor it will occur eventually!

Mar 15 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 19

Stamford, Connecticut, US

i have thought about breast augmentation over and over again, esp. when i moved out to Vegas. I don't need them , i am a 34b and they are perky, but some women with them, have the nice body,cars, man, everythings, so i think some women believe if they get them, everything in their life will change. I have decided not to get them because i believe that having implants typecast you, for only certain types of jobs, i dont' want to look stupid (as some do) and falling over. i have a very porportioned body, and i have realized, since i am not going down, the playboy,porn aisle i dont really need them. a lot of go-go dancers have them, and a lot of import models have them as well, but there is no need, because they when you go for a job, they are going to put you in skimpy clothing, and you are going to be advertising your ass and tits and not your talents.

to each his own, i think they look great but unless i decide i want implants and a risk of undetected breasr cancer i wont be getting them.

also they give you those ripples in your skin when you move, have you ever been to a strip club and you see ripples and scars, what is really good?

if you get them done, find a good doctor, and be able to keep them up.

Mar 15 06 11:41 am Link


Shane Perez

Posts: 92

Brooklyn, New York, US

Sorry, I'm not interested in product photography.

Out of several thousand breast implants I've seen, I can think of maybe a handfull that looked remotely realistic. Even those looked relatively unnatural when out of clothes. The only situations that they seem to work in is when they are completely covered by clothing. They're always too round, too far apart, and don't hang the way normal breasts would (and that's for the good boob jobs, I won't even get into the bad ones). They generally don't feel right either, especially if the girl enjoys a bit of roughness, nothing worse than feeling the edge of the implant. It's completely distracting.

In my opinion, if you can tell that there's been plastic surgery, it pretty much defeats the purpose. The illusion is ruined. It would be like seeing the wires used in movie stunts.

To each his own though, if they make someone feel better about themselves and they are happy with the results, more power to em. There are plenty of guys out there that could care less about them being fake and plenty of photographers willing to shoot them. I just personally refuse to shoot nudes or any kind of work where breast implants would be noticeable.

Mar 15 06 11:51 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

shelly1982 wrote:
I have my last consultation on Saturday in london harley street and cannot wait for my new boobs in may hehehe.

I am doing it puerly for my own self esteem growing up having 2 older sisters and a whole bunch of family with the bit tit gene can do wonders to knock your self confidence. also I think it would put me in better proportion.

now no need to check my profile I have chicken fillets in most of em hehehe.

I reckon I will look amazing after my OP as I have a great peach ass!! will look totally in proportion hehehe

all my friends and family think its a great idea.

I am in seventh heaven after 5 years of debating and contemplating and skrimping and saving the time is neigh

whoop whoop

xx shelly xx

Good for you.  Go huge if you want to.  It's your body so do whatever size makes you happy, large are small.  Besides, it sounds like you've already given it plenty of time and thought anyway...

Mar 15 06 03:30 pm Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

shelly1982 wrote:
I have my last consultation on Saturday in london harley street and cannot wait for my new boobs in may hehehe.

I am doing it puerly for my own self esteem growing up having 2 older sisters and a whole bunch of family with the bit tit gene can do wonders to knock your self confidence. also I think it would put me in better proportion.

now no need to check my profile I have chicken fillets in most of em hehehe.

I reckon I will look amazing after my OP as I have a great peach ass!! will look totally in proportion hehehe

all my friends and family think its a great idea.

I am in seventh heaven after 5 years of debating and contemplating and skrimping and saving the time is neigh

whoop whoop

xx shelly xx

Good luck! But please, at least tell us that your keeping them proportional to your frame size....Please! tongue

Mar 15 06 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

SLE Photography wrote:

Just don't go too big, it'd look odd on your frame  smile
I am curious (ie NOSEY), do you plan to maintain your "no nudes" policy once you have them?
I always felt like someone who spent that much $ on accesories would want to display them LOL
(I guess in your case that'd be £)  wink

I have looked into this for a very long time and I am logical and old enough to know what I want and what size I am going to. I am not going huge I think that would just look daft.

I am going to keep to my no nudes policy as I believe my nude stage has been done dusted and I would not work  nudes with any other person than my good mate david dailand even though complete nude has never been in question there is no other photographer I would trust..

I am going to be in proportion with me bum hehehe.

I am just excited..

whoop whoop xx shelly

Mar 16 06 03:28 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Ed Remington wrote:

Good luck! But please, at least tell us that your keeping them proportional to your frame size....Please! tongue

most defo.

I am a realist
I don't want to look out of proportion and certainly don't wanna end up like lola flippin ferrari..

hahaha can you imagine. lol

Mar 16 06 03:30 am Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Not a bad question............I have always been Petite and I wouldn't want a large chest. it would make me look out of proportion. For any woman who desires a fuller chest thats fine with me as long as you know the health risk factors. I'm happy with my image but being female, there is always a desire to improve ones appearence. After 3 kids, my lower abs have been hard to tone(C-section) but I continue to work out and do my best to improve............We are all human and we want more........thats our nature!!

Mar 16 06 10:59 am Link


Amber Alstott

Posts: 49

Chicago, Illinois, US

Very good IS an epidemic. Alot of women have great natural breasts then go and get ridiculously big implants that are hard as rocks. I myself am considering them....only because I no longer have the lift and fullness after having a child. I would never do it to impress a man but rather to boost my self confidence....and would never go overboard. That is why it has taken me about 5 years considering it, I want to find a surgeon who can make them look the most natural. If I am going to invest about $7,000 they are going to look the way I want them to look. Chicago is very pricey for breast augmentation and if you look at a lot of the surgeons before and after photos......they are ALL nothing but rip-off chop-docs. :0) Invest wisely.

Mar 17 06 01:33 am Link