Forums > General Industry > What is your deepest fear?


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

JBPhoto wrote:
One word.
Two syllables.
Eight legs.

it's interesting....psychiatric studies have proven that people are most comfortable with things physically similar.....

a huge percentage of people will list off either snakes or spiders as their greatest fear.

really people....they're just reason to be afraid of a few more or a few less.

Mar 11 06 01:55 pm Link


Lillith Leda

Posts: 663

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

littlegett wrote:

So thus than what you state is we are all drones and none of us have an orginal thought or idea because it is the whole in which gives us these thoughts.  From what you state there is no free will and Us as an connected entity creates ever person and ever persons actions in our own form.

The balance as a whole needs those whom Murder to regulate growth, so thus 'Our Connected Entity' breeds Murders for this spesific purpose than Society Punishes them.  Very interesting.

Individuality in your opinion is an farse that does not exist... Maybe one day I too will close my mind.

Interesting interpretation. Although not sure how you derived the conclusion that connected means identical. That's hardly the meaning behind connectedness. Everything exists within a symbiotic relationship, that is the basic sentiment behind "connectedness".

And I am sure there are some "drones" around, but I never for a moment inferred being connected meant we are all "clones". I'm assuming that's what you were alluding to.

Mar 11 06 02:05 pm Link


Audrey M Walker

Posts: 50

Portland, Arkansas, US

it's a tie between drowning and being buried alive.

Mar 11 06 02:40 pm Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

Waking up after an all night drinking binge next to a three hundred pound female midget who has a full beard.

Mar 11 06 02:47 pm Link


D Gordon Photography

Posts: 102

Brooklyn, New York, US

My deepest fear is having my penis fall off.

Apologies in advance to all who were offended by the above statement.

Mar 11 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

those two previous posts are related:

midget hookers will make your wanker fall off !

Mar 11 06 03:32 pm Link