Forums > General Industry > What is your deepest fear?



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

The fact is that many have missed the point of the statement. It was a question as a topic but it answers itself. That the one thing we all fear deep down is being ourselves. Truly being who we are. We fear what we are capable of. We fear not living up to our OWN expectations of ourselves. We fear not having any expectations of ourselves.

This is something that EVERYONE experiences and very FEW ever get passed it and rise to the people we CAN be. And THAT is the point.

And by rising to OUR potential we make it possible and mandatory for those who seek our associations to do the same. When we are on top of our game will we accept or seek out those who aren't on top of their game? No we avoid them lest they bring us down from our pinnacle.

But we often fear that by moving forward and achieving all that is possible that we will have to leave behind those we currently care about. And that is true in the case of those who do not seek to be all that they can also be. But it is a fair trade.

When we achieve and we then are surrounded by those living up to their possibilities they raise the bar for us. And those who choose not to live up to their potentials have a word. Well two words immediatly come to mind. Cowards, and Lazy.

Mar 09 06 10:55 pm Link


Genell Canty

Posts: 159

Baltimore, Maryland, US

DJTalStudios wrote:

Why are you worried about some one ELSES expectations of you? When in reality the ONLY person you hsve to answer to is YOU.

But when you look at everything closely...we base our own personal expectations off of what is the norm or against the norm. U either go with the flow or rebel...

Mar 09 06 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

My deepest fear is letting my creative side run wild. I always keep it in check because it goes down some really freaky side roads sometimes and I'm afraid I'll loose touch with reality and never be able to get back.

Mar 09 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

being too drunk to understand the difference between transmission and tranny!

Mar 09 06 11:10 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Mar 09 06 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

DJTalStudios wrote:
What is your deepest fear?

Choice, the greatest freedom of all.  The deepest fear anyone should have is losing the choice to become better.  Nothing else matters.

Mar 09 06 11:12 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

falling aka vertigo

Mar 09 06 11:13 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

without answering the question, a couple good quotes along similar lines:

At eighty, I think what I shall regret are the things I always wanted to do and never did; the experiences I denied myself because I was too concerned about others' opinions, or too anxious for their approval; but I think I would regret most a life wasted living as someone who was not me...
--i can't remember who first said this...

A slave is he who cannot speak his mind.
A man without fear cannot be a slave.

so my fear.....i guess i don't really have one...

Mar 09 06 11:19 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Phoenix E wrote:
without answering the question, a couple good quotes along similar lines:

At eighty, I think what I shall regret are the things I always wanted to do and never did; the experiences I denied myself because I was too concerned about others' opinions, or too anxious for their approval; but I think I would regret most a life wasted living as someone who was not me...
--i can't remember who first said this...

A slave is he who cannot speak his mind.
A man without fear cannot be a slave.

so my fear.....i guess i don't really have one...

AMEN! Now THIS is the point. Especially the first part.

Mar 09 06 11:28 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US

GWC wrote:

My deepest fear is clowns. I am terrified that I wake up sweating and screaming and I am surrounded by clowns. And they grab me and pick me up and I struggle and fight and bite them and they haul me down this long dark corridor toward a little room with a single candle and a chair in it and they force me to SIT in the CHAIR and they hold me down as I struggle and scream and they put a MIRROR in front of me and I'M A CLOWN TOO.


CLOWNS...AAACK!  Clowns are evil people conceiling there evil ways by covering in makeup and funny clothes...Stay away clowns......I am on to you!!!!

I fear not being successful in life.  I also fear being covered in spiders or ants.  Either one would probably knock me dead that instant....Redirecting.....I love people and animals and my family! Shew, close call! :0)

Mar 09 06 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

My deepest fear is being confined to an insane asylum

Mar 09 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

reaching into my pants and finding nothing there!

Mar 09 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 516

Durham, California, US

Being trapped in a room full of tigers and heights

Mar 09 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I know, tigers cant stand heights; heights are herbivores

Mar 09 06 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

GWC wrote:

My deepest fear is clowns. I am terrified that I wake up sweating and screaming and I am surrounded by clowns. And they grab me and pick me up and I struggle and fight and bite them and they haul me down this long dark corridor toward a little room with a single candle and a chair in it and they force me to SIT in the CHAIR and they hold me down as I struggle and scream and they put a MIRROR in front of me and I'M A CLOWN TOO.


I guess we've all been there.  For me, sometimes they're merely birthday party clowns...sometimes...Circus Clowns !  Arrgg!

Mar 09 06 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

William Coleman wrote:
Backing into a doorknob, being surrounded by librarians, and then being beaten to death by a badger with a spoon.  You can relate?

Relate to it ???  It happened to my favorite cousin!  More than once !!

Mar 09 06 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
being too drunk to understand the difference between transmission and tranny!

That is very funny !!

Mar 09 06 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

The words "More arrests are expected!"

Mar 09 06 11:55 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Lee-Bonaventure1 wrote:

Relate to it ???  It happened to my favorite cousin!  More than once !!

I hate it when that happens.

Mar 09 06 11:56 pm Link


Charlie Schmidt

Posts: 856

Kansas City, Missouri, US

DJTalStudios wrote:
The fact is that many have missed the point of the statement. It was a question as a topic but it answers itself. That the one thing we all fear deep down is being ourselves. Truly being who we are. We fear what we are capable of. We fear not living up to our OWN expectations of ourselves. We fear not having any expectations of ourselves.

This is something that EVERYONE experiences and very FEW ever get passed it and rise to the people we CAN be. And THAT is the point.

And by rising to OUR potential we make it possible and mandatory for those who seek our associations to do the same. When we are on top of our game will we accept or seek out those who aren't on top of their game? No we avoid them lest they bring us down from our pinnacle.

But we often fear that by moving forward and achieving all that is possible that we will have to leave behind those we currently care about. And that is true in the case of those who do not seek to be all that they can also be. But it is a fair trade.

When we achieve and we then are surrounded by those living up to their possibilities they raise the bar for us. And those who choose not to live up to their potentials have a word. Well two words immediatly come to mind. Cowards, and Lazy.

The question is not going to answer itself, when we all are so different.  With all due respect, you are narrow minded, [including the ""all"" and ""everyone"" statements]and hopefully you will soon experience the diversity of the world....You have an exciting time ahead of you...learning, and experiencing the world.....I truely hope you see them, they can be wonderfull!!!!  Choose to open your mind, and your hart, open your thought process to the wonders and  possabilities of the worldly differences. It is a great thing to learn and appericate people, how differnt they are, and how that can enrich your life.        People make choices that do not have anything  to do with lazyness or being a coward, People make hard choices. It may take strength to make the choices they do, they put the desire to achive on hold for something they is think is more important.  The world has twists and turns, and it is not a fair trade, it may never be, life is not always fair. It is great that you are thinking about this, some people get to be really old before they move in this direction...I wish you luck in your journey and your artistic endevors.

Mar 10 06 12:00 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

That the Government is really a monster that cares not one bit for anyone but only money and the controll there of...oh,ummm, thats true...

see for yourself...scary scary scary they are telling me to be silent!!! … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change

Mar 10 06 12:15 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

McKenzie Bros Photo wrote:
That the Government is really a monster that cares not one bit for anyone but only money and the controll there of...oh,ummm, thats true...

see for yourself...scary scary scary they are telling me to be silent!!! … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change … ose+Change

waahh stop with the scary video.

My biggest fear? Food poisoning... kind of. I'm convinced I'll die as a result of something I've eaten. Even vegetarianism won't save me. yikes

Mar 10 06 12:20 am Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

My deepist fear is if they find me =P

Really I'm just a needle phobic, ballon phobic and.... love water, but can't swim for beans so drowning is another fear

At thats a deep fear because you can sink in water FOREVER! smile

Mar 10 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Kansas City Media Group wrote:
The question is not going to answer itself, when we all are so different.  With all due respect, you are narrow minded, [including the ""all"" and ""everyone"" statements]and hopefully you will soon experience the diversity of the world....You have an exciting time ahead of you...learning, and experiencing the world.....I truely hope you see them, they can be wonderfull!!!!  Choose to open your mind, and your hart, open your thought process to the wonders and  possabilities of the worldly differences. It is a great thing to learn and appericate people, how differnt they are, and how that can enrich your life.        People make choices that do not have anything  to do with lazyness or being a coward, People make hard choices. It may take strength to make the choices they do, they put the desire to achive on hold for something they is think is more important.  The world has twists and turns, and it is not a fair trade, it may never be, life is not always fair. It is great that you are thinking about this, some people get to be really old before they move in this direction...I wish you luck in your journey and your artistic endevors.

Do you know me well enough to say that I am narrow minded? Or that I haven't experienced the world? Let me inform you I have done more in 10 years than most people will do their entire lives so you really need to back up.

Fact is I have met people on every continent this planet has to offer. And there is one thing that is prevelant in EVERY one of them. And that is fear. There is nothing different between us in the US as people or people who live in the middle east. Parents the world over want the same things for their children. And all people want the same things and have the same needs in general.

Fact of the matter is that as clear as the statement was you obviously just don't get it. It is VERY simple. The fact is that people do make choices hard or otherwise. But it is never a true choice to not achieve or succeed. The choice is to change the direction. Not the desired effect. ALL people WANT to be good at something, but too many are afraid to even try.

THAT is the point of the statement. So perhaps it is YOU who needs to open YOUR mind. And tell me. What could be more important than achieving or succeeding? And another FYI... the question DID answer itself. People are people all over the world all want the same basic things and ALL have the same basic fears.

It is those who can overcome those fears who become the strongest.

But the real fear is of not being accepted as is evidenced here daily with people asking for comments on their images. Why? Why would anyone care about what other people think of their work?  OK yeah the whole I want feedback so I can get better thing. Well better by WHOSE standards? Better so that they can regurgitate images that look the same as thousands of other images just like it?

It's about acceptance and the fear of not being accepted. When the only acceptance that really should matter is each individual's acceptance of THEMSELVES.

Mar 10 06 12:28 am Link



Posts: 18

faithb wrote:
My deepest fear is failure.

Me too.

Mar 10 06 12:35 am Link


Sasha Palacio

Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

quickshots wrote:
The Loss Of One Of My Children.

I don't know if I would be able to handle that.

My wife and I will be attending the wake and funeral of our friends 3 year old son this weekend. He wandered out into their yard and fell in the pool and drowned earlier this week. A Life Cut Short! It was just a few days earlier I was chasing him around the ice at the rink. I can still see his face as he watched me stumble after him all the while laughing up a storm.

I can only imagine the pain that would be associated with this kind of loss.........

Thats so sad, I'm sorry to hear that and i completely agree.

Mar 10 06 12:39 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

#1 Sharks...I survived an attack and never went back into the ocean again..36 years and counting....
CLOSE Second - Heights. though I fly in tyler mounts OUTSIDE a helicopter, I won't Crawl out and look over the edge of anything more than 20" tall!

Mar 10 06 12:45 am Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

DJTalStudios wrote:
Do you know me well enough to say that I am narrow minded? Or that I haven't experienced the world? Let me inform you I have done more in 10 years than most people will do their entire lives so you really need to back up.

Fact is I have met people on every continent this planet has to offer. And there is one thing that is prevelant in EVERY one of them. And that is fear. There is nothing different between us in the US as people or people who live in the middle east. Parents the world over want the same things for their children. And all people want the same things and have the same needs in general.

Fact of the matter is that as clear as the statement was you obviously just don't get it. It is VERY simple. The fact is that people do make choices hard or otherwise. But it is never a true choice to not achieve or succeed. The choice is to change the direction. Not the desired effect. ALL people WANT to be good at something, but too many are afraid to even try.

THAT is the point of the statement. So perhaps it is YOU who needs to open YOUR mind. And tell me. What could be more important than achieving or succeeding? And another FYI... the question DID answer itself. People are people all over the world all want the same basic things and ALL have the same basic fears.

It is those who can overcome those fears who become the strongest.

But the real fear is of not being accepted as is evidenced here daily with people asking for comments on their images. Why? Why would anyone care about what other people think of their work?  OK yeah the whole I want feedback so I can get better thing. Well better by WHOSE standards? Better so that they can regurgitate images that look the same as thousands of other images just like it?

It's about acceptance and the fear of not being accepted. When the only acceptance that really should matter is each individual's acceptance of THEMSELVES.

well stated....again.....thank you for so eloquently stating all these's a shame that i feel as if most of it falling on deaf ears

Mar 10 06 02:28 am Link


Photo Matt

Posts: 759

Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, US

Going through a whole photo shoot and finding out there's no flash card in the camera!!!!

Mar 10 06 05:53 am Link



Posts: 89

Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, US

This may not make any sence to any of you. But it dose to me
  My biggest Fear is never feeling the love from my mom and other family member's I want so bad to feel it from.

Mar 10 06 06:45 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

i scard to death of being up high or in deep water

Mar 10 06 06:53 am Link



Posts: 1405

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

That I will die young from my kidney failure.

Mar 10 06 07:04 am Link


Andrew Gettler

Posts: 126

Pueblo, Colorado, US


This is why people seem so similar to you.  Yet, you really need to understand something,  FEAR isn't something so generic as you can Assoicate the Same Fear with EVERY Single Person in the world.  Just like Art Fear is Subjective.

high buildings      batophobia            
thunder and lightning      keraunophobia
high places (looking up at)     anablephobia          
ticks, mites     acarophobia
high places (open)     aeroacrophobia          
time     chronophobia
home, house or being in a house     domatophobia          
toads, frogs     batrachophobia
home (returning to)     nostophobia          
tombstones     placophobia
touching, being touched     aphephobia
horses     hippophobia          
touching money     chrematophobia
hospitals     nosocomephobia          
trains, railroads or train travel     siderodromophobia
hurricanes & tornadoes     lilapsophobia          
travel     hodophobia
hypnotized     hypnophobia          
trembling     tremophobia
ice, frost     cryophobia          
trees     dendrophobia
ideas     ideophobia          
trichinosis     trichinohobia
ignored (being)     athazagoraphobia          
tuberculosis     phthisiophobia
illness, disease     pathophobia          
tyrants     tyrannophobia
immobility (of a joint)     ankylophobia          
ugliness     cacophobia
imperfection     atelophobia          
undressing (in front of someone)     dishabillophobia
infection     molysomophobia          
untidiness     ataxiophobia

Just a few Fears some people have.  The List goes on and On.  These FEARS are so deeply embeded into the person they have been deemed as Phobias.

A phobia (from the Greek φόβος "fear"), is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. When the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made. [1]

Phobias (in the clinical meaning of the term) are the most common form of anxiety disorders. An American study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that between 8.7% and 18.1% of Americans suffer from phobias. [2] Broken down by age and gender, the study found that phobias were the most common mental illness among women in all age groups and the second most common illness among men older than 25.

Maslows Hierarchy, explains your (social grandness) of wanting to assiciate with people of 'your level' or is it Society that has made you so blind to only think you can be friends with people of your "Level"?

Im glad you were able to visit all those places, and do more than 'most' people.  I am just sorry that it hasn't properly enlighted you.

Mar 10 06 08:22 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

I am terrified of glass breaking and shattering..

I am so scared of walking past huge shop windows for any length of time.

I think I have seen far too many action movies.. but yes thats my deepest fear..
oh that and being obese lol

totally 2 ends of the spectrum there but the glass one more


Mar 10 06 08:40 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

That I will die alone..........Yeah, I petty much want as many people to go with me as possible. smile

Mar 10 06 08:44 am Link


Charlie Schmidt

Posts: 856

Kansas City, Missouri, US

DJTalStudios wrote:

Do you know me well enough to say that I am narrow minded? Or that I haven't experienced the world? Let me inform you I have done more in 10 years than most people will do their entire lives so you really need to back up.

Fact is I have met people on every continent this planet has to offer. And there is one thing that is prevelant in EVERY one of them. And that is fear. There is nothing different between us in the US as people or people who live in the middle east. Parents the world over want the same things for their children. And all people want the same things and have the same needs in general.

Fact of the matter is that as clear as the statement was you obviously just don't get it. It is VERY simple. The fact is that people do make choices hard or otherwise. But it is never a true choice to not achieve or succeed. The choice is to change the direction. Not the desired effect. ALL people WANT to be good at something, but too many are afraid to even try.

THAT is the point of the statement. So perhaps it is YOU who needs to open YOUR mind. And tell me. What could be more important than achieving or succeeding? And another FYI... the question DID answer itself. People are people all over the world all want the same basic things and ALL have the same basic fears.

It is those who can overcome those fears who become the strongest.

But the real fear is of not being accepted as is evidenced here daily with people asking for comments on their images. Why? Why would anyone care about what other people think of their work?  OK yeah the whole I want feedback so I can get better thing. Well better by WHOSE standards? Better so that they can regurgitate images that look the same as thousands of other images just like it?

It's about acceptance and the fear of not being accepted. When the only acceptance that really should matter is each individual's acceptance of THEMSELVES.

Wow talk about defence mode...WOW
I hear your rederick, but it unviels you.
You have shared much about yourself, and my belief that you will soon learn a great deal more, as you travel this path, stands to the truth.  If you head in this direction, you will learn.
respectfully??? Why should I "back up", do you fear a difference of oppinion? You started this, you asked...I simply answered. If you did not want an opinion, why ask the question.
I am glad you have had such great experiences, It makes life much more enjoyable.
I have been to most of the planet, I avoid the cold as much as possible, so I am picky about where to go, the US Goverment was not so picky. but I have seen many different cultures, photographed many and eaven waited and watched a few.....This is where I began to understand how different we are.
I see part of your statemts that ring true...But you make absolute statements, and twist the two togather.  This is a problem.
You asked a questions....."What could be more important than achieving or succeeding?"  Sacrafice!

If the question had answered itself, you would no have had a reason or a need to exchange quips!?!
People are people all over the world - that is true - "ALL have the same basic fears" - there is that "all" thing again...There are people living in slavery, oppression, depression, and those who are jailed and killed for having discussins like this one [a free expression of thought].  I do not fear walking the streets of Kansas City, but some people do, and that is the "fight or flight". I accomplish things on a weekly basis, here in KC, that could only be dreamed of in other cultures.

I agree with you. When we face and overcome our fears, we do become stronger!

Like some of us, I can go a day or two with out food, an unhappy experience I had proved of the men who walked beside me died as result of the lack of supplies...the basic needs you spoke of, his basic need, my basic need...or my will to survive, and see my wife, and unborn child...[not fear]

You spoke a little of acceptence and or feedback, that puzzles me, you posted, but were not happy with the negative feedback in the form of contrary posts. You post your work here, an active site, why did you post? What were your goals when you posted?

I am also curious, just for information, what is your educational background, would you be willing to share that with us?

Again I wish you luck in your journey and success in your artistic endevors!

Mar 10 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 306

Oakland, California, US

Koray wrote:
falling aka vertigo

Hell yeah! I am too afraid of balconies and heights. My knees shake sad I am also afraid of getting a terminal illness, I am a little OCD.

Mar 10 06 10:10 am Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

I have faced quite a few of my biggest fears, and have overcome them. In my lifetime, I have already been a victim of rape (and survived, of course). I've been told I could never have kids (but have two now). I've been bitten by a brown-recluse (fiddleback) spider on two different occasions...being told on one occasion if the poison went any deeper, my leg would have to be amputated (I still have BOTH legs). I've gone through an enormous amount of testing and biopsies, because the doctors thought I may have cervical cancer, learning that I thankfully do not have the disease. I've lost a friend to suicide, never getting the chance to say goodbye. I've lived my entire life not knowing what it is like to have a normal family, due to my mother's manic depression, but we love one another anyhow. Even now, I am coping with the fact that my 4-year-old daughter has clinically proven ADHD, and will probably be on medication for a long time in her life.

Even with all of this that has happened, that is still happening...I look to the bright side. Every cloud has a silver lining. I feel that for everything bad that happens, something good also can come of it. Take my rape for instance. It's hard to talk about, but I know a good thing has come of it. See, I was too scared to go to the authorities until it was too late. However, I found out I was pregnant, and I now have a daughter. Yes, it is hard to know that the reason she is here, is because some jerk wouldn't take no for an answer and couldn't keep his junk in his pants, but I have a daughter, even after the doctors told me that I could never have children. So, I think of my daughter as a blessing that came from a curse in a way. She is the good thing that came from a bad circumstance. When I look at her, I'm really not reminded of what happened to me, but I am reminded that I have been given a gift that I wasn't entitled to, but got regardless.

Mar 10 06 10:14 am Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

-turning into my mother, but it's in a different way that everyone else is...
-im a big weiner and i'm really scared of the dark.
-that i'll somehow lose my husband, my absolute shining star.

Mar 10 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

One word.
Two syllables.
Eight legs.

Mar 11 06 01:29 pm Link