Forums > General Industry > ATTENTION Tag Whores


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
You had enough time to write this thread and respond.......hmm I'm just kidding!  No but you're right.  I just don't get the whole ''friends'' thing but I'm too nice to say NO YOU CANNOT BE MY FRIEND BC YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!  I don't like to make people cry.  LOL smile

That is such a lie!  You're always making me cry! sad

Mar 08 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
yeah it's super annoying. i just decline.

No so fast. I got a lead for a $600 job from someone who tagged me.

So TAG me, please.

Oh, the pompous - NETWORKING  - GROW UP!

If you have  a lead for a job or a job , TAG me !

"I am too good to accept tags from the lowly scum!"  STFU!

Mar 08 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 55

New Jersey, New Brunswick, Canada

lol, I can't help but laugh at the sillyness of this thread. The whole purpose of the feature is to start the networking process. The person who continues said process is...well thats a case by case basis.....btw op, there are many males who send friend request without a word also, photogs as well as models do it. I love when it comes to ranting in forums females always seem to be the root of the problem in the mind of the op.

and puhleeeze people with the shy excuses...
sorry but as a shy/reserved/quiet- whatever you will like to call it- person myself, using shyness as an excuse for sending a friend request and not saying anything is annoying and quite frankly, this is not the industry for you if saying two sentences over the net freaks you out...what would happen in person?
and if the shy excuse were to be valid, then why would they send a friend request in the first place?

Mar 08 06 11:20 am Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

xJenellex wrote:
lol, I can't help but laugh at the sillyness of this thread. The whole purpose of the feature is to start the networking process. The person who continues said process is...well thats a case by case basis.....btw op, there are many males who send friend request without a word also, photogs as well as models do it. I love when it comes to ranting in forums females always seem to be the root of the problem in the mind of the op.

and puhleeeze people with the shy excuses...
sorry but as a shy/reserved/quiet- whatever you will like to call it- person myself, using shyness as an excuse for sending a friend request and not saying anything is annoying and quite frankly, this is not the industry for you if saying two sentences over the net freaks you out...what would happen in person?
and if the shy excuse were to be valid, then why would they send a friend request in the first place?

I was gonna reserve myself on this one but I have to correct you.

I said in the post that it was male and female, hell I even said Male first but you probably think I listed Male first because I think we are superior.

If you can't get over the silliness of the post then why did you crawl out of your hole to add your three grains of wisdom.

God, the next thing you know is you'll acuse me of saying if women didn't have a snatch there would be a bounty on them.

And women do the FR game because thats the kind of stuff women like to do and I'm sure the minute number of Males that do it are exploring thier female side.

And why is it if someone in this shark tank wants to voice an opinion all these sanctamonious fence riders can come up with is, you have too much caffine, your panties are too tight, and take a vacation?

I don't drink caffine, I dont wear panties, or underwear at all for that matter, and if I go on a vacation as one poster put it, I would certainly find somewhere more entertaining than that cesspool Cabo.

Mar 08 06 12:17 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
I don't drink caffine, I dont wear panties, or underwear at all for that matter

Thanks for sharing.

Mar 08 06 12:20 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Angel Tara wrote:
BTW, who the heck goes and looks to see how many friends someone has????


When they make the request, since they negated to say anything about thier self I go to thier profile to see what they are all about.

The number of friends and how long they have been a member is right there, it's not rocket science

Mar 08 06 12:21 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

you called? (self proclaimed tag whore for no reason other than to respond to this thread)

Mar 08 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 50

New York, New York, US

i accept everyones request. because i love all people and i want to be very very very popular..

this way, if im in somewhere like, FARGO, and i stop in like, a 7-11, i might just have a good ol MM FRIEND in there they mayyy just buy me like, a bag of FUNYUNS or somethin..


to all my future friends out there,

i lurve you..


(spanish for GIMMIE)

Mar 08 06 12:24 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Kevlar Gal wrote:

I have only sent 2 requests for friends, so there!  neener, neener, neener!

Thats because you have all your brain cells and common sense.

Mar 08 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
What a bunch of loosers.

Dude! You get MY tag! smile U totally rawk - love ur rants!


Mar 08 06 12:27 pm Link


Jae Choice

Posts: 17

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ooook, I do agree with you. If they don't  make a comment, leave a message, or a tag. I do not reply nor do I accept their request. Just do what I do ignore them.

Mar 08 06 12:37 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
When they make the request, since they negated to say anything about thier self I go to thier profile to see what they are all about.

The nuber of friens and how long they have been a member is right there, it's not rocket science

I know how it works. You actually have to click to see all of their friends, and then their number of friends is right there. Who does that? Who cares?

I see the few that are on the front page. Who clicks to see more?

You know, and honestly, I don't think it's cool to call people losers because they do things differently than you. I am not a loser.

Mar 08 06 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Take this rant and the cheese with your whine to myspace!
in the mean time... will you be my friend wink

Mar 08 06 01:13 pm Link


Monique Antoinette

Posts: 199

Bellflower, California, US

You see a profile of someone's like add them.
I don't see the big deal. I don't need a hello from people that like my work or a thank you for the add or anything like that unless they want to.
I don't need a reason, obviously if they are adding me they want to follow up on my work and perhaps work together in the future?

I wouldn't take it so personally, it's the internet.
Networking isn't so bad, right? tongue

Mar 08 06 01:20 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Rainbow Fright wrote:
You see a profile of someone's like add them. tongue

Why dont they use the favorites feature to add people whose work they want to look at in the future.
I use friends request for people i want to work with....have worked with.....need to work with....know personally and/or chat with.

Mar 08 06 02:44 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:
Take this rant and the cheese with your whine to myspace!
in the mean time... will you be my friend wink

Sure why not.

Mar 08 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 179

Los Angeles, California, US

no one is forcing you to accept 350 requests.
and like you said, people who accept them are just as bad.
way to go

people befriend people on this site to self promote as their main goal. The more Friends lists their on the more photogs will come across their profile. If it were lavalife, it may be a little different.

Mar 08 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
Would you walk up to somebody in the line at the Supermarket and ask them to be your friend without even striking up a conversation?

I do this all the time. I ask to see girls b(o)(o)bies. It's a great way of finding out if they want to pose for me because it's quick and most supermarkets have security guards who will like drag the girls boyfriend off me if he loses it.

I don't know you but will you be my friend? purty pleeeeeze?  Oh, wait you're not a girl, are you? Never mind.


Mar 08 06 03:43 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
Snip rant

that send friends requests to everyone on the planet without so much as a hello, I like your work, you wanna work together, wanna have sex,
Snip rant

Confused non friend here:

Is it friends or Tag Whores that got your shorts in a bunch?

Mar 08 06 03:48 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Angel Tara wrote:
I know how it works. You actually have to click to see all of their friends, and then their number of friends is right there. Who does that? Who cares?

I see the few that are on the front page. Who clicks to see more?

You know, and honestly, I don't think it's cool to call people losers because they do things differently than you. I am not a loser.

"I am not a loser'

Sounds like the movie Elephant Man,,,"I'm Not an Animal".

No dear, you sure are not a loser, and you got some great cans too.

I'm sending you a Bucket-o-Love.  Mmmm I wonder if they'll deliver to Michigan?

Mar 08 06 03:49 pm Link


Matthew Allen

Posts: 138

New York, New York, US

I feel dumber for having read so far into this threat... but I guess I am one of the "whores"... although adding one as a friend isn't tagging really... sucka!

I add people and accept people as friends simply for contact organization.  It's a way for me to have a separate category from favorites, and is also sort of an ice breaker... they see my add and they look at my port.  No need to make some bs conversation until I actually have something to say.  So from a contact point of view... having lots of friends makes perfect sense...

Anyone who doesn't like the system can either advise me a better way to organize myself on the site...  yeah... I thought so...

yo yo yo yo yo yo yo HA!

Mar 08 06 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

With all this drama, my tits are growing by the minute. Oh the estrogen.

Mar 08 06 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 105

Flushing, New York, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
To all you members, Male and Female, but 99% Female,,,,,,,

that send friends requests to everyone on the planet without so much as a hello, I like your work, you wanna work together, wanna have sex,

What is this shit?,,,,A see how many little pictures I can get on my profile so I look really popular?

What a bunch of loosers.

Would you walk up to somebody in the line at the Supermarket and ask them to be your friend without even striking up a conversation?

Hell no! And if you did, they would tell you to GFYS.

So why do you do it to us?????

A one month old membership with 350 damn people in your friends list,

Go get a job, because evidenty you have way too much time on your hands.

And you people that accept the requests are just as bad.

Harsh but true & funny.

Mar 08 06 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
To all you members, Male and Female, but 99% Female,,,,,,,

that send friends requests to everyone on the planet without so much as a hello, I like your work, you wanna work together, wanna have sex,

What is this shit?,,,,A see how many little pictures I can get on my profile so I look really popular?

What a bunch of loosers.

Would you walk up to somebody in the line at the Supermarket and ask them to be your friend without even striking up a conversation?

Hell no! And if you did, they would tell you to GFYS.

So why do you do it to us?????

A one month old membership with 350 damn people in your friends list,

Go get a job, because evidenty you have way too much time on your hands.

And you people that accept the requests are just as bad.

LOL, someone actually denied my Friends Request on here, THE NERVE!!!! but I got over it because Jerry Avenaim ACCEPTED my FRIENDS Request smile

Mar 08 06 04:18 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US


Loosers?  Would that be looseners?  Are we too loose?  That's it, we're far too loose and THAT is the problem you have with us... loose people running around, messing up your perfect internet world, indiscriminately friend-adding and profile-tagging... comment-whoring. .  .   .    .      .        .

It's mayhem!  An internet wild, wild west and THANK YOU for helping put an end to it... or try anyway.

Mar 08 06 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

I have accepted more friend requests than I have actually put out.  I don't put out friend requests much.  I felt like maybe there was a reason they were adding me.  Future work?  Projects?  Who knows.  Now it has gotten to the point that the people I actually talk to on a daily, weekly, monthly or even hard to find on my friends list.  There are members that are no longer on this site that are still in the list.  Obviously, it needs to be cleaned out! 

My point is....this MM is set up for networking.  Now, I do agree that some do it for popularity contest, but there are those out there who don't and are just nice and approve because they think that maybe something will come of it eventually sometime. 

By the way....any way we can talk Tyler into making those little boxes in the friend's list so we can go through and check multiple people at a time to delete them?  Sort of like how the friend request is??  Or the mail system?  That would be so much easier to clean out instead of doing them one by one.  I had started to do it at one time...and because of system being slow and doing it one by one....I got frustrated and said "forget it".  That would be nice though if there was an easier way to dispose those out of your friends list who no longer need to be there because there was never communication between the two.


Mar 08 06 04:38 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

It sounds like some one is haveing "thier time of the Month" so just DELETE Them.....

Mar 08 06 04:41 pm Link



Posts: 70

Chatsworth, Georgia, US

haha...this is to funny that someone needed to vent about this....maybe someone else has a little to much time on thier hands....whatever im a comment whore  n i love it! 99% of us have jobs n this is what we do when were bored at work!

Mar 08 06 04:41 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

McKenzie wrote:
I have accepted more friend requests than I have actually put out.  I don't put out friend requests much.  I felt like maybe there was a reason they were adding me.  Future work?  Projects?  Who knows.  Now it has gotten to the point that the people I actually talk to on a daily, weekly, monthly or even hard to find on my friends list.  There are members that are no longer on this site that are still in the list.  Obviously, it needs to be cleaned out! 

My point is....this MM is set up for networking.  Now, I do agree that some do it for popularity contest, but there are those out there who don't and are just nice and approve because they think that maybe something will come of it eventually sometime. 

By the way....any way we can talk Tyler into making those little boxes in the friend's list so we can go through and check multiple people at a time to delete them?  Sort of like how the friend request is??  Or the mail system?  That would be so much easier to clean out instead of doing them one by one.  I had started to do it at one time...and because of system being slow and doing it one by one....I got frustrated and said "forget it".  That would be nice though if there was an easier way to dispose those out of your friends list who no longer need to be there because there was never communication between the two.


There you go look all good and making mad sense, you need to stop it and since we can't shoot or fuck, will you be my friend?
Oh, wait, you already are....Doh

Mar 08 06 04:43 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US name is Thomas.....and I am a tag whore. Oh I am sorry I thought this was the 12 step program to help me with my problem.....moving on smile

Mar 08 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

There you go look all good and making mad sense, you need to stop it and since we can't shoot or fuck, will you be my friend?
Oh, wait, you already are....Doh

LOL......I said cleaning up of members who are no longer on this site...OR.....people who I have never even communicated.   smile

You already know I am your friend.  :::shaking head:::  So the deletions do not apply to you.  smile~~ 


Mar 08 06 04:46 pm Link



Posts: 44

Amityville, New York, US

When I first joined MM, I saw a way to network with a group of
people that shared a common interest.
It seems to me that there are a few issues here that has to be
resolved. Yes it's not right to request someone be your friend
without commenting first, But lets all just do what we came here
to do and that's meet new people to expand our careers and goals.
even if it to ask some stranger to be your friend. Maybe that person
has what it is that you are looking for. I accept all friend request.
If I can help someone with exposure here by being on my list. Then I feel
my job has been accomplished.

Nothing is perfect in this world, and that goes for this site as well.
So let's all just try and get alone, and stop making others who are
trying to grow in there careers feel like they are not worthy of a friend
here at MM.

Damn!...............Shawn M.

Mar 08 06 04:49 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

McKenzie wrote:

LOL......I said cleaning up of members who are no longer on this site...OR.....people who I have never even communicated.   smile

You already know I am your friend.  :::shaking head:::  So the deletions do not apply to you.  smile~~ 


On that note, networking reaches past the end of your handshake.
How many times have you heard "It's a small world".

Mar 08 06 04:51 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Elite Imaging wrote:
"I am not a loser'

Sounds like the movie Elephant Man,,,"I'm Not an Animal".

No dear, you sure are not a loser, and you got some great cans too.

I'm sending you a Bucket-o-Love.  Mmmm I wonder if they'll deliver to Michigan?

*jaw drop*

Since I am not sure how to take that, I'm just going to move on. I seem to be pissing people off quite a bit lately, so maybe I'm too sensitive.

Mar 08 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

I don't send out Friends Request left and right myself but occasionally I would come across someone's portfolio that is quite inspiring to me and that is when I send out a Friends Request as a means of letting that person know that I like his/her work and style. But that's just my own personal motivation.

Granted a lot of members probably don't like receiving Friends Request but heck, it doesn't really cost anything does it? so why be snotty about accepting someone's Friends Request unless of course they think my profile is really that gross and gutwrenching that they don't want to be associated with me by any means lol smile I do honor some members'  specific request on their profile not to be tagged or invited as a friend. oh well no use crying over spilt milk wink

Mar 08 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

On that note, networking reaches past the end of your handshake.
How many times have you heard "It's a small world".

It IS a small world....  Even Disney World says so.  wink 

I know that networking is more than just a handshake, a once in a blue moon phone contact etc.  There are people I have worked for since day 1 that I still keep in contact with from time to time. 

And you are right...all part of networking.  BUT...I still want to delete the people that are no longer here on MM.  Grrrrr


Mar 08 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Elite Imaging wrote:

When they make the request, since they negated to say anything about thier self I go to thier profile to see what they are all about.

The nuber of friens and how long they have been a member is right there, it's not rocket science

Dude,   why dont you remove all the tags and friends you have and go sit in the corner and play by yourself?
the motto of this site is SHARE - have you noticed?

word up dude;  neglected   their  number  friends

get some of that Jamaican weed in FL and relax!

Mar 08 06 05:05 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

I send out lots of friend requests because it helps me face my fear of rejection.  I am so pitiful.

Mar 08 06 05:29 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
I send out lots of friend requests because it helps me face my fear of rejection.  I am so pitiful.

Beh, what a looser.

Mar 08 06 05:33 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Myopic Earache wrote:

Dave Krueger wrote:
I send out lots of friend requests because it helps me face my fear of rejection.  I am so pitiful.

Beh, what a looser.

Yeah, and I'm seeking looser women.

Mar 08 06 06:25 pm Link