Forums > General Industry > Am I a "perv" for titling a picture.....


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Am I a "perv" for titling a picture "She's Sexy and 17"? Some one actually left a comment that I'm a "pervert" who "make this world unsafe for our children" 'cause of that title.
Check it out here and read the comments:

Mar 06 06 06:14 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

it's absurd and the reason I post absurd parodies in the forums.
Some people's children.... {shaking my head.....}

Mar 06 06 06:22 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

A perfectly reasonable portrait of an attractive young woman.  Nothing pervy about it.  Unless you're a muslim, or amish. yikes

Mar 06 06 06:23 pm Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

tittiling a picture is bad!  yikes

(i'm not even sure if I made the joke right sad)

Mar 06 06 06:24 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Jerry Bennett wrote:
Am I a "perv" for titling a picture "She's Sexy and 17"? Some one actually left a comment that I'm a "pervert" who "make this world unsafe for our children" 'cause of that title.

She is sexy. I agree.

The people who make this world unsafe for children are those who supress and deny things like "human sexuality" with a delusional head-in-the-sand mentality that the things that make them uncomfortable will disappear if they do not confront them.

I don't have kids.

If I had a hot, sexy, 17 year old daughter and she portrayed a sexy image or people viewed her in a sexual way, I'd deal with it. I'd face it. I'd talk to her about it. I'd tell her to be careful and explain how to be responsible with the power of her sex appeal. I'd let her know how easily she could get in trouble ... AND how easy it would be to have a great time.

But the last thing I would ever DREAM of doing is trying to supress it or pretend it didn't exist. Because THAT attitude is dangerous and makes the world unsafe for children.

Mar 06 06 06:26 pm Link



Posts: 67

i think the photo is good and the model beautiful.  however i do think the title is a bit exploitive only because of the other content in your port, artistic as it may be.  another comment i read on this picture says it best "one more year!"  it can be misconstrued that by mentioning her age your telling us its only a matter of time.  the picture is sexy and beautiful.  i would let it speak for itself and change the title.

warm regards


Mar 06 06 06:26 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

RoninGarou wrote:
tittiling a picture is bad!  yikes

(i'm not even sure if I made the joke right sad)

Yeh, normally I just tickel the pics, but this one needed to be "tittiled"! LOL!

Mar 06 06 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

This belongs in the thread about politicaly correct. Its a perfect example. I see nothing wrong with being sexy at seventeen. Geez this kind of shit is driving me insane!

Mar 06 06 06:28 pm Link


Megan Spring

Posts: 25

Los Alamitos, California, US

It's not quite kosher in my opinion. Nothing wrong with being sexy and seventeen, but some might be inclined to wonder why it matters that she's seventeen or why you seem to be excited that she's only seventeen. I wouldn't say you're a pervert, but you might want to rephrase.

Mar 06 06 06:29 pm Link


Creativity Farm

Posts: 1772

Westville, New Jersey, US

Let's see.... titling the post makes you perverted, but shooting/posting the image was fine?  That kind of logic is perverted.

The title is a statement of fact, and the image is beautiful.  Keep up the good work.

Mar 06 06 06:30 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Megan Spring wrote:
It's not quite kosher in my opinion. Nothing wrong with being sexy and seventeen, but some might be inclined to wonder why it matters that she's seventeen or why you seem to be excited that she's only seventeen. I wouldn't say you're a pervert, but you might want to rephrase.

again, it's a case of the photographer/artist has to change a title to accomodate how others may misinterpret that title.  Megan just said that some might wonder why you seem to be "excited" that she's only seventeen.  I didn't read "excited" into the title... it merely states that she's both sexy looking and seventeen.  What's inapproriate is having to change the title for fear that someone would misunderstand what you'd written.   I'd say the title was appropriate, the reactions are slightly misappropriate.

Mar 06 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Jerry Bennett wrote:
Am I a "perv" for titling a picture "She's Sexy and 17"? Some one actually left a comment that I'm a "pervert" who "make this world unsafe for our children" 'cause of that title.
Check it out here and read the comments:

Honestly, only you can answer the "perv" question.

As far as do "we" think you're a perv for titling the work such? Not at all. The problem is that the country has been overrun with Christian Fundamentalists who feel unfulfilled unless they are casting the first stone, etc.. Hopefully an impeachment, or at worst, a couple more years will help  loosen the moral tourniquet that's been wrapped about this country.

Damn, sounds like I'm preaching doesn't it!?


Mar 06 06 06:34 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

yes! move to Utah!

Mar 06 06 06:35 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

This entire concept is insane.  And it's also why I'm starting to seriously think about moving back to Europe (I'm American).  This country is nuts....


Mar 06 06 06:36 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Antony Michaels wrote:
i think the photo is good and the model beautiful.  however i do think the title is a bit exploitive only because of the other content in your port, artistic as it may be.  another comment i read on this picture says it best "one more year!"  it can be misconstrued that by mentioning her age your telling us its only a matter of time.  the picture is sexy and beautiful.  i would let it speak for itself and change the title.

warm regards


Yes, I thought that "one more year!" comment a bit crass. But the title comes from a Stray Cats song, and it fits her. She is sexy. She dances half naked up on a box at a nightclub here in Philly, so I think my pic and it's title are pretty tame in comparison to reality....I mean, most 17 year olds are having sex, so how am I "making the world unsafe for children"? She's not even in a suggestive pose. She's not naked. I just don't get it.....

Mar 06 06 06:36 pm Link


BurntFilm Productions

Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

as if "sexy and seventeen" wasnt a famous song title. Not only that but its a topic for alot of rock songs. Its also the age for Dubutantes. What some people seem to forget is that they were having sex when they were 17, generally with other 17 year olds etc. This photo certainly doesnt fall into the area of the perverse, tell this broad to go comment on Texas beauty pageants held for 8 year olds, and tell her I reffered to her as a broad so she gets pissed at me too.

Mar 06 06 06:37 pm Link


Megan Spring

Posts: 25

Los Alamitos, California, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:

again, it's a case of the photographer/artist has to change a title to accomodate how others may misinterpret that title.  Megan just said that some might wonder why you seem to be "excited" that she's only seventeen.  I didn't read "excited" into the title... it merely states that she's both sexy looking and seventeen.  What's inapproriate is having to change the title for fear that someone would misunderstand what you'd written.   I'd say the title was appropriate, the reactions are slightly misappropriate.

For the record, I was merely playing devil's advocate and will do so once more...

Lots of models are 17 or younger, but it isn't usually pointed out. Stating her age, which in most states makes her jailbait, sort of seems like advertising  the fact that she is so young, which in turn, might attract some unsavory attention.

Mar 06 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 8

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Hello Jerry : It is a wonderful, delightful and most professional Portrait.
These kind of problems with weird comments of "pervs" do not exist in Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay or Uruguay.

Cheers, Geo.

Mar 06 06 06:42 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Megan Spring wrote:

For the record, I was merely playing devil's advocate and will do so once more...

Lots of models are 17 or younger, but it isn't usually pointed out. Stating her age, which in most states makes her jailbait, sort of seems like advertising  the fact that she is so young, which in turn, might attract some unsavory attention.

Hmmm.... The age of consent here in CT is 16, so does that make it ok to think she's sexy here?  I know you're playing "Devil's Advocate" and I'm overly sensitive to the issue because I think it's ridiculous.  For the record, I'm not overly sensitive to protecting young children from be exploited or violated; I am overly sensitive about a culture that is so sexually schizophrenic that we do more damage to our young people than any other developed country on earth...

Mar 06 06 06:42 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Megan Spring wrote:
It's not quite kosher in my opinion. Nothing wrong with being sexy and seventeen, but some might be inclined to wonder why it matters that she's seventeen or why you seem to be excited that she's only seventeen. I wouldn't say you're a pervert, but you might want to rephrase.

It's a quote from a Stray Cats song. When they sing it, they sound like they're shouting, hence the exclamation mark. I would never hit on, or have sex with, a 17 year old girl, but I don't think it's wrong to acknowledge her sexiness.

Mar 06 06 06:42 pm Link


Megan Spring

Posts: 25

Los Alamitos, California, US

Jerry Bennett wrote:

It's a quote from a Stray Cats song. When they sing it, they sound like they're shouting, hence the exclamation mark. I would never hit on, or have sex with, a 17 year old girl, but I don't think it's wrong to acknowledge her sexiness.

Despite my age, I am familiar with the song. smile

Also, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I understand where you're coming from. I'm just making observations. And I agree with everyone saying it's a beautiful photo and she is a beautiful girl. And I'm certainly not defending the twat that called you a perv. I guess I'm just saying that you shouldn't be too surprised if people have a negative reaction to the caption on the photo and why they might feel the way they do.

Mar 06 06 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 67

Mark Stein wrote:
Let's see.... titling the post makes you perverted, but shooting/posting the image was fine?  That kind of logic is perverted.

The title is a statement of fact, and the image is beautiful.  Keep up the good work.

words and images are two different forms of communication.  posting a picture of a handsome nude male or female is fine.  then if you title it "nude male or nude female" your communicating one kind of definite statement.  if you titled it "...and they just turned 18!" communicates another statement all together. one of my photos is titled "jeremy meats david"  it is suppose to titillate and add to the pleasure of viewing the picture... the models are both 24. using a suggestive title for a 17 year old can be taken as a bit perverted.

Mar 06 06 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 67

Megan Spring wrote:
Despite my age, I am familiar with the song. smile

And I'm certainly not defending the (person) that called you a perv. I guess I'm just saying that you shouldn't be too surprised if people have a negative reaction to the caption on the photo and why they might feel the way they do.

ditto!  i love the pic, have no problem with the title. you just have to expect some negative reaction.  old ladies use to spit on fallini!  thats the power of art!

Mar 06 06 06:49 pm Link


Lamar Scott

Posts: 223

New York, New York, US

I think the pic is fine and as an 18 yr old, I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with that pic. trust me.. Ive seen less clothes on a 17 yr old on a school bus.

Mar 06 06 06:53 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Jerry Bennett wrote:
Am I a "perv" for titling a picture "She's Sexy and 17"?

No, but if she had only been 16 years, 11 months, and 30 days, you'd be the lowest life form imaginable.  Worse than H5N1. 

What a difference a day makes...   Twenty four little hours...  ...ta-da-da-da-da-dee-dee


DISCLAIMER:  big_smile

Mar 06 06 06:54 pm Link


BurntFilm Productions

Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

And people who cry wolf about something legitimate like that are only allowing real pervs to attach themselves to the argument used to defend legitimate work. The title is sexy and seventeen not sexy and 11. This photo nor the title even comes close to that gray area, its like calling me a terrorist for eating a falafel.

Mar 06 06 06:55 pm Link


Megan Spring

Posts: 25

Los Alamitos, California, US

Douglas, Cult City wrote:
like calling me a terrorist for eating a falafel.


Mar 06 06 06:56 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Antony Michaels wrote:
old ladies use to spit on fallini!  thats the power of art!

LOL!!! They used to spit on him?!! OMG!

Mar 06 06 06:56 pm Link


Philip Hollingsworth

Posts: 3

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Not in my book. One of my favourite Stray Cat's songs fact I'm humming it right now. Beautiful picture!

Mar 06 06 06:58 pm Link


Philip Hollingsworth

Posts: 3

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Not in my book. One of my favourite Stray Cat's songs fact I'm humming it right now. Beautiful picture!

Mar 06 06 06:58 pm Link


Philip Hollingsworth

Posts: 3

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Not in my book. One of my favourite Stray Cat's songs fact I'm humming it right now. Beautiful picture!

Mar 06 06 06:58 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

MMDesign wrote:
Honestly, only you can answer the "perv" question.

As far as do "we" think you're a perv for titling the work such?....

LOL! There's a grammer geek in every crowd! But of course, you are correct.....

Mar 06 06 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Some how when you turn 18 you magicaly become all grown up and its ok that your sexy, having sex, and oh your so much more mature by the way. Why would it be perverted to think and label this image or this girl as Sexy and Seventeen. When you were twenty would it be ok if you said that she was sexy and seventeen. If you think the young lady is sexy when your seventeen you will still think she is sexy at seventeen when your forty. What is perverted about that?

Mar 06 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Antony Michaels wrote:

ditto!  i love the pic, have no problem with the title. you just have to expect some negative reaction.  old ladies use to spit on fallini!  thats the power of art!

yes, i agree... about expecting reaction when publishing in a public venue.

[and, fyi,  i didn't mean to rag on megan.. just engaging in a little lively debate. ]

Mar 06 06 07:00 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Douglas, Cult City wrote:
...its like calling me a terrorist for eating a falafel.

Dude, you suck! I almost spit my coffee all over my keyboard!

Mar 06 06 07:02 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

It's a nice shot.  You did turn up the thermostat a bit by pointing out that she's under age.  I can live with that.  Personally, I stay away from the under age, but not for moral reasons.  I just don't aspire to sex-offender status.  And I fear outraged daddies with tire irons.

Mar 06 06 07:03 pm Link


BurntFilm Productions

Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

sorry man, I just want people to call it like it is.

Mar 06 06 07:04 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

William Coleman wrote:
It's a nice shot.  You did turn up the thermostat a bit by pointing out that she's under age.  I can live with that.  Personally, I stay away from the under age, but not for moral reasons.  I just don't aspire to sex-offender status.  And I fear outraged daddies with tire irons.

Yeh, me neither. But I already shot her and bunch of other Goth kids for a dvd cover, so her mother trusts me.

Mar 06 06 07:07 pm Link


clementine suicide

Posts: 4

Seattle, Washington, US

i would change the title.

Mar 06 06 07:07 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

yes, please change the title to something more appropriate (for pervs)
"Sexy and almost legal for 'poking'"

Mar 06 06 07:13 pm Link