Forums > General Industry > wanting to start a fight :)

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

ok not really...
but I had a fantastic "conversation" at the end of my last  shoot, we had a full crew, me the make-up artist , a hair stylist, a photographer, a model, and a fashion stylist.
We were discussing thing about the industry and I can not remeber who started the topic of "Who is the most important person " of course we all thought that "so and so " was the most important because with out "so and so " the shoot wouldnt look as good.
It was a great conversation about why we thought that we were the most important part of a photo shoot.
Now of course being the make-up artist I thought I was the most important, but I agreed that without a great photographer with a good eye and lighting skills, and a pritty model and nice clothing and good hair the whole thing wouldnt have been as sucsessfull.
So why do some people think they are better, Why do some individually become "divas" and think the shoot is all about them? I belive that a photo shoot is a team job not really an individuall thing.even if the focus is on one particular thing like the eye make-up or product placement, or the model her self.
All though I can make a not so beautiful model look stunning ,that can be done in phtoto shop too but lets say not photoshop.
but a beautiful model   still needs to be able to move and "pose" I have seen beautiful models who just bring nothing to the shoot.
Also a brillian photographer might be amazing at "landscapes " but not with people. Or some photographers rely to heavily on photo shop, why is this becomming a normal thing?
So yah what are your thoughts ? who is the Key player in a photoshoot? and why?

Mar 05 06 01:18 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
"Who is the most important person " ... who is the Key player in a photoshoot? and why?

We called it "Photoshoot Survivor" and figured out who would get voted off the island.

Of course it's pretty quick to figure out who wins...the photographer.  Without a photographer it's not a photo shoot...everything else just changes what type of photo shoot it is.

The last two on the island are also always the model and the photographer.

last three?

Model Photographer and either Makeup artist, stylist, or Production assistant (because damnit we want our Chai Tea Lattes now!)

Mar 05 06 01:31 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I vote for the model, without a model. I'd be shooting plants or cars or buildings.

We all revolve around the model

Mar 05 06 01:32 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
without a model. I'd be shooting plants or cars or buildings.

But you'd still be shooting.  A model just modeling with no camera is going to look pretty funny.

Mar 05 06 01:36 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
So yah what are your thoughts ? who is the Key player in a photoshoot? and why?


Mar 05 06 01:38 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
So yah what are your thoughts ? who is the Key player in a photoshoot? and why?

The client

Confucius say,
Beauty is in the eye of the checkbook holder.

Mar 05 06 01:39 am Link


Phoebe I

Posts: 134

Austin, Indiana, US

I second that!  (for the model)

I think everyone plays a vital role in making kick ass pictures. Without the make-up artist or stylist the pictures may be alright but they won't kick ass. Without the photographer well there's no pic! The model is what the blank canvas that everyone makes beautiful and without he/she everyone else couldn't do their job. So anyways I don't think one is more important than the other. Just important in different ways. ;^)

Mar 05 06 01:40 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Dan  Hood  MM/Moderator wrote:

The client

Confucius say,
Beauty is in the eye of the checkbook holder.

Here here!  :-)

Mar 05 06 01:41 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

James Jackson wrote:
But you'd still be shooting.  A model just modeling with no camera is going to look pretty funny.

It's called a runway or live exibit where the models stand around the gallery or in a store window and pose.

I shot 4 bands last night while in Seattle, point is, they were my model. They didn't need me to shoot the photos, they would still play the same music if I was not there.

Mar 05 06 01:42 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

wow that didnt take too long to get some dialogue going smile now of course we all know that with out a brillant make-up Artist the model is just another girl or boy. may be I am a little bias because thats my job and I have been brought in to redo shoots becasue the model did her own make-up and my expertise was needed smile
I do like good photog's who are both amazing at taking pictures and nice people too.

Mar 05 06 01:50 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

It's called a runway or live exibit where the models stand around the gallery or in a store window and pose.

I shot 4 bands last night while in Seattle, point is, they were my model. They didn't need me to shoot the photos, they would still play the same music if I was not there.

But it's called runway or a live exhibit...not a photo shoot...

And if you weren't there to shoot the photos it would have been a concert, not a photo shoot.

SO if we're playing Photo shoot survivor, then the photographer is the most important.

Mar 05 06 01:51 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

James Jackson wrote:

But it's called runway or a live exhibit...not a photo shoot...

And if you weren't there to shoot the photos it would have been a concert, not a photo shoot.

SO if we're playing Photo shoot survivor, then the photographer is the most important.

I think the whole point of the op's post was to say that duh.. all the parts are important. :-)  You can't drive a four wheeled car on three wheels can you?  (no stunt drivers please!)

Mar 05 06 01:54 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brandon Smith wrote:

I think the whole point of the op's post was to say that duh.. all the parts are important. :-)  You can't drive a four wheeled car on three wheels can you?  (no stunt drivers please!)

Very true...

Mar 05 06 01:56 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
It's called a runway or live exibit where the models stand around the gallery or in a store window and pose.

I shot 4 bands last night while in Seattle, point is, they were my model. They didn't need me to shoot the photos, they would still play the same music if I was not there.

James Jackson wrote:
But it's called runway or a live exhibit...not a photo shoot...

And if you weren't there to shoot the photos it would have been a concert, not a photo shoot.

SO if we're playing Photo shoot survivor, then the photographer is the most important.

I'm sorry James, I didn't know what the rules were, I just answered who I feel is the most important at a photo shoot.
The exapmles I gave were how a model could still model without anyone shooting a photo of them and not look funny.

Mar 05 06 01:57 am Link



Posts: 3

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The most important person is the person who will be cutting the checkbook, weather it be the model or the photographer.. Bottom line-sooner or later,We all work for the mights buck !

Mar 05 06 02:09 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Impro wrote:
The most important person is the person who will be cutting the checkbook, weather it be the model or the photographer.. Bottom line-sooner or later,We all work for the mights buck !

What if it's a TFP shoot? Read the OP's post. There was no client.

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
we had a full crew, me the make-up artist , a hair stylist, a photographer, a model, and a fashion stylist.

Mar 05 06 02:12 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

yah what if its a tfp then who is the "king or queen" of the shoot??

Mar 05 06 02:13 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Key player?  In my opinion, it's the photographer.  It is their contribution to the shoot that "records" the event.

You can still do a shoot without an MUA.

You can still do a shoot without a wardrobe/stylist.

You CAN'T do a shoot without the model (unless it's a product shoot, ha!)

You CAN'T do a shoot without the photographer.


1. Photographer
2. Model
3. Everyone else

Mar 05 06 02:14 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The photographer is the most important person
the following shot sells for $181,000 and no one is buying it to see the make up or care who the model is it's all about the shot !

Mar 05 06 02:18 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

The photographer is the most important person
the following shot sells for $181,000 and no one is buying it to see the make up or care who the model is it's all about the shot !


Huh? no client

Mar 05 06 02:20 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

yah but what if the make-up artist was like Rick Baker of Dick Smith ( make-up Artist living Gods)( if you dont know who they are think,, think original and new Planet of the Apes and what not ,so many I can name them all.) ??? then wouldnt they be the most important person and the shoot would be about the make-up

Mar 05 06 02:28 am Link


Phoebe I

Posts: 134

Austin, Indiana, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
wow that didnt take too long to get some dialogue going smile now of course we all know that with out a brillant make-up Artist the model is just another girl or boy. may be I am a little bias because thats my job and I have been brought in to redo shoots becasue the model did her own make-up and my expertise was needed smile
I do like good photog's who are both amazing at taking pictures and nice people too.

Definently true, that's what my pic's are missing. Next weekend I'm doing a shoot with a MUA! YAY for MUA's!

Mar 05 06 02:28 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
yah but what if the make-up artist was like Rick Baker of Dick Smith ( make-up Artist living Gods)( if you dont know who they are think,, think original and new Planet of the Apes and what not ,so many I can name them all.) ??? then wouldnt they be the most important person and the shoot would be about the make-up

yeah...sure I'll feed him steak and then make him walk the plank!

Mar 05 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Well in my case the answer really is ME!!! WHY?!? Well, because i do hair. makeup AND photography AND I sometimes even bring/fabricate the clothes for the shoots...


Mar 05 06 02:44 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Dee wrote:
Well in my case the answer really is ME!!! WHY?!? Well, because i do hair. makeup AND photography AND I sometimes even bring/fabricate the clothes for the shoots...


I think you can only pick one.

Mar 05 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

I think you can only pick one.

Dont I wish!!! There isnt anyone around me that wants to do it so dammit I have to do it myself..LOL


Mar 05 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Honestly, your not going to like what I have to say but unless a celebrity type of thing it is the photographer who runs the show. Normally for most jobs it is the shooter who is hired 1st and they in turn bring in their crew. The photographer gets the praise when a shoot goes well and takes the blame when it doesn't.

It's like this if you crewed on my team and jacked the makeup up who's fault is it.... mine! I'm the one who brought you in. I take responsibility for everything at that shoot. Including the jacking up of the makeup.  Now if a art director brings in a patchwork crew and things go bad they will take blame but the photographer is still expected to pull it out with a ad hock crew if it doesn't, the photographer is the one who will take the fall.

In the chain of command all production answers to the shooter and the photographer answers to the client or AD or clients rep.

Put it this way does your liability insurance have fucked up photographer coverage? I bet not. However my liability coverage has jacked up makeup coverage.  Say your makeup causes a severe reaction to the model. I get named in the lawsuit. Why? the shooter is the ringleader. Say the lab kills the film. You don't get named but I do. The wardrobe person burns the model with a steamer I get sued, you don't. In every instance the photographer is a liable party. Why? Chain of command.

There is more I should say but it's late.

In my years of doing commercial work I have never seen a client hire the MUA then bring a crew around them. Not saying it has never happened but it's not normally how it is done.

I know you keep saying it's just tfp but in reality tfp's need to be run just like a real job, if they are not, you have found yourself in the middle of gwc land.

Mar 05 06 03:24 am Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

To me the answer is "everyone involved". Everyone that does their part to make it turn into a great shoot or show or project, what ever the goal is. Also, everyones fault if it doesn't, even tho it would probably be pointed at someone other then themselves lol There is always something new to learn and new ideas which comes from working with a group with skills. New techniques that maybe we didn't think of for looks, shots, make-up, locations, etc. If not we'd all be doing the exact same thing and not exploring new avenues.

When a shoot turns out great or a show it's all the work everyone put in that made it turn out. It's like a painting.. A model is just one color, the photographer another, the mua another, an so on. When all is said and done and you mix all the colors together you've created art. An image of what you wanted others to see.

We're like a major motion picture.. at the end of the movie everyone is mentioned including the caterer and animals. Each persons part is important to become sucessful in their trade. Just in this business not all names are mentioned on the photograph, yet we hope through word of mouth (which we hope is done at the end of the day) names are mentioned to others, which I know I recommend people I worked with.

Mar 05 06 03:26 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Every shoot is different.  I would go by who gets paid the most is probably the most important. Key person on most real client shoots that I have seen is the art director. - They represent the client and are in charge of hiring the right "team" to do the job. They are also usually the highest paid (Other than supermodels and superphotogs). Sans art director, then the photog is usually the lead person and therefore is most important.  Question is, who does the client assign as most valuable player?

Mar 05 06 03:53 am Link


G Katsis Photography

Posts: 49

Camanche, Iowa, US

The client is the most important party. Whether it be a firm, an agency, the model, the MUA, or the photographer.

We are all in the service industry, even if an object (photograph) is "manufactured" from our services. The object has a purpose, to serve the needs of the client.

Those who fail to put their clients first - to treat this as any other business - will pay a certain price for that decision.

Ergo, if you want to be the most important person, just haul out your checkbook. You'll be amazed at how important you just became . . .

Mar 05 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 65

Buckingham, England, United Kingdom

Craig Thomson wrote:
I vote for the model, without a model. I'd be shooting plants or cars or buildings.

We all revolve around the model

you can always shoot yourself! wink

Mar 05 06 07:54 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

AshleyDanielle wrote:
To me the answer is "everyone involved". Everyone that does their part to make it turn into a great shoot or show or project, what ever the goal is. Also, everyones fault if it doesn't, even tho it would probably be pointed at someone other then themselves lol There is always something new to learn and new ideas which comes from working with a group with skills. New techniques that maybe we didn't think of for looks, shots, make-up, locations, etc. If not we'd all be doing the exact same thing and not exploring new avenues.

When a shoot turns out great or a show it's all the work everyone put in that made it turn out. It's like a painting.. A model is just one color, the photographer another, the mua another, an so on. When all is said and done and you mix all the colors together you've created art. An image of what you wanted others to see.

We're like a major motion picture.. at the end of the movie everyone is mentioned including the caterer and animals. Each persons part is important to become sucessful in their trade. Just in this business not all names are mentioned on the photograph, yet we hope through word of mouth (which we hope is done at the end of the day) names are mentioned to others, which I know I recommend people I worked with.

I like what you said and I agree. I think its more of a "we" than a "me " situation smile

Mar 05 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

James Jackson wrote:

But you'd still be shooting.  A model just modeling with no camera is going to look pretty funny.

LOL, that would seem funny!

Mar 05 06 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

bex wrote:
you can always shoot yourself! wink

Amen! hehehe..I am seriously thinking about that LOL....
at least I am guaranteed of a non noshow hahahahhahahahaharhar

Mar 05 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

It's called a runway or live exibit where the models stand around the gallery or in a store window and pose.

I have only seen one live exhibit in a mall before where models were standing in a store window and posing. If I were to shoot them over the glass, do I need a model release from them LOL , half-serious question there smile

Mar 05 06 02:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

James Jackson wrote:
We called it "Photoshoot Survivor" and figured out who would get voted off the island.

Of course it's pretty quick to figure out who wins...the photographer.  Without a photographer it's not a photo shoot...everything else just changes what type of photo shoot it is.

The last two on the island are also always the model and the photographer.

last three?

Model Photographer and either Makeup artist, stylist, or Production assistant (because damnit we want our Chai Tea Lattes now!)

yea but if you vote off the makeup artist youre stuck with a model you may rather not shoot smile

do you know how many times I have heard "oh thank god you're here, wait till you see the model!"

Mar 05 06 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Okay... let's make a comparison, take a ship...

Everybody is important... but who has the most responsibility and is getting paid to keep it all working together?

It's the captain!

Same thing on a photoshoot... all parts work together, but who is the one PUTTING it all together?

It's the photographer.

If you don't belief me, then take a look at the payscale...

The one who is getting paid the most, probably more than all the other ones COMBINED is the photographer.

Even the model is not getting THAT much paid... unless, it's one of the few supermodels, only the supermodel is getting more paid than anybody else.

So, I am not wanting to start a fight, and the final product is what counts... but to get there... the photographer is usually asked to put the team together and bills the client for the time and work of the participants.

Just a few thoughts...


Mar 05 06 08:28 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
ok not really...
but I had a fantastic "conversation" at the end of my last  shoot, we had a full crew, me the make-up artist , a hair stylist, a photographer, a model, and a fashion stylist.
We were discussing thing about the industry and I can not remeber who started the topic of "Who is the most important person " of course we all thought that "so and so " was the most important because with out "so and so " the shoot wouldnt look as good.
It was a great conversation about why we thought that we were the most important part of a photo shoot.
Now of course being the make-up artist I thought I was the most important, but I agreed that without a great photographer with a good eye and lighting skills, and a pritty model and nice clothing and good hair the whole thing wouldnt have been as sucsessfull.
So why do some people think they are better, Why do some individually become "divas" and think the shoot is all about them? I belive that a photo shoot is a team job not really an individuall thing.even if the focus is on one particular thing like the eye make-up or product placement, or the model her self.
All though I can make a not so beautiful model look stunning ,that can be done in phtoto shop too but lets say not photoshop.
but a beautiful model   still needs to be able to move and "pose" I have seen beautiful models who just bring nothing to the shoot.
Also a brillian photographer might be amazing at "landscapes " but not with people. Or some photographers rely to heavily on photo shop, why is this becomming a normal thing?
So yah what are your thoughts ? who is the Key player in a photoshoot? and why?

I'm a pritty model.

Order of importance: Photographer, model. No one else needed.

Mar 05 06 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Mary wrote:
do you know how many times I have heard "oh thank god you're here, wait till you see the model!"

Mar 05 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Brandon Smith wrote:
I think the whole point of the op's post was to say that duh.. all the parts are important. :-)  You can't drive a four wheeled car on three wheels can you?  (no stunt drivers please!)

Yes you can it's called an older pre 80's Peugeot.  It was designed that way.  It can run on any three wheels at any given time.

As for who's more important on a photoshoot? The Photog!

What you don't need on a photoshoot:
1. A Model, you can get any pretty girl to pose for you.
2. A Stylist, you can buy anything off a manikin from the gap.
3. A MUA, you can have the pretty girl do it herself.
4. A Client, you can shoot for fun.

No matter how Great a Model, Stylist, MUA, or Client are, if the image can NOT be captured in a way to show the world, what they did was insignificant.  You don't look at a bad pic and say, "Nice Make-Up job!"

The following 2 pics are of a girls who were NOT models nor wanted to be and it was their FIRST Photoshoot ever!!!  No MUA, Stylist, or Client.

Mar 05 06 08:32 pm Link