Forums > General Industry > Worst Pictures Ever



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Ok, so here is the situation.

When I first started modeling, I went to a guy for TFP who mostly does senior pics and portraits because I didn't know any better.  Once.  Then I found John Paul Greco.  (LOVE YOU)  I learned, I moved on, and now, I think, my portfolio is gettin good.  I consider John Paul to be my first ever modeling session, even those there was the other guy before.

Now I just got an OMP email from him, asking if "IF YOU NEED STRONGER IMAGES OR NEWER ONES!!!!!!! "  He sent a link to his site with a code to get into a private section with his "modeling work".  I browsed through and found the pictures he took of me 3 years ago.  I CRINGED!  They are SOOO bad I cant even describe it.  Especially the ones that he photoshopped.  His skills are terrible.

Should I ask him to take these pics down?  Should I just leave it be and not even think about it?  I don't have him listed in my credits, and I'd NEVER post one of those pics.  Unless it was to show all of you how terrible they were.  Do I warn girls away from him?  I had 2 escorts with me, and still found him kinda creepy.  What do I do?

Mar 01 06 12:49 pm Link


Amanda Jeanne

Posts: 135

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Like you said, you moved on. Maybe those are not some of YOUR best images, but they may be some of his. I wouldn't request taking them down, you may not like them but as you said you aren't putting them in your port anyways.

Just simply decline his request and let him know you are looking to expand your portfolio with various different photographers.

Mar 01 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 312

Huntington, Virginia, US

Did you sign a release form?  cause if you did I'm sure he had on the form that he can use those images of you in what ever he feels the need to use them .

Mar 01 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Nat wrote:
Did you sign a release form?  cause if you did I'm sure he had on the form that he can use those images of you in what ever he feels the need to use them .

I don't remember anymore.  I may have.  I may not have.  It was 3 years ago and I've tried to block the memory. smile

Mar 01 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Amanda Jeanne wrote:
Like you said, you moved on. Maybe those are not some of YOUR best images, but they may be some of his. I wouldn't request taking them down, you may not like them but as you said you aren't putting them in your port anyways.

Just simply decline his request and let him know you are looking to expand your portfolio with various different photographers.

I guess so, but especially the photoshopped ones, I just cant imagin being ANYONEs "best".  I feel like my b/fs 10 y/o daughter could do better.  They are just THAT bad.

Mar 01 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

There are a couple of photographs of me floating around out there that I desperately try to pretend never happened.  I wouldn't ask anyone to take them down - after all, it's their work too - but I certainly wouldn't go back for more!

Consider it as evidence of how far you've come.  smile

Mar 01 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

S wrote:
Should I ask him to take these pics down?  Should I just leave it be and not even think about it?  I don't have him listed in my credits, and I'd NEVER post one of those pics.  Unless it was to show all of you how terrible they were.  Do I warn girls away from him?  I had 2 escorts with me, and still found him kinda creepy.  What do I do?

Granted you were new and didn't know better at the time, but consider this a lesson learned if you signed a model release allowing him to use these at his discretion.
He may be insulted that you would ask him to remove them even if you did it politely.
Resulting in a nasty flame war between model and photographer.
Warn girls because he's creepy? Perhaps if they contact you asking for a reference. Otherwise I'd let sleeping dogs lie.
Start playing with matches and you may end up with one hell of a forest fire.

Mar 01 06 01:08 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

S wrote:
Unless it was to show all of you how terrible they were.  Do I warn girls away from him?  I had 2 escorts with me, and still found him kinda creepy.  What do I do?

One the issue of images then if you showed up then he likely has the right to use the images for his self promotion/his portfolio.   Arguements ensue.

On the issue of warning others.

What exactly made you feel so creepy?   Why warn others?   Can they not see that the photos are not good themselves?

Warning on just a 'feeling' of creepy?   Sorry,  I do not get this part.

Humans are allowed to suck badly in peace.

Mar 01 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Jack D Trute wrote:

One the issue of images then if you showed up then he likely has the right to use the images for his self promotion/his portfolio.   Arguements ensue.

On the issue of warning others.

What exactly made you feel so creepy?   Why warn others?   Can they not see that the photos are not good themselves?

Warning on just a 'feeling' of creepy?   Sorry,  I do not get this part.

Humans are allowed to suck badly in peace.

I've never warned anyone off on a "feeling of creepy" before, and I don't plan on really broadcasting it, it was just kind of a general question.  I guess I just feel the need to DO something, even if there is nothing I can/should do.  Just every time I look at a one of the pictures it sends shivers up my spine that he is still using these, AND apparently you can buy prints off his website (there are "quantity" and "add to order" buttons next to the pics on his site)

Mar 01 06 01:14 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

whew...I thought someone was gonna start posting my pics.

Mar 01 06 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
whew...I thought someone was gonna start posting my pics.

Cant do that until AFTER I work with you.  tongue

Mar 01 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

S wrote:
Just every time I look at a one of the pictures it sends shivers up my spine that he is still using these, AND apparently you can buy prints off his website (there are "quantity" and "add to order" buttons next to the pics on his site)

Speaking of, even if I DID sign a release, can he do that?  He'd be making money off of "traded" pictures.  They would have only been for self promotion, not sale, right?  Or am I way off base?  (not that I think he actually SOLD any tongue)

Mar 01 06 01:34 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

S wrote:

Cant do that until AFTER I work with you.  tongue

That's true...but I hope they don't get posted in a thread titled, "Worst Pics Ever"

Mar 01 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

That's true...but I hope they don't get posted in a thread titled, "Worst Pics Ever"

Hahahah.  Somehow, I sincerely doubt they would.

Mar 01 06 01:37 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

S wrote:
I've never warned anyone off on a "feeling of creepy" before, and I don't plan on really broadcasting it, it was just kind of a general question.  I guess I just feel the need to DO something, even if there is nothing I can/should do.  Just every time I look at a one of the pictures it sends shivers up my spine that he is still using these, AND apparently you can buy prints off his website (there are "quantity" and "add to order" buttons next to the pics on his site)

If anyone buys them (unless they know you and are being mean) then somebody thinks they are good enough to spend money for. Maybe you are being too critical about the shots because they just "aren't you"?

Mar 01 06 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Lens N Light wrote:

If anyone buys them (unless they know you and are being mean) then somebody thinks they are good enough to spend money for. Maybe you are being too critical about the shots because they just "aren't you"?

Messaging you privately.

Mar 01 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Let's just say that I hope I never become famous....because there are a crap load of really tasteless pics out there of me......

Mar 01 06 01:43 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
Let's just say that I hope I never become famous....because there are a crap load of really tasteless pics out there of me......

Somehow I find this hard to believe.

Mar 01 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Agreed- Hope I never become famous enough for people to dig out ALL those terrible pictures of me-

But now you should just concentrate on creating good pictures going forward.

Mar 01 06 01:49 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Ive asked a few times for photos of mine to be taken rarely happens for whatever reason. ~shakes head~

Mar 01 06 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Ok, working on finding a place to host one of the images so I can show you all without putting it in my portfolio and/or leading you directly to his page (because I'm not trying to call him out and for the moment smile am protecting his privacy).

Mar 01 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

send it to me and ill host it for you
[email protected]

Mar 01 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Envy wrote:
send it to me and ill host it for you


Mar 01 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

To see the image in question url is posted below: … y/eeek.jpg

This just makes him lookbad. I wouldn't loose any sleep over this.

BTW, you're welcome

Mar 01 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Envy wrote:
To see the image in question url is posted below: … y/eeek.jpg

This just makes him lookbad. I wouldn't loose any sleep over this.

BTW, you're welcome

See why I named it "Eeek"??  big_smile

Mar 01 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Ahh I wouldnt say it classed in the worst pics ever niche.
GOD knows I have seen far far worse.
The photoshopping skills are..well my daughters 12 and I think she could do a little better as it stands but then again she is probably more computer literate than me.

I would leave it hun,use it as a starting point in your career, anything else you do will be an improvment for you and you never know, it might be nice when you are old and grey to look back over the time you modelled from start to finish and snikker at the early ones..

Mar 01 06 02:08 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Envy wrote:
To see the image in question url is posted below: … y/eeek.jpg

Ouch...  that's ...  just  ...    wow  .  .   .    .      .

Mar 01 06 02:08 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

yeah, ummm...better not say a word...not a word on the work. or the PS job...not a word!!

Mar 01 06 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I hope you didn't do any nudes with him. Hell with these poor PS skills you may end up with a 3rd nipple.

Mar 01 06 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Envy wrote:
I hope you didn't do any nudes with him. Hell with these poor PS skills you may end up with a 3rd nipple.

NOPE!!  No nudes!  Didn't think I wanted to when I did this shoot.  Then I met with John Paul to do a shoot with him, and, well, that proof is in my port. big_smile

Mar 01 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

S wrote:
Ok, so here is the situation.

Should I ask him to take these pics down?  Should I just leave it be and not even think about it?  I don't have him listed in my credits, and I'd NEVER post one of those pics.  Unless it was to show all of you how terrible they were.  Do I warn girls away from him?  I had 2 escorts with me, and still found him kinda creepy.  What do I do?

hey, I still have the ones of you with the Bikers and the Midgets ! remember!

Mar 01 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

hey, I still have the ones of you with the Bikers and the Midgets ! remember!

Damn!  I though you said you deleted those!  LOL

Mar 01 06 02:34 pm Link


Amy Dunn Esq

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

Just let it go. Photographers have a constitutional right to display their work (USC Sec. 107 "Fair Use") as long as it is not for commercial value - i.e. for sale. HOWEVER, you did sign a release form. 10 lashes with a wet noodle for you! wink  Consider it a lesson learned, take a deep breath, and move on.

Mar 01 06 02:41 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mar 01 06 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 5216


It's a bad... bad photo... Uh...Yeah...bad...
The good news is that it is not in your portfolio.
The better news is that it looks like there was a rather attractive woman in the photo before the painfully obvious photoshop disaster.
The Best news is that anyone you might want to work with will see this photo for what it is... those who can't you would not want to work with anyway.

Mar 01 06 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Ok, so I replied to his email with

"Hi *photographer*,

Thanks for the offer, but I've moved to a different area of modeling since our first shoot three years ago. I'm not sure what you do and what I'm going for match anymore.

Good luck,
S "

Mar 01 06 04:11 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Sorry dear, but that picture has me laughing. I just wish he was local to me... I could then do some poaching. wink

Mar 01 06 04:18 pm Link


Amanda Jeanne

Posts: 135

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

DeBoer Photography wrote:

I do not like the pictures that you are using in YOUR portfolio to showcase work you have done.

You need to take them all down and only display works that were shot by me that I approve of.


Do I sound like and idiot in the above "request?"

You are responsible for the work you display in YOUR portfolio.  The photographer is responsible for the work he/she displays in his/her portfolio.

To demand that he remove work that you no longer "approve" is tacky at best, unless you had made that agreement beforehand.  If you TRULY wish to remove the work in question, send him an e-mail asking to buy out the image.  You would then own it and can do with it as you wish.

BTW, the image may have been inferior quality to what you get now...but did you use them before to get more/better work/images?  If so, now that you are "better" is it a proper thing to do to go shit on someone who helped you to get to where you are?

Just some food for though...

- Denoy

My thoughts exactly.

Yeah, that photoshop job, and what looks like the quality of the image are terrible but hey, you're still very pretty in it. In no way does it make you look bad. If the majority of the photographer's work looks like this then I doubt you have to be worrying about him getting many hits on his page, or anyone buying prints for that matter.

For whatever reason, he was happy with the shot and obviously happy with you as a model to contact you again. Take it as a compliment and continue to keep shooting with the wonderful photographers you are working with now smile

Mar 01 06 04:23 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

S wrote:
Now I just got an OMP email from him, asking if "IF YOU NEED STRONGER IMAGES OR NEWER ONES!!!!!!! "

What a great technique! Unsolitictedy insult someones work in order to get them to work w/ you. Why didn't I think of that.

*rolls eyes*

You could always tell him that since his work still hasn’t improved in the last 3 years that he’s shot you, you’ll pass but will kindly keep his offer in mind should you change your mind.

But that would probably just start a pissing contest.

Mar 01 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Amanda Jeanne wrote:

My thoughts exactly.

Yeah, that photoshop job, and what looks like the quality of the image are terrible but hey, you're still very pretty in it. In no way does it make you look bad. If the majority of the photographer's work looks like this then I doubt you have to be worrying about him getting many hits on his page, or anyone buying prints for that matter.

For whatever reason, he was happy with the shot and obviously happy with you as a model to contact you again. Take it as a compliment and continue to keep shooting with the wonderful photographers you are working with now smile

I'm over it.  smile  But I don't think he even recognized me or remembered we'd worked together, and thats why he contacted me.  His letter was VERY form and impersonal.  Regardless, if any models end up going for it...well, no comment. big_smile

Mar 01 06 05:08 pm Link