Forums > General Industry > Photographers with out a phone number ???


Janira Martinez

Posts: 23

New York, New York, US

why have to turn your phone off after midnight? If there's an emergency and someone is trying to reach you then what?

Feb 26 06 02:31 pm Link


D Fish

Posts: 316

Springfield, Missouri, US

I'm not big on lots of emails exchanges. The studio line is public listed so if im not there the voice mail and caller ID works fine with me.

Feb 26 06 02:42 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Phone,  who needs a phone.   theda gave me a special padded helmet for the short bus.   I had it upgraded to enable telapathic abilities to control my computer and let people contact me.

Phone?  Phone?   That is so old and done.

Feb 26 06 02:42 pm Link


Burgos Photography

Posts: 641

Washington, District of Columbia, US

PQ Photo wrote:
Bluntly - Why the hell would I post my phone number on a website that any Tom, Dick and Harry can view?

Precisely. I usually give my number once I think someone is serious  a shoot/shoot discussion. They have to figure out how to send or respond to a message/email first though. No use in having my minutes wasted by randoms.

Feb 26 06 02:58 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Janira Martinez wrote:
why have to turn your phone off after midnight? If there's an emergency and someone is trying to reach you then what?

That's a little bit different.

For me, if I'm home, I usually turn my phone off after 11pm, or whenever I turn out the lights and go to sleep.As my rest is important, I'm sure that what the model/client wants can wait until the next day.

If there's an emergency, then most of the people who need to contact me in those situations have my home number.

Feb 26 06 02:59 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I've had my phone number listed on my website for about 4 years now. In that time, I have had 3 weirdo calls. Not a big deal if you ask me. If someone talks weird, I have the option to just hang up on them.

Feb 26 06 03:03 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Because the sales calls and texts skyrocketed when I did have my number on my site. Because people called me to see if I could shoot them having intercourse with others.

Caller ID doesn't tell me if a caller is either of the above.

I'll always be selective with who I give my number to. I have the right to, and will gladly suffer the consequences of not having my number on the internet.

Feb 27 06 11:50 am Link


Infinite Eye

Posts: 300

New York, New York, US

I'd so much rather speak to someone on the phone than e-mail back and forth for a week trying to get a sense of what they're like.

I do get more crap calls, but it really doesn't take more than 25 seconds out of any given day so I figure it's worth it.

Feb 27 06 11:56 am Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

A phone number? lol No way....
I like to keep things on email for proof we said and talked about certain things.
I had one guy set up a shoot then just cancel- basically drop off the face of the earth......months later he gets back at me asking me to shoot with him blah blah blah and I told him I would not work with him because of him being rude and he denied it until I sent him his emails.
Another model had me confused with another photog....... she though she was chatting with me when in fact she and I never ever chatted.  On a cell phone things are said and promised and also  things can be twisted around and forgotten.
Those close to working with me get the number..... not gonna be on my sites for sure though :-)
Cheers- David

Feb 27 06 12:04 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

On my busness jewelry site I have my number posted on my modeling site I do not.
I usally give out my phone number after an email or two.
I see no reason to post it for modeling right now. If you can see my email on the internet you have internet and you can email me first.
I get enough weirdos following after me in person

Feb 27 06 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

My cell is one calls it.............

I'd rather use email, have a record of what's been agreed to.

Feb 27 06 09:23 pm Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Mike Jones give his out in every song so........

714  319  7022


(ok I admit its shameless advertising but so what)

Feb 27 06 09:31 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

(ok I admit its shameless advertising but so what)

Oh, yeah?  I can be shameless, too!  Watch this!

Feb 27 06 09:37 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I dont list my number here, as I feel it is on a need to know basis, and anybody I contact or that contacts me, needs to know it, but those morons that like to troll these sites looking for stuff like that just to bug people, dont need to know it, I am also listed in the phone book, white and yellow pages, my number is also on my site.

Feb 27 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

XposurePhoto wrote:
I have mine posted..but even when I tell Models to call me directly ASAP they still don't call, they send a reply email, so I guess some people like phones and some emails...I am a phone person, so I rather a call, specially when timming/urgency is needed...but I hate Text Messages, they cost too much  lol plus I don't have time to type back or read them if I am on the I rather a call.


In my profile , I put "Models MUST provide a contact number for consideration as I am willing to provide mine.". I get emails . When I reply back, I'll  give my phone number out and say , call me. Most of the time they don't . Maybe this is a good way to say I'm not interested in working with you

Feb 27 06 09:51 pm Link