Forums > General Industry > Yo Princess, is Mommy livin vicariously thru YOU?


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Yeah... that's right ya little spoiled brat... I'm talkin to YOU!  When you were fresh outta diapers, mommy shelled out a few thousand bucks to buy you some pageant dresses and pay for your entry fees... shoved you into some city, county and state beauty pageants... she dools out a few hundred bucks more to buy you a full page ad in that pageant book... that guarentees you half a dozen cheezy plastic trophies above the fireplace... even thou most the time you didn't win, you ended up getting 'most photogenic'... 'best smile'... 'most congenial'... HaHa!   Yep... mommy ran into a pageant director who knew how to effectively drain her checking account... and bein the vanity sucker that she is, mommy laid down for the program.  But here's a heads up mommy... there's MANY more programs to come... wink

The newspaper hits the driveway... mommy opens it up one day and spots the ads for John Robert Powers and Barbizon... or the traveling circuses of Proscout, IMTA and Model Search America... OMG she says... I am sooooooo lucky that they're coming to our home town... makin a 'special trip' just to interview and enroll my future movie star and supermodel daughter.  Yep... mommy's bitten by the vanity bug again... draggin your cute little ass down to the local hotel.  And what does she hear?... Hey Mrs. Mommy... your daughter has MOUNTAINS of potential... AND... we can guarentee her exclusive interviews with the top agents and casting directors in our next '5000 contestant' competition.  Awwwww... tis tis... you mean like 98% of the rest of the contestants, she received ZERO callbacks?  Oh well... on behalf of our bottom feeding director, we'd like to thank you for your $500 (non-refundable) deposit and your $1000 for enrollment fees... wink   

Yep... mommy got jacked up again.  And while you've just reached the ripe old age of 16, it's finally YOUR MOMMY who's gettin an education of just how gullable she's been, and just how easy it is for the polished scammers of this industry to max out her Visa card.  And come on... mommy can't blame YOU... I mean hey... you're cute little face was just goin along for the ride... right?... wink 

OK... maybe there's a few hundred 'little princesses' in Model Mayhem here that have experienced the lifestyle above... and my guess is... you're NOT going to chime in on this thread to admit it... or ARE YOU?... AND... I'm willing to bet... there's a healthy group of photographers here who've ran into 'the little princess' described above.  Tell me about her guys... and it's 'fess up' time little princess... if you DARE... wink

Feb 24 06 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I want the woooooorld.

and I want a squirrel

Feb 24 06 04:32 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Sirensong wrote:
I want the woooooorld... and I want a squirrel

Allllllllright... the first 'little princess' chimes in.  NEXT!

Feb 24 06 04:34 pm Link


Sonya Marie

Posts: 592

Tucson, Arizona, US

My mom took me and my sister to one of those pageant thingys once..but turns out we were too poor to pay for the cost and too lazy to go walk around for donations so there went the idea..hahaha.

Feb 24 06 04:35 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

My mom thought pageants were rigged and never let me do them

My dad took me to Barbizons and we left after they told us how much it would cost

Feb 24 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

My middle name means princess, does that count?

Feb 24 06 04:38 pm Link


Jeanette Thompson

Posts: 889

Germantown, Maryland, US

I haven't met any little princesses but when my daughter was two or three, I forget exactly, I was approached in the mall by this well dressed, attractive woman going "Oh, that child!  That child! Which of you is her mother?" (I was with my sister and another friend).  I identified myself as her mother and she handed me a card for a modeling agency.  I forget the name of it now. She wanted me to bring my kid in, etc.  I took the card, smiled and said thank you and then never looked at it again.  Yeah, I thought I had the most beautiful kid in the world but, gah.  I could not imagine putting her through that.

Feb 24 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Oh god no, I didn't even know there was a child pageant circuit until Jon Benet died and they did an expose on the

Feb 24 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

double post monster was here.

Feb 24 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I tried and tried. No dice.
My tattoos got in the way.
Blasphemy I tell you.

Feb 24 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 127

Pol-e H̱umrī, Baġlān, Afghanistan

i did babrbizon *blushes* but im not even joining the agency. i may be in canadas top model, and am talking to MMI about possibly joining their agency (its all legit and i've checked them out soundly this time) but the thing is, i do knwo that if i adnt gone to barbizon i wouldnt be as interested in modeling, but no, never again. i also made alot of really good friends that i wouldnt have met so that was a bonus. im also going to apy my parents back for it when i can. bt yeah, it wasnt even a thought of mine or my parents (i never thought i was pretty enough) but i think ill do ok.

Feb 24 06 04:44 pm Link


Jeanette Thompson

Posts: 889

Germantown, Maryland, US

Susi wrote:
Oh god no, I didn't even know there was a child pageant circuit until Jon Benet died and they did an expose on the

I grew up in Texas.  They were EVERYWHERE.  I never knew anyone who was in them but we all knew they existed.  Those things have always fascinated and horrified me both.

Feb 24 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 42

Memphis, Alabama, US

Never been in a pagent or modeling school in my life... My mom thinks everything is a scam unless proven otherwise.

Feb 24 06 04:46 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Nemi wrote:
My middle name means princess, does that count?

BINGO... princess number 2... NEXT!

Feb 24 06 04:46 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Wow... all these models chimin in... but... not a SINGLE photographer... amazing!  Come on guys... you KNOW you've dealt with at least ONE of the princesses before... wink

Feb 24 06 05:03 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

My mom never thought I was a good looking child... smile

Feb 24 06 05:15 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Susi wrote:
Oh god no, I didn't even know there was a child pageant circuit until Jon Benet died and they did an expose on the

Yeah... the 'Jon Benet Case' definitely shined a light on that 'interesting industry' fur sure... wink

Feb 24 06 06:21 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

I photoed the snotty little six year old princess of the 40-something bleached blonde bitch my dad was dating.

We went on the cheap-I hand proccessed the B&W all night and ran the color thru one hour then down to the color lab for 8x's for her book-a plain old manilla photo album.

She took First place, Best overall, Best protfolio and Most photogenic.   Came home with a sh-tload of trohpies and crowns.

I got a 'Thank You' card and the dad threw the GF out a few months later so I never saw them again.

Feb 24 06 06:46 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

WhiteBears Visions wrote:
I photoed the snotty little six year old princess of the 40-something bleached blonde bitch my dad was dating.  I got a 'Thank You' card and the dad threw the GF out a few months later so I never saw them again.

A 'Thank You Card'?!?!?!?!?!... ROTFLMAO... dude... you coulda slamdunked the princesses' mommy for a few hundred bucks EASY... where was your head?... wink

Feb 24 06 06:56 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Select Models wrote:

A 'Thank You Card'?!?!?!?!?!... ROTFLMAO... dude... you coulda slamdunked the princesses' mommy for a few hundred bucks EASY... where was your head?... wink

No I really couldn't.  I had moved back to my dad's after several eye surgeries that left me blind in one eye and 20/200 in the other.   I couldn't drive or work or do shit.   It was his GF so it was a favor to him.  C'est La vie.

Feb 24 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 165

we've always been skint *giggles* and i only started modellin in 2005 because modelling is brilliant as it kinda captures you and puts you down as history, something you can look back on and see how you have changed over the years. The body is not something people should be ashamed of, it is all natural and i find people cannot decipher the difference between nudity and porn. Although there is a thin line, i would define porn as engaging in sexual acts with oneself or others, as opposed to nudity which is merely the human body as natural as it is.

lol rant again!!!! heheh: and i jus got my first ever interview!! so im kinda happy, besides id rather have no credits on here than all the assholes who are wantin me to do cheap tacky work, were humans and we deserve respect!  " "

Feb 24 06 07:08 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

WhiteBears Visions wrote:

No I really couldn't.  I had moved back to my dad's after several eye surgeries that left me blind in one eye and 20/200 in the other.  It was his GF so it was a favor to him.  C'est La vie.

Interesting... looks to me like your dad is the only one that scored on that deal... C'est La Vie fur sure...  wink

Feb 24 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 165

oh and i dont think the term 'bitch' should be flattered with a context definition change to 'princess'

-just my opinion, i dont think people like that deserve to be classed as anything highly royal!

Feb 24 06 07:09 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I was at a big hotel once where a little girl pageant was going on. These girls couldnt have been more than 8-10-12 years old, all glammed out in heavy makeup, gowns and such and they were walking through the motel and there were these guys making EXTREMELY innapropriate comments directly to some of the little girls. I wanted to deck the guys. What was worse is the mothers who smiled at the guys and thanked them for the compliments and told their little girl to thank them too!

Feb 24 06 07:10 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Magnolia or Nola wrote:
id rather have no credits on here than all the assholes who are wantin me to do cheap tacky work, were humans and we deserve respect!

Well... excuse me girlfren... but you may be confusing MM with OMP... wink

Feb 24 06 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 165

Select Models wrote:
Well... excuse me girlfren... but you may be confusing MM with OMP... wink


Feb 24 06 07:14 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Select Models wrote:

Well... excuse me girlfren... but you may be confusing MM with OMP... wink

You cant keep MM from becoming like OMP unless you screen every photographer or GWC and all the emails they send lol. The same issues people have with OMP are slowly becoming more and more common here. There is this thing called the law of averages.The more people you get on here, the more assholes you will have on here.

Feb 24 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 165

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
You cant keep MM from becoming like OMP unless you screen every photographer or GWC and all the emails they send lol. The same issues people have with OMP are slowly becoming more and more common here. There is this thing called the law of averages.The more people you get on here, the more assholes you will have on here.

I absolutely agree!

but please fill me in on 'OMP' ?

Feb 24 06 07:16 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

The 1500 bucks you mention is also very low compared to some. Some photographers and agencies see an agency mommy and the prices go up.

JRP totally soaked this pair of sisters I know who are absolutely gorgeous, almost twins, from haiti. Tall, beautiful skin and great shapes. They both put the naomi campbells and tyra banks` of the fashion world to shame. Even my fiance, who  draws and sculpts mainly females was actually speechless when they came to discuss a shoot with me and eventually managed a "wow, oh my god".

They ripped mom and dad off of 20 grand for class fees and a portfolio which consisted of about 10 shots each over a period of 2 years and NO modeling jobs.

Feb 24 06 07:23 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Magnolia or Nola wrote:

I absolutely agree!

but please fill me in on 'OMP' ?

fill you in?how so?

Feb 24 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 165

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

fill you in?how so?

ok WHAT is ''OMP''?

Feb 24 06 07:29 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
The same issues people have with omp are slowly becoming more and more common here.

Ah... I dont think so.  At least you can send an e-mail here on MM without it being edited by the management, as the phrase 'Model Mayhem' is automatically removed from ALL communications... wink

Feb 24 06 07:30 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

20K?????  I'm happy when one of my creations goes for a couple of grand in a gallery. 

And that's not everyday and certainly not every image.

Need to sell one for a new Digi SLR.   

Maybe I should start jacking idiots for big $$.

Nah-I can't even be mean to my roomies cat when he gets my boxer in trouble intentionally.

Feb 24 06 07:34 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Magnolia or Nola wrote:

ok WHAT is ''OMP''?

Hey... that's OK girlfren... U aint missin much.  It's a scam site I frequently refer to as 'Obnoxious Management Place'... wink

Feb 24 06 07:40 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Select Models wrote:

Ah... I dont think so.  At least you can send an e-mail here on MM without it being edited by the management, as the phrase 'Model Mayhem' is automatically removed from ALL communications... wink

yea, they have a program that prohibits use of urls in their emails, I can deal with that. it cuts down on the advertising.I would do the same thing if I was making money from my site. I see MM doing the same thing eventually. It surely would prevent people from being able to directly place a website url in a thread during a trashing thread like what happens on here a lot which could actually get MM in legal trouble. which is the main reason there is a no bashing rule of OMP and other sites. This is another reason OMP does not allow other website urls mentioned in their emails and threads. they want no part of possible bashing of another site which could get them sued. And there is one final reason Model Mayhem is automatically removed from OMP threads and emails but im tired of beating that horse so I wont even get into it.

Feb 24 06 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 165

Select Models wrote:

Hey... that's OK girlfren... U aint missin much.  It's a scam site I frequently refer to as 'Obnoxious Management Place'... wink

okies, thanks hunny!!!!

Feb 24 06 07:43 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Magnolia or Nola wrote:

ok WHAT is ''OMP''?

Feb 24 06 07:43 pm Link


Jackie Vallejo

Posts: 42

Winter Springs, Florida, US

yea my mom stuck me in one once and i refused to smile or do the talent so i lost... my way of making a statement... LMAO

Feb 24 06 07:49 pm Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Sorry to disappoint you but I've never done a pageant, been to Barbie-zon or John Roberts Powers.

My Mom shelled out a few thousand on 8 years of dance lessons though...does that count???LOL
I couldn't catch or throw so she put my little hyperactive butt in dance lessons...probably to get some rest!LOL

Feb 24 06 07:52 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Jackie Vallejo wrote:
yea my mom stuck me in one once and i refused to smile or do the talent so i lost... my way of making a statement... LMAO

Yessssssssss... U go girlfren... rage against the machine... NEXT... wink

Feb 24 06 07:58 pm Link