Forums > General Industry > Perspective on Photo Shoot Safety


Virtue Photography

Posts: 29

Torrance, California, US

Many female models will bring a friend or boyfriend to a photoshoot for safety reasons.  However, this is a misplaced belief in safety.  Are photographers killing or raping models ?  If you watch the news you think its happening everyday.  Its not.  I have researched this as much as I can and I can come up with about 5 cases a year of photographers killing a model they were working with.  Sound like a lot ?  Consider this.....over 6,000 females are murdered every year in America.  75% of them are killed by a boyfriend, husband or close aquitance.   There are approx 95,000 sexual assualts against females every year in America.   70% of them will be committed by a family member, close aquitance or boyfriend.  With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

Feb 22 06 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 191

Florence, South Carolina, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
... it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

hehehe... what if the model is dating her photographer?  Stastically speaking of course.  :-)

Feb 22 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 288

Madison, Wisconsin, US

LOL right on

Feb 22 06 02:05 pm Link


Jim Sharp

Posts: 360

Paxton, Illinois, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

I was going to post this thought in the other escort thread... LOL

Feb 22 06 02:14 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

Modeling is still safer than flying the safest form of transportation...

Mention that you have a 2 seater plane for the shoot..

Then watch her smile as she waves by to her boyfrind from the runway....



Feb 22 06 02:20 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

Funny how this part of the whole post is the part that sticks out.

Feb 22 06 02:27 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

I love this... A touch of humor always brightens my day. wink

Feb 22 06 03:03 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
Many female models will bring a friend or boyfriend to a photoshoot for safety reasons.  However, this is a misplaced belief in safety.  Are photographers killing or raping models ?  If you watch the news you think its happening everyday.  Its not.  I have researched this as much as I can and I can come up with about 5 cases a year of photographers killing a model they were working with.  Sound like a lot ?  Consider this.....over 6,000 females are murdered every year in America.  75% of them are killed by a boyfriend, husband or close aquitance.   There are approx 95,000 sexual assualts against females every year in America.   70% of them will be committed by a family member, close aquitance or boyfriend.  With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

LOL, and I did LOL!

Feb 22 06 03:10 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

the same rules apply to every social interaction in life....whether with a photographer or not.....
i would NEVER go to a strangers house by myself....i always hang out with people in a public/social setting multiple times before being alone with them in an isolated place. it's just basic safety.
if you know the photographer--well, yes, then there is no reason to bring an escort. however, if you have never met the photographer before, why on earth wouldn't you bring someone with you?

Feb 22 06 03:38 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Phoenix E wrote:
the same rules apply to every social interaction in life....whether with a photographer or not.....
i would NEVER go to a strangers house by myself....i always hang out with people in a public/social setting multiple times before being alone with them in an isolated place. it's just basic safety.
if you know the photographer--well, yes, then there is no reason to bring an escort. however, if you have never met the photographer before, why on earth wouldn't you bring someone with you?

I wondered how long it would go before someone took the original post seriously, and I am not surprised it is a model. It's a joke. The stats are meaningless because there are too many variables left undefined. It's one of those funny things you can do with statistics, and shouldn't be used to support any decision you make about how you are going to do business.

Now, to further stretch the joke: Based on the numbers he posted, you are asking for trouble by becoming an 'acquantance' of the photographer. I mean, you are moving from the "safe" 30%!

Feb 22 06 03:51 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Mikel Featherston wrote:

I wondered how long it would go before someone took the original post seriously, and I am not surprised it is a model. It's a joke. The stats are meaningless because there are too many variables left undefined. It's one of those funny things you can do with statistics, and shouldn't be used to support any decision you make about how you are going to do business.

Now, to further stretch the joke: Based on the numbers he posted, you are asking for trouble by becoming an 'acquantance' of the photographer. I mean, you are moving from the "safe" 30%!

sorry to ruin the fun.....i have just heard people say this same thing seriously, and it infuriates me.
i know that statistics are bullsh*t....i have a BA in biology and had to take a lot of statistics classes. you can pretty much prove whatever you want with the right analysis. please don't talk down to me because i am model.

Feb 22 06 03:59 pm Link


Jim Sharp

Posts: 360

Paxton, Illinois, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Now, to further stretch the joke: Based on the numbers he posted, you are asking for trouble by becoming an 'acquantance' of the photographer. I mean, you are moving from the "safe" 30%!


Most fatal car accidents happen under 45mph and within 5 miles of your house. To stay on the good side of the odds, I always drive 100mph and never go home...

Feb 22 06 03:59 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Phoenix E wrote:
i know that statistics are bullsh*t....i have a BA in biology and had to take a lot of statistics classes. you can pretty much prove whatever you want with the right analysis. please don't talk down to me because i am model.

If you know the numbers aren't real, then why bother? I'm not talking down to you because you are a model. I'm talking down to you because you ACTED like you were ignorant.

If you are worried about someone taking it seriously, then post the reasons why the statistics are wrong and misleading, rather than post as if you took it seriously yourself.

Feb 22 06 04:04 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Jim Sharp wrote:


Most fatal car accidents happen under 45mph and within 5 miles of your house. To stay on the good side of the odds, I always drive 100mph and never go home...

In the same vein of distorting statistics, there's an old Benny Hill joke.  The odds are a million to one that there's a bomb on the airplane you're on.  The odds are TEN million to one that there are two bombs.  Why take chances?  Next time you take a flight, bring your own bomb.

Feb 22 06 04:05 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

William Coleman wrote:

In the same vein of distorting statistics, there's an old Benny Hill joke.  The odds are a million to one that there's a bomb on the airplane you're on.  The odds are TEN million to one that there are two bombs.  Why take chances?  Next time you take a flight, bring your own bomb.

I like that one, too!

Feb 22 06 04:09 pm Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
Many female models will bring a friend or boyfriend to a photoshoot for safety reasons.  However, this is a misplaced belief in safety.  Are photographers killing or raping models ?  If you watch the news you think its happening everyday.  Its not.  I have researched this as much as I can and I can come up with about 5 cases a year of photographers killing a model they were working with.  Sound like a lot ?  Consider this.....over 6,000 females are murdered every year in America.  75% of them are killed by a boyfriend, husband or close aquitance.   There are approx 95,000 sexual assualts against females every year in America.   70% of them will be committed by a family member, close aquitance or boyfriend.  With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

This really isn't something to joke about, because in actual reality...the joke you made is how most photographers seriously feel about the issue.  Which is ridiculous and disturbing to most models (who are majority young beautiful females).  Models are prime targets for becoming victims in so many ways....scams, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc.  Joke or no joke.... There are more pervs with digital cameras these days claiming to be photographers.  All they want is to stare at women or to hit on the models during the so called photo shoots in hopes of getting dates with them. How do you know that the one photo shoot a model decides to attend without an escort might be the very time the model ends up with a nutty photographer ( with a criminal background and no intent but to rape or kill you) ?  You don't know.  So the best thing any model can do is to bring an escort to every single photo shoot (unless you know for sure that you can trust the photographer or client that you're working with.  Even then, it's still good extra pre-caution to bring an escort or at least let everyone know where you are. 

To me, any photographer that has an issue with models bring escorts around....I have to question.  For granted, boyfriends can be a pain in the ass for male photographers to deal with if they are shooting a female model in lingerie or something.  But as a professional photographer, the presence of another being should not disturb or bother you at the least.  Unless maybe you are inappropiately being turned on by the sheer view of the model you're shooting with.  In that case, drink some cold water, think of smurfs, and get back to shooting.  lol 

It is the model's responsiblity to make sure she keeps her escort (be it a boyfriend or friend ) in check with their behavior and to make sure to be purely professional during the shoot.  So if you're bothered by the fact that escorts tend to bring trouble to the photo shoot, just politely pull the model aside and inform them that their guest is causing issues if they are, or before the shoot even begins...inform the model that their guest must behave in a professional polite manner during the shoot, otherwise the photo shoot will be ended. 

But never discourage models (majority being beautiful women, young or old) to attend photo shoots without an escort for safety.  It's just wrong.  It may convenience you, but may later on inconvenience the model if something wrong ever happens at other future photo shoots with other photographers that couldn't be trusted.  While you guys may be joking about this subject matter, you have some models ( amateurs, newbies, etc. ) that are viewing this thread and actually taking it seriously without thinking first.

Feb 22 06 04:13 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Mikel Featherston wrote:

If you know the numbers aren't real, then why bother? I'm not talking down to you because you are a model. I'm talking down to you because you ACTED like you were ignorant.

If you are worried about someone taking it seriously, then post the reasons why the statistics are wrong and misleading, rather than post as if you took it seriously yourself.

because the numbers aren't wrong. and my answer was the explanation as to why they are misleading

Feb 22 06 04:31 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Phoenix E wrote:

because the numbers aren't wrong. and my answer was the explanation as to why they are misleading

But the numbers aren't necessarily right. He quotes 5 a year as what he was able to research. Depending on the time and effort he put into it, as well as the quality of the resources he has access to, this may or may not be anywhere near the real value. That alone should kill the 'reality' value of the post.

He also does not provide any photographer/model count for sexual assault, giving only the general case. He does not discuss percentage of shoots that are done with escorts vs. without. I just think there are more reasons to not take the post seriously than to take it seriously, and your first response really and truly looks like what I would expect from someone who thinks the poster is trying to make a real argument.

Feb 22 06 04:42 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I'm not sure why we are even having this discussion.  The way I read the original post was that if you took your boyfriend to a photoshoot, he would probably rape you while the photographer beat him off with a stick.

I know a lot of photographers don't like having escorts and few of us are rapists, but the fact is that problems can and do occur.  There are many times when an escort isn't needed, but let's not denegrade models by insulting their intelligence.

The OP meant well, but rather than convincing models that they don't need an ecort, what we really need to do is to find ways to provide for the safety of models.  As long as horror stories occur, we have an obligation to help models make it safer.

Sorry, but that is how I feel.

Feb 22 06 04:52 pm Link


Michael R Kihn Studios

Posts: 2559

Erie, Pennsylvania, US

When I deal with models I let them do what the want
Why? Because I want them to feel as comfortable with me as possable
and when a have a good comfort zone  between the model and my self, I know I will get the best out of the model.
It has been about 50/50 with models with or without a escort. I don't care one way or another.  If the model has a escort I may use them to hold reflectors or carry equipment for me, I have done that alot ,they can be very useful.
If a photographer has aproblem with models having a escort, Maybe they should not be
photographing models.    Get Real

What!  maybe I should have a escort for me too. That way I won't have problems with the models touch my long lens.  Lol

Feb 22 06 04:53 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Farah Malika wrote:
To me, any photographer that has an issue with models bring escorts around....I have to question.  For granted, boyfriends can be a pain in the ass for male photographers to deal with if they are shooting a female model in lingerie or something.  But as a professional photographer, the presence of another being should not disturb or bother you at the least.  Unless maybe you are inappropiately being turned on by the sheer view of the model you're shooting with.  In that case, drink some cold water, think of smurfs, and get back to shooting.  lol

I have an issue with escorts. What do you question about me?

I am an older female photographer who has ADD so I get distracted relatively easily.  I'm an admitted control freak who doesn't particularly want the model's attention to be on anything other than my direction.   

Admittedly, I have been turned on by a few women in my life, but never a model.  But then again, I've never worked with Theda.  ; )     

I can't speak for the male photographer-- female model dynamic, but I get pretty tired of this constant assumption that every photographer is a male and that therefore any photographer (who has to be a male right??? I mean women can't really figure out how to use cameras can they??) who doesn't particularly want a third wheel skulking about has some secret motive.

Feb 22 06 05:01 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Farah Malika wrote:
Models are prime targets for becoming victims in so many ways....scams, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc.

You're right.  And they're so thoughtless & naive they should NEVER be allowed out without proper escort.  Heaven forbid we let them go out to a club & pick up some strange guy, he might secretly be a photographer!

Feb 22 06 06:03 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
70% of them (murders) will be committed by a family member, close aquitance or boyfriend.  With these numbers in mind, it would make more sense to take a photographer with you on a date than to take a boyfriend with you on a photoshoot.

Word up!

Feb 22 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 356

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Americans are a funny lot.

My priorities on any shoot:
                    everyones personal safety
                    it's good not to break any equipment
                    it's nice to end up with killer images

I have no problem with people bringing escorts however if I am doing a shoot I am not giving photography lessons at the same time.

Who you choose for an escort makes all the difference. It should be simply for safety sake. So take someone who is there for your safety not to be a distraction.

**** Boyfriends do not make good escorts to photo shoots.
****** likewise mom's who want to run the session

The best escort anyone ever brought to a session I have done was two twelve packs of beer, a platter of cheese, cold cuts, crackers and another couple.

She wanted to do some nude images which she had never done before. She was a little nervous so she wanted to make it a party. Her friends had a blast and she got great images.

I don't think this is a bad thread as sometimes it is easier and more powerful to make a dramatic point by the use of a little humor.

but then what do I know?

Feb 25 06 11:45 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Farah Malika wrote:

This really isn't something to joke about, because in actual reality...the joke you made is how most photographers seriously feel about the issue.  Which is ridiculous and disturbing to most models (who are majority young beautiful females).  Models are prime targets for becoming victims in so many ways....scams, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc.  Joke or no joke.... There are more pervs with digital cameras these days claiming to be photographers.  All they want is to stare at women or to hit on the models during the so called photo shoots in hopes of getting dates with them. How do you know that the one photo shoot a model decides to attend without an escort might be the very time the model ends up with a nutty photographer ( with a criminal background and no intent but to rape or kill you) ?  You don't know.  So the best thing any model can do is to bring an escort to every single photo shoot (unless you know for sure that you can trust the photographer or client that you're working with.  Even then, it's still good extra pre-caution to bring an escort or at least let everyone know where you are. 

To me, any photographer that has an issue with models bring escorts around....I have to question.  For granted, boyfriends can be a pain in the ass for male photographers to deal with if they are shooting a female model in lingerie or something.  But as a professional photographer, the presence of another being should not disturb or bother you at the least.  Unless maybe you are inappropiately being turned on by the sheer view of the model you're shooting with.  In that case, drink some cold water, think of smurfs, and get back to shooting.  lol 

It is the model's responsiblity to make sure she keeps her escort (be it a boyfriend or friend ) in check with their behavior and to make sure to be purely professional during the shoot.  So if you're bothered by the fact that escorts tend to bring trouble to the photo shoot, just politely pull the model aside and inform them that their guest is causing issues if they are, or before the shoot even begins...inform the model that their guest must behave in a professional polite manner during the shoot, otherwise the photo shoot will be ended. 

But never discourage models (majority being beautiful women, young or old) to attend photo shoots without an escort for safety.  It's just wrong.  It may convenience you, but may later on inconvenience the model if something wrong ever happens at other future photo shoots with other photographers that couldn't be trusted.  While you guys may be joking about this subject matter, you have some models ( amateurs, newbies, etc. ) that are viewing this thread and actually taking it seriously without thinking first.

You can't be serious.  Any model who takes a escort or her boyfriend to
a paid pro shoot via a agency won't be modeling long with that agency.
I know a former Elite model who pulled that crap.  She took her boyfriend
to a go see for a stores shoe shoot.  The agency booted her the next day.
I would take a escort to TFP shoots and to shoots where the photographer
asked me to shoot but never, never to a real pro shoot its like taking a friend
to your job.

Feb 25 06 11:56 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
Consider this.....over 6,000 females are murdered every year in America.  75% of them are killed by a boyfriend, husband or close aquitance.

And some fraction of those happen because models bring them along to a shoot where they sit idly on the sidelines for hours until suddenly.... they SNAP!

Of course, I don't mind if they bring their boyfriend to a shoot, but I really feel sorry for them sometimes.  And I always keep and eye open for those tell-tale signs of slipping over the edge into a psychotic rampage of murder and destruction.  If I see that happening, I lock up the equipment to keep it safe.


Feb 25 06 11:59 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

DSP_Productions wrote:
Americans are a funny lot.

My priorities on any shoot:
                    everyones personal safety
                    it's good not to break any equipment
                    it's nice to end up with killer images

I have no problem with people bringing escorts however if I am doing a shoot I am not giving photography lessons at the same time.

Who you choose for an escort makes all the difference. It should be simply for safety sake. So take someone who is there for your safety not to be a distraction.

**** Boyfriends do not make good escorts to photo shoots.
****** likewise mom's who want to run the session

The best escort anyone ever brought to a session I have done was two twelve packs of beer, a platter of cheese, cold cuts, crackers and another couple.

She wanted to do some nude images which she had never done before. She was a little nervous so she wanted to make it a party. Her friends had a blast and she got great images.

I don't think this is a bad thread as sometimes it is easier and more powerful to make a dramatic point by the use of a little humor.

but then what do I know?

Yeah-we are.  Got nudity and implied nudity everywhere and people get all strange about it.

I think you have the right perspective as well.

I don't tend to like escorts but if it makes the model feel safer and as long as they don't get in the way but personally I hate having someone looking over my shoulder as I work-ask my roomies, they know better than to knock on my door when I'm creating.  smile

Feb 25 06 12:08 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Edited for accuracy

Farah Malika wrote:
This really isn't something to joke about, because in actual reality...the joke you made is how most photographers seriously feel about the issue.  Which is ridiculous and disturbing to most INTERNET models (who are majority young beautiful females).  INTERNET Models are prime targets for becoming victims in so many ways....scams, human trafficking, rape, murder, etc.  Joke or no joke.... There are more INTERNET pervs with digital cameras these days claiming to be INTERNET photographers.  All they want is to stare at women or to hit on the INTERNET models during the so called photo shoots in hopes of getting dates with them. How do you know that the one photo shoot a INTERNET model decides to attend without an escort might be the very time the model ends up with a nutty INTERNET photographer ( with a criminal background and no intent but to rape or kill you) ?  You don't know.  So the best thing any INTERNET model can do is to bring an escort to every single INTERNET booked photo shoot (unless you know for sure that you can trust the INTERNET photographer you're working with.  Even then, it's still BAD  extra pre-caution to bring an escort or GOOD to at least let everyone know where you are. 

To me, any INTERNET photographer that has an issue with INTERNET models bring escorts around....I have to question.  For granted, boyfriends can be a pain in the ass for INTERNET photographers to deal with if they are shooting a INTERNET model in lingerie or something.  But as a professional photographer, the presence of another being WILL  disturb or bother you THE WHOLE SHOOT.  Unless you like someone jumping in and telling you how to do your job or someone distracting the "model" or someone else to feed or to have to worry about .  In that case, drink some cold water, BOOK SOME smurfs, and get back to shooting.  lol 

It is the INTERNET model's responsiblity to make sure she keeps her escort (be it a boyfriend or friend ) in check with their behavior and to make sure to be purely professional during the shoot.  So if you're bothered by the fact that escorts tend to bring trouble to the photo shoot, just politely pull the INTERNET model aside and inform them that their guest is causing issues if they are, or before the shoot even begins...inform the INTERNET model that their guest must behave in a professional polite manner during the shoot, otherwise the photo shoot will be ended. 

But never discourage INTERNET models (majority being beautiful women, young or old) to attend INTERNET booked photo shoots without an escort for safety.  It's just wrong.  It may convenience you, but may later on inconvenience the INTERNET model if something wrong ever happens at other future INTERNET booked photo shoots with other INTERNET photographers that couldn't be trusted.  While you guys may be joking about this subject matter, you have some INTERNET models ( amateurs, newbies, etc. ) that are viewing this thread and actually taking it seriously without thinking first.

Feb 25 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I have an issue with escorts. What do you question about me?

I am an older female photographer who has ADD so I get distracted relatively easily.  I'm an admitted control freak who doesn't particularly want the model's attention to be on anything other than my direction.   

Admittedly, I have been turned on by a few women in my life, but never a model.  But then again, I've never worked with Theda.  ; )     

I can't speak for the male photographer-- female model dynamic, but I get pretty tired of this constant assumption that every photographer is a male and that therefore any photographer (who has to be a male right??? I mean women can't really figure out how to use cameras can they??) who doesn't particularly want a third wheel skulking about has some secret motive.

Exactly!!!  Except the part about being a female photographer of course.

I'm really tired having grown up in the era whose mantra seems to be "all men are animals and not to be trusted". 

I'm a male and I am seriousy offended by this.  Seriously offended.

As for a woman getting a bad feeling about a photographer...ahem, I've seen who you choose to date and go to really secluded isolated places with in skimpy outifts after consuming large quantities of alcohol.  Your judgement or intuition isn't anything to brag about.  By the way Charles Manson wants to know if you and he are still on for friday.

Finally, were I to judge all models by just my personal experience, not even word of mouth or urban legend, I would have to assume that any model who wanted to bring an escort was more interested in burglarizing me than modeling.  Been there done that, have reason to have my own prejudice about the matter.

Feb 25 06 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 4

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Whatever the model needs to do to feel safe she should do it. The stats are interesting but like any stats then can be misleading. How many models have had bad experiences with photographers? I am very experienced shooting models. Some want someone along on the first shoot, some do not care. Models and photographers need to have a chemistry between them for the shoot to work. The chemistry cannot be achieved if she feels unsafe. It is my position that I must endevour to do what is reasonable to have the model not only feel safe but be safe.
I would much rather a model bring her girlfriend rather than boyfriend. Boyfriends can be very positive and also be very negative to the outcome of the shoot.
There are many things a model can do to feel safe, have a cell phone let someone know where you are all the time. You should take time to research the photographer, get to know him or her and if you have some negative gut feelings go on them.

Feb 25 06 12:28 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

Do photographers kill models because of the models' ego???
I have not heard the news of Photographers killing models...Wow!

Feb 25 06 12:32 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Farah Malika wrote:
This really isn't something to joke about,

I didn't think the OP was joking.  I just thought he was trying to bring in some perspective to balance out the paranoia.  I think women have to use common sense in everything they do and it gets old hearing people constantly waving around the life-threatening dangers of internet modeling as if it's only a matter of time before each model disappears, never to be heard from again.  Photographers jump on the bandwagon to be chivalrous and for fear of being labeled as part of the problem and models often become indignant at the jokes even as they refuse to ever check references.

I, on the other hand, was joking about it in my post above about boyfriends.  Everythng is fair game for humor because it helps keep things in perspective. 


Feb 25 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

Models you should always shoot with a photographer on the day of the Superbowl, More women are beaten by their significant others on the day of the superbowl than any other day in America. And for me the Superbowl is what I put my cereal in!

Feb 25 06 12:36 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

[begin rant]
Safety is important, but it amazes me that "models" think it's okay to bring a boyfriend to a shoot as an "escort." If they were working at any other place of employment - Nordstroms, or even Deja Vu (strip club), do you think anyone would tolerate bringing a bf to work with you? NO. IMHO, it's not professional. If you're on a job in particular! If I'm doing a commercial job I have a makeup artist and sometimes a stylist and an Assistant. No need for anyone else! If you think you need more "protection" than that, then FIND ANOTHER CAREER. If it's a test without other crew, feel free to bring someone to help you with makeup/hair, but DON'T bring a bf to distract you. (and before you try to deny it, YES, they will distract you. It goes beyond annoying to see a model looking around the photographer to see if the bf thinks the pose/outfit looks ok.) It's sad that an occasional incident of photographer/model impropriety draws such media attention, but it's NO worse than the same problems in any other industry. I'm really sick of the implication that photographers are all rapists and murderers and that a model's safety is seriously in jeopardy every time she goes out. What, there are NO rapists/murderers that are bankers or (let's cite a recent CA example) fertilizer salesmen??? GET REAL. You have a greater chance of being date-raped partying at a nightclub in a skimpy minidress than you do of getting attacked by a photographer at a lingerie shoot. If you want to be treated like a professional, ACT LIKE ONE.
[end of rant]

Feb 25 06 12:39 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Personally I'm in more danger from the models than they are from me.  Had a stroke in '01 and altho they thought I'd never walk again I spent last July hiking the coasts of Oregon.   I need a walking stick for balance at times still.

Had total renal failure in '01 as well, on dialysis for three years and a double transplant two years so-Most nine yr olds could kick my ass much less a full grown model.  smile

However THEY don't know all that so in their minds I can be a danger to them.   They bring an escort I work with it or call off the shoot.  They don't everything is more relaxed and we get the film burning.

Feb 25 06 01:22 pm Link


Virtue Photography

Posts: 29

Torrance, California, US

The goal of my post wasnt to imply that a female should feel completely safe alone with a photographer, but rather to provide some PERSPECTIVE on the dangers of life in general for a female.  Its important for all people not to confuse the "wolf in sheeps clothing".  The media has branded photographers perverts, pedophiles, rapists and killers, and for some reason, despite the facts, that label has stuck.  In the meantime, women regularly put themselves in positions of vulnerablity without a second thought.  Now.....I am going to do some research and find out how many models have killed photographers.....I know of at least 2 cases, lol.

Feb 25 06 04:33 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
The media has branded photographers perverts, pedophiles, rapists and killers, and for some reason, despite the facts, that label has stuck.

To be honest, the only people I see recklessly appying those labels to internet photographers are other internet photographers and internet models.   


Feb 25 06 05:03 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

To be honest, the only people I see recklessly appying those labels to internet photographers are other internet photographers and internet models.   


I've been doing this for 18 years, how bout you?

Even back in the late 80's-before the internet was common it was a common thing to hear models talking about the fear of getting raped/murdered on a shoot.

Feb 25 06 07:54 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

You're going to laugh at ol' Commart, but when I saw the thread title, "Perspective on Photo Shoot Safety", I thought about real issues, and there are a few.  This past year, a model took a bad fall carrying a load of wardrobe--her stuff--out of my building.  Accidents happen (like the fire that more recently took said building, although that was bona fide negligent contractor performance).  In any case, no more loose wardrobe--whatever the model wants to show me, let's get it into a suitcase.

Other worry: cold weather and colds.  As far as I'm concerned, no one gets sick (stressed to it) on my turf.  Environments pose other, and generally very low level, risks, but from bee stings to slips down slopes, I think it's in my interest to watch out for hazards as well as to keep some small first aid gear on hand.

Feb 25 06 08:43 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

commart wrote:
You're going to laugh at ol' Commart, but when I saw the thread title, "Perspective on Photo Shoot Safety", I thought about real issues, and there are a few.

No I won't laugh at all. I thought about real issues as well...I only clicked because I presumed it would be a thread about liability or something along those lines.

I've been fortunate thus far with a perfect safety record on shoots, but it's only a matter of time.

I have available a liability waiver, releasing me and the property owner of wherever I am set up from responsibility should someone injure themselves, but I've been very lax on getting people to sign them.  I should really have about 100 copies of them just in case, but I never remember.

There are several issues, ranging from allergies, to accidents, to intentional maliciousness on the part of others on the set...all of which the photographer could be held liable for.

Feb 25 06 08:52 pm Link