Forums > General Industry > Why do you photograph the nude or pose nude



Posts: 20

Portland, Oregon, US

Anyone know Melvin Moten and/or D. Brian Nelson's MM#........?  I'd like to see their work.

Feb 11 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 175

Manassas, Virginia, US

Frank Tammen wrote:
Imaging nudes is not a part of my business model-- I don't see a way I make any coin from it.

If I were to shoot nudes I'd go full-on raunchy...forget Playboy/Maxim...I'd do Penthouse-style shots with zero airbrushing...Denys Desfranco does a great job of reality-just-short-of-xxx shooting. I'd also use models from the xxx side of the house...MM/OMP models just aren't into that scene. Too, California has a bunch of smokin'-hot xxx models that know and enjoy that scene.

speaking of reality just short of xxx (and including some) ever hear of Nan Goldin? haha
i think if done right you can make money doing art nudes. but! whatever floats your boat. smile

Feb 11 06 04:28 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

For me, it is the best way of expressing myself through images.

I just have a love for art and I like doing it nude.

Feb 11 06 04:29 pm Link


Daphne Adair

Posts: 332

Melbourne, Arkansas, US

lindsaylee wrote:
I model nude because it's freeing.

It makes me feel sexy.
It makes me feel beautiful.

I love a woman's bare body. 

Honestly, I love the thought of someone enjoying a photograph with me in it...nude.  It's very thrilling.

Nude bodies make beautiful art.

ps.  i fucking love porn.

I'm with you! My thoughts exactly....can't get enough of porn either!! wink

Feb 11 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 175

Manassas, Virginia, US

Shyly wrote:

What's the difference, though, really?  That what we call porn is badly done, and erotic art is well done?  Clearly, Melvin and Don's work is done with an eye to getting the viewer hot under the collar.  That's what porn is designed to do, isn't it?  The difference that I see is that Melvin and Don do it really, really well.  Their lighting is beautiful, their technical skills rock, their models emote like the dickens.  In short, their work is good. 

I maybe shouldn't lump Brian in there, since he has never claimed to make porn, but Melvin at any rate is all about reclaiming the word and showing that porn can be gorgeous, and that what we call "porn" and "erotic art" are really the same thing - namely "bad porn" and "good porn."

I have to head out for awhile now, so I'll have to resume this conversation later on today.

it seems there is a difference between Erotic ART and porn. Ask any pornographer....they are in it always for the money. At least in Erotic art it is about half the time about the art. someone wanting to be race-y..smoke someone under the collar, but do it in artistic senses. really LOOk at porn. most of the time the artistic senses behind it are not there.. the lighting is shoddy, the posing bad, the composition terrible. for them its all about catching the act in time.. Erotic art seems to be more planned out, better done. I think Melvin and Brian do great work! i think it leans more towards erotic art than porn. Great example of beauitful erotic art - China Hamilton

Feb 11 06 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 207

Marietta, Georgia, US

lindsaylee wrote:
I model nude because it's freeing.

It makes me feel sexy.
It makes me feel beautiful.

I love a woman's bare body. 

Honestly, I love the thought of someone enjoying a photograph with me in it...nude.  It's very thrilling.

Nude bodies make beautiful art.

ps.  i fucking love porn.

Gotta love honsesty here !!! You go girl....

I only shoot nudes because its the essence of beauty. Clothes hide, make-up hides, props distract ( or sometimes enhance ), but you can't fake a nude body !!! Its nice or not, but it is what it is ! Of course there are implants, but thats a whole different thread....for the record, I HATE IMPLANTS

Feb 11 06 04:32 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I think the Timothy Leary answer would be "Why not?"

Feb 11 06 04:32 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I think the Timothy Leary answer would be "Why not?"

Dennis Leary would say; "Why 'fucking' not?"


Feb 11 06 04:34 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

I like to photograph beauty. Now who out there, male of female, can think of anything more beautiful than the naked female form?

Simple as all that, God made it in all sizes, shapes and colors and they are all beautiful.

"God bless us one and all" said Tiny Tim

Feb 11 06 04:35 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

There is a difference between porn and erotic art. I do not consider what those two guys do to be porn.

Um, you might get some disagreement from them, actually, on that one. Honestly, the only difference I see between "erotic" and "porn" is what the artist/audience decides to call it. Or, alternatively, stuff made by an artist who wanted to make something appealing to a more prurient interest, and stuff made by somebody who wasn't an artist. The porn INDUSTRY is one thing, but the only real problem I have with porn as a product is that (as a rule) it's so effing lame.

Feb 11 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Anyone know Melvin Moten and/or D. Brian Nelson's MM#........?  I'd like to see their work.

Melvin:  2081
Don:  11068

Example of one of my favorite Melvin shots:
Example of one of my favorite Don shots: … 5cf056.jpg

I'm really going now!  Back later.

Feb 11 06 04:40 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Dennis Leary would say; "Why 'fucking' not?"


I rather needed a laugh before beddy-bye.

Feb 11 06 04:41 pm Link


J Sigerson

Posts: 587

Los Angeles, California, US

Everybody's said everything, I think.

I don't shoot a lot of nudes, but I'll always have a soft spot for it. Some people are into mountains and landscapes, or architecture (I'll confess to a weakness for some of the hypnotizing geometry of the city), but to paraphrase GWC, nekkid chicks and their b(o)(o)bies are God's greatest masterpiece.

And I don't like clothes. Especially how they look stupid in 10 (I mean 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) years. That's not exactly true, but naked never goes out of style.

I've always thought it's a little weird that you can say OMG I love your hair (or eyes, etc)... when maybe her best feature is the way her lower back slopes gently to her buttocks, half-silhouetted by morning window light. What if she has lousy hair (or eyes, etc...)? A lot of society's rules don't make any sense to me; I just memorize them.

Everybody (mentally) is a whole person - humor, sadness, creativity... and everybody (physically) has a whole body, not just face and hands... and express themselves with every joint and muscle.

Lastly, America especially is really uptight about naughtiness. The more you can "mainstream" non-sexual (or highly erotic, but not dehumanizing) nudity, the better for our cultural health. There's clear and present danger in allowing pornographers "exclusive rights" to the nude human form.

And I like hanging out with naked chicks. In theory, anyway; in real life, I'm too focused on the mechanics of lighting and composing to appreciate it except in hindsight.

Lastly, and I mean it this time, there's a reason that B&W nudes have that "art" reputation... there's plenty to say with no clothes and a few (million) shades of gray.

Feb 11 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

for that spiffy little debate a few posts up, the dictionary defines pornography as work done solely with the intention of sexual arousal.  you know?  no higher purpose there.  i think melvin and donley's images have a broader emotional range than that.

Feb 11 06 04:44 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

I started shooting women naked as a natural extension of drawing and painting in school~ at that point it was more of an academic exercise in composition and whatnot, really modernistic at it's roots.  As things progressed I started confronting the issues of political correctness and feminist criticism of men creating idealistic, objectified images of women and the interplay of power between photographer and subject... the work took on a more rough, honest, realistic feeling.

Now I rarely shoot anyone naked without it having a purpose beyond it's own sake... sometimes it's part of a story or mood I'm creating, sometimes it's the most real portrait you can make of someone, but it's ultimately and invariably more connected to the person, than the fact that they're naked.  I enjoy the trust, honesty and occasional bluntness of it that seems to exist outside our day to day experience...and when I'm lucky it can make a powerful statement.

Feb 11 06 05:01 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Just for info, Melvin does call his photography "porn" and I call mine "art."  If you look at them side-by-side, there isn't much that objectively distinguishes them from each other. 

My own definition of "porn" requires that it be intended to make money for the photographer.  My work is not intended to make money.  Melvin defines "porn" differently.

Much of Western Art was originally intended to sexually excite.  And most of it was made for money.  Therefore most of the so-called classical nudes in Western culture are, by both of our definitions, "porn."  Venus on the Half Shell is prurient as hell (especialy when done by Uma Thurman).


Feb 11 06 05:24 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

The human body is an enjoyable subject.

Feb 11 06 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I photograph people doing something or not doing anything, being someway or not being anyway, and wearing something or not wearing anything.

These questions are childish at best.

Nude is nothing but another image of a human in one of there forms, to most adults with an open mind - it is a non issue - to some others it is something unusual or different or something to attain

To me it is just another part of a lot of shoots.

Those who pose nude are: not afraid of the reasons those who do not pose nude claim they are afraid of.

Those who photograph only nudes have a very limited focus and of course very distinct and obvious motives.

Feb 11 06 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 207

Marietta, Georgia, US

ProShotPhoto wrote:
Those who photograph only nudes have a very limited focus and of course very distinct and obvious motives.

Speak for yourself, PERV....not US !

Feb 11 06 06:16 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Ah what a wonderful feeding frenzy..I knew  you all wouldn't let me down.  Lot's of wonderful reasons for why we all do what we do.

Feb 11 06 06:57 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

...still wish we'd heard from more models though.

Feb 11 06 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I pose naked because it is fun....and I look better naked.

Feb 11 06 06:59 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I rarely photograph nudes - although I do from time to time - and I'm not a model (by any definition!).

But I've posed nude twice; once for an artist friend who needed a male nude image, and once for a photographer friend who wanted to photograph me nude when I turned 50.  I each case it was initially frightening but ultimately surprisingly liberating.

It's probably natural to fear something so completely revealing, but - once  you've done it - you find that there's nothing more to fear.

Feb 11 06 07:06 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Lapis wrote:
I pose naked because it is fun....and I look better naked.

Yes I've seen your work Lapis and I like your style; a true artist's model.  Reminds me of a lot of the work I did in my starving artist days in college. Pure art for art sake(and a grade) days.

Feb 11 06 07:09 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I just realized that I should probably explain why I rarely photograph nudes.  To a large extent it's because it's VERY DIFFICULT to do it well!

Feb 11 06 07:12 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

I like to shoot nudes because it pisses off the Bible thumpers, but not enough to make them surround my house waving torches and farm implements.


P.S.  Oh, yeah.  I also like naked women.

Feb 11 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Lapis wrote:
I pose naked because it is fun....and I look better naked.

U R totally SLAMMIN' naked!!!! When U are clothed you are like a 6 or maybe a 6 and 1/2 but when you're naked your like an 8 or so!!! HYPERVENTILATIN'!!! When are U going to come down and pose for me on the hood of my pickup ("pickup" get it?) truck??!


Feb 11 06 07:17 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

pw-gii photographics wrote:
I just realized that I should probably explain why I rarely photograph nudes.  To a large extent it's because it's VERY DIFFICULT to do it well!

I agree

Feb 11 06 07:17 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:
some guys clearly have no style and just want to hang out with a naked chick in which case we say "No!" or "Pay me 125/h and I'm bringing my thugs!"

yeah i know this happens(and even more so since the internet) Actually I feel if a woman can get guy to pay her $125/hour just to hang out with her naked then more power to her.  He's got more money then he can be responsible for. Just don't expect the pictures to be anything to write home about though.

Feb 11 06 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 121

Tampa, Florida, US

Anyone know Melvin Moten and/or D. Brian Nelson's MM#........?  I'd like to see their work.

Do a name search on MM go to browse then name on top right.

Feb 11 06 07:34 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I have only begun to shoot nudes recently. I just like them. Yes, there is a certain primal fascination with the naked female form but there is much more to it than that. If done well (and that is part of the challenge and, hence, the fun of it all), they can be really stunning. My current interest is heavily shadowed nudes that use highlights to accentuate the curves and angles of the female form. Not exactly a new endeavor in the world of photography but one that I am interested in at the moment. I think my major challenge, and my strongest desire, is to get the look that I am going for to happen in the camera, not in photoshop. PS is a great program but excessive use of it is not something that I like,

Feb 12 06 12:04 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am sticking with Dennis Leary.

"Why 'fucking' not?"

Feb 12 06 12:10 am Link


Nathan Strausse Studios

Posts: 101

New York, New York, US

"Even the President of the United States sometimes has to stand naked"

Bob Dylan

Ok, ugly thought, but poignant, considering the current times.

Feb 12 06 12:13 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Model Sarah wrote:
"Why 'fucking' not?"

True, dat.

Feb 12 06 12:17 am Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

Lapis wrote:
I pose naked because it is fun....and I look better naked.

Hello Lapis, tell Mary in Atlanta hello.. you are a true artist..

its why I love to shoot nudes as well.. though not as agressive as your styles... lol

My work is about taking the "flesh" out of the picture and puting in place something more like an object or canvas to paint. For example, I love the statue look. I love black and white photography better than color as well. Why, because when you take the color out of the flesh and skin tones and replace it with paint, clay or BW, it forces one to focus more on form. I think sometimes the sexuality overpowers the form and as a result, one looses the perspective of the body as a landscape.

For me, the body is a canvas to work on and manipulate with light, materials and camera angles. Once I begin working with a nude model, male or female, I soon forget they are naked and become ingrossed in my goal of capturing a theme.

Most people would not find my work errotic...

Feb 12 06 12:28 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:
My project is to present fat people in a positive and beautiful light, something we pretty much never see.  It just makes sense to sometimes be naked when I do it, to show that I don't need to hide who I am in order to be acceptable.

That it freaks people out is just a bonus.

your work is off the hook!  smile if anyone hasn't seen her stuff, get yer ass over to her portfolio for some truly inspired, beautiful, unabashed imagery.

i shoot nudes because naked people are pretty. they also look great in incongruous situations.

Feb 12 06 12:38 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
I pose naked because it is fun....and I look better naked.

better? hmmm... don't know. but you do look great that way. i like looking at lapis naked. smile

(when she's naked--not me.)

Feb 12 06 12:44 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Bruce Caines wrote:

they also look great in incongruous situations.

Feb 12 06 01:00 am Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

Nathan Strausse Studios wrote:
"Even the President of the United States sometimes has to stand naked"

Bob Dylan

Ok, ugly thought, but poignant, considering the current times.

Hell yeah, its all right, maw, i'm only bleeding.  great song.  i nominate ahhh donley to do a portrait of Bushie nude, standing outside in the snow.  with cheney holding his Incredible Shrinking Woman. 


Feb 12 06 01:03 am Link


Bruce Caines

Posts: 522

New York, New York, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Feb 12 06 01:05 am Link