Forums > General Industry > Americas Next Top Model.....



Posts: 5

Detroit, Alabama, US

Hey MM,
    I was wondering has anyone every tried out for Americas next top model? Im going to try out this weekend and was looking to see if anyone had any helpful advice on "do's" and "don'ts". I would very much appreciate your help:)

Feb 08 06 08:34 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

i'm not going to get to apply in person, so i'm sending a tape. but you might want to review the kinds of questions they ask on the app...and also, it seems you're 5'6. not to discourage, but you have to be at least 5'7. Unless that's not right (here on MM), you'll be disqualified based solely on that sad sorry...

Feb 08 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

You must be at least 5'7" without shoes to even get in the door. They are very strict about this.

Fill out the application that is online. Bring with you 3 photos: one headshot, one full length, and one swim suit.

Get there as early as possible...I waited in line for 2 hours and arrived an hour before the casting began.

The process is very short once you make it through the line...I did a short interview and a little walk.

Be yourself and standout!

Good luck!

Feb 08 06 08:40 pm Link



Posts: 36

I sent my tape in about two weeks ago, (for the fifth time!) and I got a call back!!! I am sooo excited!!! I have to go to Cleveland for the semi-final round on the 14th, I'm sooo nervous!!

The first times trying out I was NOT being myself and this time I was, so my advice is to be yourself, they can tell when you are being fake.

Feb 08 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Congrats Ina and good luck!!! : )

Feb 08 06 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 36

Corena wrote:
Congrats Ina!!! : )

Thanks so much

Off topic my name actually is Lena, weird story, Ina is actually my sister but those are my photos on "Ina's" page. I can't change the name!!!sooo frustrating!

Feb 08 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Ina wrote:
Off topic my name actually is Lena, weird story, Ina is actually my sister but those are my photos on "Ina's" page. I can't change the name!!!sooo frustrating!

I think you can contact the mods and they should be able to help you with that.

Feb 08 06 08:53 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

yes they can change your name and CONGRATS...what if we all ended up on the show together? i'm being silly, but a girl can dream, right? smile

Feb 08 06 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 36

Sara Beth wrote:
yes they can change your name and CONGRATS...what if we all ended up on the show together? i'm being silly, but a girl can dream, right? smile

Thanks!! Well hurry up and try out!! By the way, you have an amazing face.

Feb 08 06 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 35

Detroit, Alabama, US

I am happy for all you guys. I wanted to try out but I don't make the height criteria. So *sad face*, I hope you guys make it. *Smile*

Feb 08 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 36

Did anyone else tryout?

Feb 08 06 10:13 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Sara Beth wrote:
i'm not going to get to apply in person, so i'm sending a tape. but you might want to review the kinds of questions they ask on the app...and also, it seems you're 5'6. not to discourage, but you have to be at least 5'7. Unless that's not right (here on MM), you'll be disqualified based solely on that sad sorry...

I disagree.  It's one thing to "follow directions" but Eva (from Season 3 I think) was barely 5'7" and she caught so much flack for being "short."  Yet and still, Tyra kept saying to everyone that downed her height "Kate Moss is only 5'6".  I think it is extremely easy for those that fit the "typical mold" to sashay in and say to those that don't fit. . ."Hey, you don't fit, but nice of you to try."  But you either get motivated by those people or distracted by them.  Hopefully, you'll see it as motivation.  ;-)

My point is, everyone has to start somewhere.  I'm vertically challenged myself.  I say. . .if it's your dream. . .if you think you can shatter the mold and glass ceiling at the same time. . .GO FOR IT!  What's the worst that can happen???  They say no.  How many times haven't we all heard "no" and we're all still alive, breathing and dreaming.  You have to be confident, and believe in yourself first and foremost.  I think THAT'S how others believe in you.  Kate had to have done it somehow (made others believe in her despite her height), because when she started the industry standard had to have been at least 5'10".

Believe in yourself, and MAKE THEM believe in you too!!  I know I'm new, and I know that there won't be too many that agree with me. . .but I still wanted to put it out there.  Thanks!

Feb 08 06 11:41 pm Link



Posts: 64

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

hold the phone.. are they still having tryouts? if they are, then who are these girls previewed for this next season:

Feb 08 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 395

San Francisco, California, US

HI Lena! yes I had a call back also i'll be going for that next weekend before the San Francisco open call im pretty excited cus I think im probally one in a few in the very tall height range so it might give me an edge might not we'll see!

Feb 08 06 11:49 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

NinoRoy wrote:
hold the phone.. are they still having tryouts? if they are, then who are these girls previewed for this next season:

From what I understand, those would be the ladies that tried out/auditioned/made the last year.  They host two shows a year, but by the time you see it on tv. . .it's already been shot and whatnot (i.e. casted and recorded while the previous season aired).  I live in KC, and they just had a casting call here in December.  So they are probably doing Cycle 7 auditions right now.

Feb 08 06 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 395

San Francisco, California, US

yea those are this season's models tryouts  now are for next season's models

Feb 08 06 11:53 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

First off, congrats to the ones getting callbacks! lucky bums. :p

Jayne Jones wrote:
I disagree.  It's one thing to "follow directions" but Eva (from Season 3 I think) was barely 5'7" and she caught so much flack for being "short."  Yet and still, Tyra kept saying to everyone that downed her height "Kate Moss is only 5'6".

Kate Moss is also 33A-23-34. Restrictions are restrictions, and even though it's nice to be optimistic and try your hardest, it's not very realistic in an industry where you're so expendable. If you're not the right height, *everything* else has to be perfect in order to compensate for it otherwise there's plenty of people who can fill your shoes.

Feb 08 06 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Kitapanda wrote:

Kate Moss is also 33A-23-34. Restrictions are restrictions, and even though it's nice to be optimistic and try your hardest, it's not very realistic in an industry where you're so expendable. If you're not the right height, *everything* else has to be perfect in order to compensate for it otherwise there's plenty of people who can fill your shoes.

The rule of 5'7" or taller was after Eva from what they said at my casting. They don't joke now...I'm 5'8" and they barely let me in. Don't waste time in a line if you're not at least 5'7". Girls were turned down like crazy before they even made it in the door!

Feb 08 06 11:58 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Kitapanda wrote:
If you're not the right height, *everything* else has to be perfect in order to compensate for it otherwise there's plenty of people who can fill your shoes.

I think it also depends on what the client is looking for.  Ultimately, Top Model is a slightly glorified popularity contest with a great "exposure" benefit.  She could have that certain something that makes her different.  Different = Edge. . .not conformity.

Feb 08 06 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 395

San Francisco, California, US

Corena wrote:
The rule of 5'7" or taller was after Eva from what they said at my casting. They don't joke now...I'm 5'8" and they barely let me in. Don't waste time in a line if you're not at least 5'7". Girls were turned down like crazy before they even made it in the door!

yea ur right i went last year and spent hours waiting in line there were many girls there that didnt meet the height requirement and they didnt even let them thru the doors i felt really bad for them cus they had  been waiting in line all day

Feb 09 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 36

NOT to sound insensitive, but they knew beforehand that there were requirements.

Feb 09 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Ina wrote:
NOT to sound insensitive, but they knew beforehand that there were requirements.

I agree. Although...they don't even let you in if you're 5'6" and 3/4.

Feb 09 06 12:13 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

I think it also depends on what the client is looking for.  Ultimately, Top Model is a slightly glorified popularity contest with a great "exposure" benefit.  She could have that certain something that makes her different.  Different = Edge. . .not conformity.

Sure... different's great. Slightly crooked teeth? Awesome. Creepy looking large eyes? Even better. 5'6" with a 30" waist and 42" hips (*shameless plug*)? I WISH but it's *not* gonna happen. Not on the runway.

Feb 09 06 12:13 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Ina wrote:
NOT to sound insensitive, but they knew beforehand that there were requirements.

True.  True.  I wonder how they always manage to have that one person every show that doesn't quite fit the mold.  Hmmm.  Makes for interesting tv.

Feb 09 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 36

Yeah, that is pretty nutz Kita

Feb 09 06 12:14 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

I just think change has to start somewhere.  Look at those Dove models for example. . .who ever thought we'd see THAT on tv?  Those are MAJOR campaign ads!  40" hip models do runway too (look at FUBU, Applebottom, J-Lo and Baby Phat shows).

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I'm a nonconformist.  There aren't too many models my complexion anywhere.  But I'll personally be damned if I let anyone tell me I'm too dark OR too short OR too wide to do anything.  No one should!  ;-)

Feb 09 06 12:22 am Link



Posts: 36

Jayne Jones wrote:
I just think change has to start somewhere.  Look at those Dove models for example. . .who ever thought we'd see THAT on tv?  Those are MAJOR campaign ads!  40" hip models do runway too (look at FUBU, Applebottom, J-Lo and Baby Phat shows).

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I'm a nonconformist.  There aren't too many models my complexion anywhere.  But I'll personally be damned if I let anyone tell me I'm too dark OR too short OR too wide to do anything.  No one should!  ;-)

I hear you, but I don't make the rules (sadly)!! It's changing slowly but surely.

Feb 09 06 12:24 am Link


Sarah J

Posts: 31

Ok I was at the Mall of America casting call last week. Since the show started, my friends have pushed me to do it but i don't really get into the reality tv stuff. Hey if its your thing go for it but my experience was horrible. I wish I would have stuck with my instinct to not go. I stood in line for 4 hours being harrassed by men standing around and watching last seasons finalle over and over until I wanted to scream. by the time my group of 100 girls squished into the audition room we went around and said our names, age, hometown, height, weight in a mic while looking into a camera. Then they played music and taped girls dancing and being stupid. After quickly reviewing the very lengthy apps they called a few numbers to stay and the rest got to go. I did get a call back and stayed to hear them say we would get a call about further info and semi-finalist. I thought it was very unprofessional and the questions on the app and in the room prove some of the advice I had recieved prior to auditions. They are looking for girls that "could" model but most of all will provide entertainment for ratings!
If you got a call back GREAT im not putting that down. If you want to audition GREAT and good luck if its something you want to do. I just personally did not have a good experience and my poor feet are still recovering from the all day wait.
Hope your experience is better than mine.

Feb 09 06 12:29 am Link


Sarah J

Posts: 31

Also there were girls in the auditions that were very short, and a few that were in there 30s. They let them stand all day to tell them later they didnt get a call back. If you dont meet standards to qualify I would consider sending a tape in vs in person auditioning

Feb 09 06 12:31 am Link



Posts: 36

Hey Sarah how many girls did they call for semi-finals? How did that work, did you just have to stay longer or do you have to travel somewhere else?

Feb 09 06 12:35 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
(look at FUBU, Applebottom, J-Lo and Baby Phat shows).

Not to know those companies... and if they came knocking at my door one day I'd definately walk for them cuz I need the exposure... but that's not really the line of work I'd want to be associated with.
I'm being realistic here. People with my stats are too short and the proportions are too skewed to do runway. Not being mean, but can you imagine I or the OP *did* make it onto the show? Janice Dickinson would give us such verbal abuse every single time she caught a whiff of the same air we breathe. It'd be horrible.

Feb 09 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 395

San Francisco, California, US

Sarah J wrote:
Ok I was at the Mall of America casting call last week. Since the show started, my friends have pushed me to do it but i don't really get into the reality tv stuff. Hey if its your thing go for it but my experience was horrible. I wish I would have stuck with my instinct to not go. I stood in line for 4 hours being harrassed by men standing around and watching last seasons finalle over and over until I wanted to scream. by the time my group of 100 girls squished into the audition room we went around and said our names, age, hometown, height, weight in a mic while looking into a camera. Then they played music and taped girls dancing and being stupid. After quickly reviewing the very lengthy apps they called a few numbers to stay and the rest got to go. I did get a call back and stayed to hear them say we would get a call about further info and semi-finalist. I thought it was very unprofessional and the questions on the app and in the room prove some of the advice I had recieved prior to auditions. They are looking for girls that "could" model but most of all will provide entertainment for ratings!
If you got a call back GREAT im not putting that down. If you want to audition GREAT and good luck if its something you want to do. I just personally did not have a good experience and my poor feet are still recovering from the all day wait.
Hope your experience is better than mine.

I wonder how they decide which girls make great entertainment maybe they put things like (promiscuous, clyptomaniac,bypolar ) on their resumes lol

Feb 09 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

A few of my friends who are models went to the casting here last week for the show.
and they pretty much did the same thing to models under 5'7. Turned them right out the door lol.

Last season Tyra said the agencies want the industry standard models from here on out. so majority of the winners for these next cycles will be probably like Nicole, last seasons winner....
5'9 or over, lean,young,good personality, and quirky,
Since the winning model is getting a contract with a top 5 agency they are making Tyra coincide with thier standards now.

Bad but until the fashion folks change what they look for thats how it's going to go.

Feb 09 06 12:43 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

I disagree.  It's one thing to "follow directions" but Eva (from Season 3 I think) was barely 5'7" and she caught so much flack for being "short."  Yet and still, Tyra kept saying to everyone that downed her height "Kate Moss is only 5'6".  I think it is extremely easy for those that fit the "typical mold" to sashay in and say to those that don't fit. . ."Hey, you don't fit, but nice of you to try."  But you either get motivated by those people or distracted by them.  Hopefully, you'll see it as motivation.  ;-)

My point is, everyone has to start somewhere.  I'm vertically challenged myself.  I say. . .if it's your dream. . .if you think you can shatter the mold and glass ceiling at the same time. . .GO FOR IT!  What's the worst that can happen???  They say no.  How many times haven't we all heard "no" and we're all still alive, breathing and dreaming.  You have to be confident, and believe in yourself first and foremost.  I think THAT'S how others believe in you.  Kate had to have done it somehow (made others believe in her despite her height), because when she started the industry standard had to have been at least 5'10".

Believe in yourself, and MAKE THEM believe in you too!!  I know I'm new, and I know that there won't be too many that agree with me. . .but I still wanted to put it out there.  Thanks!

Not to be a party pooper and the destroyer of dreams, but you can't go off of the exceptions and miracles. Yes, Kate Moss made it...and maybe others...but that is a vast minority compared to what is the reality.  I mean, Arnold Schwartzenayur (phoenetically spelled because I have no idea how to spell his name lol) came to the US as a brick layer with 25 dollars in his pocket.  Does that mean that immigrants should strive and try to do what he has done?

Is it possible...yes....likely? no

Ok I am going to stop there because I have thirty minutes to finish this homework. So Stop distracting me! lol

Feb 09 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 52

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

Ina wrote:
I sent my tape in about two weeks ago, (for the fifth time!) and I got a call back!!! I am sooo excited!!! I have to go to Cleveland for the semi-final round on the 14th, I'm sooo nervous!!

The first times trying out I was NOT being myself and this time I was, so my advice is to be yourself, they can tell when you are being fake.

Wow Congrats.. I'll be rooting for you

When it comes to their rules, they even break them.. You're suppose to be healthy (no health conditions) to get on the show.. and you see what they got.. One who passes out, another one who has lupis.. some I would question about their height as well..

Feb 09 06 11:41 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
Not to be a party pooper and the destroyer of dreams, but you can't go off of the exceptions and miracles.

I'm honestly surprised that you would make a statement like that.  Particularly considering you aren't fitting within the waif WASP industry standard yourself.  You are living proof of what I'm talking about. . .someone that doesn't "perfectly" fit the 5'9" 110 32a, 24, 33 profile.  Times are changing, and finally. . .slowly. . .so is the industry.

Clearly you didn't let the fact that you're only 5'7" with some hips stop you. . .so why not speak on THAT fact???  And had it not been for Iman, Beverly Johnson and Naomi Campbell breaking the "norm" years ago. . .most women a finger snap lighter (notice I said lighter, not darker) than you wouldn't even be offered the opportunities you've had in this field.  But I don't have to tell you how many doors were opened for you because those exceptions/miracles you speak of. . .laid the foundation for you and others like you.  Eventually, even companies like Loreal will finally hire models that are my shade also. . .instead of staying within the Vanessa Williams/Beyoncé "safe" zone.  But even those small doors were opened by someone who wouldn't take "You're too dark/Black/curvy/short" for an answer.

Take care and God bless!

Feb 09 06 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 36

Jayne Jones wrote:

I'm honestly surprised that you would make a statement like that.  Particularly considering you aren't fitting within the waif WASP industry standard yourself.  You are living proof of what I'm talking about. . .someone that doesn't "perfectly" fit the 5'9" 110 32a, 24, 33 profile.  Times are changing, and finally. . .slowly. . .so is the industry.

Clearly you didn't let the fact that you're only 5'7" with some hips stop you. . .so why not speak on THAT fact???  And had it not been for Iman, Beverly Johnson and Naomi Campbell breaking the "norm" years ago. . .most women a finger snap lighter (notice I said lighter, not darker) than you wouldn't even be offered the opportunities you've had in this field.  But I don't have to tell you how many doors were opened for you because those exceptions/miracles you speak of. . .laid the foundation for you and others like you.  Eventually, even companies like Loreal will finally hire models that are my shade also. . .instead of staying within the Vanessa Williams/Beyoncé "safe" zone.  But even those small doors were opened by someone who wouldn't take "You're too dark/Black/curvy/short" for an answer.

Take care and God bless!

I believe that she was talking about the height requirement for the show, not for the entire industry. People know that there is a requirement for this show so if they do want to try out they have to except that they are most likely going to be turned away.

They look for what they want. You keep bringing up darker complexions and how it is not excepted, I feel that most of the bigger agencies love darker African Americans and every season of ANTM has had a darker skinned women.

Feb 09 06 01:21 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Ina wrote:
They look for what they want. You keep bringing up darker complexions and how it is not excepted, I feel that most of the bigger agencies love darker African Americans and every season of ANTM has had a darker skinned women.

I'm not disputing weather or not ANTM has had dark skinned Black women on the show.  I only made reference to dark skinned Black women twice, btw.  I was speaking of what I see when I watch fashion week or the style network or flip through pages in Vogue.  I see women that (and this is a phrase that has been loosely used within MY household/neighborhood) can pass for White or Mexican.  Perhaps the industry views that as being versatile.  In interviews I've seen/read from photographers that have used darker skinned models. . .they are always referred to as "exotic looking."  Again, this is just MY experience and I want to try to change that.  I'll never be Naomi or Beverly. . .but I WILL be Jayne. 

I never said that ANTM didn't have dark skinned women.  I watch the show too.  I spoke of what the industry apparently views as "beautiful".  If you feel I am incorrect. . .then there is hope yet!  ;-)

Feb 09 06 03:15 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

In all my ranting, I almost forgot to wish everyone that either wanted to try out, made it to the semi-finals, or even the show:


Feb 09 06 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Jayne Jones wrote:

I'm honestly surprised that you would make a statement like that.  Particularly considering you aren't fitting within the waif WASP industry standard yourself.  You are living proof of what I'm talking about. . .someone that doesn't "perfectly" fit the 5'9" 110 32a, 24, 33 profile.  Times are changing, and finally. . .slowly. . .so is the industry.

Clearly you didn't let the fact that you're only 5'7" with some hips stop you. . .so why not speak on THAT fact???  And had it not been for Iman, Beverly Johnson and Naomi Campbell breaking the "norm" years ago. . .most women a finger snap lighter (notice I said lighter, not darker) than you wouldn't even be offered the opportunities you've had in this field.  But I don't have to tell you how many doors were opened for you because those exceptions/miracles you speak of. . .laid the foundation for you and others like you.  Eventually, even companies like Loreal will finally hire models that are my shade also. . .instead of staying within the Vanessa Williams/Beyoncé "safe" zone.  But even those small doors were opened by someone who wouldn't take "You're too dark/Black/curvy/short" for an answer.

Take care and God bless!

The only physical requirement that I know of for ANTM is height. From what I understand, they do take plus size models as well.

Feb 09 06 03:26 pm Link