Forums > General Industry > Why are you here?


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I've been on MM for awhile now and I can pretty much say I have seen it all.

From the cat fights to the rants about TFP's, to the internet sluggo, pimp daddy wanna be.

My question is this. Why are YOU here?

Is it to network and build a business? Is it to promote your business?

Are you an "internet" model with dreams of being the most down loaded woman or man on the net?

Are you an up and coming artist using the site for growth and knowledge?


I use it for a bunch of reasons.

1. I've always wanted to be in a position in which I could put the teams together and create something. From print ads to Music video. I love to create. I hate limitations and I love people.

2. I'd like to pursue my crafts, my many crafts..many of those crafts require other people, from models to make up artist, and even other photgraphers.

3. And most important.  After years of struggling and not getting a break, i want to be the guy that can give others that break. I want my place in life to be something I can share. After all, what is any level of success worth if you dont spread it around?

So, I ask..why are you here? And what do you wish to accomplish?

With regards,

vance McDaniel

Feb 01 06 08:24 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Im on here so I can look at hot chicks!

Just kidding.

Feb 01 06 08:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Meredith VanSickle

Posts: 96

Atlanta, Georgia, US

To network smile
Hey, I'm honest....
Its also to improve my skills and get some good inspiration.

Feb 01 06 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

B(o)(o)bies - that's why I keep saying that portfolios with no nekkid pictures inside should be CLEARLY MARKED so that I don't waste my time popping in. What a friggin waste, oh man....

Feb 01 06 08:32 pm Link

Makeup Artist

La Dolce Vita

Posts: 6

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm prety much new here, and new to the fashion world...
I guess I'm here to connect with ppl and probably meet new ppl to work with
as someone else said it.. inspiration

Feb 01 06 08:32 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

None of the above. Here strictly for the fun of talking to y'all. Business is all conducted elsewhere. Just pleasure. :-)

Feb 01 06 08:34 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

to do my portfolio work and to meet some photographers and models.
i've worked and met some great people on this site-and some really awful rude characters who like to criticize me and pick at every little thing.
i don't kiss ass-you shouldn't either. otherwise you get nowhere.

Feb 01 06 08:37 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

pamela mars wrote:
to do my portfolio work and to meet some photographers and models.
i've worked and met some great people on this site-and some really awful rude characters who like to criticize me and pick at every little thing.
i don't kiss ass-you shouldn't either. otherwise you get nowhere.

I like that last part...

It's all good,I never pucker...


Feb 01 06 08:40 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I'm addicted to the comedy in the forums.

Feb 01 06 08:41 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Vance wrote:

I like that last part...

It's all good,I never pucker...


you leave the suckahs behind and move forward!

Feb 01 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

if i told ya...i'd have ta kill ya...

Feb 01 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i needed yet another empty addiction to distract me from furthering myself.  myspace and alcoholism just weren't cutting it.


i like screwing around in the forums.

Feb 01 06 08:42 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Monsante Bey wrote:
I'm addicted to the comedy in the forums.

hah-did you read my thread?!
"ever notice how...." some pretty good stuff there.
i am so sick of fighting with that guy.  he keeps calling me names and all this shtuff.

Feb 01 06 08:43 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Christopher Bush wrote:
i needed yet another empty addiction to distract me from furthering myself.  myspace and alcoholism just weren't cutting it.


i like screwing around in the forums, and worked with one good model so far.

we all spend far too much time on that!

Feb 01 06 08:44 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am looking to meet models who want to contribute to the creative. Who have an idea as to what art is, and who have some passions they want to capture.

I want to network with photographers, to learn and to share.

Feb 01 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I've tested with a couple of girls from here, and produced work that I'm happy with from that, but I'm certainly not here to "establish" myself, or even to network, really. All that's done at the street-level (or, more accurately, all that is something I'm working on getting done at the street level smile ). The Internet has done very, very little for me in terms of business, but good ol'-fashioned legwork has helped me make decent progress at times. In short, I expect absolutely nothing in terms of real career advancement from a Website, no matter how cool it is.

So.... I'm here for the advice (with a salt-shaker handy for that essential grain!)

... Here to look at some wonderful photography and be inspired

... Here to see some beautiful and talented models and also be inspired

... And here to read some great and fun posts by some very cool people (after sifting through the drivel posted by a few keyboard cowboys, just like on any other popular message board), and (cyber-) hang with like-minded folks

'Nuff said.

Feb 01 06 08:48 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

I'm lost, and, being a guy, unwilling to ask directions.  Heck, it almost killed me just to admit I'm lost.  So I just keep wandering around like I'm supposed to be here...

Feb 01 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 1836

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MM is the myspace for models, photographers, stylists, and makeup artists to talk.
Honestly, I like MM better then myspace.
Networking is sooo much better.
And the help you get from others is amazing.
Yeah I am a MM whore.  Anyone else agree?

Feb 01 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

pamela mars wrote:

we all spend far too much time on that!

Can you believe I still haven't signed up for that? Am I the only one here... or, like, in the whole world? lol I tried Friendster and all I got was spam. I deleted my account.

Feb 01 06 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 104

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am here to learn more about the industry through talking to other models as well as photographers. I am also here to find photographers to work with and to find some paid work.

Feb 01 06 08:59 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

fotocycle wrote:

Can you believe I still haven't signed up for that? Am I the only one here... or, like, in the whole world? lol I tried Friendster and all I got was spam. I deleted my account.

haha-yea-i think you are one of very few on here-i heard about mm on myspace.

Feb 01 06 09:05 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

fotocycle wrote:
I've tested with a couple of girls from here, and produced work that I'm happy with from that, but I'm certainly not here to "establish" myself, or even to network, really. All that's done at the street-level (or, more accurately, all that is something I'm working on getting done at the street level smile ). The Internet has done very, very little for me in terms of business, but good ol'-fashioned legwork has helped me make decent progress at times. In short, I expect absolutely nothing in terms of real career advancement from a Website, no matter how cool it is.

So.... I'm here for the advice (with a salt-shaker handy for that essential grain!)

... Here to look at some wonderful photography and be inspired

... Here to see some beautiful and talented models and also be inspired

... And here to read some great and fun posts by some very cool people (after sifting through the drivel posted by a few keyboard cowboys, just like on any other popular message board), and (cyber-) hang with like-minded folks

'Nuff said.

Well said, so I must ask.

Why is it do you think this isnt a great place to blend that "doing it in the street: attitude.

There is a lot of talent, though you may need to sift through a lot of ports at time to find what you are looking for. It is here none the less.

I am wondering why there are so many less than favorble occurences on here as well as between parties. Is it because it is free?

People are not vested in being here?

Is MM viewed by many as a paly ground for those who only tinker?

I always viewed it as a resourse, but I have come to learn many do not see it as such.

Myspace as well has mad drama at times..Again another free site..

this is a great platform and a great model...

I'd like to see it gropw and transform.

Vance McDaniel

Feb 01 06 09:07 pm Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

To waste my time reading the same kind of stuff over and over again in the forums and responding numerous times to repetitive questions...

Feb 01 06 09:14 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

JvR wrote:
To waste my time reading the same kind of stuff over and over again in the forums and responding numerous times to repetitive questions...

lol.....could you repeat that please?


Feb 01 06 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Vance wrote:
Well said, so I must ask.

Why is it do you think this isnt a great place to blend that "doing it in the street: attitude. It could be a better resource than I think it is, but I prefer to dedicate my time to local resources as they've proven much more worthwhile. I'm not running a paysite, I've shifted my attention from pure glamour to fashion, and my goals include getting published in the fashion rags. I don't think I can find my answers here. Everytime I've mentioned MM to a local pro, they've no idea what I'm talking about. For me, I think it's best that I keep on with my local pursuits.

There is a lot of talent, though you may need to sift through a lot of ports at time to find what you are looking for. It is here none the less. Agreed, and I have found some of my best-ever models on here, but to get to them I had to first wade through an ocean of unprofessional attitude from many others. As for photographers, I'd say a handful are brilliant, many are really good, and most others need to keep shooting to improve some more (myself included)

I am wondering why there are so many less than favorble occurences on here as well as between parties. Is it because it is free? Probably. Like I always say, Hey, it's the Internet, what did you expect?

People are not vested in being here? For some it's an extension of myspace

Is MM viewed by many as a paly ground for those who only tinker? A lot of people bicker about that, so I guess so, but I always ask myself, Why do they keep coming back? To bicker some more? Or do they like to play in their own way? lol

I always viewed it as a resourse, but I have come to learn many do not see it as such.As mentioned, maybe I'm missing out... either way, it's still LOTS better than that "Other" site - at least I actually FOUND people to work with! lol

Myspace as well has mad drama at times..Again another free site.. Hey, it's the Internet... smile

this is a great platform and a great model...

I'd like to see it gropw and transform. So would I! I don't have more than a handful of posts at the few other sites I visit, so 200 really means something coming from me. This is a great site.

Vance McDaniel

Feb 01 06 09:28 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Models.  I'm here to find beautiful, fearless models.  It works.


Feb 01 06 09:40 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I came here to learn and network. I’ve been able to do both with great success. When I joined this site, I had been shooting for about 6 months. Since I’ve been here, I’ve met and worked with 20 or so models, most were local and 3 have been come other areas including Canada.

Shortly after I joined this site, I started hosting photographer and model network meetings in an effort to bring the models and photographers together in a public setting and neutral grounds so they could talk face to face and even test shoot.

Since coming here, my group of industry friends has grown from about 3 or 4 photographers to well over 300 photographers, models, makeup artist and stylist.

Since coming here, I’ve been referred to other models and promotional/production leaders in the local fashion industry. It just keeps getting better each and every day.

Feb 01 06 10:00 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Networking, mostly. Interacting with the many smart people around here is a good way to pick up some good knowledge, too. Portfolios act as sources of inspiration.

Although I do run across the occasional silk-wrapped dog turd, I've found most of the people here to be fairly genuine.

Feb 01 06 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

My left hand asked me to come here.


For comedy and pleasure mostly (oops, went back to the first line!).

Real photo business done in the "real world".  But this is a great place to meet other like-minded people.  Without MM, I wouldn't have known TH Taylor who actually shares a close friend with me.  Without MM, I wouldn't have met Kaytee, Hartsoe (who graciously sent me a print!)...and many other great people.

Feb 01 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US


Feb 01 06 11:42 pm Link


ArghGoNut Photography

Posts: 636

Key West, Florida, US

I'm here for the free beer

Feb 01 06 11:44 pm Link


bill wylie

Posts: 74

New York, New York, US

For me, the internet provides a type of model that you may not find within a nyc agency. I enjoy shooting glam-portraits with off beat talent, whom has real character flowing in the veins. The internet is sort of like keep in touch with the streets. The raw edge in talent can lead to something new in the work and most of all keep one loose.

For the good, bad & the ugly. I really like it.

Feb 01 06 11:56 pm Link


Curtis Barnard

Posts: 8

Redwood City, California, US

Get ideas for shoots and to network. you can never know enough people...

Feb 01 06 11:59 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

TV sucks!

Well, gotta go, mythbusters is on!

Feb 01 06 11:59 pm Link


x Sapphire

Posts: 48

Garland, Texas, US

I came here to get some jobs.

I'm now addicted cause of the forums lmfao

Feb 02 06 12:06 am Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

x Sapphire wrote:
I came here to get some jobs.

I'm now addicted cause of the forums lmfao

I avoided the forums for the first few months. Then Don lured me in. Damn him.

Feb 02 06 12:08 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

CristinaLex...Bravo and hats off to you. That was a heart felt answer..:-)

So it seems there are many views and many approaches to MM. This is one of the better threads I've been a part off. True artist at all levels conveying one common thread..PURPOSE..different views, some funny and well thought out, others from the soul and touching.

To me, that's the best reason to pick up a camera and shoot. Not for the sexist women, or the most grissly "blood fest" capture. Instead a combination of all of the above because we all come from on common thread. A thread that drives all artist from the professional to the nivice. A thread born of emotion driven by passion.

So perhaps, the "drama" comes from the passion that surrounds all artist? Hmmmmm

Or, I could just really be smokin some good buds..

Either way, food for thought..

With Regards,

Vance McDaniel

Feb 02 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Vance wrote:
My question is this. Why are YOU here?

Well, my mom and dad got together a number of years back, and....

Actually, several of the people I know suggested it, and for now it's a pasttime.

I've been writing software for a long time, and the timing was right to check out some other systems. 

There is a need to bring photographers, models, and all sorts of other related services together, especially in areas outside of NY, CA and some larger cities.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 02 06 01:28 am Link



Posts: 33

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

get myself out there a little and get experience with photographers

Feb 02 06 01:39 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

So I can answer yet another “Why are you Hereâ€? topic.
B(o)(o)bies. And to find dates.

Feb 02 06 01:43 am Link