Forums > General Industry > Why are you here?



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Because of out of all the clowns in this place.. all it takes is to meet ONE person that will make it all worth it.

Also, because the link back to my personal page helps me in the google searches! =P

Feb 02 06 02:38 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Why am I here?... hmmmmm... well... it happened late one dark, rainy, thunder-struck night.  I made the dreadful mistake of walking down this Bill Gates one way dead end road (damn him) of Window XP Pro... porn everywhere... scammers by the millions... shitmail abounding... chatroom lurkers preyin on innocent schoolgirls... what a SERIOUSLY fucked up neighborhood this is.  As I reached the end of the road, I saw a pleasant looking light coming from an alley just ahead.  The sign above the alley read 'Model Mayhem'... and I said to myself... COOL... this alley could be my saving grace... my only salvation... and quite possibly the ONLY opportunity for me to get out ALIVE!  I simply HAD to go for it, as this one way street left me NO WHERE else to turn... sad

I loggin in, typed in a few details about myself and what I do, then was asked to download images.  Sooooooooo... I pulled out the photo CD... scrolled thru piles of my smokin shots... but found out that I could only download 20 pics... come onnnnnnn... I got HUNDREDS here... I'd GLADLY pay for 20 or 40 more... and who the hell is this 'Tyler' dude askin to be my friend?  I dont know this guy from JACK... and it says here I can delete him?... HELL YEAH... you're outta here loser... you look like a freakin nerd anyway... OPPS... DAMN... just found out that dude runs the place... OH FUCK... open mouth... insert foot... you're makin a GREAT impression now Gary. 

OK... posted the 20 pics on the photo page... done deal.  Now it says I have to type in some info about me and some credits... soooooooo... I fabricate a mountain of flattering lies... working wonders while shitting blunders... makin myself look like freakin SUPERMAN... I mean what the fuck... everybody else is.  And what the hell are all these people askin to see pics of ME for?... whos gives a fuck what I look like?... alriiiiiiiight... here's my pic with that 'Queen of Narnia' slut... GAWD... I hate that hobag... fuckin with those poor little kids in that flick like she did... that bitch DESERVED to die! 

Alright... got my personal page done... now Im trippin down the 'Forums' hallway... checkin out all the messages on the boards... DAMN... will ya look at this garbage... there's some SERIOUSLY stupid losers postin some lameass shit up in dis hizzy... GWC's askin questions like 'At what point during my illustrious career do I upgrade from my 110 cartridge camera to a 1meg digital?'... ROTFLMAO!  Oooooook... we know that moron has no clue... NEXT!  Cool... a 'Model Matters' forum... maybe they'll be some fiiiiiiiiine babes pullin up a barstool here.  OH MY GAWD... here's a 17 year old bimbo graduate of John Robert Powers and Barbizon... pity her poor mommie's maxed out VISA card... thinkin she can get a 1000 bucks an hour for fashion... JEEEEEEZSUS!... nice webcam avatar ya got there girl... captured from 40 feet away... there could be a whole 5 pixels covering your facial details... hey... I can almost make out the fact that you're a female... wink 

Wow... they got a chatroom... WAY COOL... but WHY is it called a 'Shoutbox'?... are there people screamin in here or what?... OK... I'll scope it out for abit... HOLY SHIT... will ya look at this Tiger chick... DAMN... she's typin like 500 words a minute... but what the hell is she sayin?... must be some kinda New York slang er somethin... that chick should come equipped with an enterpreter... yeah... ok... so I misspelled 'enterpreter'... so where the fuck is the spell check?... Alright... Im over the shoutbox... outta here.  Think I'll do a 'browse' for model hotties in my hood.  OH HELL YEAH... there's some MAJORLY tasty babes in this pad... sure beats the hell outta that 'Obnoxious Management Place'... I could be scopin out these girlies for hours... I'll get back to this later.  What a minute!... how are all these people postin announcements on the front page?... yeah right... 'New Pics Up... Check'm Out'... oh paleeeeeeze... this is a new site dipstick... EVERYBODY's go new pics up... WTF!  And last but not least... ZOWIE!... who is this tasty little blonde morsal at the top of the page wearin the white feather boa and reflective shades?... DAMN... what the hell is her MM number?... I'd book that cutie in a heartbeat... wink

Feb 02 06 03:58 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Because they won't let me leave.

Feb 02 06 06:15 am Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Roshar wrote:
Im on here so I can look at hot chicks!

Just kidding.

you stole my answer...

Feb 02 06 07:20 am Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm here to watch BCG and Raveneyes have at each other in the forums

Feb 02 06 07:23 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i am here to build up my low self esteem.

Feb 02 06 08:22 am Link



Posts: 29

Saddle Brook, New Jersey, US

pamela mars wrote:
to do my portfolio work and to meet some photographers and models.
i've worked and met some great people on this site-and some really awful rude characters who like to criticize me and pick at every little thing.
i don't kiss ass-you shouldn't either. otherwise you get nowhere.

I like you! smile

To answer the question:

I'm here for networking purposes and to improve my skills.

Feb 02 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i am here to woo Theda...i already have a deal w/VH1 for a reality TV show which will document the process.

Feb 02 06 08:48 am Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

I have met some wonderful people on MM.  Yes, it is so dreadful to read the same cr$p over and over.
But, I also have the patience to sift through Century 21 on a rainy day. 
It is also nice to see some people whose work I have admired for ages.  I can email them, talk to them.  Bounce ideas off them.
And I have met makeup artists and hair and wardrobe people from all over the world.  That is cool.

Feb 02 06 08:53 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Gary Davis wrote:
I'm lost, and, being a guy, unwilling to ask directions.  Heck, it almost killed me just to admit I'm lost.  So I just keep wandering around like I'm supposed to be here...

Hey Gar... I'll meet ya back at the next MM Network Pizza Party.  Split a beer bong with me and I'll show ya how to REALLY get lost... wink

Feb 02 06 10:22 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Why am I here? I'm addicted.

Why did I come here in the first place? To figure out how to build a career in fashion and editorial photography. I needed a break from not making movies in graduate film school and ended up in New York taking pictures.

Is it working? Dunno. Maybe.

Feb 02 06 10:50 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

The free donuts and soft core porn tongue

Feb 02 06 10:52 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

C R Photography wrote:
The free donuts and soft core porn tongue

Where's the doughnuts?

Feb 02 06 10:54 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

C R Photography wrote:
The free donuts and soft core porn tongue

Dude... donuts only go with the gay flicks like Brokeback... its low-cal popcorn and near-beer for the soft core... wink

Feb 02 06 10:57 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Select Models wrote:

Dude... donuts only go with the gay flicks like Brokeback... its low-cal popcorn and near-beer for the soft core... wink

Judging by a lot of waistlines, I guess a lot of photogs like Brokeback....
If we went with that logic. lol

Feb 02 06 11:32 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

lll wrote:
My left hand asked me to come here.


For comedy and pleasure mostly (oops, went back to the first line!).

Real photo business done in the "real world".  But this is a great place to meet other like-minded people.  Without MM, I wouldn't have known TH Taylor who actually shares a close friend with me.  Without MM, I wouldn't have met Kaytee, Hartsoe (who graciously sent me a print!)...and many other great people.

Greatest answer so far!

I agree definitely. Except for me, substitute 'Kaytee, Hartsoe'  for James Graham.


Feb 02 06 11:50 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Wow that is such a classic existential question.

I am here, because I am not somewhere else.  (Kiirkegarde sp)

I made my own hell and now I live in it and it just happens to be here.  (Jean Paul Sarte)

I may be here but the rest of you may be a dream. (Decartes)

No matter where you go, there you are. (Buckaroo Banzai)

Now back to your regularly scheduled, individual realities.

Feb 02 06 11:54 am Link


Tanya Dakin

Posts: 176

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Because OMP wasn't doing IT for me

Feb 02 06 12:07 pm Link


Miguel Book 1

Posts: 1473

Washington, District of Columbia, US

To network, learn more about others (photographers and models) work and point of view.
I got some valuable information on the forums.

Feb 02 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

1.  To network with photographers, makeup artists, stylists, and models.
2.  The scenery's pretty.
3.  To expose people to a kind of art and modeling that is, as yet, fairly unusual.
4.  I like to talk.  Type.  Whatever.

Feb 02 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Vance wrote:
So, I ask..why are you here? And what do you wish to accomplish?

I'm here to find [more] hot chicks who'll let me take pictures of them naked and tied up.  Honest.

Feb 02 06 12:28 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I'm here to find [more] hot chicks who'll let me take pictures of them naked and tied up.  Honest.

Well at least you are honest, gotta love ya for you prfer hemp or nylon...Hmmmmmm?

Got Rope?


Feb 02 06 12:34 pm Link


matthew cottom

Posts: 10

Baxter Estates, New York, US

i'm here to work and improve as a photographer.  it's also a great place to network.  this site has great potential.  hopefully it won't get ruined.  hopefully, it will stay positive and knowledge based.

Feb 02 06 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I am here because i am a genius at procrastination, and I should be doing some editing. Oh, and also I have found many friends here, just delete the ones that get on the GWC and TFP and flying spaghetti monster threads...
There are some great artists on here.

Oh, and I expect to be the next betty page....

Feb 02 06 12:40 pm Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

I'm here because I enjoy looking at the work of others, reading the various diatribes in the forums (and occasionally joining the fray), meeting potential models, and because I live approximately in the middle of nowhere, so it's nice to find people of similar interests.
Oh, and to exhibit my brilliant work so that the masses might be inspired. wink

Feb 02 06 12:47 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I am here. Therefore I am?

Feb 02 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 63

I was told by a few people that M.M had more people who like to shoot Alt Models. And I find that to be very true. I have found many wonderful Photographers, Desingers, and Models to work with here.

Feb 02 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 509

Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

got a webcam and I am chicks....

Feb 02 06 12:55 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Lapis wrote:
Oh, and I expect to be the next betty page....

Lapis... you got my vote... bring it to CA babygirl.  We'll host a 'Betty Page' glamour event and make you 'Queen of the Shoot'... wink

Feb 02 06 01:14 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

fotorat wrote:
got a webcam and I am chicks....

Yo Foto...

There are hot chicks here?
Man, I need to get off the forums!


Feb 02 06 02:07 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

matthew cottom wrote:
i'm here to work and improve as a photographer.  it's also a great place to network.  this site has great potential.  hopefully it won't get ruined.  hopefully, it will stay positive and knowledge based.

Kudos to that,

I think that will come down to the members and the staff..

So far I'd say it's doing pretty well. this thread shows there is a lot of positivity. If this vibe prevails across the entire website, then this place will truly become one of the all time best sites of it's type ever.

Yes the potential is there.


Feb 02 06 02:11 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Vance wrote:
So, I ask..why are you here?

I ask myself that every day...

Feb 02 06 02:12 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Tanya Dakin wrote:
Because OMP wasn't doing IT for me

Word up... quite possibly 1000's of MMer's in agreement with that... myself included... wink

Feb 02 06 05:03 pm Link


Andrea Pender Photograp

Posts: 9

Fort Worth, Texas, US

I am here to promote and build my photography business.  I just recently relocated to Florida and I am trying to get my name out there.  smile

Feb 02 06 06:43 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Vance wrote:

Well at least you are honest, gotta love ya for you prfer hemp or nylon...Hmmmmmm?

Got Rope?


I've been using a braided nylon MFP from a lot lately, though I'm considering going for some hemp in the near future.

Feb 02 06 09:08 pm Link


Uma von Diehl

Posts: 135

Charlotte, Iowa, US

To start getting into your minds.....

....they will be opened smile

Feb 02 06 09:36 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

I'm here because I get to meet stunning models like Adriana: (Mayhem #88472)

Feb 02 06 09:40 pm Link


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

To find photographers. I love doing photo shoots. They're so much fun. And some extra cash is always good. smile

Feb 02 06 11:32 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
To find photographers. I love doing photo shoots. They're so much fun. And some extra cash is always good. smile

CASH? What's that? Never heard of it...

V  :-)

Feb 03 06 12:50 am Link


Sean Armenta

Posts: 1560

Los Angeles, California, US

here's why i'm here:

to party it up with the girlies woohoo!

Feb 03 06 01:41 am Link