Forums > General Industry > "" intentions?



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

For those who EVER compared "Model Mayhem" to "Myspace"... SHAME ON YOU!!!

With that said, has anyone had any experiences being contacted by other people at ""?

I've received a few reports that a convicted criminal is 'harvesting personal information' from model wannabees on that particular website.

The same person has violated many of the "" terms of service (commercial in nature, spam sent to members, more than one account... and many more).  His advertisements are also in violation of Federal laws.... yet the "" administrators refuse to remove the accounts.

After reviewing the website, we found several other people with similar websites.

Is 'Myspace' simply a haven for predators to stalk naive young females, or is it a legitimate website?

I would like some input as to other peoples experiences.  Send via e-mail for privacy if you'd like.

Jun 10 05 09:26 am Link



Posts: 9122

Myspace is not legit.

It took me 34.6 seconds to realize this, and that was because I had a slow connection that day.

Jun 10 05 09:31 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Define "legit"?

Myspace is a legitimate free-for-all networking/dating/whatever/time waster.

Jun 10 05 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Yes, that.

Jun 10 05 01:47 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

EYElene Productions

Posts: 135


I was wondering what that site was about since I never heard of it until I became a member here. I was only on there a few seconds & it just looked like a dating site. Not a professional site for the industry. So, I left right away. I'm glad I read these posts so I won't bother with it again.

Jun 10 05 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I have a myspace account, but it took about five minutes for me to realizd it was absolutely useless for what i want to accomplish. 

Jun 10 05 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 88

Los Angeles, California, US

The sad part is people are starting to treat this as a my space. I just looked at a "model" profile with nothing but pics of her at raves and pics of her boyfriend. I resisted the urge to leave a tag that said "in some of your photos you look like a dude"

Jun 10 05 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

"Is 'Myspace' simply a haven for predators to stalk naive young females, or is it a legitimate website?"

Its what you want it to be sor of like life..LOL

This place has a few winners as well. If you use your brains, you should not have any issues.

Jun 10 05 02:01 pm Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

I have been involved with OMP for a long time, my ID# 8404, I have been on MySpace for almost a year...back before it became a kids hang out.  Neither of them started out to become what they are today and I don't think the designers and owners want it to be what it is today.

I can only hope that the people here at MM will be monitored and if there is inproper activity going on will be banned and maybe even have crimal charges brought against them.

Those other sites are a reflection of the people who run them and the people who sign up for them.  So if the people here are serious about this site not becoming a trashy site they need to make a difference as members.

Jun 10 05 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

yes, I too have a account. Only, I know better than to try and use it for modeling, as that would be a complete waste of time and space. I only got an account because my sister told me about it. I use myspace only to keep in touch with old friends who have moved off, or that I have moved away from. Sometimes, I'm just not able to talk on the phone (that would be from cheering at softball games I guess...).

Anyhow, I agree that myspace is basically just a website designed for people to waste time and vent out feelings, thoughts, etc...and some other people use it as a dating tool. Maybe it's like the free version of don't know

Jun 10 05 02:27 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I've been networking with other photographers, models musicians and other artists much longer on MySpace than I have with ModelMayhem. In fact, I would never have known about this website (MM) if it had not been for

Thanks Hugh for sending me to MM from MySpace where many of us have accounts and do networking there!

Jun 10 05 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 92

London, England, United Kingdom

MySpace can be legitably useful in certain respects. Take for example my b/f band GOTEKI. GOTEKI count a lot of US based fans amongst their fanbase and MySpace allows for band and fans interaction and with the ease of uploading music it also advertently aids with music sales and distribution via

I myself set up an (myspace) account on a whim about two yrs ago but have never used it and can't see myself ever doing so. As far as I see it, It has to serve a purpose and I don't 'buy' it. I don't want 'random' friends. There has to be a point to an addition.

MM serves a purpose for me in a way MySpace couldn't but I guess that argument goes both ways. At the end of the day, If an online community does happen to serve a purpose, utilise it as best as you can I say and make it work for you!

Jun 10 05 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

My space is definately for dating more then for networking.  I put on there that I was there just for networking.  I still get friend requests and e-mails from guys saying the same stuff.  "Wow, you're hot.  Let's talk sometime.  Hit me back."  "You're extremely sexy.  I'd like to get to know you better.  Let me know what you think."  "I love your pictures.  I think we would get along great."  etc., etc.  They don't read.  They just look at the pictures and get excited and try to contact you.  Then they get mad when I don't respond.  They'll write back saying that they're mad and I write back saying that they should learn how to read.  I keep my profile up just to see how many people still do that, and how long it will take for them to get a hint.

Jun 10 05 06:06 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by nick latino: 
I have been involved with OMP for a long time, my ID# 8404, I have been on MySpace for almost a year...back before it became a kids hang out.  Neither of them started out to become what they are today and I don't think the designers and owners want it to be what it is today.

I can only hope that the people here at MM will be monitored and if there is inproper activity going on will be banned and maybe even have crimal charges brought against them.

Those other sites are a reflection of the people who run them and the people who sign up for them.  So if the people here are serious about this site not becoming a trashy site they need to make a difference as members.

I totally agree.  Unfortunately, far too many of the posts here at MM are on the Myspace level.

Jun 10 05 06:11 pm Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

One of the impression I got ( and I didnt know about MySpace til visiting this site ), was that the site depending on certain new folks here was reminding me of , course unlike myspace deviantart actually has some good profiles, but its overly saturated with all the extra crap others put into it. So when someone says that this place looking like MySpace, its probally because they're hitting that saturation point.

Jun 10 05 07:18 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

So no one likes MySpace?
I've gotten way better response from models there than I have here.

Jun 10 05 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Hehehe lots of funny myspace stories here. I use myspace for 2 things: 1) entertainment when I'm bored at work 2) to find out about parties and events from my friends bulletins.

I also started a Fetish Photography group on there and run a pretty tight ship. I don't let anyone under 18 in the group, and if someone posts spam/porn/over-the-top perv. shit then I delete the post.

Is it weird that 1000s of people read your profile and look at your pics? Yes. But wot can you do.


Jun 10 05 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm on myspace, I like myspace, I will continue to hang out on myspace.  If you don't like it, don't open an account.  Is that so difficult?  OK, on that note I am going to check email on myspace...

Jun 10 05 07:40 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US


ModelMayhem is still rather small compared to OMP or MS, but it is AWESOME TOO!  I LOVE IT!

You get what you put into anything in life. If you go into it with a negative attitude, then you will find negative things about it. But if you have a positive outlook, you will find something positive about any experiences. It's as simple as that!

I happen to know that there are some real people on MySpace. They are on my "friends" list and they are models, photographers, musicians and bands, or just interesting people that I enjoy communicating with. It's all a part of networking. No matter where you go, you will find people who use websites for negative purposes that turn others off to it. Get what you want out of it and ignore the rest!

Jun 10 05 07:46 pm Link


Meeh shel

Posts: 19

Olympia, Washington, US

I don't have a problem with myspace, I have an account over there. The thing is I don't take anything on there too seriously, it just gives me another way to keep in contact with friends and look around at some interesting sites when I'm bored. As far as trying to get in touch with people through myspace I haven't done that and I don't think I will. But to each his own.

Jun 10 05 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 31

Lynn, Alabama, US

Myspace is just that "my Space" a place to do so whatever your little heart desires. How anyone could mistaken it for a place for modeling is beyond me. It's a place to keep in touch with people you want to keep in touch with and block those you dont. All it is is networking, whether some people think it is a waste of time is just their opinion. Networking doesnt define just dating, where people got that idea... beats me as well.

Jun 10 05 08:49 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I use myspace. Mostly for shits and giggles, talking to friends in different cities and whatnot. It's a nice little chill spot when i'm not putting on photographer airs.

Jun 10 05 08:58 pm Link


A Cristina

Posts: 142

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

i love myspace
i dont understand why people think it is so bad
I mean, you have to understand that its not a specialixed web site like mm...I got some amazing jobs offers(only a few modeling related) that i wasnt really looking for.
It is a networking site, for meeting people
like, someone that added me sent me a link to someone else who knew someone else that owned a production company. I am now their east coast representative and youngest worker.
It is also amaizng to talk to other people and just learn about how they got where they are now.
Just learing about life!

Jun 10 05 09:00 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Nika: 
Myspace is just that "my Space" a place to do so whatever your little heart desires. How anyone could mistaken it for a place for modeling is beyond me. It's a place to keep in touch with people you want to keep in touch with and block those you dont. All it is is networking, whether some people think it is a waste of time is just their opinion. Networking doesnt define just dating, where people got that idea... beats me as well. 

Unfortinatly i have dial-up and My-space takes forever to load was a real chore to network there for me..
-its idea is what mayhem works off of and it is a very great idea-
But now there is Mayhem it loads so quick on dial-up i have tons of things to do here and i can network with great people.not so great people!!
And this mayhem will grow and get even better!!

hey life is tough get a grip and use what works!!

Jun 10 05 09:03 pm Link


Mistress Purgatori

Posts: 686

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I love Myspace.I been a member over a year and use it for networking and I have gotten many a gig from there.
too Me this site is like Myspace but for industry people you don't have to go thru loads of fan mail and pervert mail to get to the industry mail.this site and myspace both rock.

Jun 10 05 09:09 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by SayCheeZ!: 
For those who EVER compared "Model Mayhem" to "Myspace"... SHAME ON YOU!!!

With that said, has anyone had any experiences being contacted by other people at ""?

I've received a few reports that a convicted criminal is 'harvesting personal information' from model wannabees on that particular website.

The same person has violated many of the "" terms of service (commercial in nature, spam sent to members, more than one account... and many more).  His advertisements are also in violation of Federal laws.... yet the "" administrators refuse to remove the accounts.

After reviewing the website, we found several other people with similar websites.

Is 'Myspace' simply a haven for predators to stalk naive young females, or is it a legitimate website?

I would like some input as to other peoples experiences.  Send via e-mail for privacy if you'd like.

Stalkers and preditors have been here since time began..
They are not going away!!

Jun 10 05 09:10 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

But they did delete all my non nude images that they thought were sexy

Jun 10 05 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

If I hadn't been on myspace, I probably wouldn't have heard about model mayhem for a long time...but thanks to Udor, I have been referred, and I love it!

So see, some good things can come out of

Jun 10 05 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 12

Waynesboro, Georgia, US

I am an active member on myspace as a musician as well as model.As well as on omp or any other site u are going to run into people with the wrong ideas about u but I have not had that issue in a full year as a member.I approve my friends or disapprove.You can meet an array of people there.It's not just for modelling.It's for several things.You seem to know which ones are interested in your purpose and which ones are interested in other things.You have the option to decide who you communicate with.

Jun 11 05 07:28 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I am on MySpace, I have made some very valuable contacts there for real life business.

There are currently 18,258,781 members. At over 18 Million, I do expect all kinds of people, legit and fake ones.

It's what you make out of it.

I would say it's just like MM... it depends what you are looking for, how you participate and hence the results you are getting.

I wouldn't even know where to go on MySpace for dating! Have no idea how to do it there. Never looked for it etc.

People that are complaining about the quality of input on MM are often the ones that are on here for a months or two and have only 5 posts to their credit... They bitch about this site but don't participate and keep the level up that they desire so much.

The same is with MySpace... I am active on several groups, modeling, nutrition, health and fitness, tattoos, etc... and get out great responses or links and resources if asking or being asked and I provide those.

Hey, I even have my own (small) group "New York City Modeling" since most of MS is focused on the West Coast.

Also a reminder to the newbies (accounts higher than 1,000 ;-) ) Tyler's intention WAS a MySpace feel to it with networking, chatting and having fun...

... so... H E L L O O H O O O... and DUH!

Jun 11 05 07:37 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Rebecca Alsbury: 
.but thanks to Udor, I have been referred, and I love it!

You are very welcome Rebecca! :-)

Jun 11 05 07:42 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Also a reminder to the newbies (accounts higher than 1,000 ;-) ) Tyler's intention WAS a MySpace feel to it with networking, chatting and having fun...

... so... H E L L O O H O O O... and DUH!

That's what I was thinking when I first joined.

Jun 11 05 08:06 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen ©: 
But they did delete all my non nude images that they thought were sexy

That's exactly what I mean.  They delete YOUR photos (simply because Myspace simply thought they were 'sexy') yet a person that's been convicted of counterfeiting and trademark infringement uses other peoples copyrighted photos and trademarks on Myspace, as well as displays photos which are 'adult' in nature... violates the Myspace Terms of Usage agreements, violates Federal laws... and not only is allowed to remain on the but they're helping to PROMOTE his illegal and fraudulent activities.

I've received some e-mails indicating that the main person involved has offered to 'get girls' for the founder of Myspace (for 'dating' purposes), which is why myspace is accepting this behavior.  At this time I can't substantiate the claims, especially when 2 of the e-mails came from anonymous sources, but the complete story does seem to make sense.

Jun 11 05 09:20 am Link



Posts: 4

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Well hate to bust in on the conversations but check out my space   its called Vegas

Jun 11 05 09:41 am Link



Posts: 4

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Well hate to bust in on the conversations but check out my space   its called Vegas

Jun 11 05 09:41 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by VegasModel: 
Well hate to bust in on the conversations but check out my space   its called Vegas

Kind of ironic that a double post links to a myspace portfolio with double images...

Jun 11 05 09:45 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by SayCheeZ!: 

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen ©: 
But they did delete all my non nude images that they thought were sexy

That's exactly what I mean.  They delete YOUR photos (simply because Myspace simply thought they were 'sexy') yet a person that's been convicted of counterfeiting and trademark infringement uses other peoples copyrighted photos and trademarks on Myspace, as well as displays photos which are 'adult' in nature... violates the Myspace Terms of Usage agreements, violates Federal laws... and not only is allowed to remain on the but they're helping to PROMOTE his illegal and fraudulent activities.I've received some e-mails indicating that the main person involved has offered to 'get girls' for the founder of Myspace (for 'dating' purposes), which is why myspace is accepting this behavior.  At this time I can't substantiate the claims, especially when 2 of the e-mails came from anonymous sources, but the complete story does seem to make sense.

whats that about "he who protesteth to much....." seems in every post, your bitching about your competition..why dont you concentrate on yourself, the marketplace will ultimately take care of those that are less then ethical..

Jun 11 05 09:52 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by SayCheeZ!: 

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen ©: 
But they did delete all my non nude images that they thought were sexy

That's exactly what I mean.  They delete YOUR photos (simply because Myspace simply thought they were 'sexy') yet a person that's been convicted of counterfeiting and trademark infringement uses other peoples copyrighted photos and trademarks on Myspace, as well as displays photos which are 'adult' in nature... violates the Myspace Terms of Usage agreements, violates Federal laws... and not only is allowed to remain on the but they're helping to PROMOTE his illegal and fraudulent activities.I've received some e-mails indicating that the main person involved has offered to 'get girls' for the founder of Myspace (for 'dating' purposes), which is why myspace is accepting this behavior.  At this time I can't substantiate the claims, especially when 2 of the e-mails came from anonymous sources, but the complete story does seem to make sense.

whats that about "he who protesteth to much....." seems in every post, your bitching about your competition..why dont you concentrate on yourself, the marketplace will ultimately take care of those that are less then ethical..

Now is the winter of our discontent...

Jun 11 05 10:04 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Kind of ironic that a double post links to a myspace portfolio with double images...

So, that's what they mean by 'double talk'?

(by the way... the 'Vegas' post isn't on ""... it's MSN... a totally different creature).

Jun 11 05 10:12 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
Now is the winter of our discontent...

having never uttered an ill word towards another photogrpaher and having been on the recieveing end of some shit talking from a local photographer..i always see this type of behavior as an attempt to build one's self up, by knocking others down...

so shut up..keep a clean safe environmet to work in..treat your models with respect and reverance. hone your skills and let your images do the talking..

and dont worry about what someone else is doing...

Jun 11 05 10:13 am Link