Forums > General Industry > How many times have you been stood up?


Tony Sharp Chicago

Posts: 184

Chicago, Illinois, US

This question is for both models and photographers. I hope it hasn't been posted before. I looked through the first few pages and couldn't find anything on this subject.

I've actually been kind of lucky with this. I've only been stood up about 9 times. LOL sad Luckily a lot of money wasn't invested into those shoots and I didn't rent anything. It still kind of amazes me that some people could be so inconsiderate that they would actually forget about a scheduled shoot, or choose not to come at the last minute and not even try to contact you. Grrr....

Jun 09 05 10:08 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

This has actually been hammered quite a bit elsewhere, but not so much recently.  I've been lucky, I guess, as I've only suffered a couple of no-shows.  Nothing worth losing any sleep over.

Jun 09 05 10:14 am Link



Posts: 15

Grimsby, England, United Kingdom

i have been stood up for a shoot! Last halloween i cancelled plans for the local festival to go do a shoot and the photgrapher never turned up!

Jun 09 05 10:17 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US


Jun 09 05 10:22 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Almost once.  I was halfway to the shoot, makeup and hair done, etc., when I called the photographer to let him know that due to traffic I'd probably be about ten minutes late.  At which point he said, "Oh yeah!  I can't make it!"

Jun 09 05 10:26 am Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Only once so far, and that was a few days ago. It turns out that the photographer had e-mailed me two hours before the shoot (I had since left my house to prepare and dont have a cell) so I was waiting for him for about 45 minutes before I left. When I explained hat happened he was very apologetic.

Jun 09 05 10:41 am Link


Delilah - Sixthessence

Posts: 24

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Once, and it was DAMN annoying.

This photographer was travelling to my country so we decided to meet for a shoot. I had to drag two bags full of clothes, all of my makeup, travel about 3/4 hours and stuff.

I went to the city we had to meet at one day earlier [I luckyly could stay at a friend's place over there, otherwise I would paid the hotel too]; well, I smsed the photographer and noticed him I was there.
I've asked for some more info about the shoot [ie, the more comfortable hour for him to meet and where]. He didn't reply. I tried by calling him, nothing. He literally disappeared. It was SO unprofessional and unpolite and I got quite angry/disappointed.

In the end, I've just paid my travel expenses, didn't attend some university classes and I visited a friend.


Jun 09 05 10:53 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

7 : 1
shows : noshow

The no show wants to be in Playboy and "only does paid shoots" (for some reason she was going to make an exception... she responded to my ad on craigslist for TFP). She didn't show, called the next day and said she had been sick. We rescheduled and she didn't show again. That time she wouldn't return calls or e-mails. WTF?

I don't know if I should be mean and say who it was so no one else has to deal with her issues. I probably won't, not that kinda guy.

Jun 09 05 11:38 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

I tend to require deposits from time to time in order to book the date. The one time I was stood up was by a girl who paid her deposit which she lost.

Jun 09 05 11:40 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

4 times..
(2) times from paying models..they lost thier deposits
(1) time from a model for a test shoot for a clothing designer...obviously didnt get the gig...
(1) a TFP model..ultimately the last model i ever offered to shoot TFP....

Jun 09 05 11:43 am Link


Tony Sharp Chicago

Posts: 184

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Ched: 
The no show wants to be in Playboy and "only does paid shoots" (for some reason she was going to make an exception... she responded to my ad on craigslist for TFP). She didn't show, called the next day and said she had been sick. We rescheduled and she didn't show again. That time she wouldn't return calls or e-mails. WTF?

LOL. I've have had a model cancel and reschedule 3 times once. After the 3rd time I just said forget it.

Posted by Fred Brown: 
I tend to require deposits from time to time in order to book the date. The one time I was stood up was by a girl who paid her deposit which she lost.

I've been doing photography for about 7 years now. For some reason, it took me about 2 years to realize that asking for a deposit was a good idea.

This week I've been doing auditions for a film that I plan on shooting this summer. Of the 30 something auditions I had scheduled, 4 people didn't bother to show up.

Actor #1 - "I forgot."
Actor #2 - "I'm going to be too busy to be in the film."
Actor #3 & #4 - *no response at all*

You gotta have patience to be in this business...

Jun 09 05 11:47 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

I have had very few no-shows but some late cancellations even from clients who were idiots.   I have had no-shows from agencies when the model got a last minute job(understandable) with no notice until I called them looking for the model.(no call is not cool)

But I am in the middle of this strange dance with model who has been a no-show/ no call to pick up her shots and edit 3 times and she has cancelled at the last minute 2 other times.  I thought she was great and the shots are useful for her.   But I travel and so sometimes she will have to wait a couple of weeks for me to get back so that she can do it all over again.

I think her manager(she is an actress) is trying to manipulate me to give up more rights or something.  I do not get it but since it is just going over the pictures,  not much skin off of my back.  At this point it is sort of funny in a strange way.

Oh,  I charged the agency for the no show and they paid so no big deal.

Jun 09 05 11:49 am Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

More times than I can remember.

Although my favorite excuse was given to a photographer friend.

She's late, he calls, boyfriend answers:

"Dude I don't think she's going to make it, the bitch is passed out on the couch".

(You gotta say it in a stoner voice, like, duuude.)
For some reason I just think that's a scream.

Jun 09 05 11:58 am Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Posted by Bill Sylvester: 
More times than I can remember.

Although my favorite excuse was given to a photographer friend.

She's late, he calls, boyfriend answers:

"Dude I don't think she's going to make it, the bitch is passed out on the couch".

LOL, That's like...whoa!

For some reason I just think that's a scream.

Jun 09 05 12:04 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

i noticed most of the babes i schedule thats from online dont show/dont call, but just about all of my non-online ones - they show up, TFP or not. i'm looking at it as kinda of my reality check these days, especially with the amount of arranging for MUA's that go into it, and its almost as if certain models from online get offended when a MUA (experienced one) will charge them, which isnt any more than $75-100.

Jun 09 05 12:25 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Tony Sharp: 

Posted by Ched: 
The no show wants to be in Playboy and "only does paid shoots" (for some reason she was going to make an exception... she responded to my ad on craigslist for TFP). She didn't show, called the next day and said she had been sick. We rescheduled and she didn't show again. That time she wouldn't return calls or e-mails. WTF?

LOL. I've have had a model cancel and reschedule 3 times once. After the 3rd time I just said forget it.

Posted by Fred Brown: 
I tend to require deposits from time to time in order to book the date. The one time I was stood up was by a girl who paid her deposit which she lost.

I've been doing photography for about 7 years now. For some reason, it took me about 2 years to realize that asking for a deposit was a good idea.

This week I've been doing auditions for a film that I plan on shooting this summer. Of the 30 something auditions I had scheduled, 4 people didn't bother to show up.

Actor #1 - "I forgot."
Actor #2 - "I'm going to be too busy to be in the film."
Actor #3 & #4 - *no response at all*

You gotta have patience to be in this business...

If the film is paying, contact the Talent Agencies here and they'll have people at your door and I know a few local models that are interested in acting too.

Jun 09 05 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 1112

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

Once, but it was just a meeting. I was supposed to call photographer before we were going to meet so he could give me directions to his studio. He didn't pick up his cell phone and no email. So I just shrugged it off, figured it was his loss and went on to overdose on coffee.

Jun 09 05 01:16 pm Link


Don Lutz

Posts: 2

Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, US

Twice last week but six did show up so I'm not worried about it. I don't take this stuff personally anymore since not everybody is serious about it and since the studio is always set up I really didn't lose anything, just leaves more time for the ones who do show up. My simple rule, anything can go wrong once, no show me twice and there will be no next time.

Jun 09 05 01:34 pm Link


Tony Sharp Chicago

Posts: 184

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 
If the film is paying, contact the Talent Agencies here and they'll have people at your door and I know a few local models that are interested in acting too.

This is good advice. Thank you, Fred.

Jun 09 05 01:51 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Thought it was 3 then rememberd #4 started thinking found 5 gotta figure this is only since the Internet..
Cause before the internet these terms did not exists

Jun 09 05 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Never. I've had a photographer cancel but he let me know ahead of time. I've only canceled twice but never pulled a no-show. Its just rude to leave someone sitting around waiting for you.

Jun 09 05 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 1836

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Never as of yet. I have two photographer that refused to comply to the contract we set together though. And one it particular still hasn't provided me with my images. Some people are extremely inconsiderete, to make people wait.

Jun 09 05 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 184

Vass, North Carolina, US

Enough to know to look for locals to work with if I need something new to add to portfolio.

Jun 09 05 03:21 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

In Atlanta, my nocall/no show rate was 10%
In Ohio, my no call/no show rate is at 80% and i've been here since 2002. So I don't really contact models anymore, I let them contact me.

Jun 09 05 03:27 pm Link


Low Tek Photography

Posts: 597

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Officially only once. I gave the model my address and cell number in an email the day before and told her what time to show up. Turns out she checks her email 30 minutes before the shoot and tries to blame it on me saying that I wasn't at the studio (my studio is at my house, where else would I be?)

Last weekend I had a model cancel 2 hours before she was supposed to show. Kinda upsetting but it happens.

Jun 09 05 03:34 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Low tek, it doesn't count when they call and cancel.

Jun 09 05 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

No Shows = 0

Last minute cancellations that I never would have known about had I not been calling to confirm = lost count

Jun 09 05 03:49 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

How many?  Who cares.  If they show, they show.  If they don't, they don't.  Plus, who's counting?  If they dont show up, I'll spend my day at the beach chillin.

Jun 09 05 04:26 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
How many?  Who cares.  If they show, they show.  If they don't, they don't.  Plus, who's counting?  If they dont show up, I'll spend my day at the beach chillin.

Person with the most no shows gets a lolipop to make them feel better.

Jun 09 05 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

too many

Jun 10 05 12:00 am Link



Posts: 92

London, England, United Kingdom

I have had one cancellation, which is almost a no-show. Call me a stickler but no matter how in advance/short notice, once dates have been agreed on, that's what you are going to get with me and is it so wrong to expect the same back. What I have noticed though lately from working with full teams is that the set up seems tighter and everyone is mindful of the scheduling. We all realise that there is a lot of people to be fffe'd off if they 'flake' out.

Oh, and the reason for the cancellation was that his significant other had been involved in some major crash in spain which involved him flying out pronto as she was critical and had to be brought back to London blah blah blah.... But then he was posting TWO days later on another site for models??!!

I would never give any one two chances to waste my time. Not ex-boyfriends and definitely not photographers. lol

Jun 10 05 06:32 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45477

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I have "stood up" the Grim Reaper at least a few times!
When death came looking for me ... I
spit in 'is eye and said "not my turn to die!"

Sometimes things happen. Live with it!

Read "Good News Only" on this forum!

Jun 10 05 06:42 pm Link


Rick Athearn

Posts: 492

Boulder, Colorado, US

All the time. And these are paid shoots. Guess models don't need the money. I have just about given up trying to find "new talent". It's not worth the hassle.

Jun 10 05 06:50 pm Link


GIA Photography

Posts: 34

New York, New York, US

Not once, until I came to MM.  Since joining twice in less than 2 months.  Actually i wasn't stood up, one of them called a couple of days b4 the shoot, and the 2nd time I got a call the day of the shoot...aarrgghh!!!

Sh*t happens when you deal with flaky "models".  Too bad there's not a place to post good or bad experiences with models & photographers.

Life goes on...

Jun 10 05 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

out of 7 times from OMP, 4 times. which is 4 times too many. out of all the times I test models from agencies in new york, zero.

Jun 10 05 06:58 pm Link


GIA Photography

Posts: 34

New York, New York, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
How many?  Who cares.  If they show, they show.  If they don't, they don't.  Plus, who's counting?  If they dont show up, I'll spend my day at the beach chillin.

Like your attitude VM...that's the way we should all live.


Jun 10 05 06:59 pm Link


Gary DeLisle

Posts: 4

Redford, Michigan, US

2 no shows
1 I kind of expected it and kind of showed up just to make sure I was right, I was. the second one was kind of a surprise since I had shot her once before and had talked to her many times after that since she worked at the same place a friend of mine and she said she loved my work, we set a time and day. and I havent heard from her since.

Jun 10 05 07:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45477

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by GIA Photography: 
Not once, until I came to MM.  Since joining twice in less than 2 months.  Actually i wasn't stood up, one of them called a couple of days b4 the shoot, and the 2nd time I got a call the day of the shoot...aarrgghh!!!

Sh*t happens when you deal with flaky "models".  Too bad there's not a place to post good or bad experiences with models & photographers.

Life goes on...

This IS the place! You are posting here right now and telling us of your experiences. I still say that as long as you are alive, there is nothing to worry about. You can always reschedule that shoot. Life DOES indeed go on!

Post your "good news" in the "Good News Only" thread that is on this forum ... does anyone find good news interesting???

Jun 10 05 07:05 pm Link



Posts: 55

Greensboro, Georgia, US

Too many to count, including a number of models listed on this site. The bad thing is that very few had the courtesy to call. Some of my favorite responses from people who didn't show.

- "My father is in the hospital, please don't call my house I don't want my mother to know I am modeling".

- "I was doing laundry at friends house last night and got too drunk to drive home".

- "Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Cat, Dog died last night". While I am sensitive to this type of e-mail, I get this response way too often to believe it has actually happened.

Jun 12 05 11:45 am Link


Tony Sharp Chicago

Posts: 184

Chicago, Illinois, US

How many of you have thought about publically listing the models or photographers who have stood you up? Hahaha. I've thought about doing this. I highly doubt I would ever do it though.

Oh, and add 2 to my count. 2 more people didn't bother to show up for my film's auditions. I'm so glad I overcasted this film. What do these people be thinking??

Jun 12 05 04:27 pm Link