Forums > General Industry > intimidation



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I have a question (I do! I do!).

When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

Jun 07 05 01:04 am Link


CD Knight

Posts: 117

New York, New York, US

There is no one on this planet above anyone Theda.......all is fair in love, war, and the internet modeling business.  As far as I see it.....if some model does not want to shoot with's their loss not mine.....I don't get intimidated by anyone.

Jun 07 05 01:08 am Link


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Not so much the problem of out of my leauge, more of an out of my country kinda problem.

Jun 07 05 01:15 am Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

If there was a portfolio you came accross where you felt the work was subpar, if you are at all going to contact them, at least critique them on what you did not like about the specific shot, but also offer ways you feel that it could have been improved, especially if you were planning a shot like that. I by no means would reject criticism if someone had something to say about my images, provided they can at least provide some kind of information on what could have changed, or what they would have prefered not been performed. Also some of the photographer's may not be upto par to your standards, but maybe thats because they had nothing to make them strive for more if all their clients already think he or she is great.

Jun 07 05 01:26 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 
When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

I used to think certain models were "out of my leauge" and I might not contact them.

Not anymore.

Now, I feel totally confident to contact anyone. The funny thing is, as I've grown more experienced I have actually begun to judge my work MUCH harder than I did in the past. I notice my downfalls and shortcommings a LOT more readily as I get more experienced.

But here is the irony behind it - I now possess the knowledge to know how I COULD have improved a shot. So, although I have grown more-critical and hence less-proud of my work over the years, I have grown a lot more confident. Because I am now at the point where I seek to improve with every shoot and have the experience to know HOW to improve over what I shot previously.

So I'll ask anyone to shoot with me.

Kid Rock said it best, "I know it stinks in here, 'cause I'm the sh*t."

Jun 07 05 02:16 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by theda: 
I have a question (I do! I do!).

When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

Posted by theda: 
When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

I definately come across some model portfolios where I think they're out of my league.  Sometimes it might relate to the quality of my work, but more often I feel like the type of work I do might not be as...I'm not sure how to say it...qualitative in terms of status as it relates to name recognition, buzz, a guarantee to be in a book, a style that's particularly in vogue etc.  That and I unfortunately don't have a professional photography studio or extravagent lighting set-ups, a beavy of assistants, etc.  So if you take a model who is used to working with in that kind of professional arena, with that sort of name recognition photographer, I might sometimes hesitate to contact them.  (especially if their portfolio/bio reads--don't waste my time unless you guarantee a tear!).

That being said, personally, a great portfolio or look is only one part of what I look for in a model (whether they contact me or I them).  I can't stand drama or attitude so I avoid anyone that hints of that.  I love working with other artists, so models who have a vocabularly of art (and not just photography) and share in the mindset of creation make me very happy.  And I tend to work best with models who are queer.  No not in the sexuality sense (though that's fine as well) but in terms of contextually in the world.  Maybe they call themselves an alternative model, or gothic or fetish, or other worldy--the vocabulary isn't what's important--nor is the external look.  In life, they can look alternative or straight on the outside, it doesn't matter to me.  But since my personal work is much about the psyche, alternative spaces/ realities, mood narratives, it's helpful for me to work with someone who can explore those concepts...and so far, the ones that best do that are those models who are able to exist outside straight/normative societal boxes.

Jun 07 05 02:20 am Link


Shaylene Brown

Posts: 32

Linton, Indiana, US

Theda... I've thought that "there's no way they'd want me" but I figure if I don't ask or at least let them know I exist then I'm probably right that they will never shoot me! ;-) Just like dating you have to be willing to be rejected a few times to get the perfect matches!

Jun 07 05 02:26 am Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Theda is out of my league but I have to try :G

Jun 07 05 02:29 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by theda: 
I have a question (I do! I do!).

When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

I hope no model feels that way about me. I'm approachable. I am! I am!

Jun 07 05 02:50 am Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by theda: 
I have a question (I do! I do!).

When viewing someone's portfolio/profile, do you ever refrain from contacting them simply because you think they are out of your league? Do you ever look at someone's work and think "no way they'd shoot with me"? Or do you just contact them anyway, because nothing ventured nothing gained?

I hope no model feels that way about me. I'm approachable. I am! I am!

Always good to try new things provided it doesnt end with either the photographer or the model in the trunk of a car. big_smile hehe. I've heard storys about models being intimidated of photogs, wonder if there are any stories of photogs being scared by models.

Jun 07 05 02:54 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Boyd Hambleton: 
Theda is out of my league but I have to try :G

She is out of all our leagues... I expect Theda being shot only by David Lachapelle, Annie Leibovitz, Udo R... oh... that's me... LOL

Jun 07 05 02:55 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Israel Colon: 
There is no one on this planet above anyone Theda.......all is fair in love, war, and the internet modeling business.  As far as I see it.....if some model does not want to shoot with's their loss not mine.....I don't get intimidated by anyone.

Their loss, lol

Jun 07 05 02:59 am Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Boyd Hambleton: 
Theda is out of my league but I have to try :G

She is out of all our leagues... I expect Theda being shot only by David Lachapelle, Annie Leibovitz, Udo R... oh... that's me... LOL

.... *blink* *blink*..... damn you.

Jun 07 05 03:01 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Karl Blessing: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Boyd Hambleton: 
Theda is out of my league but I have to try :G

She is out of all our leagues... I expect Theda being shot only by David Lachapelle, Annie Leibovitz, Udo R... oh... that's me... LOL

.... *blink* *blink*..... damn you.


Jun 07 05 03:23 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Yes, but this one actually contacted me. I remember thinking, but you don't NEED TFP,

oh well


Jun 07 05 04:19 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I can admit to being too intimidated by some to contact them. Hell, I have a list of favorite who I won't even send a friend request to.

Jun 07 05 05:39 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I can admit to being too intimidated by some to contact them. Hell, I have a list of favorite who I won't even send a friend request to. 

Damnit... damnit... that means that my work is not intimidatingly good enough for you...

I ... am... a ... failure... sad


Jun 07 05 05:49 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

intimidation....I am from Detroit..we eat the weak here. It's not the idea of being intimidated by someone, for we are all equal in what we do....for those that say otherwise...sit down...time for your Detroit education 101.......raw or well done

Jun 07 05 06:18 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jun 07 05 06:24 am Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

to answer Theda's question, no, i am not intimidated either.  however, i do admit that i tailor my approach based upon the quality of the portfolio.

wait! i'm not saying 'quality' in the sense of dogging anyone's work; i mean the quality as it relates to my specific needs.

if i see something i'd like to have in my book, i approach and offer money.  smile  sometimes, a test/trade is reached, depending on the shooter's needs.

why be intimidated as long as you are clear in why you're contacting them?

sometimes, i will just drop a note to compliment their work and basically to introduce myself. they may wish to work with me later...


Jun 07 05 06:53 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I'm pretty much over being intimidated by anyone.  I've received enough positive response for my work from people I respect and admire to make me realize i have something worthwhile to offer.  If someone dosen't want to work with me for whatever reason, that's fine.  I'm not afraid to approach anyone.

Jun 07 05 06:56 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I'm intimidated by everyone...  That's why I live like a hermit in my little apartment with my animals for companionship.

Jun 07 05 07:01 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

haha. reese ur so funny!

Jun 07 05 08:29 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I'm intimidated by Reese.

Jun 07 05 09:26 am Link



Posts: 78

Chicago, Illinois, US

There are a lot of people I dont contact, photographer and model alike that have excellent work.  I'm really just a shy, quiet person until I start chatting with someone.  Typically though I would be more intimidated to meet a photographer who's work I respect than a model.  I haven't quite figured that one out yet, but its true.

Jun 07 05 09:35 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

I wouldn't say I'm "intimidated," but I would say that I have a realistic view of my skills. (Most of the time, I don't suck. That is a huge improvement over just ten months ago when I had my first model shoot: at that time I could pull ten, fifteen Ll* easy.)

Having that realistic view of my skills in mind, I consider it when reviewing a model's portfolio. A photographer can offer a model three things: images, exposure, or money. I haven't got any money. I have no contacts and can offer no exposure. So it's a question of whether the images I offer are a fair trade for the work the model can provide. If the model's book already has a great deal of work in it of equal or superior quality to mine, I don't contact her, because I have nothing to offer.

The only exception to this is if I have a specific concept in mind that the model may be interested in doing. While my photography skills are slowly improving, I'm a pretty creative person when it comes to concepts for photostories, and some models, especially the alternative/goth models I like to work with, are interested in such work even if in terms of raw quality it doesn't expand their portfolios.


*For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the Ll (the Lovelace) is the unit of how much something sucks. It's a very large unit, sort of like a farad. "Plan 9 from Outer Space," for instance, only sucks a few milliLovelace, whereas the average Microsoft product pulls in the tens of Lovelace. Google "ASR Lovelace suckiness" for the formal definition.

Jun 07 05 09:37 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by HDellinger: 
There are a lot of people I dont contact, photographer and model alike that have excellent work.  I'm really just a shy, quiet person until I start chatting with someone.  Typically though I would be more intimidated to meet a photographer who's work I respect than a model.  I haven't quite figured that one out yet, but its true.

This does not explain why you refuse to let *me* buy you a drink, then.

I'm intimidated by Heather. She keeps beating me to the punch - I give models Ramen noodles, she buys them Giordano's. I just can't win. wink


Jun 07 05 09:40 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Posted by theda: 
I'm intimidated by Reese.

haha, that was my point, but I think you are one of few not intimidated by her! smile

Jun 07 05 09:43 am Link



Posts: 78

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by StMarc: 

Posted by HDellinger: 
There are a lot of people I dont contact, photographer and model alike that have excellent work.  I'm really just a shy, quiet person until I start chatting with someone.  Typically though I would be more intimidated to meet a photographer who's work I respect than a model.  I haven't quite figured that one out yet, but its true.

This does not explain why you refuse to let *me* buy you a drink, then.

I'm intimidated by Heather. She keeps beating me to the punch - I give models Ramen noodles, she buys them Giordano's. I just can't win. wink


LOL!  That there's good pizza!  I gave up Ramen noodles in college.  tongue

Jun 07 05 09:44 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Aaron_H: 

Posted by theda: 
I'm intimidated by Reese.

haha, that was my point, but I think you are one of few not intimidated by her! smile

No way. I'm afraid she's gonna ban me. Or call me a name.

Jun 07 05 09:45 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

The only models I'll shy away from are the ones with internet managers.  That's just because I don't feel like dealing with a suck-ass photographer who thinks he's a big-shot wheeler-dealer.  It's just not worth the effort.  Intimidation, or self-preservation?  Either way it's not worth my time and it's the model's loss in my opinion.

Other than that, I'll contact anybody.  The worse thing they can do is sick their internet manager on me with a list of rates and diva-demands (one wanted me to pay expenses for her armed guards).

Do I sound a little pissy this morning?  I haven't had a Coke yet.  Caffeine withdraw!

Jun 07 05 09:54 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Well, I do not have a port at all..not even a couple decent shots (just me an my handy sprint phone haha). Anyway there are some photographers on here who I'm like,"wow their work is incredible, but I no they wouldn't want to work with me" But you know what, eventhough I dont' have a big spectacular port, I still have a nice amount of professional and amatuer photogs on here who want to work with me.

At first, I would hit up some photographers on here, let them know how I love their work, and would love to work with them. I would then check back later, and find out that they had read my note, but didn't bother to reply back. So for every 1 photographer I get like that from on here, I get 3 others who see something in me and want to bring that look out!

I know I have what it takes to have a successful, plentiful career, and the photographers who pass me up, oh's their loss!

Life is a learning experience!

Jun 07 05 11:03 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Im that way with photographers, I try - but on average I get an upturned nose sad

Jun 07 05 11:07 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

It's good to work with a range of people, to mentor some less experienced than us, to find some so good that they are able to pull us up, other times to find a balance of experience and talent.  It seems when we first start out that everyone is better, ideally we eventually reach the point where we need to look a little harder to find someone like that.

But why hold back?  It would seem that being intimidated is condemning oneself to not trying to stretch and grow.

Jun 07 05 11:27 am Link



Posts: 54

San Francisco, California, US

It is so funny seeing this thread!
Sunday I had a shoot with a model. I just saw a snapshot of her. Well she walked into my studio and i was like "okay. Fine". She showed me her book, and I freaked...on the inside, of course! Her shots were soooo good...I thought there is no way I can be at the level she is used to. Can't help but feel insecure sometimes! She asked to see my book (well mine is online at the moment and not in hardcopy)...I felt like such a sludge for saying..."uh, sotty, I don't have it with is online..."

Jun 07 05 12:03 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by theda: 
I'm intimidated by Reese.

Hmm... that's weird - I am intimidated by you...Maybe if you took off that crown and put down the whip...

Jun 07 05 12:07 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Aaron_H: 

Posted by theda: 
I'm intimidated by Reese.

haha, that was my point, but I think you are one of few not intimidated by her! smile

No way. I'm afraid she's gonna ban me. Or call me a name.

ha ha... yeah right... like there wouldn't be reprecussions (sp?)...  besides, I'm more likely to accidentally ban myself... 

Jun 07 05 12:10 pm Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US


Jun 07 05 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Reese: 

Posted by theda: 
I'm intimidated by Reese.

Hmm... that's weird - I am intimidated by you...Maybe if you took off that crown and put down the whip... 

But... I feel naked without them...

Jun 07 05 12:10 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

sometimes...I intimidate myself...

Jun 07 05 12:11 pm Link