Forums > General Industry > Sometimes I wish photoshop would die!


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

PhotoShop? Well, I blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. So, esentially, blah blah blah blah and that's why people blah blah blah blah. If there was a blah blah blah blah then clients would blah blah blah blah blah.

So, you see, when blah blah blah, people blah blah blah blah. Really. Though, blah blah we never would blah blah and things would blah blah blah blah blah.

Anyway, my two blah blah on the matter.

Jun 05 05 03:17 pm Link


JSR photography

Posts: 19

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, US

I have spent many many hours in the darkroom and on photshop. If someone can get the same ( or better) results in a fraction of the time, go for it.

As far as the "True Photographer" statement posted above. What a rediculous statement (IMHO). smile

Jun 05 05 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 40


Posted by JSR photography: 
I have spent many many hours in the darkroom and on photshop. If someone can get the same ( or better) results in a fraction of the time, go for it.

As far as the "True Photographer" statement posted above. What a rediculous statement (IMHO). smile

I agree Photoshop is a great Tool. It can help improve or create an image same way a better camera or better darkroom can. Photographers have been doing many of the same things done in photoshop for years, but instead of a few minutes or hours dodging, burning, blurring or touching up photos it took them hours or days doing it with chemicals, brushes and other tools in a darkroom.

Best statement I have ever heard Photographers do one of two things Capture Art or they Create it. Some create the image before taking it others do so afterwards. Some are better some are worse. Personally I do not like photos that have been so airbrushed in paintshop or photoshop that they look more like a pastel painting than a photo, but I avoid photos by the ones that do it regularly.

Jun 05 05 06:27 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

My suggestions?  Only use photoshop when needed.  Some people need to use photoshop more than others.

Jun 05 05 06:32 pm Link


johnny olsen

Posts: 366

Los Angeles, California, US

you mean "voila" and not "wala"

Jun 05 05 08:28 pm Link



Posts: 4

London, England, United Kingdom

I think all this nonsense about photoshop is really just a matter of personal preference, not technique or who is a better photographer. Hell I am not scared to say I'm an amateur, because everyone started out that way. I am however a very experienced designer and enjoy messing about with digital images. Some people prefer old methods and others new, neither is better than the other. And believe me some mediahouses won't wait for hours while someone phaffs about in a dark room creating the image they want, when it could take 30 seconds in photoshop.

Jun 05 05 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 671

Chicago, Illinois, US


Jun 05 05 09:14 pm Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

woah! I wasnt downing all of photoshop... I guess I should have reworded the title of this post. I was talking about watercolors, layers and glow tool... it is totally over done. I think PS is a great tool for doing minor touch ups.

Jun 05 05 09:27 pm Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 

"Online photographer with a cartoon up as his avatar: I probably suck". lol. 

Like I said, if you're worrying about how someone else does their art, instead of worrying about your own, you probably suck. Or are a jerk. Or both.


dude just stfu and quit trying to start shit with someone online.

Jun 05 05 09:30 pm Link


Matthew A Cooke

Posts: 157

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

Posted by piers: 
What's with all this puritanical rubbish that says you must work with one hand tied behind your back rather than simply choosing the right tools for the job and getting on with it?

Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

accept change and learn will notice that your images will be much better quality... retouching in photoshop is STANDARD in this industry....Photoshop CS is actually the mark of a true professional are mistaken.

Jun 06 05 03:34 am Link


Uvision Media LLC

Posts: 440

Central Square, New York, US

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 
Because... a lot of amatures use all the layers, color effects, soft glow distortion, and more to make their photo's into "art". Im not talking about all photographers, some people do some really cool stuff and make a living off of crazy looking digital art but that is just different. Im talking about people who jus suck and then "Photographer learns layers" and wala! They have them selves a masterpeice! Ok that's my rant. Fire back at me if you want, Im just rambling and ranting.. letting it out on a forum. bye :-).

Chelsea H

I agree 100%. I'm kind of blown away with how much people us PS on their work.

Jun 06 05 04:38 am Link


Uvision Media LLC

Posts: 440

Central Square, New York, US

Posted by Matthew A Cooke: 

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

Posted by piers: 
What's with all this puritanical rubbish that says you must work with one hand tied behind your back rather than simply choosing the right tools for the job and getting on with it?

Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

accept change and learn will notice that your images will be much better quality... retouching in photoshop is STANDARD in this industry....Photoshop CS is actually the mark of a true professional are mistaken.

Maybe if you're talking about the modeling industry alone. But if you're talking about art photography then you couldn't be more off beat. Art Photographers are purists and yes you can tell who's real and who isn't. Photoshop is a great tool but that doesn't make you a good photographer it makes you a digital artist. I for one love Photoshop and use it quite often but when you're making adjustments for photos that should have been done on your camera during the shoot then you need to step up the shooting skills. Art Photographers know pure raw skill stands out and is highly respected. That's why you have some film photographers that print the edges of the negative in the darkroom.

Jun 06 05 05:02 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I think you guys are missing my point...

WTF do you think photographers were doing BEFORE photoshop? Before internet portfolios? Huh? Please, tell me. I'd like to know.

I only use photoshop to brighten, crop and enhance the color of my pics because I shoot film, so I lose color and brightness in the transfer. Other than that, the land portfolio is killer.

Jun 06 05 08:32 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Rafael  Alvarez: 
But if you're talking about art photography then you couldn't be more off beat. Art Photographers are purists and yes you can tell who's real and who isn't.

Of course you can.

Does hours of postprocessing in the darkroom count against ones rating as "real" or not? If it does, you'll need to exclude Weston, Ansel Adams, Eugene Smith, Mapplethorpe, Karsh, Arnold Newman, Caponigro, Winogrand, and, of very course, Jerry Uelsmann--all of whom are considered "real", and are highly respected as well.

If it doesn't count against the, of course, you've created a false double-standard, but, hey, it's your opinion of "whos's real", and nobody elses, so you can use whatever arbitrary values you want. Most galleries don't use that definition.

Jun 06 05 11:53 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 
Because... a lot of amatures use all the layers, color effects, soft glow distortion, and more to make their photo's into "art". Im not talking about all photographers, some people do some really cool stuff and make a living off of crazy looking digital art but that is just different. Im talking about people who jus suck and then "Photographer learns layers" and wala! They have them selves a masterpeice! Ok that's my rant. Fire back at me if you want, Im just rambling and ranting.. letting it out on a forum. bye :-).

Chelsea H

They selling any of that art?

Jun 06 05 11:59 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 

"Online photographer with a cartoon up as his avatar: I probably suck". lol. 

Like I said, if you're worrying about how someone else does their art, instead of worrying about your own, you probably suck. Or are a jerk. Or both.

dude just stfu and quit trying to start shit with someone online.

Excuse me?? I wasn't trying to start anything with you. You made a sweeping statement about "amatures" who "just suck" and started the whole "suck" ball rolling. Apparently you couldn't handle my observation that people who worry too much about other people's art sucking are probably paying too much attention to the wrong thing and should be paying more attention to their own art. So you chose to try to directly make fun of my avatar. Which pretty much proved my original point.

Act like a grown up and get your head screwed on straight; don't go telling people to "stfu" (ooooh! cute!) because they don't agree with you.

And stop worrying so much about how other people do their art: worry about your own. You're actually pretty good, from what I can see of your portfolio. So why do you care about other photographers using photoshop? Chill out and take a few more pictures, follow your muse, enjoy photographing whatever you like, and let the "amatures" do their thing and learn at their own pace.

"gtfu" (grow the...)


Jun 06 05 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 633

Milltown, Wisconsin, US

Howdy Folks !

This is always a great topic...  it inspires everything from anger to disgust to ridiculous statements.. to actual thoughtful responses..

While everyone agrees that PS is allowed to be used for pimple removal and cropping and color balance..  why even that ?  If the "True" photog who is loyal to some unseen law of 'Trueness".. why not crop in camera.... get a proper Makup job on model and properly white balance your Digital Rebel so that your masterpiece is perefect on capture ?

Then and only then will you be a "True" photog...  oh by the way... none of these photogs exist... just like the "Perfect Woman"... just a fairy tale..

Happy Holidays !


p.s.... Marcus.. you Rock !

Jun 06 05 12:36 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 
Because... a lot of amatures use all the layers, color effects, soft glow distortion, and more to make their photo's into "art". Im not talking about all photographers, some people do some really cool stuff and make a living off of crazy looking digital art but that is just different. Im talking about people who jus suck and then "Photographer learns layers" and wala! They have them selves a masterpeice! Ok that's my rant. Fire back at me if you want, Im just rambling and ranting.. letting it out on a forum. bye :-).

Chelsea H

My Beautiful F.P. in this case F. Standing for Fantastic and P for Photoshop is a tool for those that use digital cameras. Such as Filters and tecture screens used to make special effects to Film on black and white or color. I use to use double negatives such as one being distorted and the other of the image i was going to print. Lots of neat trick to use with film like paint brushes to coat the film glue to hide parts that you dont want developed many many different ways to make a film print look just as beautiful as you would a digital print. I use Photoshot as a tool to work with my images and some how get the effect I am looking for. Think of Photoshop as a Bra would you go braless if you had a see through dress. Well in your case you would look sexier heheheh

Jun 06 05 12:51 pm Link


Matthew A Cooke

Posts: 157

Los Angeles, California, US

some purists still ride horses, but they have a much faster better invention called the car..Purists can probably still purchase records, but i download mp3s for my ipod..the technology is is so much more advanced than it was in my parents' day when they shot film...  this is 2005 and all photog's should be utilizing PS by now...

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
I think you guys are missing my point...

WTF do you think photographers were doing BEFORE photoshop? Before internet portfolios? Huh? Please, tell me. I'd like to know.

I only use photoshop to brighten, crop and enhance the color of my pics because I shoot film, so I lose color and brightness in the transfer. Other than that, the land portfolio is killer.

Jun 07 05 12:12 am Link


Matthew A Cooke

Posts: 157

Los Angeles, California, US

i even use photoshop to draw on my sloppy border or frame lines...

Posted by Rafael  Alvarez: 

Posted by Matthew A Cooke: 

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

Posted by piers: 
What's with all this puritanical rubbish that says you must work with one hand tied behind your back rather than simply choosing the right tools for the job and getting on with it?

Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

accept change and learn will notice that your images will be much better quality... retouching in photoshop is STANDARD in this industry....Photoshop CS is actually the mark of a true professional are mistaken.

Maybe if you're talking about the modeling industry alone. But if you're talking about art photography then you couldn't be more off beat. Art Photographers are purists and yes you can tell who's real and who isn't. Photoshop is a great tool but that doesn't make you a good photographer it makes you a digital artist. I for one love Photoshop and use it quite often but when you're making adjustments for photos that should have been done on your camera during the shoot then you need to step up the shooting skills. Art Photographers know pure raw skill stands out and is highly respected. That's why you have some film photographers that print the edges of the negative in the darkroom.

Jun 07 05 12:16 am Link



Posts: 46

Corona, California, US

Wish there was such thing as a photographer purist, but I will never see it. I have worked on numerous agency work in the past including neutrogena.
Do you really think the girls in the neutrogena ads go unretouched.
Answer 100% no

and having dated someone who worked on color adjustment, dodge and burn, blemish removal the old fashion way (this was in the last 5 years), yes there are a few shops left. There are very few high quality images that go un retouched (digital or film)

Posted by MikeyBoy: 
Howdy Folks !

This is always a great topic...  it inspires everything from anger to disgust to ridiculous statements.. to actual thoughtful responses..

While everyone agrees that PS is allowed to be used for pimple removal and cropping and color balance..  why even that ?  If the "True" photog who is loyal to some unseen law of 'Trueness".. why not crop in camera.... get a proper Makup job on model and properly white balance your Digital Rebel so that your masterpiece is perefect on capture ?

Then and only then will you be a "True" photog...  oh by the way... none of these photogs exist... just like the "Perfect Woman"... just a fairy tale..

Happy Holidays !


p.s.... Marcus.. you Rock !

Jun 07 05 06:51 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Well see here's the problem.

The digital age has made it possible for damn near any and everybody to roll out of bed and call themselves a photographer, especially with all the automatic adjustments and photoshop being just a click away.

This is where models run into these photogs that they complain about, that are out there faking the funk at our expense. I don't have a problem with photoshop, but if you're editing a days worth of pics (let's say 50 images) and you're spending more than 30 minutes to an hour on each and every photo because you're colorizing, adding, layering, etc... You might want to go back to the drawing board.

This is a never ending debate, so i'm going to bow out gracefully.

Jun 07 05 07:01 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Without photoshop certain people would never know what it's like to be the shallow definition of beautiful... 

Jun 07 05 07:13 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

OK. Old Man Ranting....I come from the old school of retouch, where you retouched the print or negative. So we live in a world of digital easy, it's just a tool yet to many of you think it's the end to a means to say " I'll just correct it in photoshop. Stop whinning like little school girls and be glad there is this tool. Remeber it took sometimes hours retouching a print, that takes sometimes minutes these days. Suck up your tears it's only a tool.

Jun 07 05 07:23 am Link