Forums > General Industry > Sometimes I wish photoshop would die!


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Because... a lot of amatures use all the layers, color effects, soft glow distortion, and more to make their photo's into "art". Im not talking about all photographers, some people do some really cool stuff and make a living off of crazy looking digital art but that is just different. Im talking about people who jus suck and then "Photographer learns layers" and wala! They have them selves a masterpeice! Ok that's my rant. Fire back at me if you want, Im just rambling and ranting.. letting it out on a forum. bye :-).

Chelsea H

Jun 05 05 02:09 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

You missed the thread on photo phobia or whatever it was.

In July, 2006 activity will cause all computers around the world to fail.

Jun 05 05 02:13 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Why does this bother you.... I use photoshop as a tool to change my style - mainly becase I do not have the means to own or rent studio space and purchase thousands in camera equipment..

Plus photoshop is an amazing tool - and if you do not use it in today's market you are just falling behind the curve..

Jun 05 05 02:17 am Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

photoshop is ridiculously powerful.

Jun 05 05 04:22 am Link



Posts: 128

Indian Wells, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
you are just falling behind the curve..

hahaha Photoshop joke...i get it.

just kidding. wink

Jun 05 05 04:25 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Are the results good? Great? Astonishing? If so, it was a worthwhile venture.

Maybe they could have achieved better results with better pre-production or production-time skills than doing it in post, but the results are what usually matters.

If it sucks, well, it's wasted time, no matter whether it's darkroom, digital, or donkey droppings.

Of course, I come from a biased background. 10 years of daily darkroom sessions, and 10+ years of digital postproduction. Film and pixels are tools: no more and no less.

Jun 05 05 04:34 am Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

I use VERY little Pshop... it's an awesome tool.. But as I learned from my First photo class wich was a api upi photographer " if you don't want it in the photo DON'T Shoot it.

I don't mind blemish removal or a color or brightness change but I don't turn my work into  graphic artistry wich is way cool if you feel the desire to do so. It is amazing what can be done.   

However I prefer Real photos but it's not allways Possable.

Jun 05 05 04:41 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576


What's that?

All of my photos are Polaroids that I scan into the computer using a 300dpi scanner I got 9 years ago. Is there some new technology out there?

Jun 05 05 04:55 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Some people use photoshop and they still suck.

Jun 05 05 05:29 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Right now i'm photoshop free (got a new HD, haven't installed it yet) so all of the large images you see are in their raw form. Keep in mind, i'm a film shooter.

Only thing I do with PS is add color, crop and tag.

Jun 05 05 05:42 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45477

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
Some people use photoshop and they still suck.

Yea, not even photoshop can keep some people from sucking!

I'd rather shoot as if I don't have it. Hell, I forgot, I DON'T HAVE IT!  duuhh!  LOL

Jun 05 05 05:43 am Link


Dave - The Rollei Guy

Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

Everyone should shoot as if photoshop was not available.   Get the best image you can on the film or sensor and then go to photoshop.  In the film days, which are far from over, we manipulate in the darkroom.   We should not rely on the lab to save a bad image.   The same with digital, don't relay on photoshop to save you.
   Concentrate in the camera and your manipulated image will be far superior.

Jun 05 05 05:50 am Link



Posts: 117

London, Arkansas, US

What's with all this puritanical rubbish that says you must work with one hand tied behind your back rather than simply choosing the right tools for the job and getting on with it?

Jun 05 05 06:38 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 
Because... a lot of amatures use all the layers, color effects, soft glow distortion, and more to make their photo's into "art".

I've noticed most pros do the same thing in their online portfolios.

Jun 05 05 07:08 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Posted by piers: 
What's with all this puritanical rubbish that says you must work with one hand tied behind your back rather than simply choosing the right tools for the job and getting on with it?

Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

Jun 05 05 07:17 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 
You missed the thread on photo phobia or whatever it was.

In July, 2006 activity will cause all computers around the world to fail.

What is this supposed to mean?  Go away this is a serious discusion.  I think photoshop is cool.

Jun 05 05 08:13 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 
You missed the thread on photo phobia or whatever it was.

In July, 2006 activity will cause all computers around the world to fail.

What is this supposed to mean?  Go away this is a serious discusion.  I think photoshop is cool.

What's the matter?  You no speaka z englass?
No wonder you love photoshop.

Jun 05 05 08:15 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by marksora: 
You missed the thread on photo phobia or whatever it was.

In July, 2006 activity will cause all computers around the world to fail.

What is this supposed to mean?  Go away this is a serious discusion.  I think photoshop is cool.

What's the matter?  You no speaka z englass?
No wonder you love photoshop.

At least I don't suck.

Jun 05 05 08:16 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Oh look,  a flame war.  Break out the morning popcorn.
Pull up a chair and watch.  Which one do think is right?

Jun 05 05 08:19 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

It's all good.

If you're worrying about someone else's art and how they do it, it probably means that you suck at your own. Or you're a jerk. Or both.


Jun 05 05 08:30 am Link


Hel Inferna

Posts: 112

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

12 out of the 20 images in my profile are raw, no photoshop at all

Jun 05 05 08:41 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

No tipically that is the mark of someone that does not want to learn photoshop.....

Good photogrpahers use any tool necessary to get the job done... it mearly depends on your client base as to what you use...

Posted by Monsante Bey: 

Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

Jun 05 05 10:18 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

I am confused - so this makes one photogrpaher better than another?

I am more curious what the kids that are not 4-8 are going to be using - then I now 30 will bitxh about later - "man photoshop that is oldschool - you need to use this now..."

Posted by Hel Inferna: 
12 out of the 20 images in my profile are raw, no photoshop at all

Jun 05 05 10:21 am Link



Posts: 202

WINSTON SALEM, North Carolina, US


Why does it matter if someone uses photoshop?  If someone likes using it...more power to him or her.  If he/she is not taking money out of your pocket, let it be...if the/she is taking money out of your pocket...maybe you should sharpen your photoshop skills. 

Besides,  Photoshop users go through phases....First, its fliters, next layers, next layers and filters, etc.  Most don't start out as advance photoshop users.

Jun 05 05 10:38 am Link



Posts: 50

New York, New York, US


photoshop is a necessary thing to alot of people. i was having fun with photoshop before i even wanted to take photography seriously.

i have no problems with anybodys opinion, but if you dont like photoshop, just dont use it. but its not the DEVIL, and its not gonna hurt you if your next door neighbor uses it, will it?

actually (...and this is not a shamless plug, but im making a point.) i use photoshop to design every aspect of both of my websites. ( so for me it has become important from that angle instead of the image manipulation angle. i might add some noise or some dirt because i like my stuff to stand out a little bit for effect.

overall, i do not feel like im hurting the next photog with my usage of the software. and i really doubt that i have ever hurt a good photographers standing with photoshop.

i say live and let live.

:this has been a public service announcment:

Jun 05 05 11:31 am Link



Posts: 608

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I am new to this forum (getting tired of too many ametures on OMP), but I think the difference is using Photoshop for Photoshops sake - rather than the image for arts sake. There's nothing wrong for a clean crisp image - there's also nothing wrong with an artistic image that is manipulated in PS or Painter - it's a matter of style, and knowing what you are doing.

I agree however, that running the watercolor filter at the default setting and putting a brick texture on an image does leave a little to be desired :-) But, there are a lot of nice actions and plug-ins out there that can do some pretty neat things. Check out the Photo Based Art section at


Jun 05 05 11:41 am Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Posted by Dave Silverberg: 
Everyone should shoot as if photoshop was not available.   Get the best image you can on the film or sensor and then go to photoshop.  In the film days, which are far from over, we manipulate in the darkroom.   We should not rely on the lab to save a bad image.   The same with digital, don't relay on photoshop to save you.
   Concentrate in the camera and your manipulated image will be far superior.


Jun 05 05 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

About time somebody thinks the same as me !!!  I hate it when photographers OVER Photoshop their images and make me look like somebody that I'm not.  I'm sorry, but if you want to change me that drastically in Photoshop, then please do not contact me. 

Jun 05 05 12:59 pm Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 
It's all good.

If you're worrying about someone else's art and how they do it, it probably means that you suck at your own. Or you're a jerk. Or both.


Not worrying about someone else's pictures, just annoyed with seeing the same thing all the time. If you don't agree then at least disagree in a more professional manner. "Online photographer with a cartoon up as his avatar: I probably suck". lol.

Jun 05 05 01:01 pm Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Thanks for everyone's reply... Im off to work now, will read more when I get home!

xo Chelsea

Jun 05 05 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

Chill people !!!  Dang !!!  lol  If you're THAT annoyed at seeing other people's images, then guess what...........

DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

It's your choice.  Bitching won't help anything.  Or if it annoys you that badly, tell the photographer !!! 

Jun 05 05 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Yeah, I'm with Venus.  I don't quite get it.  We have tools.  Some people will use them well, some will use them poorly.  If you think someone's using them poorly, move on to the ones who use them well, or who is successful not using them at all.  But railing against the existence of the tool isn't a very high-mileage endeavor.

Jun 05 05 01:16 pm Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

Just bored so I thought I would jump in. Since I shoot digital and I pull everything through PS, I thought I would toss in my $.02 worth of worthless opinion smile

1. Sometimes I use photoshop for an effect (see avatar)

2. Mostly I use PS for color coreection and croping.

3. If others use this to fix up there images however they wish too and they either get credit for something that looks good or they are getting $$$ for the output then what's the problem?

4. Is using photoshop to color correct, change contrast, crop and/or dodge & burn any different then what you would do in a darkroom?

Now I do agree and have gone the route of using the filters and overdoing it is a little too much sometimes and usually doesn't do much for a crappy images.

But to make a long story short, who really cares as long as it makes the person who does the work happy (and if the model doesn't like the persons work then don't work with him or her unless they pay you)

Jun 05 05 01:17 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Dave Silverberg: 
Everyone should shoot as if photoshop was not available.   Get the best image you can on the film or sensor and then go to photoshop.  In the film days, which are far from over, we manipulate in the darkroom.   We should not rely on the lab to save a bad image.   The same with digital, don't relay on photoshop to save you.
   Concentrate in the camera and your manipulated image will be far superior.

If you do this you are only recognising a small percentage of your ability!!

Jun 05 05 01:20 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Chelsea Harris: 

"Online photographer with a cartoon up as his avatar: I probably suck". lol. 

Like I said, if you're worrying about how someone else does their art, instead of worrying about your own, you probably suck. Or are a jerk. Or both.


Jun 05 05 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

I love Photoshop to sharpen an image, color correction, cropping, and resizing.  Anything else, I could care less about.  Like Mosaic tiles, chrome, charcoal, etc.  You don't need all that extra stuff.  But I do love liquify filter.  lol  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not fat, but I believe a little liquify can make a huge difference.

Jun 05 05 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I actually agree with David. I usually prefer photographers who make every effort to get the image in camera rather than fixing it in photoshop later. Enough fiddling in photoshop and the image ceases to be a photograph; it' becomes digital art.

Jun 05 05 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

I find it totally amazing when all the photographer has to do is crop the image a little bit, maybe sharpen it a tad, work on coloring a little, and that's it.  Something so simple that takes about 5 minutes to do and you have an awesome image.  That to true Photoshop work !!!

Jun 05 05 01:45 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
Because we're purists, which means that we believe in capturing the beauty of an image through our lens first and foremost. That's the mark of a TRUE photographer.

[Very long sustained laughter]

I'm assuming that's humor, of course. Hurrell, Adams, WE Smith, etc., all previsualized their images, with much of the expected work to take place in post-production. (AKA retouching and darkroom).

On the other hand, if you weren't joking:

Did you grind your own lenses? That's what TRUE photographers did in years past.

Do you mix your own emulsions and coat your own plates? That's what TRUE photographers did in years past.

It's a tool. If it's used to improve an image, and takes less time/energy/expense to do it that way rather than another way, it's a good one. That's true whether it's moving a stray bit of litter before shooting a landscape, or removing a powerline that can't easily be avoided during the shoot itself.

Knowing what can be done helps to make the decision about where to spend the time easier. 10 minutes in lighting or 100 minutes in post? 10 hours of set construction or 1 hour in post?

Getting the best starting point in camera makes sense--but sometimes that's not the best "final" image.

Me? I spend between 10 seconds or less (batch color correction and tonal adjustment) and 10+ hours (heavy retouching, compositing, object removal and reconstruction, etc.) depending on what the goal is.

Jun 05 05 02:15 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Kevin good point!!
Is the word Anal in the photographers dictonary?

Jun 05 05 02:21 pm Link