Forums > General Industry > ladies, why aren't you photographing sexy guys?


Images By Ijumo

Posts: 282

Atlanta, Georgia, US

i got male  booyah on , my port... in fact those are my most viewed pics!

And they are great images... I was just commenting on this same subject in another thread "who marked my imags 18+" and thought that it was interesting that a similar thread was going on here.

Jan 12 06 07:05 am Link


Christine Cox

Posts: 102

Los Angeles, California, US

Very interesting topic.....I shoot a lot of attractive men.....some are in my book and others arent....Ironically you probably would not get that from my the only ones I uploaded were from 1 disk.....I find that SOME male models get the wrong impression (think I'm in to them or something) because I am friendly and curious about all the people I shoot male and female...and because I also think its wierd to not really speak to someone for the duration of the shoot....about whatever topic. Just because I am curious does not mean I'm into you or want you in any way. I chalk it up to some "overweenied egos" that make those great photos a rarity at least for me.Totally open for volunteers though! (lol)

Jan 13 06 12:39 am Link


Christine Cox

Posts: 102

Los Angeles, California, US

I second that notion!

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

Jay Dezelic wrote:
I am curious to why female photographers have supported a kind of double standard when it comes to shooting men vs. women for so long.   What happened to women's lib?

Jay, I think there are two different things going on here.  One is that, as I said above, male models are much more difficult to find, particularly when one is working on a project that has no commercial viability, or isn’t for a client. 

In your linked article you said:

I don’t think the dichotomy you’ve drawn is quite right.  I think that it has more to do with what turns men on versus what turns women on.  Visually speaking, of course.  Men often seem to prefer what is seen, whereas women often seem to prefer what is felt/implied/hinted at.  This is a huge sweeping generalization, and I realize it does not apply to everyone.  But I do think there is some truth to it.  Just look at the fact that Playboy is a monster enterprise, whereas Playgirl is mostly known for being sold to gay men.

In contrast, steamy bodice-ripping romance novels fly off the shelves.  Women can’t get enough of them, they gobble them up.  The romance, the seduction, the relationship, the ohmygodIcan’ttakeanymoreofthisintensity kind of vibe is what often draws women in.  I wouldn’t buy Playgirl for myself, but I would (and have) spent money on people like Melvin Moten and D. Brian Nelson.  That’s my kinda porn.  (Sorry Don, I know you hate that word.)

If I can ever get my hands on a male model to put into images what I see in my head, I’ll show you what I mean.

Jan 13 06 12:42 am Link


Amelia G

Posts: 570

Los Angeles, California, US

I enjoy photographing men, as well as women, but it is my experience that people get their panties in a bunch about photographs of men.  We need to grow up a bit about this, as a culture.

Jan 13 06 12:03 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Amelia G wrote:
I enjoy photographing men, as well as women, but it is my experience that people get their panties in a bunch about photographs of men.  We need to grow up a bit about this, as a culture.

Which people do you refer to specifically?  I think that there are a lot of ultra-conservatives that are offended to see scantly-clad or naked women in photos too. - Female photographers, maybe because they are a minority, seem to be generally more timid about breaking new ground in the art world versus their male contemporaries. - This of course is a general statement. I have seen some very captivating work done by female photogs here at MM.  I also think that women photographers have an innate ability to capture the soul of their subjects. - (I've said this on other threads and get a bunch of crap about it, but I don't have another way to explain it.)

Jan 13 06 01:08 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I have a new male photo im my port let me know what you think.

Jan 13 06 01:47 pm Link


Amelia G

Posts: 570

Los Angeles, California, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:

Which people do you refer to specifically?  I think that there are a lot of ultra-conservatives that are offended to see scantly-clad or naked women in photos too. - Female photographers, maybe because they are a minority, seem to be generally more timid about breaking new ground in the art world versus their male contemporaries. - This of course is a general statement. I have seen some very captivating work done by female photogs here at MM.  I also think that women photographers have an innate ability to capture the soul of their subjects. - (I've said this on other threads and get a bunch of crap about it, but I don't have another way to explain it.)

I've lived all over the US and a number of countries in Western Europe, I would say it is an across-the-board American problem, regardless of societal subset.  I don't mean just bible-thumpers at all.  Even people who freak out about female nudity seem to get more distressed about male nudity and people who are just fine with female nudity see red when they see male nudity.

Jan 13 06 03:34 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
But then the sexual fascists came back in power and as much as the fundies hate photos of nekkid women they really hate photos of nekkid men.

ROTFL!!!  Hear, hear.....!


Jan 13 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well, I'm an equal opportunity model.

Any female photographers needing a male subject to bak that ground. Hit me up.

I promise I won't bite. My fiancé won't allow it. lol

But, back to the topic at hand......

It is a sexual difference. Nothing specific toculture nor inhibitions or anything else.

The art hasn't had a chance to develop in
mainstream. But, if you pay attention to the last 10's starting to. But, because there is more power in female sexuality...the male role will NEVER be as significant. But, society is beginning to understand that it is important non-the-less. So we will have our place. Some will argue that we already do.

Jan 13 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Next time I ask my models to bring their cams too :-)

Jan 18 06 12:26 pm Link


Elemental Photo

Posts: 124

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Personally, I just don't find most photos of men all that sexy. Especially not those types that you can buy posters of where it's some "hot" guy with his shirt open looking all dreamy and smoldering. That stuff just makes me laugh.
I like men in my bed, but I love looking at women. In photos, at the mall, where ever. They have so many nice curves. smile
I have yet to see a photo of a man that has "turned me on" or even made me want to hang it on my wall for esthetics sake. But I have lots of pictures of girls.

Jan 18 06 01:08 pm Link


Derrick Bemis

Posts: 17

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

To answer this question is sort of like asking why is it on most girl's portfolios that their nude pictures get more views than any of their other pictures....reason being is that their are a lot of plain old horny guys on here posing as photgraphers. That is the reason they shoot women more so than guys too. If it was all about the art and beauty, they wouldn't have any second thought of shooting a guy, but since they are thinking in a sexual nature, they rather have a girl and have the girl wearing as little as possible.

Now I know that  is not true for all of the photographers. But, TO ME, it appears to be the case with a lot of them.

I mean I am a straight male, but I would have no problem by photographed by a guy and I had no problem with men (along with women) drawing me nude.

I just have come to the opinion that for a lot of males on here, it isn't about beauty or's about seeing women with as little amount of clothes as possible.

Jan 18 06 01:22 pm Link