Forums > General Industry > Words that I hate.


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

I dislike "Shut UP"  ..  It's rude.  I also don't like curse words.  Or at least people who use them in every sentence.

Jan 13 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Names Used As Verbs:


Jan 13 06 10:14 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I like to verb nouns.

Jan 14 06 03:02 am Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

I hate "let's try..." 
-Generally always a red flag warning of an amateur posturing as a real photographer.

I can't stand "...implied..."
-It just bullshit... either something IS or it is NOT... there is no grey area, and to believe there is.. simply indicates someone just conned you out of your clothes.

"Glamour".... the bastardization of this word.. from the classic and beautiful roots of old Hollywood and George Hurrell and others... to the current crap done under the guise of "glamour"... just makes me ill.

I think that's it.  Nahh... that's not it... I just can't think of others right now!

Jan 14 06 03:21 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

"Tasteful."  Did that nasty word get covered yet?  What do the users of that word mean?  Do they mean it like Kant meant it?  Doubt it.  Usually it has to do with covering naughty bits rather than actual taste.  How do words like these take on a completely different meaning?


Jan 20 06 10:01 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Justin N Lane wrote:

I kinda like the c-word used in the british context...

Absolutely. My single favorite British-ism actually...

Jan 21 06 01:39 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
"Tasteful."  Did that nasty word get covered yet?  What do the users of that word mean?  Do they mean it like Kant meant it?  Doubt it.  Usually it has to do with covering naughty bits rather than actual taste.  How do words like these take on a completely different meaning?


If "tasteful" is used in connection with "nude" (also not my favorite word, I greatly prefer "naked") then I am in 100% agreement. Anybody who refers to their pictures as "tasteful nudes" has already told me enough to know that I need not look at their work, it's almost definitely crap for several reasons that I don't need to get into here. I remember specifically a few years ago I was browsing one of the crappier boards and I took some really cheesy T&A guy to task for the way he was throwing the term "tasteful nudes" around. He then lectured me that a tasteful nude is one which is not explicit. Um..... ok......

Jan 21 06 01:46 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Stop the Hate!

Political Correctness SUCKS!  And it's WRONG!

Nothing wrong with the word Crazy, what word would you rather use? The ever so popular Dysfunctional?  Mentally Ill?  How about Fucked Up?  Crazy is as Crazy does... What's Crazy to you is everyday life to someone else...  Crazy is a very useful adjective.  "Did you hear about Jeffrey Dalmer eating his victims? He's Crazy."  Crazy in that sentence describes Jeffrey Dalmer as being way out of the norm.

Retarded is a very real word.  People are retarded.  The Special Olympics is for people who are Retarded and/or have Down Syndrome, which is another form or Mental Retardation.

Why are so many people trying to make everything Politically Correct?  In doing so America has made MANY mistakes...  African American?  Mexican American?  WTF?  I for one am an American first and foremost, with an Arabic and Mexican background.  To call me anything other than an American is not offensive to me, it just shows me you are not only arrogant, but also ignorant. By calling me a Mexican American or Arab American you are STILL classifying me as being a specific kind of American.  According to Political Correctness isn't that what's not supposed to be done?

Call a person from Niger or Jamaica an African American and you are wrong!  Not every black person is an American with an African Background!  I have a buddy who is Black, he is Egyptian which is considered Arabic even though Egypt is in Africa. 

Call a person from India 'Asian' and he'll tell you no, he's Indian from India. 

What is wrong is calling all Arabs 'Muslim' and all Indians 'Hindu's'.  What about the Jewish and Christian Arabs and the Muslim Indians?

Don't be fooled into thinking you are Politically Correct by sugar coating your words, classifying and generalizing is the same no matter what you or how you say it. 

There is a big difference between the words "Nigger" and "Nigga".  Some people don't care for either.

As for War, Abortion, Capital Punishment, Guns, Stem Cell Research, Homosexuality, they are part of everyday life. 

As for Speaking Redneck, it's an accent.  Calling it Redneck is "Politically Incorrect"!  Don't you mean speaking with a Southern or Hillbilly Accent?  Are you going to hate the French, Russian, Chinese, etc., for slaughtering our language? 

As for all other words, UsAge oF wOrDs, Or HoW sOmEoNe TyPeS, tHeY aRe TrYiNg To Be ArTiStIc In ThEiR wRitTiNg StYlE.

If you don't like a particular word, or its usage, don't use it.

STOP THE HATE!  Words have feelings too!  Hate is a very strong word. 

Live in the Real World, not some Utopia that doesn't exist.

I dislike the use of the word DOG, everytime I say hi to a K-9 on the street, the owner thinks I am talking to them! "Whassup Dog!"-to the animal, and the owner responds with, "Wussup" to me.  I tell the Human that I was speaking to the Animal. They usually feel stupid because they were trying to be "cool"!

Jan 21 06 02:30 am Link