Forums > General Industry > Words that I hate.


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

"Artistic" - this is an adjective most often used to convince someone that something is made as art is made, or made with the intent of making art. 

(Recommended substitute:  "Art" is a fine word, because it doesn't fiddlefuck around.  Use it instead, if you dare.)

"Art nude" - Or worse yet, "artistic nude."  Everywhere else in the art world, one uses the term "figure" and doesn't bother to add "art" to it.  The trouble with this word combination is that, once again, it's mostly used to convince rather than describe.  No one ever uses "art horses" to describe a photograph of horses that was made as art.  It is just not necessary.

(Recommended substitute:  "Figure work," "art," or no description at all.  Your work should not require any interpretive help.)

"Fine art" - OK, two words.  The "fine" part comes from the German "schön" and means beautiful.  The only places "fine art" are used are on the web and in academic institutions to assure separation from "practical arts" departments.  If someone calls something "fine art," you can be sure he has no contact at all with the art world.

(Recommended substitute:  "Art.")

"High fashion" - This exists, but not here, and not anywhere I've ever been.  "Fashion" is a fine word to describe some photography, however.  But "high fashion" means we will never have lunch at the same place.  "High fashion" is the realm of the Paris couture houses, and that realm only.

(Recommended substitute: "Fashion.")

"Porn" or "pornography" - OK, it is meant to arouse sexually.  So was Michaelangelo's David.  It's basically commercial photography, as if there's no money it isn't porn.  If it doesn't arouse anyone it's also not porn.  Otherwise it's one of those powerful words that doesn't mean anything.  (As an aside, it seems that anyone that claims another's work is porn must have been aroused by it.)

(Recommended substitute: none.)

"Vagina" - This is an internal organ.  It is the passageway from the vulva to the cervix.  It's very diffficult to photograph without specialized medical equipment or a speculum, and thus not really a photographic subject. 

(Recommended substitute:  "Vulva."  Or any of the vulgar terms.  At least they aren't anatomically incorrect.)

OK, those are from the top of my head.  I may edit to add more as I cringe when reading something.

Your additions?


Jan 08 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Acronyms like TFP, GWC, etc.

Jan 08 06 02:55 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Sorry Don, I don't hate any long as the spelling is correct and the words are used in the proper context.

I dislike poor grammar and slang/lazy words when writing.

Jan 08 06 02:57 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US


Jan 08 06 02:58 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Cmon, folks.  Tell us why.


Jan 08 06 02:58 pm Link


Lady Bronze

Posts: 3775

Los Angeles, California, US

The Art of CIP wrote:

the c word=most vile word in the english language IMHO..I have never used it.

the n word, both variables. Comeon, seriously. If those of you who believe in angels could imagine an ancestor (former slave)'s angel visiting earth for a day and listening to a rap song..would they really appreciate that word being used to mean "friend"?!?! Especially when they LIVED through intolerable conditions while being called that same word (yes, it is the same!) Ugg it is just vile.

Jan 08 06 02:59 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Cmon, folks.  Tell us why.


"EDGY" is one of those words people use to defend their work when their work can't defend itself...  I had someone tell me that "edgy" means "pushing the edge"...  Interesting - whose edge?  I may not know too much about this art thing - but I do know what some people consider "edgy" - others consider quite tame...  Alot of poeple say my artwork is "edgy" - tell that to my teachers...  They'll laugh at them - or as my 
anatomy teacher has told me before (many times might I add) "You're work is very clever daaahling - but you're not fooling me!"

Jan 08 06 03:04 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US


Jan 08 06 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I have been using artistic and art nude lately, as well as figure study, and while I see your gripe, I don't know what to use instead.  I'm working on pictures of naked people with tattoos, and I want to convey to prospective models that I'm not doing crappy crotch shots - I'm aiming for something with a kiss of the elegant and beautiful.  I use those words to try to distinguish what I'm doing from

I'm not art school educated and don't know the fancy words.  I'm just a beginner with a camera, using the best words I can find.  Your post really smacks of elitism, Don.  How the hell do I know what academics use to talk about art?  I'm making images using the web and the models I find here.

Instead of just saying that a bunch of words/descriptions are dumb, how about suggesting alternatives for people like me who don't have your experience and education?

Jan 08 06 03:11 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Zach Watkins wrote:

"Onomatopoeia" seems to be an alternate spelling.  I waaay misspelled it in a post here and even Google couldn't find it using my version.


Jan 08 06 03:11 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Instead of just saying that a bunch of words/descriptions are dumb, how about suggesting alternatives for people like me who don't have your experience and education?

Point taken.  I'll see what I can do in the OP.

(Yes, I am elitist.  I've written about that other places and may do so here sometime, too.)


Edit:  Recommendations added.  Only recommendations though. I'm not any final authority.

Jan 08 06 03:13 pm Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
I have been using artistic and art nude lately, as well as figure study, and while I see your gripe, I don't know what to use instead.  I'm working on pictures of naked people with tattoos, and I want to convey to prospective models that I'm not doing crappy crotch shots - I'm aiming for something with a kiss of the elegant and beautiful.  I use those words to try to distinguish what I'm doing from

I'm not art school educated and don't know the fancy words.  I'm just a beginner with a camera, using the best words I can find.  Your post really smacks of elitism, Don.  How the hell do I know what academics use to talk about art?  I'm making images using the web and the models I find here.

Instead of just saying that a bunch of words/descriptions are dumb, how about suggesting alternatives for people like me who don't have your experience and education?

Boy I hear ya on that one!  I use artistic also for lack of a better word.  I'd love to hear other expressions that would be good descriptions for my work.  I have virtually NO saying my stuff is "artistic" or "artsy" is actually something that I have had to get used to hearing from others in describing my work.  But, then again, art can be like junk:  One man's junk is another man's treasure.  I see some stuff that is called "artistic" and want to shreik and run away.....

Jan 08 06 03:24 pm Link


Lady Bronze

Posts: 3775

Los Angeles, California, US

more words that irk me.

Supposibly. LOL. its supposedly.

Liberry. (library)

people who misuse the word "ignorant" for rudeness. Ignorant is a lack of knowledge. Half the time when a person says "ignorant", what they mean to "arrogant." Arrogant is cocky self important rudeness. For an Ignorant person to call an arrogant person ignorant, the ignorant person is infact displaying that he/she himself/herself  is ignorant.

Racism.  Because almost 95 percent of the stuff you hear arent racist at all. That term is used WAY too loosely....and it becomes like the boy who cried wolf....and is a terrible shame for ACTUAL victims of racism, who people just end up not believing, or turning a deaf ear to, because of SO many false accusations running rampant daily.

war, abortion, capital punishment, guns, stem cell research =All things I definantly despise.

Anything spoken in ebonics.

Anything spoken in redneck speech. such as "y'all! up on the ruff (roof)"

people who enunciate the crap out of words like whhhhhite, veeHICKle..

sundee mondee tuessdee wednesdee get the point.

Wow I hate a lot of words.

I also hate the word hate.

a person in private just reminded me of another word I hate. FEMINIST. LOL

Jan 08 06 03:29 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US


Jan 08 06 03:31 pm Link


Lady Bronze

Posts: 3775

Los Angeles, California, US

Justin N Lane wrote:


I hate that word too.

oh, and the pronunciation whoooore.

Jan 08 06 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 3772

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lady Bronze wrote:

the c word=most vile word in the english language IMHO..I have never used it.

the n word, both variables. Comeon, seriously. If those of you who believe in angels could imagine an ancestor (former slave)'s angel visiting earth for a day and listening to a rap song..would they really appreciate that word being used to mean "friend"?!?! Especially when they LIVED through intolerable conditions while being called that same word (yes, it is the same!) Ugg it is just vile.

I completely agree. smile  You rock.

Jan 08 06 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I'm with Lady Bronze on the c-word... or as the ladies on Sex and the City said, their Cee U Next Tuesday.

Also, for some reason, I hate the word "laurels', as in backside, ass, or rear. To me, it sounds so disgusting, and rude. My mother used the word a lot in a negative connotation, so it may be tied to that, but honestly, I just cringe when I hear it.

Also, I hate the word 'retarded'... a few years ago, when everyone my age was going around saying, "Oh, that's Soooooo retarded!" "You're such a retard" I got more than my fill of it. I've got a younger brother that I didn't know about untill around a year ago, and he's mentally challenged, and probably by a lot of people's standards, 'retarded', but he's one of the most gifted, loving boys I've ever met, and I would be infuriated if anyone ever used that word to degrade or describe someone.

Jan 08 06 03:35 pm Link



Posts: 6129

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
"Artistic" - this is an adjective most often used to convince someone that something is made as art is made, or made with the intent of making art. 

(Recommended substitute:  "Art" is a fine word, because it doesn't fiddlefuck around.  Use it instead, if you dare.)

"Art nude" - Or worse yet, "artistic nude."  Everywhere else in the art world, one uses the term "figure" and doesn't bother to add "art" to it.  The trouble with this word combination is that, once again, it's mostly used to convince rather than describe.  No one ever uses "art horses" to describe a photograph of horses that was made as art.  It is just not necessary.

(Recommended substitute:  "Figure work," "art," or no description at all.  Your work should not require any interpretive help.)

"Fine art" - OK, two words.  The "fine" part comes from German and means beautiful.  The only places "fine art" are used are on the web and in academic institutions to assure separation from "practical arts" departments.  If someone calls something "fine art," you can be sure he has no contact at all with the art world.

(Recommended substitute:  "Art.")


To quote Helmut Newton: "Some people's photography is an art. Not mine. Art is a dirty word in photography. All this fine art crap is killing it already."

Jan 08 06 03:36 pm Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

The Art of CIP wrote:

"EDGY" is one of those words people use to defend their work when their work can't defend itself...  I had someone tell me that "edgy" means "pushing the edge"...  Interesting - whose edge?  I may not know too much about this art thing - but I do know what some people consider "edgy" - others consider quite tame...  Alot of poeple say my artwork is "edgy" - tell that to my teachers...  They'll laugh at them - or as my 
anatomy teacher has told me before (many times might I add) "You're work is very clever daaahling - but you're not fooling me!"

Hey! I have edgy work! It happens everytime my camera doesn't focus properly! big_smile

Jan 08 06 03:36 pm Link


Lady Bronze

Posts: 3775

Los Angeles, California, US

MEWanoDesigns wrote:
I'm with Lady Bronze on the c-word... or as the ladies on Sex and the City said, their Cee U Next Tuesday.

Also, for some reason, I hate the word "laurels', as in backside, ass, or rear. To me, it sounds so disgusting, and rude. My mother used the word a lot in a negative connotation, so it may be tied to that, but honestly, I just cringe when I hear it.

Also, I hate the word 'retarded'... a few years ago, when everyone my age was going around saying, "Oh, that's Soooooo retarded!" "You're such a retard" I got more than my fill of it. I've got a younger brother that I didn't know about untill around a year ago, and he's mentally challenged, and probably by a lot of people's standards, 'retarded', but he's one of the most gifted, loving boys I've ever met, and I would be infuriated if anyone ever used that word to degrade or describe someone.

Great point....I despise the word crazy..I am a future psychiatrist who does NOT believe in the word all or by any means. The human brain, and human condition is a remarkable, yet very fragile thing..there is no such thing as crazy. Period.

thanks Isis.

Jan 08 06 03:37 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
"Vagina" - This is an internal organ.  It is the passageway from the vulva to the cervix.  It's very diffficult to photograph without specialized medical equipment or a speculum, and thus not really a photographic subject. 

(Recommended substitute:  "Vulva."  Or any of the vulgar terms.  At least they aren't anatomically incorrect.)

Actually, there is a specialized fetish market & a segment of the adult industry that does use it as a photographic subject with use of said equipment  :-)

Jan 08 06 03:38 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Lady Bronze wrote:

the c word=most vile word in the english language IMHO..I have never used it.

I kinda like the c-word used in the british context...

Jan 08 06 03:40 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"Bling!" Particularly when preceeded by "da."

It annoys me to no end. As does the overuse of the word "like," unless of course you are raving about how much you like something. I just want to smack the teenagers that come into my coffee shop and use the word five or six times in a single sentence.

I'll likely be adding more to this thread.

Jan 08 06 03:40 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Justin N Lane wrote:

Oh yes
that makes my skin crawl
I've almost gotten in to fights over it

Jan 08 06 03:41 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

oldguysrule wrote:

To quote Helmut Newton: "Some people's photography is an art. Not mine. Art is a dirty word in photography. All this fine art crap is killing it already."

That's part of why he's one of my heroes  :-D

Jan 08 06 03:42 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

oldguysrule wrote:
To quote Helmut Newton: "Some people's photography is an art. Not mine. Art is a dirty word in photography. All this fine art crap is killing it already."

That reminds me.  Newton also hated the terms "good taste" and "tasteful," in describing his work.  Kant used "good taste" but in a completely different sense than it was used on Newton's stuff.  Kant's use required a background of study in order to even possess "taste."

I don't much like when folks call my stuff "tasteful" either.  I figure I'm not trying hard enough.

Newton was of two minds, however.  He sold prints and did books and gallery shows.


Jan 08 06 03:42 pm Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I hate thorough and necasery cause i cant spell em.


Jan 08 06 03:44 pm Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

I'm down on the word symmetrical.

Why not say symmetric and save a syllable?

Jan 08 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

"Hate" is too strong. Let's just say I'm annoyed by:

Amongst. (suggest: among)

Whilst. (suggest: while)

Irregardless. (suggest: regardless)

Disinterested, at least the way it's used now. Disinterested means objective, having no specific interest in an outcome. What people really mean when they say that is "uninterested." (suggest: uninterested)

"I" when used as the object. "It seemed to him and I...."  (suggest: me)

Supposably rather than supposedly, conversate rather than converse, drug rather than dragged, and words like that.

I don't mind "y'all" at all. Away from the South, there is no single word for the second person plural pronoun, and "y'all" can sound pretty and fills that grammatic gap nicely.

As for art/art nude/artistic nude - I'll confess to using them, because they mean things to the poeple who look at my stuff. A model may not want to do a "glamour nude" to show off nudity for sexual attraction purposes, but she may not have an objection to "art nude," where nudity is usually less sexually oriented. (And the reverse may well be true.)

So while I agree that there are more artful (ha, ha) ways to phrase it, it has a certain meaning to the people that I'm maybe wanting to appeal to, so I've used those terms.

Jan 08 06 03:47 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

phonetic - ....what the fuck is it spelled like that for????

Jan 08 06 03:51 pm Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

I hate "alot" of words...  ;-)

Jan 08 06 03:52 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Justin wrote:
Irregardless. (suggest: regardless)

Okay, when I threw this one out there, I was waiting to see if anyone called me on it for not actually being a word.  Which it isn't. big_smile

Jan 08 06 03:53 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lady Bronze wrote:
more words that irk me.

Supposibly. LOL. its supposedly.

Liberry. (library)

Anything spoken in ebonics.

Anything spoken in redneck speech. such as "y'all! up on the ruff (roof)"

people who enunciate the crap out of words like whhhhhite, veeHICKle..

sundee mondee tuessdee wednesdee get the point.

Wow I hate a lot of words.

LOL. Been to the deep south lately?

Jan 08 06 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

Lady Bronze wrote:
more words that irk me.

Supposibly. LOL. its supposedly.

Liberry. (library)

people who misuse the word "ignorant" for rudeness. Ignorant is a lack of knowledge. Half the time when a person says "ignorant", what they mean to "arrogant." Arrogant is cocky self important rudeness. For an Ignorant person to call an arrogant person ignorant, the ignorant person is infact displaying that he/she himself/herself  is ignorant.

Racism.  Because almost 95 percent of the stuff you hear arent racist at all. That term is used WAY too loosely....and it becomes like the boy who cried wolf....and is a terrible shame for ACTUAL victims of racism, who people just end up not believing, or turning a deaf ear to, because of SO many false accusations running rampant daily.

war, abortion, capital punishment, guns, stem cell research =All things I definantly despise.

Anything spoken in ebonics.

Anything spoken in redneck speech. such as "y'all! up on the ruff (roof)"

people who enunciate the crap out of words like whhhhhite, veeHICKle..

sundee mondee tuessdee wednesdee get the point.

Wow I hate a lot of words.

I also hate the word hate.

a person in private just reminded me of another word I hate. FEMINIST. LOL

I HATE when people misuse "ignorant."  I also hate when people say "irregardless" (not a word) and "disorientate" (ummm, it's "disorient").  However, the word "feminist" is a very positive one for me, it's a woman who demands that she's not walked all over by discrimination and misogyny.  I am a feminist damnit!

Jan 08 06 03:54 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Justin N Lane wrote:

Justin wrote:
Irregardless. (suggest: regardless)

Okay, when I threw this one out there, I was waiting to see if anyone called me on it for not actually being a word.  Which it isn't. big_smile

Ahhh but it is now a was added to several dictionaries a few years ago as an alternate spelling for regardless...with the same meaning.

Jan 08 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I dislike "mnemonic," but I can't remember why.

Jan 08 06 04:01 pm Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

Sometime Canadians speak funny, eh?

Jan 08 06 04:03 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

raveneyes wrote:
Ahhh but it is now a was added to several dictionaries a few years ago as an alternate spelling for regardless...with the same meaning.

I'm going to be sick now...that's just not right banghead

Jan 08 06 04:05 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

Timeless Photos wrote:
Sometime Canadians speak funny, eh?

I know what ur talkin' aboot...
Sorry I couldn't resist...  Makes me think of the scene in Canadian Bacon when the Americans kidnap the Mountie and tell him "We have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'O'.."

Jan 08 06 04:07 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Lapis wrote:
Acronyms like TFP, GWC, etc.

They manage to simultaneously make my skin crawl and yet seem to convey nothing in terms of specifics. They are generalizations of generalizations. I also do not like the word 'manager'.

Jan 08 06 04:08 pm Link