Forums > Newbie Forum > What should my rates be?


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Marty McBride wrote:
I also feel if people think a post is an exhausted issue, why not pass it up instead of jumping at the chance to belittle someone....just my thoughts!


I hear you on that count! I do it way more often than not.

Jan 11 08 09:44 am Link


Diablo Productions Inc

Posts: 43

Dallas, Texas, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:



Jan 11 08 09:49 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

Dean Johnson Photo wrote:

Liz, am I missing something here?...did you do something in another thread that would explain all the smart-ass remarks to your question?

Your question is a good one, and as such it is asked quite often. If you used the search feature you'd find tons of threads that may (or may not) help you out.

With that said, I think it might be a bit premature for you to be concerned about what you should charge.
Sure, you might be able to find a few horny guys that would pay to shoot a pretty girl like yourself, but how much will that actually benefit you and your career?
The resulting photos would most likely be useless.

You'll have to use your own judgment when decided how much to charge someone.
And also keep in mind that if you are serious about building a portfolio, as your profile indicates, that you really might be better off paying a couple of really great photographers, rather then try to charge them anything.

The best shooters just aren't going to pay you.

Very well said.

Jan 11 08 10:01 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

CDW Images wrote:

That doesn't make sense. She can only charge what a client is willing to pay. Are you her client? If not, how can you give her real numbers? You can't. You also don't know her market area. You can only give her guidelines which are talked about numerous times in this forum and other resources. Hence...she needs to READ and RESEARCH her market area and formulate a price on her own with the helpful guidelines of these resources.


Jan 11 08 10:06 am Link


Diablo Productions Inc

Posts: 43

Dallas, Texas, US

I got this from Stephan Hawking

x=average price of a lap dance in your area
y=number of nudie bars in your area
z=how late in whole months you are on your rent/BMW payment/money you owe "Daddy"
zsub1=you on a reverse scale of 10-1 (yes, 10 is fugly in this equasion, 1 is megahot)

Math guys forgive me, MM does not have the proper equasion notations)

x*y/ (1/zsub1)/z=rate

For instance, you are a 3, somewhere between Jessica Alba and that younger Sharo Stone.

Dallas/North Texas=17*28=476/3=158.67
Now, say you owe 2 months back rent
158.67/2=79.33=full nude rate, doubles if you want to do kink/fetish
/2 for artistic nude
/2 for "implied" nude
and so on

and no 3 hr minimums



Jan 11 08 10:10 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

The truth is, it is not just the market that you are in that will determine what you can charge. The quality of your portfolio is also a hugely important factor. The stronger your portfolio is, the more you can justify your rates and actually earn them - the more likely you will be to eventually get to where you want to be as a model, and to get the types of assignments that you want to do.

You've said in on your page that you would like to build a stronger portfolio and work with better photographers. So, you recognize that your port need improvements. Just keep in mind that while you may get amateur photographers to pay you now, the odds very low that you will get any quality images that will benefit you. If you accept these lower end paid shoots, I would highly recommend reinvesting your earnings into a couple of shoots with strong photographers that shoot in the area(s) that you would like to work as a model (commercial, fashion, etc.). Hire them to shoot images that will up the quality of your book. In turn, your value and worth as a model with increase, and you will be able to increase your rates accordingly.

Best of luck to you in all of your endeavors.

Jan 11 08 10:20 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Doug Swinskey wrote:

see you had her answer all along...and without having to be mean to her...

how ironic.

OP- try the search function and see what people say. Check with models in your area. What someone gets in LA isn't always the same as what someone gets in NYC or Miami, or where ever.

Jan 11 08 11:37 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Dean Johnson Photo wrote:
Liz, am I missing something here?...did you do something in another thread that would explain all the smart-ass remarks to your question?


Jan 11 08 11:45 am Link