Forums > General Industry > How do we politely say no; without insulting


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Here is a side tangent on our nude discusion.

Yes some of us do nudes now, some of us used to do nudes, some of us do very selective nudes.

It has been pointed out to me in public that I won't shoot with certain photogs. ie "she won't shoot with me I don't know why"
or "Ok you want fashion ftp and I want nudes so we traid, yes?"
"you shot for so and so you need to shoot for me"

and on and on and on.

What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!
I try to be polite and not insult any body but some photogs seem to take it very badly.

Dec 07 05 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 538

Brooklyn, New York, US

How about "Sorry, I am not interested."

If you are honest and polite, and they take it badly, it is their problem, not yours.

We can't save the world.

Dec 07 05 06:21 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!

If it were me, I would say:  "I don't want to shoot with you."

Sorry, I know that sounds harsh and what you are looking for are gentler words.  I suppose you could say, "Sorry, your project doesn't fit what I am looking to do right now," or you could say, "I'm sorry, but I have another commitment."

The truth is though, if a photographer doesn't want to shoot you, he isn't going to shoot you.  Models have to face rejection all the time.  Photographers need to deal with the simple "No" without getting bent out of shape.

The problem is that, when we are talking about TFP, then there is no money and feelings get hurt.  When we are talking about a model saying no to nudity, the photographer wants to be the first (or he doesn't want to be the one she says no to), but in any event, feelings are hurt.

There is no reason for feelings to be hurt.  I just don't see the point.  Everyone isn't going to say yes and everyone isn't going to say no.

So, let's get back to telling jokes.  We're all way too serious today.

Dec 07 05 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

every pro understands you may do nudes..but you may not do nudes with just a " im not interetsed" is fine for us....we can handle it..we'll move on..its the GWCs that are going to have an issue..and well..we dont care what the GWCs think anyway....

Dec 07 05 06:27 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

hell, i'd rather have a rude 'no' than no answer at all or a lame yes and a no-show.

Dec 07 05 06:33 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Here is a side tangent on our nude discusion.

Yes some of us do nudes now, some of us used to do nudes, some of us do very selective nudes.

It has been pointed out to me in public that I won't shoot with certain photogs. ie "she won't shoot with me I don't know why"
or "Ok you want fashion ftp and I want nudes so we traid, yes?"
"you shot for so and so you need to shoot for me"

and on and on and on.

What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!
I try to be polite and not insult any body but some photogs seem to take it very badly.

Iona Lynn wrote:
Here is a side tangent on our nude discusion.

Yes some of us do nudes now, some of us used to do nudes, some of us do very selective nudes.

It has been pointed out to me in public that I won't shoot with certain photogs. ie "she won't shoot with me I don't know why"
or "Ok you want fashion ftp and I want nudes so we traid, yes?"
"you shot for so and so you need to shoot for me"

and on and on and on.

What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!
I try to be polite and not insult any body but some photogs seem to take it very badly.

So the truth comes out....I actually contacted you 2 times when you first signed up on MM to do a shoot (I was ignored both times). So now I see it was just a "I don't want to shoot with you" I would rather hear a reason like "I don't like your work" than ignoring. I think models and photographers should be honest....if you don't want to work with someone.....say it. It will make the person go away much faster than lies or ignoring will.

Dec 07 05 06:33 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I just send them my rates and that ends that.

Dec 07 05 06:35 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Well, I find that threatening the model with bodily harm after she rejects me doesn't work as well as it should.

Dec 07 05 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Thomas B wrote:

So the truth comes out....I actually contacted you 2 times when you first signed up on MM to do a shoot (I was ignored both times). So now I see it was just a "I don't want to shoot with you" I would rather hear a reason like "I don't like your work" than ignoring. I think models and photographers should be honest....if you don't want to work with someone.....say it. It will make the person go away much faster than lies or ignoring will.

you were ignored and you asked again?...shouldn't that have said enough? hell if i send a model a PM and she reads it and doesnt answer in two days..i sent her a message recinding the offer...

Dec 07 05 06:42 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

If I want to work with someone, I always email twice especially if the model is a new member because new members get flooded with emails and messages. So I send another one about a week later as a follow up. If that goes ignored, I take the hint. sorry if you think emailing somone twice is crossing the line.

Dec 07 05 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!
I try to be polite and not insult any body but some photogs seem to take it very badly.

There is a misguided thought process amongst the 'net crowd that every solicitation requires a response.  They don't.  Silence to strangers says more than any words that could possibily be written when there is no interest, even the proverbial looking down on the request with a polite well intentioned "no thank you."  Without a returned response the invitation will surely be soon forgotten.

Dec 07 05 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

Cspine wrote:
hell, i'd rather have a rude 'no' than no answer at all or a lame yes and a no-show.

Well said, I find that it is more annoying for someone to say what you want to hear  and then never show up then that model saying "you are the worst, stupidest,  most uncreative  and uninspired photographer I have ever met. " Those people I respect much more , at least they are not mincing words!

Dec 07 05 06:48 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

area291 wrote:
There is a misguided thought process amongst the 'net crowd that every solicitation requires a response.  They don't.  Silence to strangers says more than any words that could possibily be written when there is no interest, even the proverbial looking down on the request with a polite well intentioned "no thank you."  Without a returned response the invitation will surely be soon forgotten.

She actually asked for a polite way to say no

Dec 07 05 06:49 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Duncan wrote:

Well said, I find that it is more annoying for someone to say what you want to hear  and then never show up then that model saying "you are the worst, stupidest,  most uncreative  and uninspired photographer I have ever met. " Those people I respect much more , at least they are not mincing words!

I think you may have misunderstood (unless I am misunderstanding). Cspine said he would rather have a model confirm and not show up, or he would rather her rudely say no then not to say anything at all smile

Dec 07 05 06:50 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Personally, I very much prefer honesty -- it wastes the least amount of time for both parties.  Be clear, specific, non-judgemental (as much as possible).  Things that are acceptable & sufficiently polite are...

"I don't feel that my style & your style would be comfortable for me."
"I don't want to pose for you -- thanks anyhow".
"I'm being selective right now, and I just don't feel the chemistry.  Sorry, no."

Stuff like that.

My bottom line -- please don't waste my time, don't hint around anything that sounds like "maybe" (e.g. "maybe later but not right now").  Never string me along. 

Final word:  it's perfectly acceptable if my style & your style don't overlap -- that doesn't mean that either of our styles is wrong.

Dec 07 05 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 202

WINSTON SALEM, North Carolina, US


Just tell them...I won't work with your tired, non-able to help me become famous tail,...not in this or any other lifetime....Orlar 'Doe!   Or you could just say thanks but no thank  you....

Take care,

PS no offense was meant to anyone who happen to be named Orlar' Doe.

Dec 07 05 07:02 pm Link

Body Painter

Eric Mayhem

Posts: 481

Seattle, Washington, US

Just say "No, thank you".  Etiquette does not require you to give an explanation.

Dec 07 05 07:11 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Personally, I very much prefer honesty -- it wastes the least amount of time for both parties.  Be clear, specific, non-judgemental (as much as possible).  Things that are acceptable & sufficiently polite are...

"I don't feel that my style & your style would be comfortable for me."
"I don't want to pose for you -- thanks anyhow".
"I'm being selective right now, and I just don't feel the chemistry.  Sorry, no."

Stuff like that.

My bottom line -- please don't waste my time, don't hint around anything that sounds like "maybe" (e.g. "maybe later but not right now").  Never string me along. 

Final word:  it's perfectly acceptable if my style & your style don't overlap -- that doesn't mean that either of our styles is wrong.

good suggestions thanks. I'll keep those in mind.

Although I do seem to see a trend with photographers who are all about shoot now, right now, now I tell you If we don't shoot now I'll never work with you ever.

Thomas I'm sorry I did not respond I don't recall your emails to me at all. I'm human and I make mistakes.

Dec 07 05 07:17 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

If you're looking for a nice way to say it without coming off as abrasive, just say "I'm flattered by the offer, but it's not something I can pursue at present.  I appreciate your interest.  Thanks."

Granted, you might not find the offer flattering or appreciate the interest.  But it's a polite way to say "I'd rather not work with you." without stating it flatly.

Dec 07 05 08:01 pm Link


Paul Brecht

Posts: 12232

Colton, California, US

ericphotonyc wrote:
How about "Sorry, I am not interested."

If you are honest and polite, and they take it badly, it is their problem, not yours.

We can't save the world.

Exactly...  I think some people "act" as though it hurts their feelings as a sympathy card to make you give in & do it anyway...

If this is a business, there will be dissapointments. This is life. Life's not always fair. Just think about all the times you've been turned down. You may have been dissapointed, but you still live & are here doing what you're doing, right ???

They'll live. If they get dramatic about it, they need to get a life...


Dec 07 05 08:08 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Good responses. I especially like the last one (Jay's? Sorry... no short-term memory apparantly); it was polite and non-abrasive. With me, I usually don't get a response, which I simply take as a "no" and move on. No biggie.

  And I never threaten a model who won't work with me. Never! Nope! Instead, I tell them I'm going to kill myself if they turn me down. And that really sucks... I've had to kill myself at least twelve times so far. Good thing I'm immortal!


Dec 07 05 08:14 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

A polite way to say it and to actually scare them off is to say, "Well my rate for artistic nude is 2,000 dollars per hour and I don't want you to publish it or have any rights to use it in your portfolio.  I also require you to sign a release that gives me the rights to all images.  Thanks!" 

I am sure after that prompt response he won't be interested!  LOL smile

Dec 07 05 08:19 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

I'm with Eric, and I sure wish photographers would get off the ego trip and come down to Earth.  I know, it's wishful thinking, but really, photogs, just because someone shot with one photographer, where is the law that says they have to shoot with you? 

Didn't you ever learn:  When a woman says "No" she means "No."  Unless she's standing there nude.  lol

Dec 07 05 08:34 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
If you're looking for a nice way to say it without coming off as abrasive, just say "I'm flattered by the offer, but it's not something I can pursue at present.  I appreciate your interest.  Thanks."

Granted, you might not find the offer flattering or appreciate the interest.  But it's a polite way to say "I'd rather not work with you." without stating it flatly.

Jay, that's the nicest rejection I've ever heard, and I never even asked you to model!  Thanks!  :-)

Dec 07 05 08:38 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Say, "You suck.  I only do nudes with D. Brian."

-D. Brian

Dec 07 05 08:41 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

And another thing!  lol 

Who demands that models do nude shoots on TFP anyway?  I don't--I know that's precious there, and unless the model tells me in our initial emails concerning the shoot that she's comfortable working that way (and that has happened), I don't pursue it.  Photographers should remember that, for models, this is commerce.  If they choose to put some of their skills under the "for pay only" column, it seems to me we should be respectful of that.  Word gets around, anyway.

With TFCD shoots, I shoot nudes all the time.  It's just that, most of the time, the model has clothes on over her nudity.

Dec 07 05 08:42 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
And I never threaten a model who won't work with me. Never! Nope! Instead, I tell them I'm going to kill myself if they turn me down. And that really sucks... I've had to kill myself at least twelve times so far. Good thing I'm immortal!


No you aren't, you just think you are.  That's why all those people are chasing you with pitchforks and torches.  Now lie down and be still. 

Dec 07 05 08:44 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
A polite way to say it and to actually scare them off is to say, "Well my rate for artistic nude is 2,000 dollars per hour and I don't want you to publish it or have any rights to use it in your portfolio.  I also require you to sign a release that gives me the rights to all images.  Thanks!" 

I am sure after that prompt response he won't be interested!  LOL smile

Diana, I think I can get that $4,000 by next Friday...

Dec 07 05 08:45 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Blue Group wrote:
And another thing!  Who demands that models do nude shoots on TFP anyway?

I do. 


Dec 07 05 08:47 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Blue Group and Pat

Thanks for the compliments!  I'm flattered that you would even mention it, but at present...


See how easy it is?

Dec 07 05 09:04 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

I just do not worry about it. 

I am looking for models for my trips.  I usually post something here or on one of the other fourms.  Then I go looking.

I ask several models if they are interested in my tirps and send them links.  If they reply back then I go into more details.  If they do not reply back so what.  I move on and find a model who will work for me.

I think only GWC'S that are on this forum are the biggest crybabies I have ever seen when it comes to being rejected by a model not wanting to shoot nude with you. Get over it dude and grow up.  bs

Dec 08 05 06:41 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

area291 wrote:

There is a misguided thought process amongst the 'net crowd that every solicitation requires a response.  They don't.  Silence to strangers says more than any words that could possibily be written when there is no interest, even the proverbial looking down on the request with a polite well intentioned "no thank you."  Without a returned response the invitation will surely be soon forgotten.

She said a POLITE way....this is just rude.

Dec 08 05 06:57 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Here is a side tangent on our nude discusion.

Yes some of us do nudes now, some of us used to do nudes, some of us do very selective nudes.

It has been pointed out to me in public that I won't shoot with certain photogs. ie "she won't shoot with me I don't know why"
or "Ok you want fashion ftp and I want nudes so we traid, yes?"
"you shot for so and so you need to shoot for me"

and on and on and on.

What is the best way to say....

I don't want to shoot with you!!!
I try to be polite and not insult any body but some photogs seem to take it very badly.

Just say, 'No thank you' and move on.  The only one that is going to get their feelings hurt is the GWC and you don't want to shoot with them anyway.

Dec 08 05 06:59 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

ericphotonyc wrote:
How about "Sorry, I am not interested."

May I suggest "Thank you, but I am not interested."

Dec 08 05 08:30 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Yuriy wrote:

May I suggest "Thank you, but I am not interested."

That is a perfect way to say "No" politely.  Most photographers when getting a reply like that from a model will not ask that model again (unless they forgot they asked her a few years ago....I've done that.  hmm )

Dec 08 05 08:43 am Link


The Photo Chick

Posts: 213

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

ericphotonyc wrote:
How about "Sorry, I am not interested."

If you are honest and polite, and they take it badly, it is their problem, not yours.

We can't save the world.


Dec 08 05 08:43 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
A polite way to say it and to actually scare them off is to say, "Well my rate for artistic nude is 2,000 dollars per hour and I don't want you to publish it or have any rights to use it in your portfolio.  I also require you to sign a release that gives me the rights to all images.  Thanks!" 

I am sure after that prompt response he won't be interested!  LOL smile

Unless it's a super rich GWC and probably thinks that you are a full service model and the shoot will have a happy ending... and I am not talking about Hollywood big_smile

Dec 08 05 09:36 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Blue Group wrote:
Who demands that models do nude shoots on TFP anyway?  I don't--

Yeah, exactly.

I do not shoot nudes, well, I did some semi ones on demand, with my ex-wife (did runway), but otherwise...

Honestly, if I would ever start doing nudes, I would try to shoot close to the aestetics of Marcus J. Ranum MM#3721.

I am concerned that, if I shoot anything less, it will be cheesy or so... so I don't even attempt that genre.

Dec 08 05 09:42 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

area291 wrote:
There is a misguided thought process amongst the 'net crowd that every solicitation requires a response.  They don't.  Silence to strangers says more than any words that could possibily be written when there is no interest, even the proverbial looking down on the request with a polite well intentioned "no thank you."  Without a returned response the invitation will surely be soon forgotten.

BasementStudios wrote:
She said a POLITE way....this is just rude.

I disagree.  If it is an unrequested solicitation there is no need to respond if there is no interest.  Polite has nothing to do with it. 

Solicitation to the respondent should be viewed as giving one a choice to respond, not a demand to respond.  The expectation of response through that demand is what I would call rude by placing a burden on those to take action on something of no interest.

No response?  Move on.  Now, I have some thank you letters to send to Pottery Barn for filling my mailbox with junk mail...

Dec 08 05 10:14 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Cspine wrote:
hell, i'd rather have a rude 'no' than no answer at all or a lame yes and a no-show.

Aint that the truth. I guess a true professional would rather have an actual reply than no reply from someone who is "afraid to offend".

Dec 08 05 10:15 am Link