Forums > General Industry > why don't models pay photographers?



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Answer:  they do, they just don't pay you!

(I can't sleep and I'm cranky so I'm ranting)

It's not rocket science, really!  See if a photgrapher has extra money to throw around,  what model does he pay?  joesephine shmoe?  no he pays (insert famous name here).  why? cause if he has (famous bitch) in his book, he gets more business.  If a model has the money to throw around it works the same way.  why in the hell would I have you build my portfolio?  When I can pay Viva, or Johnny Crosslin or Jeffery Scott, Michael Hiller, or good lord the names go on.   What do you think I am? retarded?

Will I pay your travel expenses so I can shoot TFP with you here?  Duh... would you pay good money to bring someone you don't know in? no you wouldn't, you pay to move the girl you've worked with that you know you can depend on, who definatly wouldn't be wasting your money, IS going to show up, and is good, not some idiot chippie off the street!  So why would I fly you here, when I can fly in Eric, or Cameron, or really anyone I've worked with whose work I loved.  why the heck would I waste my money on you?  When I can waste it on people I KNOW can do the job?

Want to get paid?  get clients.  (this goes for models too, unless your doing internet porn, and if you are more power to you! I'd rather they jerk off to your pictures than mine!)

Though why I would bother to even try to explain is beyond me.

Dec 01 05 10:56 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Jeffery Scott's the man, heck I want him to shoot me naked.  lol


Dec 01 05 11:23 pm Link


Reign Studios

Posts: 63

Dallas, Texas, US

...Stacy wrote:
Answer:  they do, they just don't pay you!

(I can't sleep and I'm cranky so I'm ranting)

It's not rocket science, really!  See if a photgrapher has extra money to throw around,  what model does he pay?  joesephine shmoe?  no he pays (insert famous name here).  why? cause if he has (famous bitch) in his book, he gets more business.  If a model has the money to throw around it works the same way.  why in the hell would I have you build my portfolio?  When I can pay Viva, or Johnny Crosslin or Jeffery Scott, Michael Hiller, or good lord the names go on.   What do you think I am? retarded?

Will I pay your travel expenses so I can shoot TFP with you here?  Duh... would you pay good money to bring someone you don't know in? no you wouldn't, you pay to move the girl you've worked with that you know you can depend on, who definatly wouldn't be wasting your money, IS going to show up, and is good, not some idiot chippie off the street!  So why would I fly you here, when I can fly in Eric, or Cameron, or really anyone I've worked with whose work I loved.  why the heck would I waste my money on you?  When I can waste it on people I KNOW can do the job?

Want to get paid?  get clients.  (this goes for models too, unless your doing internet porn, and if you are more power to you! I'd rather they jerk off to your pictures than mine!)

Though why I would bother to even try to explain is beyond me.

Nuff said!!!

Dec 01 05 11:28 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Used to make a living shooting for agency models that paid me (or for modeling schools that paid me).  The job sucked, but the money was good.  Graduated to higher class work - advertising -  but hated that too.  The whole concept of photography as work revolts me, even though I have many friends for whom it is their living.

I won't shoot a model for money now (even if any offered - they don't) because that would mean shooting what they want.  And I doubt what models think they want bears any resemblance to what I want.  If they can live with what I give them, without money changing hands, then I'm a happy puppy.  Seems enough believe that's just fine.

I don't take assignments for the same reasons.  I'm happy selling the occasional feature from stock and shooting for fun.

Go to sleep.


Dec 01 05 11:34 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

interesting to see this going the other way, though the avatar and cranky attitude threw me for minute smile

Dec 01 05 11:34 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Used to make a living shooting for agency models that paid me (or for modeling schools that paid me).  The job sucked, but the money was good.  Graduated to higher class work - advertising -  but hated that too.  The whole concept of photography as work revolts me, even though I have many friends for whom it is their living.

How I would love to be a whore such as you were, my friend.

Presuming you were actually making a good living, that is. If it was $45K then I would hate it too.

Dec 01 05 11:37 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:
How I would love to be a whore such as you were, my friend.

I thought you were. 

OK some people do like it.  Here's specifically what I didn't like:

Irregular income - Supported a wife, three kids and a mother-in-law with fixed recurring expenses (think mortgage).  Money was fine, but lumpy.  The wife, now Ex, had no concept of not spending money if it was in the bank.

No creative control - I wasn't anywhere near the level where people hired me for my "creative vision."  I was hired because I could shoot what they wanted and do it cheaper than the established shooters.

Long, long days - I've always done my own B&W and that meant long, long hours in the darkroom because prints were the B&W deliverable art.  The other half of my work was chromes, which were less of a hassle, but also usually carried less profit.  Chromes were the required color deliverable.

Engineering, what I did before photography and what I do now, has other demands, but I never mistake it for something I love.  It's just how I make a living.


Edit:  I quit photography back in something like 1993.  I was making over $45K back then.  Quite a bit over.  But because of the quarterly tax reporting requirement, the lumpy cash flow and my own business ineptitude I got into some real trouble with the tax boys.  Took a long time to get out from under that.

Dec 01 05 11:44 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

I'm with ya, Don.  Consulting pays the bills, photography is for fun.  And like you, I shoot what I want, and attract models who happen to like the same thing.  If I relied on them to pay me, I'd starve.

Dec 01 05 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Ditto Don.  Although once in a while the pocket money isn't bad.  smile  I call it my self-sustainable hobby.

Dec 01 05 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

lll wrote:
Ditto Don.  Although once in a while the pocket money isn't bad.  smile  I call it my self-sustainable hobby.

I pretend to call it that...

Dec 02 05 12:02 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Brian, I will gladly shoot some of those agency models for you, I have negative money right now...

Dec 02 05 12:13 am Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

Or, if you want to get paid you can get a hot model or two, learn how to promote and market yourself and start a paysite. Much more effective than paying a ton of money to work with a well known model just so her photos can sit in your portfolio. Most photographers have no business sense and have no clue how to generate money off their work. With the right know-how, you can make ALOT of money with an unknown model and just decent photos. You need look no further than these amatuer paysites for proof of that.

Dec 02 05 01:31 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

thats what the world needs, more AMATURE paysights, we all know we don't have enough of those.  Spreading the joys of unprofessional, unattractive, badly photographed, naked people throughout the internet!  (i'm not saying all paysights are like this!) (I'm talking about the ones with the "Just decent Photos". that half-a$$ed blurry trash I wouldn't want MY name on...)

Dec 02 05 05:39 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Said it before...prob'ly'll say it again...

Q: Why are photographers paying models?

A: Those photographers need the models more than the models need the photographers.

There are many ways to be a photographer.  Some of them involve paying models.  Some them involve being paid by models.  Some of them involve letting clients pay for models.  Some of them involve no one at all getting paid.

Who's right in all of this?

I am.

Dec 02 05 06:29 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
The whole concept of photography as work revolts me, even though I have many friends for whom it is their living.

I won't shoot a model for money now (even if any offered - they don't) because that would mean shooting what they want.  And I doubt what models think they want bears any resemblance to what I want.  If they can live with what I give them, without money changing hands, then I'm a happy puppy.  Seems enough believe that's just fine.


Dec 02 05 06:36 am Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

Brian Diaz wrote:
Some them involve being paid by models.  Some of them involve letting clients pay for models.


Dec 02 05 06:40 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

JHoward wrote:


You'd be surprised how many people don't accept that there is more than one way to do business.

Dec 02 05 06:59 am Link


Scott Einuis

Posts: 337

New York, New York, US

Here's the "catch 22."  One pays a omdel to improve their book so that they can attract more models to pay. 

I've been around this business a long time and mean no offense to anyone on this site.  However, since I do testing and updates and get paid for them (by them models mnd you), I've asked several working models about this site and other internet sites.  Some had no clue about the sites, some did.  However, none cared about being on the site(s) at all.  You do the math.

I have no problem paying a model whem I'm hired and paid for a project.  However, if I were to pay a model she'd get none of the shots and sign a release (of course). No way will I pay a model to update her book.  If she wants the shots, then she pays (or at least works for no pay on a TFP/CD basis).

Again I have no problem with what goes on with these internet sites.  If a model wants to be paid then I pass.  There are a hundred others just like her who will pay.  It's just difficult to find them on these sites.

Why am I here?  Discovery.  If I find a future model that I think an agency would want I'll shoot them for free and then market them to an agency.  So far I have had success because I see who the agencies go for by who they send to test.

I'm not expecting someone to open up my profile and call me for the next cover of Vogue, and I surely hope that most models here understand that this most likely won't happen for them.  That industry (for photogs) is such a tight circle and works mostly by word of mouth and who you know.

Again I mean no malice towards those who pay models and those who collect from photographers.  If the offer is there, take it.  However to break in to the real money and jobs you have to get with the real money.  It's not here.

Again this is all IMHO.

Dec 02 05 07:20 am Link



Posts: 100

San Jose, California, US

This works exactly both ways.

Last weekend I got paid by a model to develop her portfolio. Not from the online world, she doesn't even have internet access... I setup my team, mua, etc... and we went out to shoot for a full day.

A designer saw the photos the next day and called me. Now the designer is hiring me to shoot something for her. The designer liked my photos very much and the girl I shot.

Result, this time I am hiring the girl that paid me last week for a paid shoot. I am paying her the same price she paid me. She already made her money back from my shoot. And I know she is going to get much more work now.

Isn't that the ideal world? Models pay you to develop portfolio. You hire her back because someone pays YOU for a job. Model makes her money back in one week. Photographer makes money twice.

Dec 02 05 07:34 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Lapis wrote:

I pretend to call it that...

i pretend to be an architect..

Dec 02 05 07:37 am Link



Posts: 100

San Jose, California, US

And to add to this, I do get a few requests a week from models from the online world - mostly OMP I would say - for portfolio development work. Them paying me.

So it does work. Although I do price myself too expensive for most because on the online world I offer a whole crazy package and I shoot MY way. If they don't want me and can't pay, hey, that's fine, I don't want them. I am busy enough. I prefer to concentrate on 2 kinds of jobs:
1 - the big productions that do require a lot of organization but provide great photos, good for my portfolio as well and good money.
2 - the small jobs, not much expectations or headaches. It's easy.

For now that works, so I keep it that way. I don't do photography for a living so I am picky about what I do. If I don't have a good feeling, I don't do it.

Dec 02 05 07:43 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

...Stacy wrote:
Answer:  they do, they just don't pay you!

(I can't sleep and I'm cranky so I'm ranting)

It's not rocket science, really!  See if a photgrapher has extra money to throw around,  what model does he pay?  joesephine shmoe?  no he pays (insert famous name here).  why? cause if he has (famous bitch) in his book, he gets more business.  If a model has the money to throw around it works the same way.  why in the hell would I have you build my portfolio?  When I can pay Viva, or Johnny Crosslin or Jeffery Scott, Michael Hiller, or good lord the names go on.   What do you think I am? retarded?

Will I pay your travel expenses so I can shoot TFP with you here?  Duh... would you pay good money to bring someone you don't know in? no you wouldn't, you pay to move the girl you've worked with that you know you can depend on, who definatly wouldn't be wasting your money, IS going to show up, and is good, not some idiot chippie off the street!  So why would I fly you here, when I can fly in Eric, or Cameron, or really anyone I've worked with whose work I loved.  why the heck would I waste my money on you?  When I can waste it on people I KNOW can do the job?

Want to get paid?  get clients.  (this goes for models too, unless your doing internet porn, and if you are more power to you! I'd rather they jerk off to your pictures than mine!)

Though why I would bother to even try to explain is beyond me.

Well put! I always felt that why should an experienced model pay a photographer unless there is something more than photos in it for the model. When a model has "enough" photos in her portfolio, the name of the game becomes all about EXPOSURE.

Why should Stacy shoot with me for "good photos" when she can shoot with the Johnny Crosslins and Jeffrey Scotts of the world, get good photos AND more importantly, get EXPOSURE. It just makes good economic sense for a model, she (or he) is going to put the money where it will do the most good since most models don't have a lot of disposable income - especially if modeling is their only source of income.

I didn't get into shooting models because I thought it was a good way to make money, I got into it for the collaboration and also the interaction. I love working with models and I love to shoot TFP because of the collaboration between photographer and model. The "creative synergy" is what I love.

Yes, we all want to make money, model and photographers alike, but first and foremost, you have to love it.


Dec 02 05 07:55 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Who's right in all of this?

I am.

No! I am!

Dec 02 05 09:29 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

theda wrote:

No! I am!

Sure, if you agree with me.

Dec 02 05 09:32 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

No, I am right. ANd that is just that.

Dec 02 05 09:36 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i want to watch theda and D.E.M. battle it for mod supremacy...we can compete with the lets get ready to moooooooooooooooooodellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Dec 02 05 09:39 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Stephane Fourdrinier wrote:
If I don't have a good feeling, I don't do it.


Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

If I see a model that would help my book I ask her/him for a TFP, excluding livestock wink

If they want $$ I pass, but I always let them know up front that this is a TFP for book.

Dec 02 05 09:40 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

...Stacy wrote:
Answer:  they do, they just don't pay you!
What do you think I am? retarded?

I am sure the mentally handicapped population of the world appreciates you bringing them into this argument

Dec 02 05 11:16 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

...Stacy wrote:
I'd rather they jerk off to your pictures than mine!

zzzzzip.....I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Dec 02 05 11:20 am Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

...Stacy wrote:
thats what the world needs, more AMATURE paysights, we all know we don't have enough of those.  Spreading the joys of unprofessional, unattractive, badly photographed, naked people throughout the internet!  (i'm not saying all paysights are like this!) (I'm talking about the ones with the "Just decent Photos". that half-a$$ed blurry trash I wouldn't want MY name on...)

I am not saying start an amatuer paysite, start a glamour paysite, I am planning on it. I think its clear from the way Maxim and FHM are racking up sales that there is a BIG interest in this.

Dec 02 05 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

MichaelBell wrote:
I am not saying start an amatuer paysite, start a glamour paysite, I am planning on it. I think its clear from the way Maxim and FHM are racking up sales that there is a BIG interest in this.

Euqally sleezy and exploitative. Equally over-saturated market.  The difference is, who wants to pay to look at cheezy glamour?

Dec 02 05 12:09 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

theda wrote:

Euqally sleezy and exploitative. Equally over-saturated market.  The difference is, who wants to pay to look at cheezy glamour?

Why do you assume he meant cheezy glamour? Are you saying that the magazines he mentioned have bad work (or cheezy)? Just because it is not something you like, does not mean other people don't.

Dec 02 05 12:18 pm Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

theda wrote:
Euqally sleezy and exploitative. Equally over-saturated market.  The difference is, who wants to pay to look at cheezy glamour?

Whats wrong with a paysite? Too many photographers are putting out money to shoot models, and for what? For the photos to sit in a portfolio in hopes of one day landing a big agency job and actually make a little money? Ya, well "hoping" sucks and I am not going to be a photog who has been shooting for years, putting out money to shoot models and have no money to show for it, sorry. Also, who says it has to be "cheezy"?

Dec 02 05 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

MichaelBell wrote:
Whats wrong with a paysite? Too many photographers are putting out money to shoot models, and for what? For the photos to sit in a portfolio in hopes of one day landing a big agency job and actually make a little money? Ya, well "hoping" sucks and I am not going to be a photog who has been shooting for years, putting out money to shoot models and have no money to show for it, sorry. Also, who says it has to be "cheezy"?

THe law of averages.  No, I don't like Maxim and FHM and the like.  Yes, I know the magazines sell.  But I also know that when it comes to the sites people subscribe to in the privacy of their own homes, glamour sites don't typically make bank the way pornography does. 

If you don't understand how to market yourself as a photographer to actual clients without resorting to paysite content, you might as well.  Just one more among thousands.

Dec 02 05 12:39 pm Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

theda wrote:
THe law of averages.  No, I don't like Maxim and FHM and the like.  Yes, I know the magazines sell.  But I also know that when it comes to the sites people subscribe to in the privacy of their own homes, glamour sites don't typically make bank the way pornography does. 

If you don't understand how to market yourself as a photographer to actual clients without resorting to paysite content, you might as well.  Just one more among thousands.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I have yet to see any Maxim styled paysites. All I ever see are the ones that were talked about earlier, bad quality amatuer crap or porn glamour styled sites. If you could point me towards one of the "thousands" of high quality, Maxim styled paysites, I would love to see them. Thanks smile

Dec 02 05 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

why would anyone PAY for maxim styled images?  they're EVERYWHERE for free.  Including here. Its not exactly a cornered market if it's wide open.  Just because the Glamour sites don't exist dosn't make it a good idea, we can see half dressed women making oh faces anywhere we want.  Thats like me saying I'm going to start a pay site with high quality photo's of women picking their noses.  I'll make a fortune!  there won't be another sight like it!

Dec 02 05 04:44 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

Cindy Margolis gets paid a lot to run a site that is maxim stlye and she does not pose nude. So obviously there is a market for it.

Dec 02 05 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

thats Cindy Margolis, not buffy from idaho, not the same thing.  Thats like comparing me and angelina Jolie.

Dec 02 05 04:50 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

...Stacy wrote:
Thats like me saying I'm going to start a pay site with high quality photo's of women picking their noses.  I'll make a fortune!  there won't be another sight like it!

Not only that, there won't be another site like it.  And thankfully!

Dec 02 05 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

...Stacy wrote:
why would anyone PAY for maxim styled images?  they're EVERYWHERE for free.  Including here. Its not exactly a cornered market if it's wide open.  Just because the Glamour sites don't exist dosn't make it a good idea, we can see half dressed women making oh faces anywhere we want.  Thats like me saying I'm going to start a pay site with high quality photo's of women picking their noses.  I'll make a fortune!  there won't be another sight like it!

I bet there is one already.

Dec 02 05 04:59 pm Link