Forums > General Industry > Are GWCs the true 'Artists'?


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

A survey comparing mental health and the number of sexual partners among the general population, artists and schizophrenics found that artists are more likely to share key behavioural traits with schizophrenics, and that they have on average twice as many sexual partners as the rest of the population. … 61,00.html

Nov 30 05 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Can't we have a ban on the GWC term?  Or just say what it really means in 95% of the cases in which it is used:  "Photographers other than me."  It got tedious a long time ago.

Nov 30 05 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

ummm.... I haven't had sex in a year

I have only had two sexual partners...

I don't drink or do drugs...

I am however a sociopath...

Nov 30 05 04:51 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

No, artists get all the action they want.  GsWCs try to take pictures of nekkid girls because they don't get all the action they want.

Nov 30 05 04:52 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Star wrote:
ummm.... I haven't had sex in a year

I have only had two sexual partners...

I don't drink or do drugs...

I am however a sociopath...

Please put down your address and phone number. smile

Nov 30 05 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Ivan123 wrote:
Can't we have a ban on the GWC term?

HEY! take it easy there!!!!!!

Or just say what it really means in 95% of the cases in which it is used:  "Photographers other than me."

I thought it means SLAMMIN' RaDiKaL D00D Photographic S00perhero!


Nov 30 05 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

Nov 30 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

While both Skitzophrenia and Bipolar disorder (also called manic depression) have long had connections in the creative community, the artistic temperment is much more bipolar than skitzophrenic.

Nov 30 05 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

here is another article I came upon

Nov 30 05 08:57 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I read the article at work and think that the artists aren't scoring all that well either.  What was it, 6-10?  Just not all that impressive if one is keeping score.  Jeez.


Nov 30 05 09:00 pm Link


Cory Morhart Photo

Posts: 2340

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Did we really need articles to confirm that photographers and models were a little 'whacked' ? wink

Nov 30 05 09:56 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

CM Photography wrote:
Did we really need articles to confirm that photographers and models were a little 'whacked' ? wink

I dunno.  I always thought I was perfectly normal...I guess that's a bad thing.

Nov 30 05 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

raveneyes wrote:

I dunno.  I always thought I was perfectly normal...I guess that's a bad thing.

no, it just means you are a freak of nature. Nobody in their right mind thinks they are normal.

Nov 30 05 10:35 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Lapis wrote:
no, it just means you are a freak of nature. Nobody in their right mind thinks they are normal. and warm in the art world again.  Thanks Lapis big_smile

Nov 30 05 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I read the article at work and think that the artists aren't scoring all that well either.  What was it, 6-10?  Just not all that impressive if one is keeping score.  Jeez.


Since I just put up 3 articles, and the op put up one, and I don't see scores on any of them, could you help my poor scrambled head out and maybe tell me to which article you are referring?

Nov 30 05 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

raveneyes wrote:
A survey comparing mental health and the number of sexual partners among the general population, artists and schizophrenics found that artists are more likely to share key behavioural traits with schizophrenics, and that they have on average twice as many sexual partners as the rest of the population. … 61,00.html

Your assumption is flawed. Just because a GWC uses his camera to get girls nekkid, doesn't mean he is actually seeing "action".

If the regular GWC, is in a physical and appearance condition that makes a tool like a camera necessary to see girls nekkid (which turns him into a true GWC), he has no guarantee that the GWC is "closing the deal".

However, the true artist, the one with the immense creative force in themselves, they may get more nookie, because real creativity maybe an aphrodisiac...

Exceptional people are eligible partners for mating.

The regular GWC, may not necessarily fall into that category.

Nov 30 05 10:40 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

lol... UdoR, I just thought it a cute title...little bit of a joke so to speak...

Nov 30 05 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
No, artists get all the action they want.  GsWCs try to take pictures of nekkid girls because they don't get all the action they want.

Dam'nit Sir Brian! Why can you say in so little words what I need a paragraph for...?

Oh... wait... you went to school for it... lol

P.S.: I should read the thread first before replying...

Nov 30 05 10:43 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Lapis wrote:

Since I just put up 3 articles, and the op put up one, and I don't see scores on any of them, could you help my poor scrambled head out and maybe tell me to which article you are referring?

Nope.  Can't.  I read it at work while browsing my feed this morning and I don't have that here.  While they mentioned such luminaries as Picasso, they used something like average person having 3-5 sexual partners and artists having like 6-10 partners.  Heck, Picasso probably pulled that count average up all by himself leaving a whole bunch of virgin artists behind.

All I can say is that Marine officers do waaay better than that without any kind of art pretensions.  If they are the sort to , you know, mess around.  As I remember.  But you know what they say about the first thing to go...


Nov 30 05 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
they used something like average person having 3-5 sexual partners and artists having like 6-10 partners.


Nov 30 05 10:53 pm Link


Digital Plus Photo

Posts: 685

Washington, Illinois, US

UdoR wrote:

Your assumption is flawed. Just because a GWC uses his camera to get girls nekkid, doesn't mean he is actually seeing "action".

If the regular GWC, is in a physical and appearance condition that makes a tool like a camera necessary to see girls nekkid (which turns him into a true GWC), he has no guarantee that the GWC is "closing the deal".

However, the true artist, the one with the immense creative force in themselves, they may get more nookie, because real creativity maybe an aphrodisiac...

Exceptional people are eligible partners for mating.

The regular GWC, may not necessarily fall into that category.

So let me see if I have this right Udor, you're saying it hasn't been the GWC's thats been preying on the young innocent models out there all the time, it's really been the professionals and the GWC's have just been trying to copy them. And since they're not professionals with true creative force the models have really been safe with them but not the professional photographers. Is this right or am I confused.

Nov 30 05 10:53 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
All I can say is that Marine officers do waaay better than that without any kind of art pretensions.  If they are the sort to , you know, mess around.  As I remember.  But you know what they say about the first thing to go...

You also know what they say about MARINEs My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment.

(sorry...son of a Navy man...nephew of and Army man...grandson of an Army man...feel free to insert your own branch joke here...)

Nov 30 05 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I am just happy to see two google ads from up in a row. I love the google ads. But it is possible I am a little bit manic tonight.

Nov 30 05 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Lapis wrote:
Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

Lapis:  This is great!  thank you.

Nov 30 05 11:00 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Right... just what is this "sex" thing you speak of? I have no memory of such a thing. I do believe you are speaking of a myth of sorts... Sex. Yeah, right.

  And are you still an artist if all you have is clinical depression? I think that may qualify you as a Goth, but I'm not sure about the artist side. I've also heard that bi-polar disorder is the disease of the poet, but I'm not sure if that's been shown to be true or not.

  And... I did find a website somewhere (sorry, I can't recall where) that studied what they felt was the "myth" of artistic insanity. While certain afflictions do tend to run in the artistic community, they don't seem to occur much more than with non-artists. I think the fame of the artist, and perhaps the romanticism of the artistic lifestyle, may bring mental illness more to the forefront when writing and reading about these people. Also, for an artist to be successfull, mental illness is a huge impermant to their success. Ever try to create work and market yourself when severely depressed? Doesn't happen. Inspiration seems to dry up, self-confidance falls, insomnia ensues, and of course the occasional panic attack. This isn't a very healthy environment to create and sell work. So, my theory is the really successfull artists are those that are either healthy, or have any mental illness they have well in check (although of course their are some who do function with severe mental illness; there are exceptions).

  Anyway, just my opinion. Hopefully this doesn't demote me to GWC... that would really suck (actually, I'm a guy with multiple cameras).


Nov 30 05 11:16 pm Link


Tavuk Hantaviro

Posts: 30

Artists can have sex?  Why has no one told me this before? 

Lots of sex?


Sincerely Yours,
Tavuk Hantaviro

Nov 30 05 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 61

Cathedral City, California, US

There are two things going on in this study.

Really creative people are always a little against the grain.  True genius, it is said, is the ability to hold two incompatible thoughts in your mind at the same time.  Consequentially, those that are able to innovate new ideas and create great works of art, tend to be somewhat dual, at best, and sometimes fractured at worst.

The other side of this, is people who simply don't have their $%&* together, and try to use the idea of being an artist as an excuse.  For many the idea of claiming you are an artist so you can screw like a wild jackrabbit makes a little too much sense.

The proof, however, is always in the pudding, and the flaky, but sincere artist's work will always outshine that of a poser.

Nov 30 05 11:29 pm Link


Tavuk Hantaviro

Posts: 30


Nov 30 05 11:38 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tavuk Hantaviro wrote:

I think that is what all the male artists around here are currently trying to figure out...

Nov 30 05 11:39 pm Link


Ocean Jasper

Posts: 2623

Vatican City, Holy See, Vatican City

Tavuk Hantaviro wrote:

If I was a woman, I would sleep with you. But, living in the Vatican city as I do, I must say that not only am I a man, but I am celibate also.

Nov 30 05 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Lapis wrote:
Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

Thanks Lapis! Now I'm going to read about myself. teehee

Nov 30 05 11:48 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Lapis wrote:
Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

Hey... I just read the page and its quite good in an entertaining sort of way. I think I can classify myself somewhat as an artist, as I totally fit the points in this paragraph:

"Artists sometimes dress funny and tend to stay up late. They usually prefer to photograph attractive young women and are proud of it.

No one ever sees their work since they have crummy ability to promote themselves, and sadly, usually don't even appreciate their own excellent work. Those that do drop down to Whore, which sadly and paradoxically means you will never see the work of a true artist unless you know one personally. Good artists are usually too embarrassed to show their work to anyone unless you are intimate with them, since their work is their soul."

  And the truly sad part is I'd like to be a whore, just so I can make a living. Anyone want to be my agent...?


Dec 01 05 01:40 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

The truth - from an artist...  We get laid more cuz we get paid more...  Do the math...

Dec 01 05 02:23 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Dyanov wrote:

If I was a woman, I would sleep with you. But, living in the Vatican city as I do, I must say that not only am I a man, but I am celibate also.

several of your "faithfull" vatican mates have strayed, and have hurt the flock O celibate one. are your portfolio images from vatican Das BootCamp?!?

Dec 01 05 06:32 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

UdoR wrote:

Your assumption is flawed. Just because a GWC uses his camera to get girls nekkid, doesn't mean he is actually seeing "action".

If the regular GWC, is in a physical and appearance condition that makes a tool like a camera necessary to see girls nekkid (which turns him into a true GWC), he has no guarantee that the GWC is "closing the deal".

However, the true artist, the one with the immense creative force in themselves, they may get more nookie, because real creativity maybe an aphrodisiac...

Exceptional people are eligible partners for mating.

The regular GWC, may not necessarily fall into that category.

A True Artist is too Busy Doing His Job!!



Dec 01 05 06:50 am Link


Sanders McNew

Posts: 1284

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

Oh gosh Lapis, where do I fall on this scale?  I've posted on!  :-O  Be brutal.  I need the truth.  Sanders.

Dec 01 05 07:02 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US


Dec 01 05 08:47 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
Here is a nice list to help people understand photographers. It is called the 7 levels of photographers. I would clip it, but it is too long, but it is funny, and instructive.

I am an artist because no one will ever know how brilliant I am.

Dec 01 05 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Dig. Plus Photo wrote:
So let me see if I have this right Udor, you're saying it hasn't been the GWC's thats been preying on the young innocent models out there all the time, it's really been the professionals and the GWC's have just been trying to copy them. And since they're not professionals with true creative force the models have really been safe with them but not the professional photographers. Is this right or am I confused.

Yes, you are right... you are confused... big_smile

The discussion is about true artists, not wannabes... the wannabes are "true artists"-impostors. TRYING to get girls nekkid... and prey and try...

The article doesn't say that the artist (didn't mention photographers specifically, right? Sculptures, painters, musicians, writers, actors are all artists and included) is getting more "action", but it doesn't say more action by models or their subjects.

It's more that they get the action from others around him, but not the models.

A GWC uses the camera to, at least, see a nekkid body, because otherwise, he may not. A GWC keeps trying and trying, and may get lucky...

To make clear... I am NOT talking about amateur or hobbyist photographers... I am talking about the true GWC as the original definition is, not the amateur, who is actually trying to create great nudes, but the one whose intention is to get girls nude.

Dec 01 05 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:

A True Artist is too Busy Doing His Job!!



Working at a recent fashionshow backstage, one of the models I work with, topless, saw me and gave me a warm hug...

That's about the most physical contact I've had in a very very long time... I just don't have the time to date... too busy.

So, I must be an artist then... big_smile

Dec 01 05 12:27 pm Link